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 FX_ATTR()     Gets/sets the RGB values of a single attribute for all palettes
 FX_ATTRALL()  Gets/sets the RGB values of all attributes for all palettes
 FX_BLINK()    Produces a blinking effect
 FX_DISABLE()  Uninstalls the color effects system
 FX_ENABLE()   Installs the color effects system.
 FX_FADE()     Produces a fading effect
 FX_INTRATE()  Gets/sets the timer tick interval period
 FX_ISFXON()   Tests for installation of the color effects system
 FX_ISVGA()    Tests for installation of a VGA
 FX_PALALL()   Gets/sets the RGB values of all palettes for all attributes
 FX_PALETTE()  Gets/sets the RGB values of all attributes in a single palette
 FX_PALRATE()  Gets/sets the palette rotation increment rate
 FX_PLUSE()    Produces a pulsing effect
 FX_RESTALL()  Restores all attributes
 FX_RESTORE()  Restores a specified attribute
 FX_SETFIX()   Sets/cancels "fixed" palette mode
 FX_SETPAL()   Gets/sets the palette to display when "fixed" mode is enabled

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson