VB cracking: How to keygen Snowman32 v2.42 by ACiD BuRN [ECLiPSE / CiA] hello all ! this is my 25th tutor , and i got some thanks for my previous tutors !! thx all ppls who read my tuts and like them !! well , let's start now ! Level : easy protection : name / serial where to get : http://www.abc-ware.de/ tools needed : Smart check 6 and VB to code the keygen I)KEYGENING IT! Ok , fire up your smart check and run the app with it!! go in the register menu , and enter : name : ACiD BuRN City : heheh serial: 112233 the programme say us : incorrect serial , blablabla !! in smart check , you must see : Mid$(String:"ACiD BuRN",Long1,VARIANT:Integer:1) Asc(String:"A") returns Integer:65 Mid$(String:"ACiD BuRN",Long2,VARIANT:Integer:1) Asc(String:"C") returns Integer:67 Mid$(String:"ACiD BuRN",Long3,VARIANT:Integer:1) Asc(String:"i") returns Integer:105 ...... this continue with all chars , but what the heck he is doing ?? In smart check , click on show all events, now u must see:
interesting !!! lemme explain you , what he is doing ! Asc(String:"A") returns Integer:65 <== take the ascii value in decimal __vbavaradd(VARIANT:empty,VARIANT:Integer:65) <== this add the ascii value to the last one __vbavarsub(VARIANT:65,VARIANT:Integer:1) <== this substract the result of the addition with 1 __vbavarmov(VARIANT:64,VARIANT:Empty) <== mov the result for using it later.. so , we see what it is doing! it take the ascii value of the current place of the loop, and add it to the last ascii result (here it is 0 "empty") then it substract one value (here it is 1) and then move the result somewhere to use it later!! let's look the next char : C , we see : Asc(String:"C") returns Integer:67 <== take the ascii value in decimal __vbavaradd(VARIANT:64,VARIANT:Integer:67) <== this add the ascii value to the last final value (64 here) __vbavarsub(VARIANT:131,VARIANT:Integer:2) <== this substract the result of the addition with 2 (2 = the current place of the char) __vbavarmov(VARIANT:129,VARIANT:64) <== overwritte the last value with the new one.. ......... well , the prog does this for all chars of the name for ACiD BuRN we found : 635 this value is found near the last letter of the name : "N" for ACiD BuRN : Asc(String:"N") returns Integer:78 <== take the ascii value in decimal __vbavaradd(VARIANT:566,VARIANT:Integer:78) <== this add the ascii value to the last one __vbavarsub(VARIANT:644,VARIANT:Integer:9) <== Substract the value with the current posstion of the name (N = 9th place of my name) __vbavarmov(VARIANT:635,VARIANT:566) <== mov the result for using it later.. ok , now u see what i mean !! now , scroll down in smart check and u see what the program is doing with the City entered : i entered "heheh" as serial : Asc(String:"h") returns Integer:104 <== take the ascii value in decimal __vbavaradd(VARIANT:empty,VARIANT:Integer:104) <== this add the ascii value to the last one __vbavarsub(VARIANT:104,VARIANT:Integer:1) <== this substract the result of the addition with 1 __vbavarmov(VARIANT:103,VARIANT:Empty) <== mov the result for using it later.. ehe , this look familiar !! let's look the next char who must be : "e" we see : Asc(String:"h") returns Integer:104 <== take the ascii value in decimal __vbavaradd(VARIANT:103,VARIANT:Integer:104) <== this add the ascii value to the last one __vbavarsub(VARIANT:207,VARIANT:Integer:3) <== substract the value with the current posstion of the City (here "h" of heheh ==> 3rd place) __vbavarmov(VARIANT:204,VARIANT:103) <== mov the result for using it later.. ok , look the pic i added with this tut :
you see that the programme do the same loop with the City than with the name , except it don't use all chars!! exemple : it takes one char , then skip the next char , take one char , then skip the next one ... for heheh : it takes : the first "h" , then skip the next char "e" , than take the next char "h" , then skip the next char "e" , and take the next char "h". hope u understand now !! another example for: ACiD_BuRN it take : Ai_uN now , i am sure u understand !! the final value coming from the City is : 303 the final value coming from the name is : 685 (u remember!! i hope) Now you see this in smart check : __vbavarMul(VARIANT:635,VARIANT:Integer:303) <== multiply the value from the name with the value from the City __vbavarAdd(VARIANT:192405,VARIANT:Long:45) <== add the result with "45" but what is this value ? where does it come from ?? lemme look something !! A brain is usefull , hehe length of the name entered : 9 (length of ACiD BuRN = 9) length of the city entered : 5 (length of heheh = 5) 9*5=45 !!!! wow we did it !! so it add the result with the multiplication of the length of the name with the lentgh of the city ! so : 192405 + 45 = 192450 long(192450)-->Double(192450) hehe , good =) scroll down and u see this : Hex$(VARIANT:byRef Double:1.0069e+007) if you click on this u see : 10068993 at the right of the smart check window then u will see something looking like this : __vbaVarTstNe(VARIANT:String:"112233",VARIANT:"99A401").... heh , this look like a comparaison !! i am sure if we enter : 99A401 as serial , it will be registered !! but we want to code a keygen !! we had 192450, and just under this we find : 10068993 Damn , where this shit comes from ?? Again , a little brain is usefull =) 10068993 - 192450 = 9876543 hehe , look like it add 9876543 to our result !!! and then convert it to hexadecimal ! 10068993 = 99A401 in hexa !! BINGO !!! we succeed !! Lemme , explain you quickly the algo !! ************************************************ALGO******************************************** 1st : do the loop with all chars of the name 2nd : do the loop with some chars of the City 3rd : muliply their result to obtain on value 4th : add it with the result of the multiplication between the length of the name and the length of the City.. 5th : add this to 9876543 6th : convert the result in hexadecimal 7th : nothing much , the result in hexadecimal is the correct serial !! ********************************************END OF THE ALGO************************************* 2)KEYGEN SOURCE IN VB5: like in all my tuts , i give u a working source of a keygen !! i code it in VB coz it is easy to translate in another language! i limited the length of the City to 26, coz i coded it quickly , and i didn't know how to make it work using another way!! sorry , but it works fine !! ------------------------------KEYGEN SOURCE IN VB5----------------------------------------------- For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text) bignum = bignum + Asc(Mid$(Text1.Text, i, 1)) bignum = bignum - i Next i val1 = bignum For x = 1 To Len(Text2.Text) If x = 2 Then GoTo nah If x = 4 Then GoTo nah If x = 6 Then GoTo nah If x = 8 Then GoTo nah If x = 10 Then GoTo nah If x = 12 Then GoTo nah If x = 14 Then GoTo nah If x = 16 Then GoTo nah If x = 18 Then GoTo nah If x = 20 Then GoTo nah If x = 22 Then GoTo nah If x = 24 Then GoTo nah If x = 26 Then GoTo nah bignum2 = bignum2 + Asc(Mid$(Text2.Text, x, 1)) bignum2 = bignum2 - x nah: Next x val2 = bignum2 temp2 = val1 * val2 temp3 = Len(Text1.Text) * Len(Text2.Text) temp3 = temp3 + temp2 temp3 = temp3 + 9876543 Text3.Text = Hex(temp3) ------------------------------END OF KEYGEN SOURCE IN VB5---------------------------------------- heh , i think the 26 max length for a City is enough !! so , just do a new project in vb , put 3 text box : 1 for the name 1 for the city (set the max limit to 26) 1 for the serial create a Button , double click on it , and copy past this source !! run the keygen , and have Fun !! 3)Ending.... Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of shit, but if you have a comment or one question, mail me you can found all my tuts at : MAIL: ACiD_BuRN@nema.com Web page URL: http://acidburn2000.cjb.net/ Enjoy! Greetings to my groups : ECLiPSE / CiA / ODT Also greetingz to: (no specific order) R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia , K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo , Killer_3K.... if your name is not here sorry !!! too much ppls to greets ! ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA]