---An optional timer for speed games
---More graphics and animation
---More computer players
---A new set of higher-resolution graphics
---Special tiles to spice up the game
Coming Soon:
Junkers will be a real-time combat strategy game set
on mineral-rich asteroids ripe for the plunder. Players will play the
part of mercenaries looking to find their fortune. They will use scrap
metal to create their army of robots, designed to suck the valuables
from the lifeless rock, or to protect themselves from (or attack) their
---Fast moving gameplay
---Graphics in low or high res, 256 colors or 24 bit
---An almost unlimited number of asteroids to fight on
---Nonlinear technology trees means you never know which technologies
will be available to you
---Insidious computer opponents that actually build their own bases
---Gameplay emphasizes strategy over quick mouse clicking
---Broken down robots make for humorous gameplay
For more details, screenshots, and release information, check the Balding Monkey home page often...