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 Internal Error #  999
 Attempt to execure invalid Clipper code

 An IE 999 is an error when Clipper has attempted to execute something that
 it doesn't recognize as valid Clipper code.  This error can occur if an
 attempt is made to execute code compiled with a new version of Clipper
 under an older version.  Also, this error could arise because of a corrupt
 or invalid executable.

 Make sure that all code is compiled under the same version of Clipper and
 is being linked with the correct version of the libraries.  If you are
 using a 3rd party linker, see if the error occurs when using Rtlink.

 If a corrupted executable is suspected, recompile all files and relink.

 The 999 can also mean that the macro compiler ran across a reference to a
 Clipper function that isn't linked in to your application.  Check all your
 macros and code block creations to make sure that all the referenced
 functions are REQUESTED somewhere in the application, if not called outright.

 (Clayton Neff 72007,302)
 (Steve Gilliard [CA] 72620,1267)
 (CA Internal Error Listing 03OCT93)

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