How to Keygen Ellipse HTML Sidekick 2000 by ACiD BuRN [ECLiPSE / CiA]

hi there again !!
i am back for another tut , on a visual basic programme =)
and , as usual , teaching you how to keygen it !!

description: VB
Level : easy
tools needed: Smart check 6 , delphi for the keygen

I)Ready.. Go !!

Fire up your smart check (i assume it is configured correctly) and open sidekick.exe
Run it with smart check...
now , the app is loaded , go in the help menu , and then : REGISTER =))
i love this menu !! eheh
well , now enter your name and serial (btw : this is not like usual shareware , it is a input
box who ask u to enter your name and after your serial)
i entered:

Name : ACiD
Serial: 1122

this bitch say us : Invalid Registration code blablablabla !!!
anyway , close this programme now...
In smart check , u must see something like this : 
sRegister_Click (this is the register's button name u pushed to register)

so , click on it , you see : inputbox shit ...
and few lines below , u see :

Mid$(String:"ACiD",long:1,VARIANT:Integer:1)  -> take the 1st char 
asc(String:"A") returns Integer:65            -> take this ascii value
string("65")-->Double(65)                    -> ascii value of the char 
Double("147")-->Double(147)                  -> fucking value 

shit , what the heck is this "147" ?? where does it come from ??
again , a brain is usefull !! , what about substracting this 2 values ?

147 - 65 = 82
ok , it is 82 , now let's see the other char!

Mid$(String:"ACiD",long:2,VARIANT:Integer:1)  -> take the 1st char
asc(String:"C") returns Integer:67            -> take this ascii value
string("67")-->Double(67)                    -> ascii value of the char
Double("149")-->Double(149)                  -> fucking value 

hehe , lemme something :)

149 - 67 = 82 ! wow , i think i know how this fucking value is 
calculated !!

i looked the other chars , and i am right!
look this picture you see it is the same for all chars !

scrool down a bit , and just under the last calcul on the char (D for ACiD) u see something 
looking like this :

asc(String:"7") returns Integer:55

heh, this looks similar for us !
lets look if the add value is same :

137 - 55 = 82
good , it is the same , it take the ascii value , and add 82 to it (values are in hexadecimal)

look the pic for the rest :

well , now we don't see anything about the the value calculated above!
so , click where u see the msgbox thing :

Msgbox(VARIANT:String:"Invalid Registration code....",Integer:0 ...

so , click on this , and click on : Show all events

lemme comment what u must see now :


this function add string.
exemple :

__vbastrcat(String:"ABC", String:"000")
this will add the string "ABC" to the string "000" so the result is : 000ABC

so , for our programme : 


this add : 147149187150 to 137138132133131 and the result is : 137138132133131147149187150
don't forget this values are strings ! so here "add" is not "+"

well , 147149187150137138132133131  loos like a serial number !!
run the app again , enter name : ACiD , and 137138132133131147149187150 as serial...

Good , the msgbox : "Thank you for registering" appears !!

heh , well if you look a little the values we get , you see for 147149187150

147 149 187 150
remember this ??

this come from the name : ACiD

ascii value of A = 65
add ascii with 82:
65 + 82 = 147

ascii value of C = 67
add ascii with 82:
67 + 82 = 149

ascii value of i = 105
add ascii with 82:
105 + 82 = 187

ascii value of D = 68
add ascii with 82:
68 + 82 = 150

so , it take ascii values in decimal , add to them 82 , and add each results
as string:

147 + 149 + 187 + 150 = 147149187150

now , for the other value : 78231
we obtain : 137138132133131

ascii value of 7 = 55
add ascii with 82:
55 + 82 = 137

ascii value of 8 = 56
add ascii with 82:
56 + 82 = 156

ascii value of 2 = 50
add ascii with 82:
50 + 82 = 132

ascii value of 3 = 51
add ascii with 82:
51 + 82 = 133

ascii value of 1 = 49
add ascii with 82:
49 + 82 = 131

so , it take ascii values in decimal from this code, add to them 82 , and add each results
as string:

137 + 138 + 132 + 133 + 131 = 137138132133131

and then it add as string the value from the name to the value for the code :
137138132133131 + 147149187150 =  137138132133131147149187150

well , u know how to make a keygen now !!
but i will tell u something about the "code" : 78321

if you look the readme txt file you see:

"To register, send a *Post Office Money order*, made out to Tim Boling.
On a separate piece of paper, please include your First/Last name, 
Product Name, ProductID code, which is 78231, and the name you
would like this product registered to. *All envelopes MUST include
a return address!*  You must also include a valid email address.
This is where your Registration Key will be sent to."

hmm : "ProductID code, which is 78231" nice !! so now this number is just
the product ID !! btw , u must see it in about menu too !

i looked other app by ellipse software , and the algo is similar , the 
product ID change...

if you want to train , try to keygen them ;p

2)Source in delphi!

like in all my keygening tuts , i allways show code of a working keygen
this time , i coded it in delphi (nice to change a little)...

********************************source in delphi*************************************************

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var i: integer;
ascii,ascii2 : string;
for i:=1 to length(edit1.text) do
ascii:=ascii + inttostr((ord(edit1.text[i])+82));

for i:=1 to length(edit3.text) do
ascii2:=ascii2 + inttostr((ord(edit3.text[i])+82));


*******************************************end of source*****************************************

to make this work :

- 1st create a new project
- 2nd put 3 texts box (1 for name (edit1.text there), 1 for product ID (edit3.text there) , and
  1 for the serial (edit2.text there)...
- 3rd put one button

double click on the button and past this code !!
have fun , and enjoy it ...


Well , this tut is finish , hope u understand all this piece of shit, but if you have a 
comment or one question, mail me 
you can found all my tuts at : 

Web page URL:


Greetings to my groups : ECLiPSE / CiA / ODT

Also greetingz to: (no specific order)

R!SC, ^Inferno^, AB4DS, Cyber Blade, Klefz, , Volatility, TORN@DO, T4D
Jeff, [Virus], JaNe , Appbusta , Duelist , tKC , BuLLeT , Lucifer48 , 
MiZ , DnNuke , Bjanes , Skymarshall , afkayas , elmopio , SiFLyiNG , 
Fire Worx , Crackz , neural_en  , WarezPup , _y , SiONIDE , SKORPIEN
Lazarus , Eternal_Bliss , Magic Raphoun , DEZM , Bisoux , Carpathia ,
K17 , theMc , noos , Xmen , TeeJi , JB007 , Arobas , T0AD ,ytc , Kwai_lo , Killer_3K

if your name is not here sorry !!! too much ppls to greets !

				ACiD BuRN [ECL/CiA]