TORN@DO's Cracking Tutorial for
WRQ @Guard 2.0


Before we start, please read the Disclaimer section of this essay!

Date: 30/07/1998
Target Program: @Guard 2.0 
Protection: Time Limit
Rating: Easy
Solution: Patch
Cracked by: TORN@DO
Tools needed: - W32DASM 8.9
  - Hex Editor (I like Hacker's View)
Level: (x) Beginner     ( ) Intermediate     ( ) Expert

WRQ's @Guard is software that runs on your PC and monitors network traffic going in and out of your computer. Depending on how you have @Guard configured, it can also step in and intervene in network connections and block data on your behalf. Specifically, it can: Block images (usually advertisements) that you don't want to see, Speed up web page loading, Block refer fields and cookies to reduce the amount of targeted advertising you receive, Allow you to customize web pages that you visit often, Stop animated GIFs from cycling endlessly, reducing cache disk thrashing, Keep track of various statistics as you surf the web, like how much data you've downloaded and how many cookies you would have sent back to web sites, Prevent software from communicating with your computer or with remote computers without your knowledge or permission.
I decided to crack this application, because I think 30 days are not enough to try out the application completly and I'm currently using the Internet just once/twice a month, so I can't try it out in this short time. Now you know enough to start with
Step 1
We saw the icon from IAMAPP.EXE in the explorer and then, after we rebooted, in the bottom of our screen. So we know that it must have to do something with that file. So let's start W32DASM and have a look at the string reference. I found the following strings interesting:
"The trial period for %s has expired "
"The trial period for %s will expire "

I want to extend the trial period, so I've double-clicked on "The trial period for %s will expire ". Then I scrolled up a few lines to see where this function was called from. It was called from 403ED0. But it was an unconditional jump. So go to 403ED0. You'll get the following:

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00403EC5 cmp eax, 0000000A  
:00403EC8 jg 00403ED2  
:00403ECA mov dword ptr [0040A534], esi  
:00403ED0 jmp 00403EE0  

If you don't change that JG at 403EC8 to a JMP, there will always a NAG be displayed, saying, your trial will expire in ..., so change that JG to a JMP. After you've seen that, jump to 403E88, because it's a conditonal jump and we're going close to the protection now. You'll get something like this:

:00403E86 cmp eax, esi ; compare eax (30) with esi (days left)
:00403E88 jg 00403EC5 ; if there were some days left, jump
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"@Guard"
:00403E8A push 0040A370  
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"The trial period for %s has expired "

If there were no days left for the trial it won't jump and so, it will display the message "expired". But we don't want that. So change that JG to JMP (I won't give you the hex-values, etc. any longer, because I think you know them - if not: read "Cracker's Notes"). So let's make the changes to IAMAPP.EXE, because we don't want to do the same all the time! If you've done this, continue with
Step 2
If we click on the icon of IAMAPP.EXE in the taskbar with the right-mouse-button and choose Setting, we got "Trial has expired" in the about tab. So let's fix this too. In the about tab you also see what modules are being used. So let's look for interesting ones ... IAMEVENT.DLL, IAMCPL.CPL. So let's load IAMEVENT.DLL in W32DASM and look in the string reference. I found no interesting strings, so I decided to load IAMCPL.CPL in W32DASM (you should have recognized, that it's in your Windows-System-Directory). Now look at the string reference, if you can find interesting strings. I found the following strings interesting:

String Resource ID=00032: "You have changes that have not been applied.
Do you want to "
"Trial expires in %d day."
"Trial expires in %d days."
"Trial has expired."

What changes have not been applied? Do you know what this is trying to tell us? Yeah, you right! It detects, that we've cracked it ... ups! So let's double-click on that one. You'll get something like this:

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00032: "You have changes that have not been applied. Do you want to "

Let's find out why this was called, so goto 10006E11. You'll get something like this:

:10006E05 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000080]  
:10006E0C cmp eax, 0000001E ; compare days used (EAX) with 1E (30)
:10006E0F mov dword ptr [ecx], eax  
:10006E11 jle 10006E15 ; if there weren't and days left, jump
:10006E13 mov dword ptr [ecx], ebx  

Ah! It detects, that we've changed the IAMAPP.EXE to extend the trial and this is a second check. So we need to change this JLE with NOP, NOP or better: INC EAX, DEC EAX! If you want, you can also change this "Trial has expired", but it's not important, it's just an info. The lesson is over ...

Disclaimer: This essay is for educational purposes only. Any use, mis-use or illegal activity is the sole responsibility of the reader! I take no responsibility of the usage of this information!

This tutorial was written by TORN@DO. I hope you enjoyed reading it as I enjoyed writing it - I'm always trying to improve my writing skills.
I'd like to greet the following people (no specific order):
+ORC, Fravia, nIabI, JosephCo, Razzia, MisterE, Krazy_N, Vizion, YOSHi, Qapla, Odin
... and everyone in #Cracking and in #Cracking4Newbies ... and everyone else I forgot!
