Manual Unpacking For Newbies by ACiD BuRN yo !! today , i will explain u how to unpack manually , but i take an app , freware , packed with aspack or something , i don't care hehe !! i will only show u how to have the string data reference in the app , so no import table , but i don't care , Newbies tutors , don't forget with this , you can patch the exe , so i think you will be happy :) Tools needed : - Soft ice 3.x or 4 - Procdump 1.5 (only used as Files Dumped) 1st part : The loader! u will use the loader of Sice to unpack , so Run it (loader32.exe) and choose the exe u want to run! for us , it is : Konix.exe. ok , run it with the loader , but the prob is , this fucking app won't break in Sice :( hehe , np , run Proc Dump and use PE editor ! Edit the Code's section of the exe. (pe editor , choose the file , sections , click on CODE and right click , edit section ) ok , you see in sections caracteristic : C0000040 ok , change it to : E0000020 Don't nag me for ask me why , only trust me , this work all the time! do it , that's all! now , run the Loader of sice , run the app with it , and it will break in Sice :)) great , worked hehe 2nd part : tracing and dumping the file from memory to the disk! ok , so u just breaked on sice , u see invalid shit , but doesn't matter.trace with F10 u will arrive here : XXXXXXXX PUSHAD <-- when u unpack , if you see this , :) XXXXXXXX CALL 45A006 XXXXXXXX POP EBP XXXXXXXX SUB EBP,43D93E ............ XXXXXXXX CALL 0045A051 XXXXXXXX CALL 0045A2B2 XXXXXXXX CALL 0045A350 ............ XXXXXXXX POPAD <-- Good to see this too :) XXXXXXXX JMP EAX <-- Stop tracing here, coz it jump the real prog ....... Well.. when u unpack u see some POPAD and a JMP , look for one who jump to a register like EAX , EDX , ECX ... but it is really often : EAX ok , so when u are at the JMP EAX place , look the value on EAX and writte it down on a paper for me it was : 43F0A0.You will use this soon tust me !! heh To know if you are at the good place , try to F10 once and look if it jump to the real entry point of the programme. For us , he did , so it is ok ! NOW , exit Sice , and re run the exe with the sice loader , and trace to the Jump place. NOW , type : A {enter} <== this is to change the code at the current place JMP EIP {enter} <== this is for make a unlimited Loop , like this we can dump the file , without dumping shit {escape} F5 now the programme is doing an unfinite loop in Memory and we can dump now !!! ok , run procdump and you see in the main form the list of the curent task , click on the one who contain Konix.exe. Now right click and chose Full the new exe with the name you want. ex : Konixdumped.exe now , click on it again , right click and do : kill task instead of dump , this will kill this task and end the programme who is still doing the unlimited Loop. 3rd parts : fix the programme entry point! ok , look ate the exe u just have dumped , and you see the size is bigger than the packed , great :) but wait , if you run it , the prog will crash like a silly bastard:( ok , u remember , u have noted the OEP (original entry point) on a paper , the value you found in EAX. in this case , it was : 43F0A0 ok Run the Procdump's PE editor again and change the entry point to 0x0003F0A0. (OEP - the image base : 43F0A0-400000=3F0A0) i said you this number will help us !! hehe now , close procdump , and the you unpacked / dumped executable IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea , we did it !! hehe Now Wdasm it and you will have String Data references :) u can patch it now !! heh!! Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of text , but if you have a comment or one question, mail me to : or have Fun and happy cracking ! greets to my groups : ECLiPSE / PWA / CiA / oDDiTY also greetingz to: R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, Torn@do, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en ... Sorry if you are not here too many people to greetz !!!)