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 Call Processing Development System

 Used for:  Call Processing
            Voice Mail
            Automated Order Entry

            -Basically anything you can do with a touchtone telephone.

 SuperVoice is a totally self-contained development environment for
 Interactive Voice Response Applications.  Using SuperVoice, you can design,
 write and run multi-line call processing applications, ranging from the
 1-900-DIAL-A-GIRL to VoiceMail, AutoAttendants, BankByPhone, Automated Order
 Entry, FaxBack services, yes, just about anything you can automate using a
 TouchTone telephone and voice record/playback.

 If you know Clipper, you already know SuperVoice.  What you write, is
 actually Clipper code!  SuperVoice provides the multi-tasking multi-line
 features operating up to 64 voice lines simultanously, with as many different
 programs as you want - at the same time!

 SuperVoice is compatible with any industry standard voice board, i.e.
 Dialogic, Rhetorex, NewVoice, Pica etc.

See Also: SuperVoice
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson