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Please note:
CA has NOT released an Anomalies listing for Clipper, and has stated
that they are not likely to do so.
This Anomalies listing will be maintained until CA should decide to
publish an anomalies list, and will be updated regularly.
Although CA has released their own internal error listing, it DOES NOT
contain all of the internall errors found in Clipper. Also, quite a
few of the IE's listed in their listing are poorly explained.
The IEs in this NG has been checked against CA's official listing.
Where better but still acurate explanations have been found, these have
been used instead of the official explanation from CA.
Items in the IE list marked with "?" denote that although it has been
encountered in Clipper 5.2, CA has not released an official explanation.
Items in the IE list marked with "-" denote that although it has been
encountered in Clipper 5.2, it has been explained by highly competent
sources. It does not, however, appear in CA's official list of IEs.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson