VideoSoft Registry Codes

As I discussed previously, to crack VideoSoft products, you need to simply have a registry entry in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses area.

Here are the registry codes for each of their products. You can save this to a text file with the .reg extension (for example, videosoft.reg) and double-click on it to merge it with the registry:

---CUT HERE---
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses] @="Licensing: Copying the keys may be a violation of established copyrights."
;VSData 1.1
;VSDirect 1
;VSDocx 1.0
;VSFlex 2
;VSFlex 3
;VSFlexGrid 6 (DAO & ADO)
;VSReports (for Jet 3.0 and Jet 3.5)
;VSSpell 1.0
;VSView 2
'VSView 3
---CUT HERE---

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Disclaimer:  This information must only be used for academic purposes to study different licensing techniques and must not be used to infring the copyrights of these companies.  It must not be used to pirate software or encourage software piracy or to engage in any illegal activity.  All instructions are provided as-is and are not supported by either the software producers or the owners or operators of this web site or anyone else for that matter.  Before using any of these licensing techniques you must first get approval from the softare producer and/or have already purchased this software.  Please refer to the Terms of Use for more information.

All trademarked names are registered trademarks of their respective companies.