_____  _____  _____  __     _______  _____
         `~*ñº /     \/     \/     \/  \   /   \   \/     \ ºñ*~`  
             __\   \ _\_ \___\   \  \   \__\  _ _   \_ /  /____
             \  \       \  ___\   _  \   \  \  \ \   \ \_/_ \  \
              \__\   \   \     \   \  \      \  \ \   \  \/  \_/
                               _____  ______
                        `~*ñº /     \/      \ ºñ*~`
              ________________\   __ \   ____\________________
              \                \  \_\ \   __\                 \
               \________________\      \    \__________________\
            _____  _____  _____  _____  __     ___  ___ __  _____
     `~*ñº /     \/     \/     \/     \/  \___/   \/   \  \/     \ ºñ*~`
         __\   \__\_  \ _\_  \  \   \__\_  \ _\_   \    \_ \   ___\____
         \  \   \   \      \  _  \   \   \      \   \  _    \  \    \  \
          \__\       \  \   \  \  \       \  \   \   \  \    \  '    \_/ 

this page is maintained by
Zomo CP!

Please read declaimer
This information must only be used for educational purposes. It must not be used to pirate software or encourage software piracy or to engage in any illegal activity. All instructions are provided as-is and are not supported by either the software producers or the owners or operators of this web site or anyone else for that matter. Before using any of these licensing techniques you must first get approval from the softare producer and/or have already purchased this software. All materials gathered on this page are for study proposes.

All documents are divined into two cathegories:
TOPIC (English)
( ^) Keygen (total: 11) ( ^)
( | ) Dongle (total: 3) ( | )
( | ) Active X (total: 1) ( | )
( | ) IDA (total: 2) ( | )
( | ) Softice (total: 28) ( | )
( | ) Wdasm (total: 7) ( | )
( | ) Nags (total: 2) ( | )
( | ) Visual Basic (total: 4) ( | )
( ' ) Misc (total: 5) ( ' )
( ^) Polskie (total: 43) ( ^)
( | ) Deutch (total: 3) ( | )
( ' ) Send me tuts in your language. ( ' )
Red numbers means added tuts.
Total documents: 107

Last updated on: 18 July 99

This page could be easly all in graphics, but I've decided to
make it load fast (look nice too ;) and be maximally useful.
A little confesion: I took many of tuts from other pages without asking owners but i hope
that they understand and agree that knowledge should be spreaded and free.
If you don't agree with me and your tutorial is here without you permission
just write and I'll remove it.

Huge thanks go to Emotion 13 for logo to my page. Masterpiecie , isn't it?
PS. Feel free to contact me, report bugs, send useful infos, your tutorials or just to talk.