The ProcDump32 Site and


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Author Language Short Description


Gustaw Kit ENGLISH Unpacking an unknown packer using ProcDump32.


Gustaw Kit ENGLISH Cracking VBox 4.0.3 using SoftICE and ProcDump32.


Ethan FRENCH Adding a script for supporting CodeSafe.


UFK ENGLISH Using ProcDump32's PE Editor.


ytc_ ENGLISH Unpacking a packed file manually and using ProcDump32 as a PE Editor.


CyberBobJr FRENCH Using ProcDump32's PE Editor.


/Miz ENGLISH Manually unpacking ID CrackMe 5.0 (ASPack) using ProcDump32 as Dumper and PE Editor.


alpine ENGLISH Manually unpacking AutoInsult using ProcDump32 as Dumper and PE Editor.


alpine ENGLISH Manually unpacking ID CrackMe 6.0 using ProcDump32 as Dumper and PE Editor.


Lucifer48 ENGLISH Manually unpacking ID CrackMe 6.0 using ProcDump32 as Dumper and PE Editor.


Volatility ENGLISH Manually unpacking a target packed by ASPack 1.08.03


=( hades )= ENGLISH ProcDump 4 Newbies: Unpacking.


TORN@DO ENGLISH ProcDump 4 Newbies: Unpacking VBox 4.0.3


ACiD BuRN ENGLISH Manual Unpacking ASPack For Newbies


Volatility ENGLISH Manual Unpacking Quequero's Patience CrackMe 1.0 - packed with Petite 1.2


TaMaMBoLo FRENCH Manual Unpacking Explor2000 1.34 - packed with Neolite 2


TaMaMBoLo FRENCH Manual Unpacking Transparence 99 - packed with ASPack.


TaMaMBoLo FRENCH/ENGLISH Creating a script for STNPE 1.13


TaMaMBoLo FRENCH/ENGLISH Creating a script for programs packed with PCShrink 0.71 Beta


TaMaMBoLo FRENCH/ENGLISH Manually unpacking a target packed by ASPack 1.08.03


Christal FRENCH Patching a target packed with Shrinker

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ProcDump32 is Copyright © 1998-1999 by G-RoM, Lorian & Stone.
Site designed and maintainced by TORN@DO.