Cracking Tutorial for My PhoneBook 3.53
Feeling the way through the code


Target Program: My PhoneBook 3.53
Protection: Crippled
Tools needed: - SoftICE 3.2x
Ob duh: Do I really have to remind you all that by BUYING and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
BTW, It's illegal to use cracked Software!

If you're looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try to search elsewhere on the Web under Warez, Cracks, etc.
Info: Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Level: ( )Beginner (X)Intermediate ( )Advanced ( )Expert

 First of all I'd like to tell you that I will use a style that differs a bit from my other
 tutorials you can find at ... I try to show you how to feel your way
 through the code (I don't know if it's understandable ... but at least I do hope so).

 On the download page we already saw the following info about the protection:

   You only get to record 6 entries per group with a maximum number of 3 groups. That's
   total of 18 entries.

 So our target has been somehow limited in it's functionality ... that's what we called
 'crippled'. Knowing the exact protection of the target we can then go on analyzing and
 cracking it. So create 6 entries in the current group. And now watch what's happening as
 you try to add a 7th entry:

   Only 6 entries allowed per group in the shareware version.
   Please register the program.

 The displayed message box looks like a standard messagebox, so a BPX MessageBoxA will
 work. So set the necessary BPX and try adding an new entry again. You'll find yourself
 in SoftICE:

          :00456A2E  FF1520944600        CALL      [USER32!MessageBoxA]
          :00456A34  5E                  POP       ESI
          :00456A35  C20C00              RET       000C

 Ok. Now return from that CALL ... now the following code snippet is displayed:

          :0040F400  E801760400          CALL      00456A06
           ...       ...                 ...
          :0040F413  C3                  RET

 This is still not the location we're interested in, so press F10 until the RET
 instruction at 40F413 is executed. Then the following code snippet will be displayed:

          :00457F0E  EB7F                JMP       00457F8F
           ...       ...                 ...
          :00457F8F  8BC3                MOV       EAX,EBX
          :00457F91  5E                  POP       ESI
          :00457F92  5B                  POP       EBX
          :00457F93  5D                  POP       EBP
          :00457F94  C21C00              RET       001C

 This is still not something we're interested in, so once more press F10 until the RET
 instruction at 457F94 is executed. Now the following code snippet will be displayed:

          :00458096  E8F5FDFFFF          CALL      00457E90
          :0045809B  EB02                JMP       0045809F

 Looking above the code snippet there seems not to be a check how many entries have
 been enterd ... so let's set a BPX to 458096 ... where the MessageBox has not been
 created yet and restart the 'Entry Adding Process'. SoftICE will pop up again. Now
 it's time for some tracing. So enter the CALL with F8 and trace the code till you
 find suspicious instructions like CMP, JG, JB, ...

 After some tracing (~ 19 F10's) you will have found the following code snippet:

          :0040F226  83F806              CMP       EAX,06
          :0040F229  0F8DC3010000        JGE       0040F3F2

 It can't be that simple ... can it? Yes. We actually found the location for our first
 patch. So write down the memory address (for later use with Iczelion's awesome
 Address to Offset Utility) ... or just write down the offset F229 h.

 Now to patch it we simply have to change it that it doesn't matter how much entries
 we have added ... so we have to disable the check. This can be done in several ways.
 One of those ways is replacing

  JGE 40F3F3          (0F8DC3010000)


  INC EAX             (404840484048)

 So patch this now in memory using SoftICE's 'Assemble code' command. After patching,
 try if it works ... and as you might have assumed already IT DOES. So now we just have
 to disable GROUP LIMITATION. You need to create 2 groups of course until you can create
 a third one, which will produce the following error-message:

   Only 3 groups allowed in the shareware version.
   Please register the program.

 Using the same method as above will lead you to the following code snippet:

          :00412BF8  83BEB009000003      CMP       DWORD PTR [ESI+000009B0],03
          :00412BFF  0F8D05020000        JGE       00412E0A

 This is the second limitation in our shareware program. After patching it in memory
 you'll find out that everything works flawlessly now.

 Now use a hex-editor, like Hacker's View (also known as HIEW) and patch the offset
 F229h and 12BFFh. To remove the '(SHAREWARE)' text in the title bar also ... just
 preform an ASCII search and replace it with 202D200000000000000000.

 Another target has been Reverse Engineerd.

If you want to USE ANY PROGRAM BEYOND it's FREE TRIAL PERIOD, then please BUY IT.

Copyright © 1999 by TORN@DO and The Immortal Descendants. All Rights Reserved.