3840 Nothing Happening 3841 Opening base folder in source store 3842 Opening base folder in target store 3843 Copying folder contents 3844 Copying message 3845 Copying recipients table 3846 Copying attachments 3847 Saving message 4097 Do you wish to cancel the MMF import? 4098 Destination Store has not been initialized.\nPlease initialize store before running MMF import. 4099 Messages converted: %lu 4100 Elapsed Time %02u:%02u:%02 4101 \nClick Cancel to abort or OK to continue 4102 of %d 4103 Error Allocating Memory 4104 SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\ 4105 MMFMIG 4106 PAB entries converted: %lu 4353 Could not read message from Microsoft Mail Message File due to error [%08lX]. 4354 Could not read message contents due to error [%08lX]. 4355 Could not read message recipient list due to error [%08lX]. 4356 Could not read message attachment list due to error [%08lX]. 4357 Could not read attachment due to error [%08lX]. 4358 Could not read folder properties from Microsoft Mail Message File due to error [%08lX]. 4359 Could not read PAB Entry properties from Microsoft Mail Message File PAB due to error [%08lX]. 4433 Password entered was not correct for the Message File. Please try again. 4434 The file specified is not a valid Microsoft Mail Message File. 4435 The file specified is open and cannot be converted. Please close the other instance. 4436 The file specified could not be found. 5122 MAPI call not supported 5123 Character width is invalid 5125 String is too long 5126 Unknown flags 5127 Unrecognized object signature 5128 Object is not valid 5129 Object has changed 5130 Object has been deleted 5131 Resource is not available 5133 Insufficient disk space. Please delete some files and try again. 5134 Insufficient system resources. 5135 Object not found 5136 Version incompatibility error 5137 Could not logon to messaging service 5138 Reached the session limit 5139 User canceled the operation 5140 Cannot abort the operation in progress 5141 A network error has occurred. 5142 Disk error encountered 5143 Request was too much too handle 5144 Bad column 5145 Extended error 5146 Result computed 5147 Corrupt data detected. 5148 \n \nService has not been configured 5377 Error importing MMF file '%s'. [%08lX] 5378 Specify File to Import 5379 All Mail Types@*.MMF;*.PAB@Message files (*.MMF)@*.MMF@Address Books (*.PAB)@*.PAB 5381 Create Personal Folders 5382 PST files (*.PST)@*.PST 5384 All files (*.*)@*.* 5385 No profiles have been configured. Please use the Profile Wizard to create a profile before running the Message File Conversion Wizard. 5386 No default profile set. Please use the Profile Wizard to set a default profile before running the Message File Conversion Wizard. 5387 File: %s Does not exist, is not an MMF, PST, or PAB file. 5388 PST file already exists. Please specify a new file. 5389 Invalid Personal Folder file name. Please re-specify the destination PST file name. 5390 You must have a configured Personal Address Book in your profile in order to import personal addresses. 5391 Error importing the PAB entries from file '%s'. [%08lX] 5392 file 5393 exit 5394 &Import Mail Data... 5395 Import Mail Data 5396 Import MMF into PST or Merge PAB files 5397 Importing Messages 5398 Importing PAB entries 5399 File '%s' does not exist. Please re-specify file. 5400 File '%s' is in use by another application. 5401 File '%s' is read-only. This operation requires write access to the selected file. 5402 File '%s' is not a recognized MMF file. 5404 File '%s' is not a recognized PAB file. 5405 File '%s' is not a recognized MMF or PAB file. 5406 A problem occurred while trying to access file '%s'. 5407 The specified path does not exist. Please re-specify path and file. 5408 You do not have sufficient network rights to import file: %s. This operation requires write access to the file. 5409 File access failed because the network is currently busy. 5410 File access failed because the network could not be found. 5411 A network problem occurred while trying to access file '%s'. 5412 Import complete. 5413 Import canceled. 5414 Select personal address books to import 5415 You have chosen the 'Cancel' button. \nThe import operation will be terminated. 5416 Number of messages imported: 5417 Number of PAB entries imported: 5418 Number of errors logged: 5419 Elapsed Time: 5420 Error logging on to the selected Personal Folders.\n\nThis may be a configuration error. If so, please configure and retry the import operation. 5421 The specified disk cannot be written to because it is write protected. 5422 File '%s' could be either an MMF or PAB file. Please make your selection specific. 5423 Folder Name 5424 Message Subject 5425 Reported By 5426 Another instance of the Microsoft Message File Conversion Wizard is running. Finish the other conversion before running this one. 5427 The PST file specified either already exists or is invalid. Please re-specify the destination PST file name. 5428 Import File Name