Processing... One Moment Please.

WARNING : OCHE SATRIANI shall take no responsibilities for this INFORMATION !!!

The server has reported the following:

Computer 192.?15.???.??3 has already purchased InternetBOOST '99 and will NOT be charged again. ACCESS GRANTED FOR RE-DOWNLOAD (C5324698).

IMPORTANT: Please read the 5 Steps below before installing:

STEP 1: Click on the link at the bottom of this page to begin downloading.

STEP 2: The Save As dialog box will appear. Select any folder on your HARD DISK (C:) to save the file named NBSETUPFULL.EXE into. The easiest way to select a folder is to click on the drop-down arrow (next to the Save in: field) and then click on your HARD DISK (C:) icon (as shown below):

STEP 3: The file NBSETUPFULL.EXE will begin downloading to your computer. (IMPORTANT: Please be sure to monitor this download. Some ISPs do not recognize file downloads from the Internet as modem activity, and may disconnect you.)

STEP 4: After the download is complete, click your Windows Start button, move your mouse pointer up to the Find icon, and then click on Files or Folders... The Find window will pop-up, allowing you to search for a file on your computer. Just type NBSETUPFULL.EXE into the Named field, make sure your HARD DISK (C:) is shown in the Look in field, and then click on the Find Now button.

STEP 5: Your computer will begin searching for the file NBSETUPFULL.EXE. When it finds it, simply Double-Click on NBSETUPFULL.EXE to run it. The installation screen will pop-up and guide you through the rest of the installation.

Click here to download NBSETUPFULL.EXE (1,959 KB)

Your customer number is 5324698. If you have problems downloading, we'll be happy to send you the program via e-mail. Just send an e-mail message to: and type "Request for E-Mail Shipment" in both the message body and subject of your e-mail message.

** Technical Support **

If you need help with downloading, installing, or troubleshooting the software, click on the Technical Support button located at:

Our Technical Support engineers are ready to answer any questions or resolve any problems you may have. To go there now, click on the above "http:" address (or copy-and-paste it into your web-browser).


Processing... One Moment Please.

Transaction Processing Completed Successfully!

REMINDER: Your credit card statement will reflect a charge of 67.95 from WWW.BONZI.COM. We strongly encourage you to print this page and save it for future reference.

Invoice Summary

Product Purchased

Purchased From


Customer #

Intruder Alert '99

BONZI Software

$ 67.95 (US)


IMPORTANT: Please read the 5 Steps below before installing:

STEP 1: Click on the link at the bottom of this page to begin downloading.

STEP 2: The Save As dialog box will appear. Select any folder on your HARD DISK (C:) to save the file named IASETUPFULL.EXE into. The easiest way to select a folder is to click on the drop-down arrow (next to the Save in: field) and then click on your HARD DISK (C:) icon (as shown below):

STEP 3: The file IASETUPFULL.EXE will begin downloading to your computer. (IMPORTANT: Please be sure to monitor this download. Some ISPs do not recognize file downloads from the Internet as modem activity, and may disconnect you.)

STEP 4: After the download is complete, click your Windows Start button, move your mouse pointer up to the Find icon, and then click on Files or Folders... The Find window will pop-up, allowing you to search for a file on your computer. Just type IASETUPFULL.EXE into the Named field, make sure your HARD DISK (C:) is shown in the Look in field, and then click on the Find Now button.

STEP 5: Your computer will begin searching for the file IASETUPFULL.EXE. When it finds it, simply Double-Click on IASETUPFULL.EXE to run it. The installation screen will pop-up and guide you through the rest of the installation.

Click here to download IASETUPFULL.EXE (2,095KB)

Your customer number is 4851352. If you have problems downloading, we'll be happy to send you the program via e-mail. Just send an e-mail message to: and type "Request for E-Mail Shipment" in both the message body and subject of your e-mail message.

** Technical Support **

If you need help with downloading, installing, or troubleshooting the software, click on the Technical Support button located at:

Our Technical Support engineers are ready to answer any questions or resolve any problems you may have. To go there now, click on the above "http:" address (or copy-and-paste it into your web-browser).


Processing... One Moment Please.

Transaction Processing Completed Successfully!

REMINDER: Your credit card statement will reflect a charge of 29.95 from WWW.BONZI.COM. We strongly encourage you to print this page and save it for future reference.

Invoice Summary

Product Purchased

Purchased From


Customer #

Voice E-Mail 4.0

BONZI Software

$ 29.95 (US)


IMPORTANT: Please read the 5 Steps below before installing:

STEP 1: Click on the link at the bottom of this page to begin downloading.

STEP 2: The Save As dialog box will appear. Select any folder on your HARD DISK (C:) to save the file named VEMSETUPFULL.EXE into. The easiest way to select a folder is to click on the drop-down arrow (next to the Save in: field) and then click on your HARD DISK (C:) icon (as shown below):

STEP 3: The file VEMSETUPFULL.EXE will begin downloading to your computer. (IMPORTANT: Please be sure to monitor this download. Some ISPs do not recognize file downloads from the Internet as modem activity, and may disconnect you.)

STEP 4: After the download is complete, click your Windows Start button, move your mouse pointer up to the Find icon, and then click on Files or Folders... The Find window will pop-up, allowing you to search for a file on your computer. Just type VEMSETUPFULL.EXE into the Named field, make sure your HARD DISK (C:) is shown in the Look in field, and then click on the Find Now button.

STEP 5: Your computer will begin searching for the file VEMSETUPFULL.EXE. When it finds it, simply Double-Click on VEMSETUPFULL.EXE to run it. The installation screen will pop-up and guide you through the rest of the installation.

Click here to download VEMSETUPFULL.EXE (4,452 KB)

Your customer number is 2862452. If you have problems downloading, we'll be happy to send you the program via e-mail. Just send an e-mail message to: and type "Request for E-Mail Shipment" in both the message body and subject of your e-mail message.

** Technical Support **

If you need help with downloading, installing, or troubleshooting the software, click on the Technical Support button located at:

Our Technical Support engineers are ready to answer any questions or resolve any problems you may have. To go there now, click on the above "http:" address (or copy-and-paste it into your web-browser).