template was created in Photoshop, then music and animation
added with Swish, and finally put back together in Dreamweaver.
I recommend you use Dreamweaver to edit this template, because
it will be easy to see how I put the pieces together, and
the content will be visible in a table.
template is free to use as long as you keep the link to my
site at the bottom of each page. If you would like to get
the menu and banner customized, I charge $45 for customizations.
This template was made with clan pages in mind, so hopefully
the links on the menu are appropriate. If you plan to use
this template for commercial purposes, you must notify me
as I do charge a fee for that.
remove the sound, simply delete the "goldrustmusic.swf"
reference from the code. Also included is the template image
in case you want to slice it up and use it without flash,
this way you can edit the menu. Please visit my site for more
free templates, and also my sister site for free interfaces:
for your continued support and good luck with your site.