Bubblet Installation
The Bubblet installation was designed to be both quick and easy. Simply do the following:
- If you have a grayscale Palm-size PC, simply pop into the Grayscale directory.
- If you would like to use the color version, navigate into the Color directory.
- Double-click on the setup.exe to launch the Windows CE Application Manager.
That's it!
If for any reason that process did not work for you, there is another option:
Navigate into the Grayscale or Color directory as above.
Locate the .cab file appropriate for your Palm-size PC's CPU. If you are not sure of what type
of CPU your Palm-size PC uses, do the following on your Palm-size PC:
- Tap the Start button
- Tap Settings.
- Tap System and from there read the entry for Processor.
Copy the .cab file into your Palm-size PC's \Windows\Start Menu.
Run the new .cab file on your Palm-size PC and away you go! The .cab file will be removed
as a part of the installation.
If you have any questions or problems with the installation, feel free to email us at