Cracking Tutorial for Clone Master 2.19

Target Program: Clone Master 2.19
Description: Clone Master will help you protect your data and regain hard drive space. Clone Master is especially useful to people who download often from the Internet.
Protection: Name & Serial #
Tools needed: - SmartCheck 5.0
Ob duh: Do I really have to remind you all that by BUYING and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
BTW, It's illegal to use cracked Software!

If you're looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try to search elsewhere on the Web under Warez, Cracks, etc.
Info: Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Level: (X)Beginner ( )Intermediate ( )Advanced ( )Expert

To start our Cracking Session, open the "Clone Master.exe" in SmartCheck and go to "Program - Settings". Now check all boxes in "Error Detection". Click on "Advanced" and check the first 4 boxes (the rest should not be checked). After clicking OK, go to "Reporting" and check every box except "Report MouseMove events from OCX controls". No we're ready to go, so choose "Program - Start"!
After some time you'll see the "Program Results" window. If you get some errors, don't worry (it's normal) - just press the "Acknowledge"-Button. Now a dialog box asking for a Name and Serial # get's displayed. As Name, simply enter "Cracking Tutorial" and as Serial # enter "12345". Then click the "Register"-Button. Now you'll hear a beep, which is telling you that you're Name/Serial  combination is invalid. So press "Cancel" and exit Clone Master. Back in SmartCheck, click on "Show errors and specific events" (in some other programs you may need to view all events in order to be able to crack them).

Then click the "+" before "MainFrm_Load". Since we just search the "Registration Form", press the "Page Down"-Button, until you see "RegForm_Show". Then click on the "+" before it. Now we want to see the location where our real serial is compared with the fake one, right? So click on the "+" before "RegBut_Click". Now you'll see a few times "StrComps returns Integer:-1". Just highlight one of these lines and you'll see that our Name "Cracking Tutorial" get's compared with "Saltine [PC]" then with "SoftByte Labs" and then with "Underworld^SNT". So these have been blacklisted and are not a valid Name. Since we haven't enterd one of these Names, they are not equal to them (-1).
After the "SerialEdit.text", you'll see a line with "Len returns LONG:17" and in the right box, you'll see "Cracking Tutorial". Now we want to get that damn Serial # as fast as possible, right? So look for compare instructions.
You'll see a "StrComp" and in the right box "string 1 = "6"" and "string 2 = "1"". So the first value is the right one and the second one is our fake one (fake Serial # was "12345", remember?). Then "H" and "1" are compared - again "H" is the correct one. So do the same until the last StrComp, where "E" and "1" are compared. So the right Serial # will be "6H3FVRP94KP9".
Now start Clone Master and enter this as Serial #. Now you'll get the "congratz" dialog.
You're registration info is stored in the file "Clone Master.INI" in your Clone Master main directory - so just cut off the RegName and RegSerial and crack it again.
Another target has been Reverse Enginnerd. Any questions (no crack requests)?

If you're USING Clone Master BEYOND it's FREE TRIAL PERIOD, then please BUY IT.

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