" R!SC 's CrakPad "


This tutorial is coming from... 


ReFleXZ '99
Url: Http://ReFleXZ99.cjb.net
Email: ReFleXZ@fcmail.com


About the essay...

Written by:

Date:6th June 1999
Program name: R!SC 's CraKpad
Program type: W32
Program location: Here
Program filename: N/A
Program size: n/c

Tools required:
Soft - ice 3.2x

Difficult level:
Easy (    )  Medium (  )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )


Hello !! time to learn again !! , so a long time ago , there ..... lol


About the protection...
Time Limit / nag / Packed ...


The Essay...

hi everybody !!!
today , i will make a tut on a crackme , it is a modified version
of notepad (M$).

- Time Limit
- NaG ScReeN
- Packed

i will just explain you how to crack the protection , not how to
unpack it.this will be very easy , lets Go !!!!
so , move your windows clock to the future !! in 2002 for exemple
and run crakpad !!!
A messagebox say you : This version has expired ...
So , set a breakpoint on getlocaltime like this: BPX GetLocalTime
run the prog and he we break in softice !!!!
Cool !! , press F12 to go back to the call and we see:

40623D 66813FCF07 CMP WORD PTR [EDI],07CF <= 7CF(h) = 1999(d) it compare with the year 1999
406242 7F3C JG 406280 <= if it geater than 1999 goto bad boy :(
406244 7C07 JL 40624D <== if less goto good boy :)
...... .......... .......................

heheh , so how to crack this ?
Very easy , it compares with the year 1999 , and jump to error message if the year is greater
that 1999.We can nop it , but it not needed coz , he test if is less than this year with the
command : JL 40624D , it jump to the program if the year is good , so we will make it jump for
ever !!
so JL 40624D become jump 40624D

to try this in memory , without patching the file coz it is packed , type:
a 40624D and press enter
then type : jump 40624D and press enter. Press escape and now F5 to let him runing !
Cool , we have now a nag sreen , but we don't see the error message , for expirer verion ..
you did it !!
Now , we need to kick this nag , but it is very easy !!!!
type : BPX MessageBoxA
you have to patch the memory again , for the time limit.
run the prog , and he will break on the messageboxa API !!
heheh , i am sure it will be finish in 30 secondes now !!
F12 to get out the call and we see :
40625B FF1530744000 Call [USER32!MessageBoxA] <== this is the call for the messagebox !
..... ............ .........................

So , if we want to kill the nag , we just have to nop the call !!

replace : FF1530744000

so to try the crack completely , put a bpx on getlocaltime , do the modification like we
do first and atfer type : a 40625B nop enter
then type nop , 5 times again and escape after this
type bd * for disable all breakpoint and press F5 , you will go in Crakpad without a time limit
message or NAG !!!!!
Another One cracked !!
now , you have to unpack it to patch it after , coz process patcher are not allowed
and we have just patched the memory !!
but it is not my job to say how to do that !! :)

i hope you have understand this tut and you learn something with !!
If you have any question mail me to :
Thx to read this Tut !!
cya ...

ACiD BuRN [ReFleXZ'99] 


Final Notes...
Greetz To:

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D, Jeff, [Virus], Jane , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes ...
---> 4 Being So Good Friends To Me.
Sorry if you are not here too many people to greetz !!!)

                                       ....And All Crackers !!! ....

U can Found me on IRC : At #ReFleXZ99, #Cracking4Newbies , #ECL on Efnet


This tutorial is written for EDUCATIONAL purposes only.
So if you want to use the program after its trial period ends please BUY IT!
Support shareware (and its authors), this is our learning tool!

ReFleXZ is not responsible for any damage caused with this essay or any of its parts.
So everything what you're doing and 'experimenting' is on your own responsibile!

Also, in this tutorial you'll not find any serial numbers, so try to search
elsewhere under Cracks and Warez.

Copyright ⌐ 1999-2000 By ReFleXZ '99
All Rights Reserved