Cracking Tutorial for ViaVoice

Before we start, please read the Disclaimer section of this essay!

Target Program: ViaVoice
Description: ViaVoice is a dictate program with lot's of great features  - but it's not as good as Dragon Dictate.
Protection: Time Limited / NAG
Tools needed: - SoftICE 3.24
  - Hacker's View
Ob duh: Do I really have to remind you all that by BUYING and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
If you're looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try to search elsewhere on the Web under Warez, Cracks, etc.
Level: (X)Beginner ( )Intermediate ( )Advanced ( )Expert

Let's start our cracking session by looking at the NAG-Screen that will be displayed if you're in the trial period (I've executed ViaVoice already once):

If you can't understand german, the following translation is for you: "The dictate function is time limited and 26 days valid from now on." So IBM gave us the information on the protections (maybe they want to see if anyone can Reverse Engineer ViaVoice): Time Limited & NAG Screen. I hate clicking OK-Buttons to start a program, so let's crack the Trial-NAG first.
What do you think this NAG-Screen looks like? - At least I think it's looking like a standard-message-box. In this case MessageBox[A] would work (as you may read in the cRACKER's n0TES' Window-Generating-Part). So set a BPX to MessageBoxA and restart ViaVoice. After you've pressed F11 and then pressed the OK-Button, SoftICE will display the information, that you're debugging VVLUM.DLL - and you'll get the something like the following code snippet:

   :00CA1C2A  85C0                TEST    EAX,EAX
   :00CA1C2C  752A                JNZ     00CA1C58
   :00CA1C2E  52                  PUSH    EDX
   :00CA1C2F  8D8C2470020000      LEA     ECX,[ESP+00000270]
   :00CA1C36  68481ACB00          PUSH    00CB1A48
   :00CA1C3B  51                  PUSH    ECX
   :00CA1C3C  FFD3                CALL    EBX
   :00CA1C3E  83C40C              ADD     ESP,0C
   :00CA1C41  8D94246C020000      LEA     EDX,[ESP+0000026C]
   :00CA1C48  6A40                PUSH    40
   :00CA1C4A  685815CB00          PUSH    00CB1558
   :00CA1C4F  52                  PUSH    EDX
   :00CA1C50  6A00                PUSH    00
   :00CA1C52  FF15E032CB00        CALL    [USER32!MessageBoxA]
   :00CA1C58  8B442414            MOV     EAX,[ESP+14]
   :00CA1C5C  85C0                TEST    EAX,EAX
   :00CA1C5E  740A                JZ      00CA1C6A
   :00CA1C60  50                  PUSH    EAX
   :00CA1C61  FF15C832CB00        CALL    [00CB32C8]
   :00CA1C67  83C404              ADD     ESP,04
   :00CA1C6A  8B442410            MOV     EAX,[ESP+10]
   :00CA1C6E  5F                  POP     EDI
   :00CA1C6F  5E                  POP     ESI
   :00CA1C70  5D                  POP     EBP
   :00CA1C71  5B                  POP     EBX
   :00CA1C72  81C45C030000        ADD     ESP,0000035C
   :00CA1C78  C3                  RET

So what can we do to get rid of that damn NAG now? - Well, we could NOP out the CALL MessageBoxA for instance - but it's better to change as less as possible. Look at the code snippet again!
Why not change that JNZ at CA1C2A to a JMP? It should work, since no flags, etc. are set. Now exit ViaVoice and disable your MessageBoxA-breakpoint. Copy the VVLUM.DLL to VVLUM.OLD and HexEdit VVLUM.DLL using Hacker's View. Now search for

and replace it with
Ok - there won't be a NAG if we're in the trial period. Now we have to remove ViaVoice's real protection: the time limit. So set your system clock at least 3 months ahead and start ViaVoice. Then the following dialogbox get's displayed:

If you can't understand german, the following translation is for you: "Your '60 day dictate function' license has expired. We hope ...". Since we know that a standard message-box is displayed, we can enable our MessageBoxA breakpoint and restart ViaVoice.
After you've pressed F11 and then pressed the "OK" button, SoftICE will display something like the following code snippet:

   :00CA1063  6A40                PUSH    40
   :00CA1065  685815CB00          PUSH    00CB1558
   :00CA106A  3D00000010          CMP     EAX,10000000
   :00CA106F  687011CB00          PUSH    00CB1170
   :00CA1074  6A00                PUSH    00
   :00CA1076  750D                JNZ     00CA1085
   :00CA1078  FF15E032CB00        CALL    [USER32!MessageBoxA]
   :00CA107E  66B80B00            MOV     AX,000B
   :00CA1082  5F                  POP     EDI
   :00CA1083  5E                  POP     ESI
   :00CA1084  C3                  RET
   :00CA1085  FF15E032CB00        CALL    [USER32!MessageBoxA]
   :00CA108B  5F                  POP     EDI
   :00CA108C  66B80C00            MOV     AX,000C
   :00CA1090  5E                  POP     ESI
   :00CA1091  C3                  RET

We must execute the RET instruction to get something more interesting. So do this now. SoftICE will now display something like the following code snippet, which is no longer in VVLUM.DLL - now the code snippet is located in SPENGIO.DLL:

   :004BEFCD  FF157CA74D00        CALL    [KERNEL32!GetProcAddress]
   :004BEFD3  85C0                TEST    EAX,EAX
   :004BEFD5  7419                JZ      004BEFF0
   :004BEFD7  8B8C2420010000      MOV     ECX,[ESP+00000120]
   :004BEFDE  51                  PUSH    ECX
   :004BEFDF  53                  PUSH    EBX
   :004BEFE0  FFD0                CALL    EAX
   :004BEFE2  83C408              ADD     ESP,08
   :004BEFE5  663D0A00            CMP     AX,000A
   :004BEFE9  7505                JNZ     004BEFF0
   :004BEFEB  BD01000000          MOV     EBP,00000001
   :004BEFF0  8BC5                MOV     EAX,EBP
   :004BEFF2  5D                  POP     EBP
   :004BEFF3  5F                  POP     EDI
   :004BEFF4  5E                  POP     ESI
   :004BEFF5  5B                  POP     EBX
   :004BEFF6  81C404010000        ADD     ESP,00000104
   :004BEFFC  C3                  RET

At 4BEFE5 AX is checked against 0A. As you may think then a flag will be set - which is the case at 4BEFEB. This flag will then be tested. So if you have another look at the following code snippet from VVLUM.DLL, you can check your thoughts:

   :00CA104C  E84F000000          CALL     00CA10A0
   :00CA1051  8B442420            MOV      EAX,[ESP+20]
   :00CA1055  83C414              ADD      ESP,14
   :00CA1058  85C0                TEST     EAX,EAX
   :00CA105A  7507                JNZ      00CA1063
   :00CA105C  66B80A00            MOV      AX,000A
   :00CA1060  5F                  POP      EDI
   :00CA1061  5E                  POP      ESI
   :00CA1062  C3                  RET

The MOV AX,000A instruction at CA105C is just executed if you are in the trial period - if you're not in the trial period, the JNZ instruction at CA105A will be executed, which sets AX either to 0B or 0C. So the CMP AX,00A instruction at 4BEFE5 from SPENGIO.DLL is the time limit check.
So to crack the time limit, we must replace the JNZ CA1063 instruction at CA105A with two NOPs (or something like INC EAX & DEC EAX). So HexEdit VVLUM.DLL using Hacker's View. Now search for

and replace it with
Then we'll pass the CMP AX,00A instruction at 4BEFE5 from SPENGIO.DLL and ViaVoice will never expire. Now IBM should know, that it's possible & quite easy to Reverse Engineer ViaVoice. Do you have any questions?

If you're USING ViaVoice BEYOND it's FREE TRIAL PERIOD, then please BUY IT.

Disclaimer: This essay is for EDUCATIONAL purposes only, if you wish to use the program/game then please BUY IT.

Info: Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Copyright © 1998 by TORN@DO and The Immortal Descendants. All Rights Reserved.