R!SC's bit of the 'web'

Cracking Related Links

Ebola Virus Crew's Home Page ... My Cracking Group

Crackstore ... The best place on the net for game-cracks, and he just got a new server :) (dont forget the pr0n)

Astslavista ... Great search engine for stuff

SuddenDischarge ... Amazing site for (de)crypters / (un)packers / patchers / tutorials / other cool tools

Stones Webnote ... Learn how to abuse windoze to its fullest, and learn to program at the same time!!!

Lord Caligo's page ... i think this was the first reverse engineering page i ever visited (and keep going back to)

Pro Tools ... Lots of useful tools for cracking / programming

Other Links

hELTERsKELTER ... :) Buy some tapes. ... damn, must be *some* good links around here somewhere...

Rico's Home Page ... Crazy friends page

Ghoztmans Home Page ... just as crazy friends page, a few of my cracks are up on his site

Magic Mike's Home Page ... Dont really know if he's crazy yet, got some tools & a nice VB tutorial (VB 5/6)

Wow! what a cool site...i must add this to my bookmarks

R!SC RtL 1999