A DAY IN THE LIFE ~@ A DAY IN THE LIFE by the Beatles ======================================= (Long Piano Intro...) ^I read the news to-day oh boy A-bout a luck-y man who made the grade And though the news was ra-ther sad Well I just had to laugh I saw the pho-to-graph ~ He blew his mind out in a car He did-n't no-tice that the lights had changed A crowd of peo-ple stood and stared They'd seen his face before No-bod-y was real-ly sure if he was from the House of Lords! ~ I saw a film today oh boy The En-glish Army had just won the war A crowd of peo-ple turned away But I just had to look Hav-ing read the book. I'd love to TURN... YOU... ON... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ Woke up fell out of bed dragged a comb a-cross my head..... Found my way down stairs and drank a cup, and look-ing up I no-ticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat, made the bus in sec-onds flat... ~ Found my way up-stairs and had a smoke, and some-bo-dy spoke and I went into a dream AH... Ah Ah AH... Ah Ah AH... Ah Ah AH....... ~ BOOM...... BOOM... Boom Boom BOOM... Boom Boom BOOM... Boom Boom BOOM! BOOM, Boom BOOM, Boom ~ I read the news to-day oh, boy... Four thou-sand holes in Black-burn Lan-ca-shire... And though the holes were ra-ther small They had to count them all Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Al-bert Hall! ~ I'd love to TURN YOU ON ! ...booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom ~`