November 1998
"CDWizzard V4.61" 
( 'Sniffing out the serial generatorroutine'  )
Win '95 PROGRAM 
Win Code Reversing 
by Thesnake 
Code ReversingFor Beginners 
CD Wizzard V4.61
('Sniffing out the serialgenerator routine'  )
Written by Thesnake

As an addition to  Sandman's essay #43  about CD Wizzard, andas I decided to take the challenge of his final notes about "Perhaps someonewill do this and send their essay on how to register the program via aserial", here is what i've found out about DC Wizzard serial generatingroutine.
About this serial routine
In the Essay part of the essay, we can seethis pice of snippet code :

:00414606 E8AC0D0000            call 004153B7 ;Process the serial no's
:0041460B 83C40C                add esp, 0000000C
:0041460E 85C0                  test eax, eax ;Serial ok?
:00414610 741C                  je 0041462E   ;no? then beggar off cracker
:00414612 6A40                  push 00000040 ;serial valid then continue
:00414614 C705C0E0430001000000  mov dword ptr [0043E0C0], 00000001
:0041461E FF15F8124300          Call USER32.MessageBeep
:00414624 6A40                  push 00000040
:00414626 57                    push edi

From this code snippetwe can see at memory location 414606 the call to the routine thatgenerates the real serial number.

The disassembly listingsohws us this code :-

* Referenced by a CALLat Addresses:
|:00414379 , :00414507, :00414AE3 , :00415027 , :0041510D
|:00415298 , :004153C9, :00415468
:00415381 8B542408            mov edx, dword ptr [esp+08] ; length of name
:00415385 53                  push ebx
:00415386 56                  push esi                   ;  our name
:00415387 8B74240C            mov esi, dword ptr [esp+0C] ;  name adress
:0041538B 57                  push edi
:0041538C 8D0432              lea eax, dword ptr [edx+esi]

* Referenced by a (U)nconditionalor (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041538F 8078FF20              cmp byte ptr [eax-01], 20 ; blanks at end?
:00415393 7504                  jne 00415399             ; no blanks
:00415395 4A                    dec edx
:00415396 48                    dec eax
:00415397 EBF6                  jmp 0041538F             ; blanks found

* Referenced by a (U)nconditionalor (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00415399 33C0                  xor eax, eax             ; reset aex
:0041539B 33C9                  xor ecx, ecx
:0041539D 85D2                  test edx, edx            ; name empty?
:0041539F 7E12                  jle 004153B3

Here is the loop that generatesthe code letter after letter:

* Referenced by a (U)nconditionalor (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004153A1 660FBE3C31            movsx di, byte ptr [ecx+esi]
:004153A6 8D5902                lea ebx, dword ptr [ecx+02]
:004153A9 0FAFFB                imul edi, ebx
:004153AC 03C7                  add eax, edi
:004153AE 41                    inc ecx
:004153AF 3BCA                  cmp ecx, edx
:004153B1 7CEE                  jl 004153A1

* Referenced by a (U)nconditionalor (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004153B3 5F                    pop edi
:004153B4 5E                    pop esi
:004153B5 5B                    pop ebx
:004153B6 C3                    ret

* Referenced by a CALLat Addresses:        Weland here from the call !!
|:00401C4C , :00414606
:004153B7 837C240808            cmp dword ptr [esp+08], 00000008&
:004153BC 7D03                  jge 004153C1            ; name is < 8
:004153BE 33C0                  xor eax, eax
:004153C0 C3                    ret

* Referenced by a (U)nconditionalor (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004153C1 FF742408              push [esp+08]
:004153C5 FF742408              push [esp+08]
:004153C9 E8B3FFFFFF            call 00415381
:004153CE 6BC00B                imul eax, 0000000B      ; serial* 11 (hex)
:004153D1 59                    pop ecx
:004153D2 0FB7C0                movzx eax, ax          ; al = 0000 !!!!
:004153D5 59                    pop ecx
:004153D6 6A07                  push 00000007
:004153D8 99                    cdq
:004153D9 59                    pop ecx
:004153DA F7F9                  idiv ecx               ; sn = sn / 7
:004153DC 33C9                  xor ecx, ecx
:004153DE 663944240C            cmp word ptr [esp+0C], ax ; sn ok ??
:004153E3 0F94C1                sete cl                ; if sn ok , cl=1
:004153E6 8BC1                  mov eax, ecx           ; 0 or 1
:004153E8 C3                    ret
now, lets go back to the call that sendus to generates the code :

:00414606 E8AC0D0000            call 004153B7 ;Process the serial no's
:0041460B 83C40C                add esp, 0000000C
:0041460E 85C0                  test eax, eax ;Serial ok?
:00414610 741C                  je 0041462E   ;no? then beggar off cracker
:00414612 6A40                  push 00000040 ;serial valid then continue
:00414614 C705C0E0430001000000  mov dword ptr [0043E0C0], 00000001
Ok, this is the code, let have some wordsabout the main routine :

The loop moving one letter at a time todi. then it put a value from 2 to 10 in ebx. the hex value of the letteris mul by the value in ebx. aex is the sum register to all the letterscalculation. when ecx count the last letter, the loop is finished.

Intresting instraction is at location :004153D20FB7C0 movzx eax, ax , the code is like cut, the low byte of eax get zero,and the code left in high byte is the one to register with.
Final Notes
There is not mutch to say about this routine,i've found it easy to follow.

My thanks and gratitude goes to:-

The Sandman for all that he is doing forus, newbies.

Rhayader for helping me with Reverse CodeEngineering and
useful tips

Essay by:          Thesnake
Page Created: 26th November1998