The Evolution of the Cool Edit Protection Scheme Part i

Cool Edit Crack V1.50
File Size 371,952 bytes.
16 Bit Code.

Cool Edit is one of those few shareware programs that you find from time 
to time that is actually quite useful.  The shareware version lets you try 
all the functions but only two at once.  The program can be registered at 
three levels :-

	Basic Registration - $50 and you get all the functions.
	Preferred Registration - $100 and you get everything and all subsequent
	Lite Registration - $25 and you get only the basic functions.

Whether or not you think that these fees are too high is not a subject 
that this tutorial will be concerned with, if you think its worth the money 
then buy it otherwise I don't care,  I'm only interested in the development 
in the 'protection' scheme.  

There are a number of ways to crack this program and this tutorial will 
cover quite a few, although not all, of them.

METHOD 1. - The Dump.

This is one of the first programs that one ever cracked.  The protection scheme 
in this version is so weak that you don't even need a debugger or a 
unassembler.  All you need is a program that can dump (and search)the code in
 ASCII format.  When I first cracked this I used Xtree Gold, but anything will 
do. For example GREP, PSEDIT...

	To use GREP.

and you will get this

^@Undo Byte Swap^@^@Not enough memory for Undo.  Continue anyways?^@^@Adjuste ev
ery 8-bit sample byte such that the new zero position will be adjusted by a valu
e of 128.^@Swap the high and low bytes of each 16-bit sample word.^@"%s" Already
 Exists, Overwrite?^@File Save^@Various Options^@You must re-start %s for tempor
ary directory changes to take effect^@Attention^@Temporary Directory Invalid^@Yo
u must re-start %s for undo temporary directory changes to take effect^@^@Tempor
ary Undo Directory Invalid^@^@Extra^@Upgrade^@Reg Info^@^@This copy is registere
d to %s.  If you obtained this pre-registered version from a BBS or elsewhere, p
lease contact me.^@This is a DEMONSTRATION version.  You may distribute this fre
ely.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.^@%s version %s%s^@ Lite
^@About the Author^@^@ID_PASSWORD^@HOJDIVAD^@^@LOVELOVE^@^@Full=%s

And as you can see there are two string directly after the PASSWORD string 
which was an obvious choice for a search string.  

So now we load up cool edit and go to the register window, type our name
and the HOJDIVAD or LOVELOVE (by the way HOJDIVAD is DavidJoh which is 
David Johnston the author of the program, remember crack everything in life) 
but alas no luck, so there must be some kind of encryption of the string 
HOJDIVAD by the Name input string.  At points like these +Orc suggests a 
Wodka Martini and some 'Zen Cracking'.  Zen cracking roughly translates as a 
bit of intelligence with a dash of luck.  So if the PASSWORD string is modified 
with the ID String then if we leave it blank it might not be able to modify the
PASSWORD string.  
Bingo there you have it you now have a fully functional version of Cool Edit.

	Name ''
	Password 'HOJDIVAD'	Full version
	Password 'LOVELOVE' 	Lite Version.

Great.... but the title bar now says registered to         . This is fine 
but as soon as you get you debugger or unassembler you will want to see you 
name in lights in that title bar.

METHOD 2 The cool, icy crack.

OK you now have your WINICE debugger.
But before you start you will realise that you program is now registered and 
you cannot re-register it.. NOT so load up the cool.ini file located in you 
windows directory and you will find a bit that looks like this


just delete this bit if you want to re-register it.

So get the registration screen and enter You name and abcabcab as your password.
Actually you can use anything string you want. now hit Ctrl-D to enter the 
debugger and type BPX getdlgitemtext (for explanation of WINICE and general 
debugging/cracking) then CTRL-D again and hit [OK].  And WINICE will pop up.
Hit [F11] to return from the call to GETDLGITEMTEXT and ...hello... you are right
 at the start of the protection scheme.  You will then see another call to 
GETDLGITEMTEXT a few instructions ahead.  disable your breakpoint and [F10] 
proceed through that GETDLGITEMTEXT too.  Now search for you input strings.

s ds:0 lffff 'abcabcab'

and then bpm on the address.

bpm xxxx:xxxx rw

Now CTRL-D again and you should end up back inside the debugger.  When you
 PASSWORD string is accessed.  The first time the String is accessed it is
 only being UPPERCASED
 3.AAE4  C746FC6802               mov     word ptr [Long B], 0268
 3.AAE9  C646FF45                 mov     byte ptr [Char E], 45
 3.AAED  66FF760A                 push    dword ptr [Add of PASSWORD]
 3.AAF1  9A0EAC0000               call    USER.ANSIUPPER
Hit CTRL-D again and this time the string will be compared with a series of
numbers.  This part is actually really cool but we will ignore it for the 

 3.AD5C  C47E0A                   les     di, [Add of PASSWORD]
 3.AD5F  26807D014E               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+01], 4E
 3.AD64  7569                     jne     ADCF

CTRL-D again and you will get something like this :

  3.ADD2  57                       push    di
  3.ADD3  9AD3A90000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ADD8  3D0800                   cmp     ax, 0008
  3.ADDB  754B                     jne     AE28
  3.ADDD  8D46EE                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY]
  3.ADE0  16                       push    ss
  3.ADE1  50                       push    ax
  3.ADE2  FF760C                   push    word ptr [Address of Data Seg]
  3.ADE5  57                       push    di
  3.ADE6  9A00AE0000               call    USER.LSTRCMPI
  3.ADEB  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.ADED  7507                     jne     ADF6
  3.ADEF >B80100                   mov     ax, 0001
  3.ADF2  5E                       pop     si
  3.ADF3  5F                       pop     di
  3.ADF4  C9                       leave
  3.ADF5  CB                       retf   

This is it this is where your PASSWORD (di) string is compared with the modified 
(or encrypted if you could call it that) version of HOJDIVAD.  so trace [F8] up 
to the 'push ss' then d the HOJDIVAD string

	d ax

And there you will find the string that you need to type in order to register 
the program with you own name. :>

METHOD 3 Cheater!!

Don't use the following method (although it works) to crack 'password ' stuff
 its is really lame and you will gain only the product itself and will miss 
out on greatly more important Knowledge.

On the return from the above code you are faced with this :

  3.AFC1  83C408                   add     sp, 0008
  3.AFC4  8BF0                     mov     si, ax
  3.AFC6  0BF0                     or      si, ax
  3.AFC8  0F848202                 je      Fick OFF!! wrong PASSWORD

where if ax is equal to 0000 the product will not register.  So you can invert
the jump if equal bit to jumps if not equal by search for 0F848202 with your
hex editor and replacing it with 0F858202 and the program will register will
all but the 'correct' PASSWORDS.  This method always has its drawbacks 
especially if there is more than one check of the code. (which I think 
there might be) and you will have to trace them all down.  
As I said it is generally a bad idea to use this method, I just put it in so 
that you have the knowledge of its existence.  

METHOD 4 Roll your own.

This is by far the best( and usually the longest) way to crack protection 
schemes... no I'll rephrase that this is the most beneficial way to crack 
as you really get to 'know' the protection scheme and you will be better 
informed when you are faced with cracking the next version.  

Here we will extract the whole protection scheme using a unassembler 
(such as Windows Code Back WCB, get it!!).

To find the relevant code in cool edit is easy as the export list given at 
the start of the WCB listing has a procedure call something like 
REGISTERMSGproc. Find the GETDLGITEM call and copy this down to the CALL
 go to the address of the CALL and copy the whole CALL.  Here it is.



  3.AF8E  FF760E                   push    word ptr [bp+0E]
  3.AF91  68F403                   push    03F4
  3.AF94  8D46CC                   lea     ax, [NAME STRING]
  3.AF97  16                       push    ss
  3.AF98  50                       push    ax
  3.AF99  6A2F                     push    002F
  3.AF9B  9AAEAF0000               call    USER.GETDLGITEMTEXT 
  3.AFA0  FF760E                   push    word ptr [bp+0E]
  3.AFA3  68F303                   push    03F3
  3.AFA6  8D46F0                   lea     ax, [PASSWORD STRING]
  3.AFA9  16                       push    ss
  3.AFAA  50                       push    ax
  3.AFAB  6A0E                     push    000E
  3.AFAD  9AFDA60000               call    USER.GETDLGITEMTEXT
  3.AFB2  8D46F0                   lea     ax, [PASSWORD STRING]
  3.AFB5  16                       push    ss
  3.AFB6  50                       push    ax
  3.AFB7  8D46CC                   lea     ax, [NAME STRING]
  3.AFBA  16                       push    ss
  3.AFBB  50                       push    ax
  3.AFBC  9ADEAA56A9               call    ENCRYPT AND COMPARE
  3.AFC1  83C408                   add     sp, 0008
  3.AFC4  8BF0                     mov     si, ax
  3.AFC6  0BF0                     or      si, ax
  3.AFC8  0F848202                 je      Fick OFF!!	(JMP if AX == 0)



	  CA0000                   retf    0000 == SHOULD BE  
										BAD UNASM!!
  3.AAE2  57                       push    di
  3.AAE3  56                       push    si
  3.AAE4  C746FC6802               mov     word ptr [Long B], 0268
  3.AAE9  C646FF45                 mov     byte ptr [Char E], 45
  3.AAED  66FF760A                 push    dword ptr [Add of PASSWORD]
  3.AAF1  9A0EAC0000               call    USER.ANSIUPPER
  3.AAF6  8D46EE                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY]
  3.AAF9  16                       push    ss
  3.AAFA  50                       push    ax
  3.AAFB  1E                       push    ds
  3.AAFC  686C3C                   push    HOJDIVAD ORGINAL
  3.AAFF  9A0EAB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRCPY
  3.AB04  8D46E4                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY2]
  3.AB07  16                       push    ss
  3.AB08  50                       push    ax
  3.AB09  1E                       push    ds
  3.AB0A  686C3C                   push    HOJDIVAD ORGINAL
  3.AB0D  9A1CAB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRCPY
  3.AB12  8D46DA                   lea     ax, [LOVELOVE COPY]
  3.AB15  16                       push    ss
  3.AB16  50                       push    ax
  3.AB17  1E                       push    ds
  3.AB18  68763C                   push    LOVELOVE ORG
  3.AB1B  9A04AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRCPY
  3.AB20  33F6                     xor     si, si

  3.LOOP-1>806AEE41                sub     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI], 41
  3.AB26  806AE441                 sub     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI], 41
  3.AB2A  806ADA41                 sub     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI], 41
  3.AB2E  46                       inc     si
  3.AB2F  83FE08                   cmp     si, 0008
  3.AB32  7CEE                     jl      LOOP-1
  3.AB34  C746FC0C00               mov     word ptr [Long B], 000C
  3.AB39  33FF                     xor     di, di
  3.AB3B  897EFE                   mov     [Long B upper], di
  3.AB3E  8BF7                     mov     si, di
  3.AB40  897EF8                   mov     [Int A], di
  3.AB43  66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.AB47  9A84AB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AB4C  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AB4E  7E42                     jle     Finished 1

  3.LOOP-2 >C45E06                 les     bx, [Add if ID]
  3.AB53  268A01                   mov     al, byte ptr es:[bx+di]
  3.AB56  98                       cbw     CONVERT TO WORD => AX
  3.AB57  99                       cwd     CONVERT TO DOUBLE WORD => AX,DX
  3.AB58  0146FC                   add     [Long B], ax
  3.AB5B  1156FE                   adc     [Long B upper], dx
  3.AB5E  8A42EE                   mov     al, byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI]
  3.AB61  8AC8                     mov     cl, al
  3.AB63  02C0                     add     al, al
  3.AB65  02C1                     add     al, cl
  3.AB67  C0E002                   shl     al, 02
  3.AB6A  02C1                     add     al, cl
  3.AB6C  0411                     add     al, 11
  3.AB6E  8842EE                   mov     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI], al
  3.AB71  46                       inc     si
  3.AB72  8976F8                   mov     [Int A], si
  3.AB75  83FE07                   cmp     si, 0007
  3.AB78  7E05                     jle     Not Finished
  3.AB7A  C746F80000               mov     word ptr [Int A], 0000

Not Finished>66FF7606              push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.AB83  9A99AB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AB88  47                       inc     di
  3.AB89  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.AB8B  7E05                     jle     Finished 1
  3.AB8D  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]
  3.AB90  EBBE                     jmp     LOOP-2

Finished 1 >33FF                   xor     di, di
  3.AB94  66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.AB98  9AB7AB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AB9D  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AB9F  7E22                     jle     NULL ID Length
  3.ABA1  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]

3.LOOP-2 >8A46FC                   mov     al, byte ptr [Long B]
  3.ABA7  2842EE                   sub     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI], al
  3.ABAA  46                       inc     si
  3.ABAB  83FE07                   cmp     si, 0007
  3.ABAE  7E02                     jle     Skip
  3.ABB0  33F6                     xor     si, si

