just a thought ... and an opportunity to open new thread :)
 Tuesday, 07-Dec-1999 16:48:39 writes:

      Hi everybody,

      Thought it was time to open a new thread ... I can't find my way in the below threads :(

      Anyway, didn't our cipher-master said that we could find his avatar if we managed to decipher his cipher ? Well, when you write
      a message, where do you put your name ?? Personaly, just before the end of the message .....

      So, could it be that the message end with '--a---a-MESSAGEENDS' ???

      I'm going to try this tomorow (wife won't allow me enough time today :(



Re: EXactly!!!!
 Tuesday, 07-Dec-1999 17:01:30 writes:

      brilliant laurent
      am also working on that assumtion; also as we said below as avatar being the left hand matrix;

      am now trying to see what repeats I can find also; for stop; for --A---a- (I once agian don't post what i think the avatar is so that u
      all can follow my clues below; much more fun that way; and todays lesson in stalking hahahah; hummmm what if I am wrong?
      :) there should be 3 repeats of two couples with the avatar and the word message ends.....if avatar is correct and if its at the



Re: sorry/ two repeats and One flop over
 Tuesday, 07-Dec-1999 17:05:59 writes:

      assuming of course assumtions and assuming 

      hummm; I keep forgetting about the words being OVER other words
      okay forget the above 2 messages; i'm going for a break as now I am moving before i think 



you take the words out of my mouth :)
 Tuesday, 07-Dec-1999 17:14:02 writes:

      good Jeef, you correct yourself before I'm able to write anything :)

      Just a last thought for tonight (really the last one, wife is already in bed ... and my helmet is on my head:) ... But if our
      assumption is right about avatar+message end, then a period of 8 doesn't work. Only 6 or 7 works (did not checked above 19).
      This is dramatically lowering down the possibilities :) 

      Not i'll fall easily asleep tonight :)

      Good fun to the night birds,



Matrix Builder
 Wednesday, 08-Dec-1999 12:14:07 writes:


      After spending the best 
      part of three hours yesterday trying all the various conotations of 
      'Blue Diamonds' and 
      :yellow gold



      I not only had driven myself half out of my mind but I still wasn't convinced I hadn't made 
      any mistakes. So sitting there surrounded by a small crumpled up 
      forest, I decided I am not very good at this, I cannot keep the 
      various matrix in my mind. So I turned my attention to something I am 
      good at.

      I have written a small 
      program. It will not crack the code (yet) but what it will do is take 
      two Keyphrases and make two matrix from them. It then checks these 
      two matrix in every concievable orientation producing de-ciphered 
      text using the last two digits of the code. It then checks if the 
      lower of these digits (the bottom row) is a 's' or a 'x'. If either 
      is then it deciphers the last twenty digits of the text and outputs 
      to a file both the two matrix and the deciphered text. It is an easy 
      job to then visually check if any of the outputs are viable.

      The program currently 
      uses the following six matrix patterns for each keyphrase:

      F G H K B.    O N S C F     D I A M O
      C X Y P L     M V W X G     E R T V N
      S W Z Q U     A T Z Y H     U Q Z W S
      N V T R E     I R Q P K     L P Y X C
      O M A I D     D E U L B.   .B K H G F
      V K S I B.    D I S K V     V W X Y Z
      W P C A L     E A C P W     K P Q R T
      X Q F M U     U M F Q X     S C F G H
      Y R G O E     L O G R Y     I A M O N
      Z T H N D    .B N H T Z    .B L U E D

      Without starting in the top left these were all I could come up with, 
      if you can see any more then please post them and I will add them to 
      the program.

      If you would like a copy of the program and its source code you can 
      get it here:


      in the tools section.

      If you find any problems or think of any additional functions please 
      make my job easier and let me know.
      Of course It won't work with the Playfair 1 1/2 system but it will tommorow. 
      The source code is there if you want to play. It's written in Delphi. 



Re: Matrix Builder/ wow terrific Shade! laurent please look here also;
 Wednesday, 08-Dec-1999 15:36:18 writes:

      you got one more than I did by hand; but that one extra is indeed written backwards so we can probably eliminatee that
      one....but wow u guys are so fortunate that u took the time and efforts to learn to program...if there is anything i one day will
      aspire to do it will be to learn to program...it is so amazing!

      now if laurent can help me please..there are soooooo many posts here...where is your posting on the period lengths in these
      posts; I have tried and tried to find it so I don't have to try to hand write all those possibilities out...I think I am onto the crack at



Am I sooooooo wrong ????
 Wednesday, 08-Dec-1999 17:26:09 writes:

      Hi everybody,

      did not worked much on the cipher today, but here is a 'rule' i think may be usefull.

      Given the new encipherement rules (only 1 round, not 2). I think we can say the following :

      Given a plain text AB you can't have a cipher text B? (? beeing any letter). Cause this will mean B encipher itself in the right
      square, which is not possible. 
      The same in the oposite :
      Given a plain text AB you can't have a cipher text ?A, for the same reason as above (but for the left square).

      Now, something else.
      We see that in our cipher text we have somewhere at the end the doublets 

      X W
      B D

      B & D should be located in the right square (?? -> XB and ?? -> WD). 
      Still following ?
      Well, if you look at all the possibilities of building the right square, you'll see that B & D will always be in the same row or same
      col (cause of the BlueD). Still with me ?
      Ok, Now imagine that :

      maps to :

      where the 2 X's are the same letter (still in our right square) and ? are any other letters.
      Well, this can happen if and only if X is in the same col as B&D (draw the square and you'll see).
      Please check and confirm if I'm right, if you have time of course.

      Given that, all the period where XB WD maps to S? S? (from meSSage) can be rejected because you can't put S on the same
      col as B&D (as the three places between them are occupied with LUE).

      We can also reject all the period where the quad G maps to 2 different letters. 

      Given all that + some others rules I don't have time to explain now (but which are based on the same constation as above), I
      can't find ANY WORKING period below 25 :(:(:( and I did not checked above 25.

      So, if someone could confirm my assumption (or better to prove i am wrong somewhere) that would be really helpfull. Thanks.

      On the other hand, if the period is really above 25, could I ask our not so anonymous friend the cipher-master to confirm it ? :)



Re: Am I sooooooo wrong ????
 Wednesday, 08-Dec-1999 17:51:43 writes:

      hi laurent
      I kind of hate to post this because if I am wrong then its a very big waste of time; especialy working alone (as in trying to do all
      aspects of configs by ones self); i mentioned earlier that we should maybe spilt up the possibilities; therefore cutting the work
      down and making checking faster...

      here is where my thoughts are right now...

      How do we build a dbl fair?
      1 we take two keywords and make two squares
      1a...do we know all possible configurations of the 4 possible keyword squares? yes we do
      do we know where one of them is placed? yes we do
      do we know how it is configurd? yes we do because we have producd all possibilities...

      2. do we know what our message says? yes we do
      2a. message ends
      2b. do we know all possible configurations (at least 5 thru 19) of how message ends would look like? yes we do.

      3 Instead of trying to build Backwards
      why don't we then build Forwards

      everyone take the blue diamonds squares as the right hand known
      4 split up the other keywords and their various configurations; match each to each bluediamonds known square...using the last
      letters in message ends FROM the list of period lenghts that u made

      example only:
      period eight== es or ex

      two of these matrixs when put together will encipher es or ex to be ....UY

      example only:
      period 17
      two of these matrixs when put together will encipher GS or EX to be ....UY

      IF a matrix produces UY then check the letter next to UY

      example only:
      period 17
      essag or ssage
      eends endsx
      two of these matrixs when put together will encipher GS or EX to be ....UY...yes found one?
      now se if this same matrix enciphers ad or gs to be WM....yes? we have found the matrixs and now can fill in the rest of the

      See how we worked forward instead of backward?

      just a thought and is what I am doing right now... 



Re: Re: Am I sooooooo wrong ????
 Wednesday, 08-Dec-1999 18:00:59 writes:

      Hi Jeff,

      Actually i already tried this. I build 16 combinaison of the 4 keyword (this 64 square) and take them 2 by 2 (thus 64*64
      possibilities). None of them give more than 1 doublets (UY) :(:(

      Of course i may be wrong (actually i could have wrongly write my proggie). So it can be worth to check.

      Going to bed now. See you tomorrow.



Matrix Builder2
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 03:04:14 writes:



      Jeff reported that the zip for my program was corrupt, I have now 
      corrected this. The program now also supports both Double playfair 
      and Playfair 1.5 modes.

      I have also added six more matrix templates and shall be adding more 
      soon, thanks to Jeff. I have also altered it so that it will now 
      decrypt up to 200 of your cipher text characters and output the 
      results to a report.

      With the following twelve matrix formats.

      f g h k b       o n s c f    d i a m o     v k s i b
      c x y p l       m v w x g    e r t v n     w p c a l
      s w z q u       a t z y h    u q z w s     x q f m u
      n v t r e       i r q p k    l p y x c     y r g o e
      o m a i d       d e u l b    b k h g f     z t h n d
      d i s k v       v w x y z    d e u l b     o m a i d
      e a c p w       k p q r t    i r q p k     n v t r e
      u m f q x       s c f g h    a t z y h     s w z q u
      l o g r y       i a m o n    m v w x g     c x y p l
      b n h t z       b l u e d    o n s c f     f g h k b
      f c s n o       z t h n d    d e u l b     z y x w v
      g x w v m       y r g o e    n o m a i     t r q p k
      h y z t a       x q f m u    h g f c s     h g f c s
      k p q r i       w p c a l    t r q p k     n o m a i
      b l u e d       v k s i b    z y x w v     d e u l b


      This means that with the output all results option selected you can 
      now produce a report for 200 characters of your cipher text in all of 
      144 different matrix combinations. Taking less than a second to do it.

      Of course you still need to use your eyes or text editor to search 
      for words within the plaintext, and you still have to provide two 
      valid Keyphrases. I also have still not discovered the true plaintext 
      so either I haven't used the correct passphrase or the matrix is in a 
      format not shown above.

      I have so far tried the following Keyphrases:


      Although i have only searched for valid output with these keys using 
      the last letter must be a 's' or a 'x' rule not with the full word search.

      I have not implemented dictionary attack because we are told we already have the Keyphrase

      If you are using the program you must of course use the same number of characters from the bottom row as from the top and
      they must correspond. The default is the last 200 characters of the cipher text.


      Thanks Jeff I got the file and will update with the last 4 matrix patterns. By the way whats happend to your test board its all



Progressing. nowhere quickly
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 07:20:24 writes:

      Have added a further four patterns giving 16 and a combination check 
      of 256 variations.
      This slows it down slightly but it is still under 1 sec for a full 
      output. I fixed a problem with pattern5, it was back to front. I 
      also found some of the output characters were reversed ie top on 
      bottom and visa versa, this too is fixed. Although I can't check all 
      256 variations I have been randomly cross checking the output 
      manually and I beleive all the bugs are gone. I make no promises though.

      f g h k b       o n s c f    d i a m o     v k s i b
      c x y p l       m v w x g    e r t v n     w p c a l
      s w z q u       a t z y h    u q z w s     x q f m u
      n v t r e       i r q p k    l p y x c     y r g o e
      o m a i d       d e u l b    b k h g f     z t h n d
      d i s k v       v w x y z    d e u l b     o m a i d  
      e a c p w       k p q r t    i r q p k     n v t r e  
      u m f q x       s c f g h    a t z y h     s w z q u  
      l o g r y       i a m o n    m v w x g     c x y p l  
      b n h t z       b l u e d    o n s c f     f g h k b  

      f c s n o       z t h n d    d e u l b     z y x w v
      g x w v m       y r g o e    n o m a i     t r q p k
      h y z t a       x q f m u    h g f c s     h g f c s
      k p q r i       w p c a l    t r q p k     n o m a i
      b l u e d       v k s i b    z y x w v     d e u l b

      b l u e d       b i s k v    b k h g f     b l u e d
      i a m o n       l a c p n    l q y x c     k p q r i
      s c f g h       u m f q x    u p z w s     h y z t a
      k p q r t       e o g r y    e r t v n     g x w v m
      v w x y z       d n h t z    d i a m o     f c s n o


      These matrix are taken directly from the builder so if you should 
      see any errors, please please let me know.

      I realise the last four matrix start in the upper left corner but 
      what the hell its only a couple more milliseconds, and future Double 
      playfair texts will not have this limitation.

      All this and I still don't have the solution. As a variant on 
      checking for the end character of 's' 'x' I have also tried 
      deciphering various 200 character blocks with all 256 matrix and then 
      searching for the words 'stop' 'sto' 'top' with my text editor.
      I must have searched over 8000 matrix combinations in the last hour 
      and I can see the words 'Blue Diamonds' even when I shut my eyes so I 
      am going to bed.

      I know I am missing something here, an error or a Keyphrase but 
      I can hardly see just now never mind find the needle.

      I just realised that I do not do any checking for the letter 'J' 
      in the program. Although this shouldn't make a major difference (ie.
      you should still be able to see other words in the output) all pairs 
      with a 'J' in them will be incorrect and the decipher will have been
      carried out using the letter from the previous pair. 



Re: Progressing. nowhere quickly
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 12:26:06 writes:

      just woke up after 4 hours sleep; feel like blaaaaaaaaa

      thanks for including a Left hand corner Blue diamonds, Shade, because although the clue says he never does it from the left
      corner-- it also said that it was for the Right matrix....IF, and I say IF, he also used Blue Diamonds for the Left square that very
      well could follow a left hnd corner pattern even though the right one would not...
      I'm kinda stumped; I have done lots of things; and i have followed the lots of things everyone else is doing...so trying to eliminate
      whats been done without success and then trying to think of "WHAT can be left" that has not been tried ...?

      since we have every matrix we can think of..
      it must then be a period length that is hampeering us...but dog gone it the Y should be showing up as S or x...and although U
      might be an entirely different word letter and not even part of the word message ends...the M of WM to the left of Y should then
      also be either S or D...or even I supposse another X if it was filling space there as it might at Y....





      if that were the case then EX could not equal XB and also WD...
      oh well just some thoughts for u 

      well i have to make some more matrixs for shade so i think I will complete those...

      it will be nice to have this matrix builder of shades!...has anyone tried it ?
      I like these puzzels but by the time I get thru building all the squares by hand I have lost 2 days and am tired of looking at

      I am here again all day; will probably leave Saturday to join family 



Re: Re: Progressing. nowhere quickly
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 12:31:22 writes:

      oh one more thing i forgot
      you know how we do run on sentences with the word stop...?
      beware ice weaselsTOP

      well maybe message ends could be messagends... 



Who said : '..weaselStop' ???? (n/t) (The Seeker) (09-Dec-1999 13:44:36)


Re: huh????
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 14:42:32 writes:

      i don't mean that there are weasels IN THIS puzzel...
      I'm pointing out just for another thought that just as some of the STOP words in last puzzels were not whole words but instead
      Tacked on...

      such as...th is se nt en ce en ds to px

      rather than
      th is se nt en ce en ds st op

      message ends might be meassage nds...as in drop an e

      never mind..........right now I have tried everything and am just stagnant now

      i even started typing in "message ends"
      in all the various period lengths into Shades matrix engine instead of typing in the ciphered text...
      the one thing it doesn't like though is alot of xxxxxx

      such as


      nor does it like period six


      I was hoping to see if it would reverse-ENcript in this way and reveal WU over MY...but no such luck yet....argggg



Re: Re: huh???? huh????
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 15:00:19 writes:

      Hi Jeff, 

      I know that you were not talking about having some 'weazels' in this actual cipher ! :) 
      BUT : as far as I can remember, there was nothing like 'messagEnds' (i.e. using one letter instead of two) in the NOVA cipher.
      Well, in real life this could maybe take place in such a cipher - so in this case you are absolutely in the game, good idea ! - in
      our workshop-ciphers : don't think so ! 

      BTW : what really could be interesting is this : how did these egg-heads at Bletchley Park or whereever knew, which
      cipher-method the enemy was using ? Maybe we will learn this too, one of these days ! 

      the seeker 


Re: Re: Re: huh???? huh???? seeker/ shade/ anyone
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 16:24:03 writes:

      okay okay oaky i need a beer; none of that belgine stuff either heheheh

      these were just thoughts Seeker; lets face it we are running out of gas/ideas here :)
      Yes indeed...we have had several very nice clues...but the germans did not have any at all probably...plus they had to rebuid
      DOUBEL cipher instead of the way this one was changed to singel...and they would have had to rebuild each matrix not
      knowing keywords or placements...wow what a chore!!!!!!!!!!!

      here is little experiments I have run today:

      from shades matrix builder...I made UP two sentences one over the other
      I also made up two keywords to see just how the encription might progress

      key words #1 jeff
      keyword #2   Diamond
      plaintext message ==
      Top      amfed upnow
      Bottom   ready setgo

      This was the output from Shades tool:
      I choose the first matrix that came up.

      Matrix 1    Matrix 2
      m n o p j  k l p q d
      l w x q e  h x y r i
      k v y r f  g w z s a
      i u t s a  f v u t m
      h g d c b  e c b n o
      Characters: k s i b t t k q k i  <<<<----text was encripted to this
      Characters: h r j x v v c u y g  <<<---
                  M f E   <<< -- decripting using same matrixs above
                  E A D

      Now look at IJ...if there is a keyword using the letter J it drops the
      Z and....uses the J instead of the I to encript....
      since our message does indeed have J's in it I would think the second keyword
      might be a word with a J in it....this would change things....however
      it seemed to be indicated by the playfair Unfair comment that only the keywords
      given are probably used....but this would explain 26 letters also....
      but back to de-cripting:
      i am checking to see if the squares do produce the plaintext in a doubel row....

      amfed upnow
      ready setgo
      Matrix 1    Matrix 2
      m n o p j  k l p q d
      l w x q e  h x y r i
      k v y r f  g w z s a
      i u t s a  f v u t m
      h g d c b  e c b n o
      Characters: k s i b t t k q k i  <<<<----encripted to this
      Characters: h r j x v v c u y g  <<<---
                  M f E D U U
                  E A D Y S S

      hey shade heres some kind of bug...it drops the first letters but added in 
      an extra TV==US....


      amfed upnow
      ready setgo
      Matrix 1    Matrix 2
      m n o p j  k l p q d
      l w x q e  h x y r i
      k v y r f  g w z s a
      i u t s a  f v u t m
      h g d c b  e c b n o
      Characters: k s i b t t k q k i  <<<<----encripted to this
      Characters: h r j x v v c u y g  <<<---
                  M f E D U U P N O W  <<<----decript  complete and correct minus dropped letters
                  E A D Y S S E T G O

      well this works
      so...this tool SHOULD be locating the 

      in our most recent playfair its not finding it...why?

      also Shade; Note:
      this tool can be used as an ENCRIPTOR then to write messages as well then ...
      (after u find out if these are bugs or something that i did)

      to reverse check I will enter in these below characters in to Top and Bottom row
      in the tool:


      and see if it gives me back these above matrixs with the decoded text:

      No ......it does not produce legible text....
      Matrix 1

      m n o p j 
      l w x q e 
      k v y r f 
      i u t s a 
      h g d c b 
      Matrix 2
      k l p q d 
      h x y r i 
      g w z s a 
      f v u t m 
      e c b n o 
      Characters: tvcuuwyzf <<<--last place digit held a word pad square
      Characters: qlesshslko

      but wait u know I have another thought because i am gluttony of punishment
      lets reverse the order...

      Top row     hrjxvvcuyg 
      bottom row  ksibttkqki

      well well....not perfect...but 
      Matrix 1

      m n o p j 
      l w x q e 
      k v y r f 
      i u t s a 
      h g d c b 
      Matrix 2
      k l p q d 
      h x y r i 
      g w z s a 
      f v u t m 
      e c b n o 
      Characters: adyssetgo   <<---last two digits held  word pad squares
      Characters: feduupnowoo

      hummm; why is it dropping and also reversing the order...af instead of FA/ de instead of ED/
      of course i reversed the input/ but when u put it in correctly it returns garbage....
      and...well something wierd happens here also after all/ some of text is dropped again.
      wierd it drops the first two letters am/re
      this would now mean I have to go back now and redo and reverse the order of

      in the tool in the  Top and Bottom area 

      and then see what happens....

      also i don't know if any or all of the discrepancies are because I used a keyword with
      the letter J in it...so I will retest later also without a J keyword then...

      heya is your counter loop thingy begining at 0 or 1 ??? How come it keeps dropping first letters...
      also u get a crash if you only type one letter in top and one in bottom...

      okay I've done my duty today....time for a beer... 



Re: Re: Re: Re: huh???? huh???? seeker/ shade/ anyone
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 16:31:58 writes:

      running out of gas ??? You are kidding, Jeff ! Shade started to code a wonderful program -great-, so why not continue with
      building squares ?? 
      I am a little bit out of the threads (real-life), but how are you going with the periods ? 

      You are doing a great job, all of you ! 


      the seeker 


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: huh???? huh???? seeker/ shade/ anyone
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 17:10:15 writes:

      boy its quiet here today..
      out of gas.....tired....only had 4 hours sleep last night....just layed there awake...read a whole novel...Santorini

      am indeed now getting back to building squares for shade who probably will come on soon...heheh
      everyone has different time zones...mine is twilite zone...
      there are so many combinations of each category;
      pairing to the right matrixs; paring to correct period; paring to a pairing; toa toa toa
      ohhh-oh; I'm starting to talk to myself




Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: huh???? huh???? seeker/ shade/ anyone
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 17:17:48 writes:

      Maybe sounds silly, but it surely works : take a break, do something *completely* different. Could be, that after this break you
      will get some new ideas. 


      the seeker 


Re: shade/ additional
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 18:04:00 writes:

      i also forgot to point out that one of the problems is probably that the ENcription is backwards:

      This was the output from Shades tool:
            I choose the first matrix that came up.
            Matrix 1    Matrix 2
            m n o p j  k l p q d
            l w x q e  h x y r i
            k v y r f  g w z s a
            i u t s a  f v u t m
            h g d c b  e c b n o
            Characters: k s i b t t k q k i  <<<<----text was encripted to this
            Characters: h r j x v v c u y g  <<<---
                        M f E   <<< -- decripting using same matrixs above
                        E A D

      in this example the letter K should be coming from the First matrix and the letter H from the second...but they are
      reversed...matrix 2 is encripting matrix 1....should be the opposite...

      perhaps thats why I had to reverse order the TOP Bottom message letters..

      ICQ for me has been pretty much down all day...will reboot a little later and see if that helps any...going to make a few more

      hummm; never thought of a spiral starting from the Center....4 more possible directions-times all four keywords...I told u that u
      are a monster!!!

      Laruent; don't be so quiet...I like your beer; its great on cereal!!!
      well gotta go...



Re: Re: shade/ additional/additional is wrong
 Thursday, 09-Dec-1999 18:29:27 writes:

      forget about above posting

      I'm thinking wrong again...
      I'm not encripting KH
      I'm encrpting ME
      and ME == KH

      and Decripting KH==Me
      so it is okay as it is in that regard; 
      think Ill take a nap...old people do that u know 



New matrix patterns added jeff
 Friday, 10-Dec-1999 04:46:26 writes:


      Well I have added another eight matrix patterns giving a comparison variation of 576 would you believe. The eight are spirals
      from the center outwards both clockwise and anti clockwise. Calculation now takes about 2 seconds.

      I have created several ciphers using my own Keyphrases ie:

      matrix1: ShADe
      matrix2: test

      and message


      It always deciphers correctly and out of the 576 variations only one proves to be good. The program always correctly finds the
      deciphered message using the terminating with a 'x' or an 's' technique.

      So I am fairly confident that the whole thing works, one of the matrix patterns could still be wrong of course but I have checked
      them till I am blue in the face.

      These numbers are horrific and would have scared me to death had I been known them at the begining. 

      I have tried every variation of the following Keyphrases:


      I have tried these all in I think all the various combinations, both in the first and second matrix. I have tried them all with
      themselves and with each other (not always including Blue Diamonds). I have even tried the main four typed backwards with
      each other.

      The only thing which keeps me from going to a dictionary attack is the fact that we are assured that we have been given the

      I can only assume that I either have not tried the correct Keyphrase, or that I do not have the correct matrix pattern. 
      I cannot however think of any more patterns without starting the Keyphrase on one of the sides. If this is possible then it would
      probably also mean that the keyphrase could be started from any of the 25 positions. How many variations this would give I
      don't even want to know, but the rewards don't justify the effort and even on a really fast machine you would be talking about a
      very considerable time frame.

      So I can only think that I do not have the correct Keyphrase yet. I keep going over everything our challenger has written trying to
      see or make sense of the clues but so far I have nothing.

      Tired, frustrated, and growing ever more impressed with the people who did this by hand in the war, I go now to seek some
      inspiration from Tchaikovsky and some solace from the bottom of a wine glass.

      Please someone solve this thing so I can sleep at night once more.

      Read your idea about checking the the breaking down of the original text jeff and I have cross checked your against mine and it
      seems to be ok. Of course we could both be wrong ;-)

