╖ Future Projects ╖

© 1998 by IcEDraGoN / MiB


This page is dedicated (as the name might suggest) to the projects we have started working on, but have not been quite finished yet. But in order to give everyone who is interested some pre-info, or even the chance to contribute, we put stuff concerning these projects on this future projects page. This way you will also have the chance to give us some feedback on e.g. any mistakes in the published material, demands for special attention to a certain topic etc... Please note that ANY serious help in our projects from you is appreciated, so if you want to work with us then donÆt hesitate to drop us a line at one of our e-mail addys found on the members-page ! Since the writing of tutorials is quite a time consuming event, some projects will make only slow progress over the days (especially during one of those ôyour-girlfriend-feels-neglected-and-threatens-to-leaveö-situations we all experience in regular intervals). But dont worry, we try to get things done as fast as we can.


Now you might wonder what this has to do with cracking / reverse-engineering, well ... some things are just not very obvious at the first glimpse û Just look at the topic, a good knowledge of assembler programming is one of the most important skills a cracker has to develop. Of course we know that this fact keeps most of the ôwould-beö-crackers from learning the art, this is why we wanted to do something to help all you newbies to ASM find their way in the virtual jungle of movÆs and repÆs (etc...), and is there a better way for learning a programming language than to practice it writing your own programs ? Now, you could say, but what can i program when i dont even have the idea where to start ? Well, apart from the excellent ASM-Tutorial written by Cruehead, we will teach you the basics of programming the VGA in assembler and demo-coding. give you the commented source-code of routines, provide links to further information and helpful tools on the topic etc... This way you will have an exciting, challenging topic for your own asm-programs, and you have a jolly good time while broadening your asm-skillz needed for reverse-engineering :-)

Name: Author:
The basics in Demo programming Cruehead


Strange title, eh ? OK, since i guess i have caught your attention with this one (read the legendary +ORCÆs essay about supermarket enslavement techniques on +FraViaÆs page û itÆs a must read) i should better go ahead and explain this one ;-) This project is dedicated to tricks and techniques that may be found in programs to lead you off track, to hide interesting parts of code and other means of diversion that can be used to confuse the newbie cracker. That ranges from self-modifying code (SMC) to encryption routines. The work presented here will help you once you are confronted with such methods, and you are better prepared for difficult protections as well as being able to use similar code for your own programs (as most crackers should also be decent coders). If you find an interesting routine in a program you find worth publishing, donÆt hesitate to send it along with your descryption (nice spelling for the word, eh ? :-)) to us, we will publish it here ! Of course you can also send us your own prot-routines, if you want them to be presented here (or an explanation of the technique you are using)!


This section is for all you guys out there, who want to publish their reverse-engineering related work. So donÆt hesitate to send us your essays, tricks, thoughts or even source-code that you consider other ppl could find useful or might be of interest. Of courze we give full credit, we only change the layout to a suitable html form (hey, we hate censorship û so dont be afraid ;-)) . Requests for anonymity (go read +FraViaæs pages about anonymity on the web if you didnÆt do it already, itÆs a treasure of knowledge that no decent cracker should ignore) will of courze be obeyed (give us just your pseudonym that we put in as the author), but if you donÆt mind then donÆt forget to put in your e-mail addy for the feedback.

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Copyright © MiB 1998. All rights reversed.