- Web Integration for Fujitsu COBOL
A Product of England Technical Services, Inc.
Cobol-CGI makes it simple to integrate your Fujitsu COBOL programs with the
Web. This web page is part of a fully functional, and free, copy of Cobol-CGI
for Fujitsu COBOL. You have everything you need to put your programs on the
Internet right now!
This web page can be used to execute two sample programs that demonstrate
the capabilites you need to integrate your COBOL programs with the web. Please
feel free to contact us via phone, fax, or e-mail, for assistance in installing
this software and executing the sample programs. Initial configuration of your
web server and installation of CGI programs is the toughest part of the process
and we want you to be successful.
We hope you will take a few minutes
and register your copy of Cobol-CGI today by following this link
Register Now!
or by using the contact information included later in this document. This will
allow us to notify you of new releases and additional Web programming products
you may be interested in.
If you are serious about Web integration we
would like to encourage you to purchase full support for Cobol-CGI.
This will allow our engineers to assist you in the many details of CGI
development and COBOL programming. Full support for Cobol-CGI is
available for just $95 annually.
ETS is continually developing products
and technologies to enhance Web programming with COBOL. We are currently
offering a product called Cobol-RPC
that provides higher-performance CGI support and additional distributed
processing capabilities. This product overcomes the architectural limitations of
CGI that require your COBOL program to be reloaded every time it is executed.
With Cobol-RPC your COBOL program can remain loaded in memory
with its files open, waiting for requests. This advantage translates to faster
user response and dramatically lowered system overhead.
We hope you
enjoy using Cobol-CGI
and will be interested in future releases and other products and
services our company offers. You can keep updated on what we are doing with
Fujitsu COBOL by checking in on
ETS's Fujitsu COBOL page.
And please don't forget to
Register Now!
Technical Services, Inc.
210 Main Street
Elliott, IA 51532 USA
(712) 767-2270
Fax: (712) 767-2227
CGI programs have access to a set of environment variables. These environment variables contain information about the web software being used and the way the program was invoked. Clicking this button will run a COBOL program named SHOWENV.CBL that reads and displays the values of the CGI environment variables.
When most people think of CGI they are thinking of processing forms. To process a form a program must be able to retrieve the values that were entered on the form. Clicking the button attached to this form will run a COBOL program named READFORM.CBL that reads the variables from this form and redisplays them in an HTML table.
Copyright 1997 by England Technical Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved