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 Internal Error #   92
 Sort/Index On error

 The system is not able to create a temporary file during a SORT or an
 INDEX ON routine.  The problem can result because of one of the following

 1) Not enough disk space available.
 2) The Disk is Write protected.
 3) The file exists and is marked READ ONLY.
 4) The system does not have enough FILE handles allocated.
 5) No more directory entries

 Check the FILES in the CONFIG.SYS on these machines and the
 SET CLIPPER=FXXX in your Autoexec.bat.  Try increasing the Files in both
 settings and make the SET CLIPPER=Fxxx 5 less then the FILES in your

 (Steve Gilliard [CA] 72620,1267)
 (CA Internal Error Listing 03OCT93)

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