  3.Skip >66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.ABB6  9ACAAB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ABBB  47                       inc     di
  3.ABBC  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.ABBE  7FE4                     jg      LOOP-2
  3.ABC0  8976F8                   mov     [Int A], si

3.NULL ID Length >33FF             xor     di, di
  3.ABC5  66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.ABC9  9AF1AB0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ABCE  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.ABD0  7E28                     jle     ABFA

3.LOOP-3 >C45E06                   les     bx, [Add if ID]
  3.ABD5  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]
  3.ABD8  268A01                   mov     al, byte ptr es:[bx+di]
  3.ABDB  3042EE                   xor     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI], al
  3.ABDE  FF46F8                   inc     word ptr [Int A]
  3.ABE1  837EF807                 cmp     word ptr [Int A], 0007
  3.ABE5  7E05                     jle     SKIP-2
  3.ABE7  C746F80000               mov     word ptr [Int A], 0000

3.SKIP-2 >66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.ABF0  9A20AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ABF5  47                       inc     di
  3.ABF6  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.ABF8  7FD8                     jg      LOOP-3

  3.ABFA >8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.ABFD  16                       push    ss
  3.ABFE  50                       push    ax
  3.ABFF  66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.AC03  9AE4A90000               call    KERNEL.LSTRCPY
  3.AC08  8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.AC0B  16                       push    ss
  3.AC0C  50                       push    ax
  3.AC0D  9AFFFF0000               call    USER.ANSIUPPER
  3.AC12  33FF                     xor     di, di
  3.AC14  897EFA                   mov     [Int D], di
  3.AC17  897EF8                   mov     [Int A], di
  3.AC1A  8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.AC1D  16                       push    ss
  3.AC1E  50                       push    ax
  3.AC1F  9A58AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AC24  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AC26  7F06                     jg      AC2E		
  3.AC28  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]
  3.AC2B  EB34                     jmp     AC61			NULL STRING !!!
  3.AC2D  90                       nop    

  3.AC2E >897EF8                   mov     [Int A], di
  3.AC31  8B7EFA                   mov     di, [Int D]
  3.AC34  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]

  3.AC37 >8A439A                   mov     al, byte ptr [COPY of id[UPPER CASE] + DI]
  3.AC3A  8846FF                   mov     byte ptr [Char E], al
  3.AC3D  3C30                     cmp     al, 30
  3.AC3F  7204                     jb      AC45
  3.AC41  3C39                     cmp     al, 39
  3.AC43  7606                     jbe     AC4B

  3.AC45 >807EFF41                 cmp     byte ptr [Char E], 41
  3.AC49  7207                     jb      AC52

  3.AC4B >8A46FF                   mov     al, byte ptr [Char E]
  3.AC4E  88429A                   mov     byte ptr [COPY of id[UPPER CASE] + SI], al
  3.AC51  46                       inc     si

  3.AC52 >8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.AC55  16                       push    ss
  3.AC56  50                       push    ax
  3.AC57  9A77AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AC5C  47                       inc     di
  3.AC5D  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.AC5F  7FD6                     jg      AC37

  3.AC61 >C6429A00                 mov     byte ptr [COPY of id[UPPER CASE] + SI], 00
  3.AC65  C746FC0C00               mov     word ptr [Long B], 000C
  3.AC6A  33FF                     xor     di, di
  3.AC6C  897EFE                   mov     [Long B upper], di
  3.AC6F  8BF7                     mov     si, di
  3.AC71  8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of ID(UPPERCASE)]
  3.AC74  16                       push    ss
  3.AC75  50                       push    ax
  3.AC76  9AB7AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AC7B  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AC7D  7E41                     jle     ACC0

3.LOOP-4 >8A439A                   mov     al, byte ptr [COPY of id[UPPER CASE] + DI]
  3.AC82  2AE4                     sub     ah, ah
  3.AC84  2BD2                     sub     dx, dx
  3.AC86  0146FC                   add     [Long B], ax
  3.AC89  1156FE                   adc     [Long B upper], dx
  3.AC8C  8A42E4                   mov     al, byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI]
  3.AC8F  8AC8                     mov     cl, al
  3.AC91  02C0                     add     al, al
  3.AC93  02C1                     add     al, cl
  3.AC95  C0E002                   shl     al, 02
  3.AC98  02C1                     add     al, cl
  3.AC9A  0411                     add     al, 11
  3.AC9C  8842E4                   mov     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI], al
  3.AC9F  B011                     mov     al, 11
  3.ACA1  F662DA                   mul     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI]
  3.ACA4  0417                     add     al, 17
  3.ACA6  8842DA                   mov     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI], al
  3.ACA9  46                       inc     si
  3.ACAA  83FE07                   cmp     si, 0007
  3.ACAD  7E02                     jle     ACB1
  3.ACAF  33F6                     xor     si, si

  3.ACB1 >8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.ACB4  16                       push    ss
  3.ACB5  50                       push    ax
  3.ACB6  9AC8AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ACBB  47                       inc     di
  3.ACBC  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.ACBE  7FBF                     jg      LOOP-4

  3.ACC0 >33FF                     xor     di, di
  3.ACC2  8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.ACC5  16                       push    ss
  3.ACC6  50                       push    ax
  3.ACC7  9AE7AC0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ACCC  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.ACCE  7E20                     jle     ACF0

3.LOOP-5 >8A46FC                   mov     al, byte ptr [Long B]
  3.ACD3  2842E4                   sub     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI], al
  3.ACD6  2842DA                   sub     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI], al
  3.ACD9  46                       inc     si
  3.ACDA  83FE07                   cmp     si, 0007
  3.ACDD  7E02                     jle     ACE1
  3.ACDF  33F6                     xor     si, si

  3.ACE1 >8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.ACE4  16                       push    ss
  3.ACE5  50                       push    ax
  3.ACE6  9A00AD0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ACEB  47                       inc     di
  3.ACEC  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.ACEE  7FE0                     jg      LOOP-5

  3.ACF0 >8976F8                   mov     [Int A], si
  3.ACF3  C746FC4D00               mov     word ptr [Long B], 004D
  3.ACF8  33FF                     xor     di, di
  3.ACFA  8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.ACFD  16                       push    ss
  3.ACFE  50                       push    ax
  3.ACFF  9A22AD0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AD04  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AD06  7E23                     jle     AD2B
  3.AD08  8B76F8                   mov     si, [Int A]

3.LOOP-6 >8A439A                   mov     al, byte ptr [COPY of id[UPPER CASE] + DI]
  3.AD0E  3042E4                   xor     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI], al
  3.AD11  3042DA                   xor     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI], al
  3.AD14  46                       inc     si
  3.AD15  83FE07                   cmp     si, 0007
  3.AD18  7E02                     jle     AD1C
  3.AD1A  33F6                     xor     si, si

  3.AD1C >8D469A                   lea     ax, [COPY of id[UPPER CASE]]
  3.AD1F  16                       push    ss
  3.AD20  50                       push    ax
  3.AD21  9AD4AD0000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.AD26  47                       inc     di
  3.AD27  3BC7                     cmp     ax, di
  3.AD29  7FE0                     jg      LOOP-6

  3.AD2B >33F6                     xor     si, si

3.LOOP-7 >8A42EE                   mov     al, byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI]
  3.AD30  B11A                     mov     cl, 1A
  3.AD32  2AE4                     sub     ah, ah
  3.AD34  F6F1                     div     cl
  3.AD36  80C441                   add     ah, 41
  3.AD39  8862EE                   mov     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY + SI], ah
  3.AD3C  8A42E4                   mov     al, byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI]
  3.AD3F  2AE4                     sub     ah, ah
  3.AD41  F6F1                     div     cl
  3.AD43  80C441                   add     ah, 41
  3.AD46  8862E4                   mov     byte ptr [HOJDIVAD COPY2 + SI], ah
  3.AD49  8A42DA                   mov     al, byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI]
  3.AD4C  2AE4                     sub     ah, ah
  3.AD4E  F6F1                     div     cl
  3.AD50  80C441                   add     ah, 41
  3.AD53  8862DA                   mov     byte ptr [LOVELOVE COPY + SI], ah
  3.AD56  46                       inc     si
  3.AD57  83FE08                   cmp     si, 0008
  3.AD5A  7CD1                     jl      LOOP-7

  3.AD5C  C47E0A                   les     di, [Add of PASSWORD]
  3.AD5F  26807D014E               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+01], 4E
  3.AD64  7569                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD66  26803D41                 cmp     byte ptr es:[di], 41
  3.AD6A  7563                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD6C  26807D0357               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+03], 57
  3.AD71  755C                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD73  26807D0253               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+02], 53
  3.AD78  7555                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD7A  26807D0445               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+04], 45
  3.AD7F  754E                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD81  26807D0552               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+05], 52
  3.AD86  7547                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD88  268A4506                 mov     al, byte ptr es:[di+06]
  3.AD8C  98                       cbw    
  3.AD8D  3B46FC                   cmp     ax, [Long B]
  3.AD90  753D                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD92  26807D0745               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+07], 45
  3.AD97  7536                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD99  8D46DA                   lea     ax, [LOVELOVE COPY]
  3.AD9C  16                       push    ss
  3.AD9D  50                       push    ax
  3.AD9E  8D46E4                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY2]
  3.ADA1  16                       push    ss
  3.ADA2  50                       push    ax
  3.ADA3  8D46EE                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY]
  3.ADA6  16                       push    ss
  3.ADA7  50                       push    ax
  3.ADA8  1E                       push    ds
  3.ADA9  68803C                   push    3C80
  3.ADAC  8D8636FF                 lea     ax, [bp-00CA]
  3.ADB0  16                       push    ss
  3.ADB1  50                       push    ax
  3.ADB2  9A86A90000               call    USER._WSPRINTF
  3.ADB7  83C414                   add     sp, 0014
  3.ADBA  FF360C02                 push    word ptr [020C]
  3.ADBE  8D8636FF                 lea     ax, [bp-00CA]
  3.ADC2  16                       push    ss
  3.ADC3  50                       push    ax
  3.ADC4  66FF7606                 push    dword ptr [Add if ID]
  3.ADC8  6A40                     push    0040
  3.ADCA  9A18A80000               call    USER.MESSAGEBOX

  3.ADCF >FF760C                   push    word ptr [Add of Data Seg]
  3.ADD2  57                       push    di
  3.ADD3  9AD3A90000               call    KERNEL.LSTRLEN
  3.ADD8  3D0800                   cmp     ax, 0008
  3.ADDB  754B                     jne     AE28
  3.ADDD  8D46EE                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY]
  3.ADE0  16                       push    ss
  3.ADE1  50                       push    ax
  3.ADE2  FF760C                   push    word ptr [Add of Data Seg]
  3.ADE5  57                       push    di
  3.ADE6  9A00AE0000               call    USER.LSTRCMPI
  3.ADEB  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.ADED  7507                     jne     ADF6

  3.ADEF >B80100                   mov     ax, 0001
  3.ADF2  5E                       pop     si
  3.ADF3  5F                       pop     di
  3.ADF4  C9                       leave  
  3.ADF5  CB                       retf   

  3.ADF6 >8D46E4                   lea     ax, [HOJDIVAD COPY2]
  3.ADF9  16                       push    ss
  3.ADFA  50                       push    ax
  3.ADFB  FF760C                   push    word ptr [Add of Data Seg]
  3.ADFE  57                       push    di
  3.ADFF  9A12AE0000               call    USER.LSTRCMPI
  3.AE04  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AE06  74E7                     je      ADEF
  3.AE08  8D46DA                   lea     ax, [LOVELOVE COPY]
  3.AE0B  16                       push    ss
  3.AE0C  50                       push    ax
  3.AE0D  FF760C                   push    word ptr [Add of Data Seg]
  3.AE10  57                       push    di
  3.AE11  9AC1A70000               call    USER.LSTRCMPI
  3.AE16  0BC0                     or      ax, ax
  3.AE18  750E                     jne     AE28
  3.AE1A  C70610004300             mov     word ptr [0010], 0043
  3.AE20  B80200                   mov     ax, 0002
  3.AE23  5E                       pop     si
  3.AE24  5F                       pop     di
  3.AE25  C9                       leave  
  3.AE26  CB                       retf   
  3.AE27  90                       nop    

  3.AE28 >33C0                     xor     ax, ax
  3.AE2A  5E                       pop     si
  3.AE2B  5F                       pop     di
  3.AE2C  C9                       leave  
  3.AE2D  CB                       retf   


As you can see I have done a little REVERSE ENGINEERING 
(see FRAVIA Tuts on this or give me a call if you are a newby) 
Now you want to convert this code into C or an assembly language program.

I won't go into detail on how to do this but if you are really lost you 
can E-MAIL me and show me your own efforts and I'll give you a hand if I 
think you are really interested.  (Its great playing GOD:>)

Here is my code:


void main(void)
	unsigned char A, B, A1;
	unsigned long C=0x0c;
	register int counter1, counter2=0;
	int temp;
	char HOJDIVAD[] =   "HOJDIVAD";
	char HOJDIVAD2[]=   "HOJDIVAD";
	char LOVELOVE[] =   "LOVELOVE";
	char ID[20];
	char UPPERID[20];
	int  Length1, Length2;

	printf("\n Enter Your Name Please => ");
	Length1 = strlen(ID);


	temp = counter2;


	C = 0x0c;
	counter2 = 0;
		C+= UPPERID[counter1];
		A = HOJDIVAD2[counter2];
		B = A;
		A += A;
		A += B;
		A <<= 2;
		A += B;
		A += 0x11;
		HOJDIVAD2[counter2] = A;
		A = 0x11;
		A *= LOVELOVE[counter2];
		A += 0x17;
		LOVELOVE[counter2] = A;
		if(counter2 > 7) counter2 = 0;

		A = (char)C;
		HOJDIVAD2[counter2] -= A;
		LOVELOVE[counter2]	-= A;
		if(counter2>7) counter2 = 0;

		A = UPPERID[counter1];
		HOJDIVAD2[counter2] ^= A;
		LOVELOVE[counter2]  ^= A;
		if(counter2>7)counter2 = 0;

		A = HOJDIVAD[counter1];
		B = 0x1A;
		A1 = (A%B);
		A1 += 0x41;
		HOJDIVAD[counter1] = A1;

		A = LOVELOVE[counter1];
		A1 = (A%B);
		A1 += 0x41;
		LOVELOVE[counter1] = A1;

		A = HOJDIVAD2[counter1];
		A1 = (A%B);
		A1 += 0x41;
		HOJDIVAD2[counter1] = A1;

	printf(	"\n    Code for 'New' version  => %s"
			"\n             'Full' version => %s"
			"\n             'Lite' version => %s\n"


Now you can register with any name without having to use the debugger
and more importantly if you go through the process of Reverse engineering 
the program you will know the protection scheme inside out.
Don't be lame and copy/paste this program do it yourself its really worth it.

METHOD 5 Back doors.

This is the coolest, hence the last method I will be discussing.  Backdoors are
special passwords that authors place in their code for some reason or another.
They are usually fairly hard to spot unless you have gone through METHOD 4. Here
is the Back door section of Cool edit.

3.AD5C  C47E0A                   les     di, [Add of PASSWORD]
  3.AD5F  26807D014E               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+01], 4E
  3.AD64  7569                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD66  26803D41                 cmp     byte ptr es:[di], 41
  3.AD6A  7563                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD6C  26807D0357               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+03], 57
  3.AD71  755C                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD73  26807D0253               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+02], 53
  3.AD78  7555                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD7A  26807D0445               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+04], 45
  3.AD7F  754E                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD81  26807D0552               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+05], 52
  3.AD86  7547                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD88  268A4506                 mov     al, byte ptr es:[di+06]
  3.AD8C  98                       cbw    
  3.AD8D  3B46FC                   cmp     ax, [Long B]
  3.AD90  753D                     jne     ADCF
  3.AD92  26807D0745               cmp     byte ptr es:[di+07], 45
  3.AD97  7536                     jne     ADCF
Here your PASSWORD string is being compared with a series of numbers
 4E 41 57 53 45 52 another number located elsewhere (4D) and 45

convert these to their ASCII equivalents and you have
 N A W S E R M E
If you look at the order in which this is compared with your PASSWORD
string you get

A N S W E R M E ..hello.... ANSWERME

Now try typing in you name and ANSWERME as the PASSWORD you will be pleasantly
surprised (or not). :>

That's it for this lesson be sure to check back for the remaining lessons
that will deal with the development of the protection scheme in Cool edit.
Feel free to email me with question comments etc. I'm deciding whether or not
to with hold so of my lesson in the manner of +Orc, giving out some of them
only if I decide you are working hard enough. Its seem a good idea, but I don't
want to seem too arrogant, I'm not much more than a newby in comparison to the 
likes of +Orc and a few others, but hey we'll just have to wait and see.


Mail me :>