Frequently Asked Questions About the PalmOS and Stand Alone Last updated: February, 1999 This is a series of questions frequently asked by both new PalmOS users and hardened veterans. Please refer to this list whenever you have a question about your PalmOS, or our software.Table of Contents Ê 1.0_ General PalmOS Questions Ê ÊÊ1.1_ Resets Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.1.1_ Soft Reset Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.1.2_ Warm Reset Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.1.3_ Hard Reset Ê ÊÊ 1.2_ Helpful Hints Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.2.1_ Find Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.2.2_ If your batteries have just died... Ê ÊÊÊÊ1.2.3_ Using HotSync to restore data Ê 2.0_ Questions about us and our software Ê ÊÊ 2.1_ Power Media, Inc. or Stand Alone, Inc...what is your name? Ê ÊÊ 2.2_ Registering, Downloading and Installation Questions Ê ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.1_ How do I register Stand Alone Products? Ê ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.2_ How do the passwords work? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.2.3_ What's the best way to contact Stand Alone? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.2.4_ I've found a bug in the program! What should I do? Ê ÊÊ2.3_ OUR MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.1_ I've lost my passwords! What can I do? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.2_ I've installed an application for the first time, and it says it's expired! Is there ÊÊÊÊanyway to reset the demo period? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.3_ I registered online at PalmPilotGear HQ and still haven't received my password. ÊÊÊÊWhat should I do? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.4_ My system crashed and now my Workout Tracker information is gone! Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.5_ I have Call Tracker Desktop on my PC, and I keep getting a "Sync20.dll not ÊÊÊÊfound" error. What should I do? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.6_ I have Call Tracker Desktop on my PC, and when I try to use the Open option an ÊÊÊÊerror occurs. What should I do? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.7_ How does this "demo period" work? Ê ÊÊÊÊ2.3.8_ What is your policy on upgrades? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0_ General PalmOS Questions Ê Ê 1.1_ RESETS ÊÊÊÊ 1.1.1_ Soft Reset ÊÊÊÊPress the reset button, located in the small hole on the back of the PalmPilot, once. ÊÊÊÊ 1.1.2_ Warm Reset ÊÊÊÊPress the reset button while holding the UP button. Performing a warm reset ÊÊÊÊbypasses any type of system "extensions" that you have installed. This will ÊÊÊÊsometimes also resolve issues with errant programs that cause the "boot loop" ÊÊÊÊwhere you keep seeing the "Welcome to PalmPilot" message over and over again. ÊÊÊÊ 1.1.3_ Hard Reset ÊÊÊÊPress the reset button while holding the green power button. You will be ÊÊÊÊprompted for verification. ÊÊÊÊIMPORTANT NOTE: This WILL delete everything installed on your PalmPilot. ÊÊÊÊYou should use this reset only as a last resort. You should regularly HotSync your ÊÊÊÊPalmOS. Ê 1.2_ HELPFUL HINTS ÊÊÊÊ 1.2.1_ Find ÊÊÊÊYou can easily speed up a Find using the silkscreen button, if you know what ÊÊÊÊapplication the data you're looking for is in. Simply launch Find from the ÊÊÊÊapplication containing the data. ÊÊÊÊ 1.2.2_ If your batteries have just died.... ÊÊÊÊYou will lose all power to your PalmPilot. Remember to set the correct date before ÊÊÊÊhotsyncing your data back in. Otherwise, all of the old alarms stored in your ÊÊÊÊPalmPilot will go off at once. ÊÊÊÊ 1.2.3_ Using HotSync to restore data... ÊÊÊÊBefore initiating a HotSync to restore your PalmPilot select Custom, under the ÊÊÊÊHotSync menu, and set all the conduits to "Desktop overwrites PalmPilot" This ÊÊÊÊwill restore all of your built-in application data. You will now have to ÊÊÊÊmanually install all of your applications. 2.0_ Questions about us and our Software Ê 2.1_ POWER MEDIA, INC. or STAND ALONE, INC.? ÊIf you've ever been into a Software store or looked in a PDA Direct or ClubPDA Êcatalog, you may have seen our products under the brand name of Power ÊMedia, Inc. Rest assured that these products are exactly the same as ours. ÊPower Media is our official publisher, and they are responsible for putting Êtogether the boxes and manuals that go with our products to retail and mail Êorder outlets. Ê 2.2_ Registering, Downloading and Installation Questions ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.1_ How do I register Stand Alone Products? ÊÊÊÊWeb- You can go to our web site and fill out our Online Orderform. We've ÊÊÊÊgot a stronghold SSL (secure) server so that no one can read your credit ÊÊÊÊcard information. Just enter your name and address information into the ÊÊÊÊform, select a shipping method (email is the fastest and cheapest, but ÊÊÊÊyou can have actual disks shipped to you), enter in your credit card ÊÊÊÊinformation, and check off the products you want. You will receive your ÊÊÊÊpasswords and the latest versions of all the software within about 24 ÊÊÊÊhours after you register (sometimes a little longer on weekends.) ÊÊÊÊEmail- Just email us all your information (name, email address, credit card, ÊÊÊÊapplications requested and PDA type) to Again, ÊÊÊÊwe'll email everything back to you within about 24-48 hours. ÊÊÊÊFax- You can fax us your information (name as it is entered into your PalmOS, ÊÊÊÊemail address, credit card, and products wanted). We'll email or fax you back ÊÊÊÊyour information. (773) 477-2579. ÊÊÊÊPhone- You can call up with a credit card and get passwords directly over the ÊÊÊÊphone. (773) 477-2492. ÊÊÊÊMail- You can mail us a check or money order (drawn on a US Bank, very ÊÊÊÊimportant). If you don't enclose an email address, we'll have to mail your ÊÊÊÊpasswords and new versions by disk, so be sure to enclose an extra $5 for ÊÊÊÊshipping. Second Day and Next Day mail is available for an additional charge. ÊÊÊÊPalmPilotGear HQ- You can register all of our Palm OS products through ÊÊÊÊPalmPilotGear HQ. However, it may take a little longer for you to receive your ÊÊÊÊpasswords this way. ÊÊÊÊHowever you decide to register, please make sure to include your name, the way ÊÊÊÊit's entered in the Enter Password section of the application you are ÊÊÊÊregistering, so that we can generate an accurate password for you. This can ÊÊÊÊbe found either in any of our registration screens, or when you perform a ÊÊÊÊHotSync. (see 2.2.2 of this FAQ) ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.2_ How do the passwords work? ÊÊÊÊAll of our passwords are based on the name listed when you perform a HotSync. ÊÊÊÊYou do not need to perform a HotSync in order to find this name. You have two ÊÊÊÊoptions: ÊÊÊÊGo into the application you are registering and select Enter Password. ÊÊÊÊOn the Palm OS, go to the section that lists all of your applications and tap on the ÊÊÊÊHotSync icon. In the upper righthand corner it will tell you how your name is ÊÊÊÊentered. ÊÊÊÊIn order for us to allow our customers a chance to demo our software for 30 days, ÊÊÊÊwe must use this password system. If you do not submit the correct HotSync ÊÊÊÊname, then the password we email back to you will not be correct. Please keep ÊÊÊÊthis in mind when you register, as it will take longer for us to issue you a ÊÊÊÊcorrect password if you do not give us the correct HotSync name the first time ÊÊÊÊaround. ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.3_ What's the best way to contact Stand Alone? ÊÊÊÊIf you have comments, suggestions, or a product idea, the best way to contact us is ÊÊÊÊthrough email at This is easiest for us and will guarantee ÊÊÊÊyou get a prompt response. If you don't have access to email, you can call us ÊÊÊÊat (773) 477-2492, or fax us, at (773) 477-2579. ÊÊÊÊOur business hours are: 9AM-5PM Mon-Fri, Closed Sat and Sun. ÊÊÊÊ 2.2.4_ I've found a bug in the program! What should I do? ÊÊÊÊWe ask that all Bug Reports are done through email. That way, we have a written ÊÊÊÊrecord of the problem, and it makes sure that the report gets to the right ÊÊÊÊprogrammer. In the Email, please include the following information: ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ your name and Email address ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ the program that has the bug ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ the version number of the program ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ the Palm OS that you are using ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ a description of the problem ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ an explanation of how we can replicate how you got the error ÊÊÊÊAlternatively, you can fill out the Bug Report Form on our webpage. Ê 2.3_ OUR MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.1_ I've lost my passwords! What can I do? ÊÊÊÊYou can email us directly at with the following: ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ "Lost Password(s)" as the subject line/td> ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Please include your name as it is entered when you perform a HotSync (see ÊÊÊÊÊÊsection 2.2.2 of this FAQ) ÊÊÊÊAlternatively, you can fill out the Lost Password Form on our webpage. ÊÊÊ 2.3.2_ I've installed an application that doesn't allow me a chance to ÊÊÊÊtry the demo! Is there anyway to reset the demo period? ÊÊÊÊYes, there is! If you install a version that says your demo period has expired before ÊÊÊÊyou've even gotten a chance to try it, then all you have to do is send us an ÊÊÊÊemail and request a demo extension. Please be sure to include the name of the ÊÊÊÊapplication, what type of Palm OS you are using and your email address. ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.3_ I registered online at PalmPilotGear HQ and still haven't ÊÊÊÊreceived my password. What should I do? ÊÊÊÊFirst, let me remind you that it takes a little longer to receive your information when ÊÊÊÊyou register anywhere other than with us directly. ÊÊÊÊIf it has been more than four days since you placed you order, then please send us ÊÊÊÊan email including the following information: ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Your full name ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Your PalmPilotGear SW number (ie: SW12345) ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ The date you registered ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Your email address ÊÊÊÊWith this information, we will be able to locate your registration information and get ÊÊÊÊyour password(s) for you. ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.4_ My system crashed and now my Workout Tracker information is ÊÊÊÊgone! ÊÊÊÊHow to restore Workout Data lost due to a system crash from a dead battery or hard ÊÊÊÊreset: ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ You MUST be using HotSync version 2.1 or later ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Using the install tool, install the "Workout Tracker Data.pdb" file, which is in ÊÊÊÊÊÊyour Palm backup folder on you PC. ÊÊÊÊIf you have any further questions on backing up your information, please refer to ÊÊÊÊyour HotSync manual. ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.5_ I have Call Tracker Desktop on my PC, and I keep getting a ÊÊÊÊ"Sync20.dll not found" error. What should I do? ÊÊÊÊMake sure that your are executing the version of Call Tracker from the Palm OS ÊÊÊÊdirectory. (Usually: C:\Palm\CallTrak.exe) ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.6_ I have Call Tracker Desktop on my PC, and when I try to use ÊÊÊÊthe Open option an error occurs. What should I do? ÊÊÊÊFirst, make sure that your are using HotSync 2.1 or higher. ÊÊÊÊSecond, please restart the HotSync application on your PC. Now, perform a ÊÊÊÊHotSync with Call Tracker for the Palm OS. You should now be able to use the ÊÊÊÊOpen feature on your desktop. ÊÊÊÊIf this does not work, then we ask that you ÊÊÊÊeither submit a Bug Report or send us an email (see section 2.2.4 of this FAQ.) ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.7_ How does this "demo period" work? ÊÊÊÊAll of our applications run on a 30-day demo. This means that, for 30 days you can ÊÊÊÊtry out the application for free. Most of our applications run the full ÊÊÊÊversions in the demo period. However, a small few (such as Dragon Hunter ÊÊÊÊPinball) have certain restrictions. ÊÊÊÊAfter the 30-day demo period is up, the application expires. This means that you ÊÊÊÊmust either register the application with us in order to regain access to ÊÊÊÊthe program, or you can remove it from your Palm OS. ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.8_ What is your policy on upgrades? ÊÊÊÊUnless otherwise stated in the manual of the application, all upgrades are free. ÊÊÊÊ 2.3.9_ Someone from SAI gave me a temporary password that does ÊÊÊÊnot work. What should I do? ÊÊÊÊThe temporary passwords we give out to reset the demo period, are based on the ÊÊÊÊcurrent date. You can either: ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ Send us an email and let us know which day you plan on entering the ÊÊÊÊÊÊpassword. OR ÊÊÊÊÊÊ¥ You can set the date back one day on your Palm OS, enter the password and ÊÊÊÊÊÊset your date back to the normal setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can find this FAQ at our website: