ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º The Boss BBS º º CLIPPER CONFERENCE º º º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ (CLIPPER) Message #1452 To ABE RICE 10-04-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STEINER Subject (R)INDEX TALK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abe, Not sure if we can get RECN() from clipper but if we can we'll do INDEX_TALK in some form. ss Message #1457 To DIRK LESKO 10-05-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE BADARACCO Subject (R)CLIPPER HELP SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings! Thank you for the message about READVAR(). However, this function will return the same result as the parameter which has already been passed to the SETKEY routine Message #1460 To CLIFF CORCORAN 10-06-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)SET RELATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi... If interested, I have developed my lown library which contains in it a function which will relate several files with a key expression. The beauty of the function is that you can SEEK with it in the primrary area and it will continue the search in all insilary areas. There are a few other goodies, but this own pertained to your question. Let me know, and as always... Happy Clipping.. Message #1461 To ALL 10-06-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi and thanks for everyone's support. Right now, in preperation for the next release of the book, I am taking VALID suggestions as to the contents and likes of developers as to what the next book should and should not entail. Even though Nantucket is coming out with a new manual, I'm relatively confident it will be in the true vain fo the compiler. So in that regards, I'm opening the cartridge to the pen and willing to take on suggestion. Let me know and again, thanks for all of your support. Happy Clipping... Message #1464 To HOWARD MARKS 10-08-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)DATE INDEX HELP ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I was cut from the system, what I was trying to add to this discussion was the fact that the TRANSFORM() function with constants in the index key expression works very nicely. As a matter of fact a client of mine was having this sort of problem and the key was constantly messed up. My suggestion, and eventually bug-work-around, was to take the constant - the key fields (or add the key fields... whichever) and use this expression in the TRASNFORM() function. This worked VERY well. I hope that is some insight and let me know if there is anything else... Steve Straley Message #1466 To DIRK LESKO 10-08-87 (Rcvd) From KELLY STANONIK Subject CLOCK() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is there perhaps a short program to kill the clock interrupt if a clipper program hits the Q/A/I prompt? Something that I could call from DOS so that I don't have to reboot my computer? -Kelly Message #1467 To DIRK LESKO 10-08-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What new functions will be available in the next PDL release? Message #1468 To STEVE STRALEY 10-08-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)ETC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4 or version 5? Will Nantucket supply Lattice drivers? Message #1469 To KELLY STANONIK 10-08-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)CLOCK() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Kelly, When you get the release version there will be a new _exit routine that will restore everything back to normal for you. No more hangs with clock() or key_stat() when a Q/A/I occurs is that OK? dLESKO Message #1472 To JON MELTZER 10-09-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)ETC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest word is MicroSoft 4, not 5. And as far as Lattice drivers, I'm not sure what you mean but I have been told that they are working on a few conversion utilities and add-ons for the Lattice routines already out there. The last version of the Theta release was a Lattice version and has riddled with bugs... Things like, if you have an expanded environment with SETENV and you are compiling an application with a missing quote (i.e.: WAIT "Hi There ), the compiler will reboot the machine immediately at that point without an error. Small things like this indicate to me that the compiler AND the libraries AND the utilities AND the drivers AND... are not even close. My inside sources tell me directly that something last week came down the Malibu pipeline but that there is no PLINK version to handle it right now so they are waiting on shipping this one out to us beta sites. I promise that as I get more information, or as I am allowed to disclose more information when it crosses my desk, I'll let everyone know. Additionally, I was wanting some feedback on my book and on my Tool Kit... I'm all ears... Hope this answers some of your questions. Let me know if there is anything else.... take care and as always.... Happy Clipping... Ss Message #1474 To STEVE STRALEY 10-10-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be great if you had a section on network Clipper. The detail you provided on compiling and linking was great and a section done in that vein on networking would be very helpful. The Clipper manual was disorganized. I have just completed my first network application after many years workin in single-user Clipper, and NOW I understand what the Clipper manual is trying to convey. But I had to flounder around to get it done. The fundamentals of networking may be available elsewhere but so are the fundamentals of compiling and linking. A presentation of the fundamentals of networking from a Clipper point of view is needed. -Ron Landberg p.s. I bought your book and have found it useful and worth the money to me. Thanks. Message #1475 To STEVE STRALEY 10-10-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)DATE INDEX HELP ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't see any earlier message referring to the transform() function. Could you possibly explain again how you would use that function to include q date field in an index key expression? Message #1476 To KELLY STANONIK 10-10-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject CLOCK PROBLEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly - If your clock keeps on ticking your program will take a licking! The problem you are having with the (Q/A/I) exit and CLOCK, is a redirected interrupt vector is not being restored and it hangs when that interrupts code is overwritten. You might try a kluge like treating your program as if it were a TSR, that is run something like MARK before and RELEASE after. This assumes that you will not overwrite the clock routine when you load and run RELEASE. See the file TSRCOM25.ARC if you wanta try it. A better way is for you to send me your address via a private message and I will mail you a CLOCK.OBJ that contains a first class CLOCK() with all bells and whistles including alarming at specified time, etc. It will restore its interrupt vector on any exit including (Q/A/I). Give this a try, its works real well for me. Harry Message #1482 To RON LANDBERG 10-12-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the comment. Yes I note the need to an extensive section on networking and will be finishing my second book totally on the subject. Needless to say, a complete book on Networking meant that it was too large to fit into one book by itself. I've tried to explain this fact from the publishing point of view: the book would have been too much to make and profits too low that only I would have the complete guide on my shelf. I hope that the generaly audience can understand this and appreciate the effort in trying to offer the complete word on the compiler. By the way, my co-author on the subject is someone who helped write the networking routines for Clipper. We are going to address the issue from a topological point of view, converting exisiting applications, writing applications from scratch, trick and tups, as well as general rules and approaches to writing code in a networking environment. Like I said, it is over 400 pages by itself and includes the source code to a complete General Ledger application that runs circles around Account Mate and SBT. Hope with this, the previous book which is being updated for the new release, and a Tool Kit of utilities, programs, and sub-routnes, you will have the absolute final word on the compiler. Again, I appreciate your comments and opinions: they mean alot to me. As far as buying the book: my niece appreciates your efforts as well.. Thanks again and as always.... happy Clipping.. Ss Message #1483 To RON LANDBERG 10-12-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)DATE INDEX HELP ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Certainly... Using the transform function in an index expression is far better than using the SUBSTR() or the STR() functions. This is especially true when converting to a string expression in an index key or when adding a constant to the index key ( something like amount + 1000.00 ). Since the PICT clause is firmly in place in the compiler, far better than the STR() and ROUND() functions, the TRANSFORM() function takes the constant and the numbers and the dates and is able to convert them internally in the PICT logic to string expressions. Since the TRANFORM() function formats a precise picture of the expression, the key will always be updated properly and thus, SEEKS will be performs as assumed and expected. An example of this would be in an accounting application, trying to put the order of amounts in the transaction file in reverse order, starting with the highest amount decsending to the lowest. The way I do it, and the way that always works, is as follows: INDEX ON TRANSFORM(999999999999999 - amount_due, "999999999999999") TO Amount. I hope this answers your question and at least, opens new and exciting possibilities for you. If there is anything else... just hollar. Happy Clipping... Ss Message #1485 To MARK NEIDORFF 10-12-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI there, I would give you an award for the most bizarre request for a function (You've beaten Abe Rice I think) I would tend to say no, just on the grounds that a function like that could be extremely dangerous, and probably would land you in hot water if you ever tampered with someones hard disk. I would suggest that you take some kind of key approach, where you had a file on the disk that you used as a password to load the program, when the program is run, then the key program is erased. You can use pdl to make this file hidden and system so it can't be seen (by ordinary mortels) on startup, just open that file, overwrite the 10 letter password, and then erase the file. ANd if there is a write protect tab, then abort and inform the user. I would strongly suggest comething simple.....Let me know if you have any other ideas?? We are starting to close down the final version. dLESKO Message #1487 To ALL 10-13-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject LE GARBAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wonder if someone just might confirm a sneaking suspicion that I have.. just finished using a routine with about 1000 array elements, and when I return to the calling program.....I get about a 15 second wait. I am assuming that this is garbage collection.....PLEASE somebody tell me that it is! (grin). Secondly, I wonder if any kind soul out there might give me a pointer or two on using the ascroll() function for scrolling array elements within a window. I don't have the SLIGHTEST idea of how to approach this. By the way....Kudos to Dirk & Steve for PDL ...not sure how I managed without it. Rob Heyman Message #1488 To ROBERT HEYMAN 10-13-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)LE GARBAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Bob. In the upcoming new release of clipper, a scrolling function will be provided. Additionally, a quick pointer as to how to use the SCROLL feature. Say you want to display records to the screen... a journal check writing program, where the distributed accounts will be individually listed to the screen as you assign the amount to different chart of accounts. As you list, you may run out of room near the bottom, especially if you write more than 20 items per check. Using the SCROLL feature, you can simply scroll up the entire screen window containing the line items while you simply put the new item on the bottom row. It will look as everything is scrolling up when simply, you're just adding new information to the last line of the window. Finally, about your ARRAY problem. It is hard to say if the stack is being re-assesed. If you have alot of elements which are larger than 22 bytes then indeed the stack must need to collect itself when your through. If your elemenets are larger than 22 bytes, a pointer is placed in the array to another section of memory containing the actual string. If it is less than 22 bytes, the element will be contained in the array itself. The more you have Clipper to go out of the parimeters of the array to re-colloect the pointers and clean itself up, the longer it will take. If you need more of an elaboration on this, don't hesitate to call. As always.... happy Clipping! Steve Straley Message #1489 To ALL 10-13-87 From BOB BROWN Subject CLIPBOARD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We came across a .dbf based clipper help system in the Dec. 86 issue of Data Based Advisor ("User Defined Validation & Context-Specific Help", Page 42). There is mentioned a help .dbf generator called "CLIPBOARD". I cannot locate the author, J. Ari Cornfeld of ARC Consulting Services. Can anyone help or indicate if this program exists on any boards? Thanks -Bob Message #1491 To RON LANDBERG 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)MEMORY USAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, most of the message is missing but I forget what the he** I was saying [grin]. RF Message #1492 To BOB HICKS 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)TEST FOR DRIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use DOScall 0eh (of INT 21h), doesn't require that the drive is ready, just tells you if you would get an invalid drive error trying to use it. Just try to select the drive and then get the default drive to see if they match (I think default drive is 19h, I forget). Of course you gotta get the default first and change back to it last. RF Message #1493 To DIRK LESKO 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)PDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How are you turning the cursor back on? I haven't found a good way to use a BIOS call that works on EGA in 43-line mode. RF Message #1494 To ERIC ROSNER 10-15-87 From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)MY CHECK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I left a message for you on the main board I believe. If this still hasn't been straightened out please call collect at 305/792-1866. My apologies. RF Message #1498 To DIRK LESKO 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From KELLY STANONIK Subject POSSIBLE CLIPPER BUG --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a program which does report printing directly to the printer. The line which actually calls the report form looks something like this: REPORT FORM &thereport FOR &thecond TO PRINT The report gets about 90% through and clipper aborts with a memory error. Have you heard of this one?? -Kelly Message #1499 To KELLY STANONIK 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)POSSIBLE CLIPPER BUG --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have not had that happen to me. I would suggest you try that same piece of code inside a test program, sometimes Clipper eats her own children. So be wary of stuff like this, the bug may not be where you think it is. initialize your two variables for the condition and the report name, and execute that same piece of code insid a test program that only contains those lines of code. Give it a shot. dLESKO Message #1501 To RUSSELL FREELAND 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL BUGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You've got till the end of Novemeber, start breathing... dLESKO Message #1502 To RUSSELL FREELAND 10-15-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used int 10h to turn it on and off, first get the cursor size, then or ch with 20h to turn it off, to turn it back on, get the cursor size, and then and ch with 20h - that way you don't have to worry about it's size. Should work.... dLESKO Message #1503 To ALL 10-15-87 From JASON MATTHEWS Subject PROCLIP V1.50 BUGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately some programming errors (bugs) have been found in the current release (Version 1.50) of PROCLIP.LIB. While not fatal, the bugs can cause serious hair loss if not corrected. Thanks to all who have beat the daylights out of the code to find these bugs. ...Jason The bug corrections are in the file PC_V150B.ARC on this system, The SOURCE aCompuServe (PROGFORUM DL8). Sorry for any problems they caused! Message #1504 To ALL 10-16-87 From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject HACKING ARRAYS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just uploaded a little text file called CLIPARRY.ARC that gives some insight on how Clipper arrays can be accessed directly in UDFs. It is a real hackers delight. - Harry Message #1505 To DIRK LESKO 10-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject EXCELLENT IDEA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just started a serious clipper application and am happy to find an information exchange on clipper in NJ. Your library is great, and my partner and I hope to participate in this conference when we need help and when we can give it. Message #1507 To ALL 10-18-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all, just wanted to know if anyone has had any experiences with AT&T 6300 computers, good or bad. Am interested in your comments since a client of mine was thinking about picking up a few. I had heard of some compatibility problems and was wondering if anyone could elaborate... You comments will be appreciated! Thanks dLESKO Message #1508 To ALL 10-19-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject MACROS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was wondering if someone might answer a quick question. I have started making extensive use of macros in several of the routines I am now writing. The routines involve scrolling array elements in a window...and I am primarily using the macros to help speed development time. I do notice that the extensive use of the macros does tend to slow the routine down considerably. OK...here is the question: I understand why in dBASE macros would tend to slow things down as the macro must be expanded by the interpreter each time the line is processed.....but why so with the compiler? Are the macroed lines not expanded once at compilation time??? Rob "wondering about compilers" Heyman Message #1509 To ROBERT HEYMAN 10-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MACROS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob, macros can not be interpreted at compile time as to their meaning when expanded at run time. Therefore, only the macro library at run-time will determine what the value of the macro will be. Since this is a run-time feature, which means after the compilation and after linking, macros in Clipper are similiar to dBASE. I say similiar becaseu they are not exact. This parallels why the LIST command (and oterhs) must have separate macros, not one giant macro wiht commas embedded. The macro CAN NOT be interpreted at compilation time, only at run time. During compilation, only a token representing the macro will be compiled. From they, Clipper let's the macro library determin the values. I go into extensive discussion about this in my book, I think around chapter 3 or chpater 9... I'm not quite sure. Message #1514 To DIRK LESKO 10-20-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have developed several LARGE clipper applications which are running successfully on IBMs and Compaqs and assorted clones as far away as Brazil and Ecuador (DOS in Portugese!). All ran fine. But they bomb out and lock up on AT&T 6300s. So far, I've not been able to find out why. The programs just lock up. No error messages. It may be the DOS, as I used OPEN256 to open 32 files.... Also, the AT&T users have reported problem with dBASE III (version 1.1) corrupting files. Problems disappeared when we switched to Compaqs and IBMs. Message #1515 To GUSTAVO GRUBBA 10-20-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject ZOOMBOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Gustavo: At long last I got to look at zoombox and think that it is great! (Especially since I see that the BIG BOYS ie. Information Builders Inc. have included almost the identical zoom in PC/FOCUS v3.0). Is it possible to unzoom a box with the current routine? If not, can you easily create a routine to take a box and zoom it to nothingness? Since I don't know assembler, even such a simple conversion is beyond me. Thanks for your great program. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1516 To HARRY GILBERT 10-20-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the info Harry, it is greatly appreciated.. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1519 To DIRK LESKO 10-21-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject MANUAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PDL is very impressive. On the REAL release, are you planning a quick reference by Type of FUnction? I am getting to know the names a bit but it would be greatly appreciated if there is a cross reference by function type. That way when an application is required, I can look at the functions I am not familiar with to get a clue. Thanks! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1520 To CLIFF CORCORAN 10-21-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MANUAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, that will be addressed. It seems that there are a lot of really good functions....if you know what they're called....I will be putting together a function list by category so that you will have an overview of all the functions on a couple of pages. Thanks for the sugg! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1521 To DIRK LESKO 10-22-87 (Rcvd) From BILL ELLIOT Subject (R)ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirk, I've used a AT&T 6300 for the past year with no significant problems. Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE, Clipper, SuperCalc, etc. (all the big-name software) runs with no problems. Some public domain stuff like SideKick clones hang it up. The only peripherals I've hooked up is an Epson printer and an internal Prometheus modem. I've been very pleased with it. Hope this comment is helpful. -- Bill L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1524 To BILL ELLIOT 10-22-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the info, apparently some funny things must go on with the ATT 6300 becuase I am getting comment that dispute each other now....But all in all I am getting the feeling that the machine was not the best of the clones when it came out, adn that many fixes had to go into it to get it more or less up to snuff. I am still leary of it.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1525 To ALL 10-23-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject AVERAGE DIVIDE BY 0 ERROR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is there a work around from a divide by 0 error when Averaging across a field(s). I can not predict always when a user may neglict to enter a set of figures. Perhaps a UDF that averages only if values exist within the scope? Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1526 To CLIFF CORCORAN 10-23-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)AVERAGE DIVIDE BY 0 ER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff, the only thing you can do is put a UDF across all of the fields to quickly test for the possible existence of a 0. Then, and only then, perform the average. If you try to put the IIF() function on the fields, Clipper will try to evaluate BOTH sides of the expression and in some cases, since that may be a zero as well, will yield a divide by zero error. Remember, Clipper doesn't know any better so either we have to program to expect the zeros, of work another way around it. Hope this is of some help... and happy clipping. Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1528 To ALL 10-23-87 From JOHN REAM Subject THANKS FOR DATE HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Happy Clients make Happy Consultants......$$$ Thanks to all who participated in my reverse date index question. John Ream ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1530 To DIRK LESKO 10-23-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject (R)EXCELLENT IDEA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have DL1B. When is the new version due to come out? Will it be compatible with the pending release of Clipper 87 in November - which I hear will be written in Microsoft C. But then, if it is in library form, it will - answer my own questions. I'll stay tuned for more info. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1532 To MARK NEIDORFF 10-24-87 (Rcvd) From GUSTAVO GRUBBA Subject (R)ZOOMBOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me think for a while. I have done something like that, and I will let you know... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1534 To DIRK LESKO 10-24-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject PDL BUG REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just received the PDL library, and in testing it, found what appear to be three problems: First, in the Table of Contents and on page 166 of the documentation, the function LTOF() is listed twice, but LTOL() is not mentioned. Second, I compiled a test pgm to exercise the LT)xx series and my Compaq 286 always hangs when I attempt to use LTOC(). Third, I tried to use the exp_mem() and ext_mem(), and got back 4K bytes with exp_mem (I have an Intel Above board with 1.5 meg assigned as RAM drive D:). What gives. I have pre-release version 2. I'll keep testing, and let you know anything else. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1535 To HARRY GILBERT 10-25-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL BUG REPORT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will check it out right away, and I will get back to you.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1536 To DIRK LESKO 10-25-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a prior message someone mentioned liking zoombox. But I've downloaded it twice and keep getting an error - "Unknown Crunching Method" - for the .ASM file. The .OBJ file seems to uncrunch ok. I assume that the .ASM file contains documentation on how the program works and obviously I cannot just link in the .OBJ file without knowing what to do. I am using PKXARC which I got from PC Magazine a long time ago and which I use with no particular problems on other .ARC files. Any ideas? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1537 To RUSSELL FREELAND 10-25-87 (Rcvd) From BOB HICKS Subject (R)TEST FOR DRIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the advice. I'll certainly give it a try. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1538 To STEVE STRALEY 10-25-87 (Rcvd) From BOB HICKS Subject THE BOOK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I keep seeing all kinds of good references to your book. Is it available in book stores (yet?) or only by direct order? I've been checking my local B. Dalton regularly and they have nothing on it. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1539 To RON LANDBERG 10-25-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why don't you download the new PKARC that is on the board now? I think it is called PKX35A35.EXE (I think) If that doesn't work, I think I have a zoombox around here somewhere that I can upload. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1544 To DIRK LESKO 10-26-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)PDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will try it. Thanks. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1545 To ROBERT HEYMAN 10-26-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)MACROS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How would you expand macros at compile-time? I mean, I guess you could, but that would throw a lot of the uses of macros out the window. RF L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1546 To RUSSELL FREELAND 10-26-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)MACROS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell......I dunno! (grin) Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1549 To HARRY GILBERT 10-26-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the message Harry. The disk with the book is a separate issue right now. Currently I'm wrapping up S.S.T. Kit (compatable with the new Clipper ONLY) which includes many new features including over 400 functions, utilities, and generated variables. The approach is that with the SST Kit, in a recent application, I was able to jiffy up my applications with it and save over 2/3 of the programming code. The disk will onclude source code for all modules including the word processor, the report generator, the scan-key library, the pop-up utilities, and more. So far it is over 7000 lines of code and growing. By the way, if there are any like-to-have's... let me know... I just may be able to squeez them in. Oh, the price is not yet determinable but it will blow people's minds. Thanks again... and Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1550 To BOB HICKS 10-26-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)THE BOOK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the kind words. Currently the book is available through the mail-order company which can be reached at 212-599-2141. If you're waiting for the Addison-Wesley version, it will (should) be out sometime the first week in November.. at least that's waht I've been told. If you have any questions or porblems... let me know and I'll look into it from my end for you. Thanks again... happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1552 To DIRK LESKO 10-27-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject SCROLLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the problem: I want to give my program some sophisticated forward-backward scrolling capability. I want to be able to select some records with several criterium, then display them on the screen sequentially, be able to scroll through them back and forth, incrementally and with PgDn, with a reverse video bar, and be able to mark any number of files displayed on the current screen, and when I am done, be able to edit each one in the sequence I selected; that is, hit enter after selecting them all with spacebar, and then go to my edit screen and see the next record come up after I am done saving the changes to the current one. Do you understand? I have seen this done in all sorts of programs written in Assembler or 'C', but cannot figure out a simple and clean way - without excessive overheard and huge memory files - to do it in Clipper. We have worked out a simple way to select records based on a bounce-bar menu at the bottom of the screen, but I am interested in jazzing up the look, feel, and convenience of using this program. If you have any ideas on this subject, or have seen it done before, I would appreciate hearing your views. Thanks. P.S. Was real impressed with the list of features in the new Library in messages 1299-1304. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1558 To ALL 10-28-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject BRIEF BBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is there anyone out there who has the phone number for Software Solutions (publishers of BRIEF editor) BBS in Mass. ?? Thanks Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1563 To DIRK LESKO 10-29-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)ATT 6300 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clipper works fine on *my* ATT 6300... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1564 To STEVE STRALEY 10-29-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- oh, no, not another function library ... I'm still trying to fully digest Dirk's ... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1565 To DIRK LESKO 10-29-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject PDL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A function suggestion: one that will read a string from the screen, starting the read at the current cursor position. Syntax something like this: string = read_from_screen(11) placing an 11 character string, from the screen, into "string". L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1566 To DIRK LESKO 10-29-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject (R)EXCELLENT IDEA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the input. The windows are not a major priority, just a needed convenience. We have done ok with mapping out our own so far, and can probably get by with what we have. I'll check out Breeze, but am more interested in your PDL library. Do you have any target date yet for availability? Some of the functions listed are in DL1B or TR.LIB, but many are new and very useful - while others looknteresting but will have to find uses later. Anyway, we want it. Let me know when you are ready to sell. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1567 To JOHN BRISTOR 10-29-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject (R)SCROLLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your help, John. I will check out your program and get back to you with thoughts. We have somewhat of a partial solution now, using a routine called SHOOT11 which does some of the same things, but needs to be customized a bit. Also helpful was the library called EXTEND22.ARC, which contains a similart point-and-shoot function. But none of these are really what we need, so while we are working with what we have, we are always looking for a better method. I'll get back to you. Thanks L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1568 To STEVE ADLER 10-29-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)EXCELLENT IDEA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve, you can get the pre-release version now from Steve at Integrated...603-382-1313...$99.00 The release version will ship in December. We are putting the final touches on it now. I know that we have duplicated some functions. But be aware that the entire library is written in %100 per cent assembly language. So it gives us a speed and code size advantage. If we duplicated something, it was to gain some speed, or to shrink the code size. It also enables you to get rid of all the little .obj and .lib files around, now you only need one to replace dl1b.lib, extenda.obj extendc.obj and extenddb.obj...Also note that the release version hits around 270 functions in all....And to hbe that i Say order now!.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1569 To JON MELTZER 10-29-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you read scr_read()??? It should be in there. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1571 To ALL 10-30-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is somewhat of a shame that clipper (and dbase) have such a limited amount of support of reports. I have looked for decent report creation utilities with out much luck. The Relational Report writer is much too big for most applications. I would think that report utilities should create a prg that one could use within an application. Have I missed some good utilities or is it open ground for programmers. A report that reads the screen then creates code would be the best. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1572 To ROBERT HEYMAN 10-30-87 From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)BRIEF BBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The number is (800) 821-2492 or (617) 337-6963 L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1573 To STEVE ADLER 10-30-87 From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)SCROLLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Steve, I wrote the SHOOT11 program your talking about. The Shoot.prg in the other program I was telling you about is a further extension of SHOOT11. If you think it needs too many modifications, let me know. Since I wrote the original code and have other variations on it, I might be able to make the necessary modifications for you with liitle effort. Let me know.... JAB L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1574 To ALL 10-30-87 From JOHN BRISTOR Subject NEW PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I have been developing systems lately in Foxbase + under XENIX and was wondering if anyone else out there has been doing the same. Also does anyone know if Clipper will be releasing a UNIX/XENIX version? . I have seen some ads for a new compiler called FORCE III that I was wondering if anyone has any input about it. ---- JAB --- L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1575 To ROBERT HEYMAN 10-30-87 From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)BRIEF BBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're asking for the bbs number, I'll second the motion. I just called their bbs (a number that I've called and connected with before) and got a recorded msg about it being disconnected. Has anything happened up there to Software Solutions and/or UnderWare? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1576 To STEVE ADLER 10-30-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)SCROLLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bY THE WAY sTEVE, I have what you are trying to do ALL in Clipper... No added overhead with C or assempler. What I have been able to do bia my POP and GOT functions is explore the PROMPT keys, STUFFING the keyboard, and SETTING KEYS to do what you're trying to do. If you'd like specifics... let me know... Happy Clipping... Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1577 To JON MELTZER 10-30-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PROGRAMMING IN CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Jon, not another library... a tool kit. This kit allows the programm to pick and choose what nifty feature he/she would like to added to his/her application. Included with this are nifty generic routines that are tedious to write over and over again.. Things like... 1> a Backup Routine (that will format a disk directly and with running the FORMAT command. 2> On-line Bug_report 3> On-Line User Definable Help. 4> On-Line Word_processor and Report/Browse Writer 5> Over 15 Pop-Utilities 6> Over 400 Function, Procedures and variables ALL IN CLIPPER!!!!! The point to this is that you can not only use these goodies, but learn and expand you r coding techinque as well. I included window popping, reverse data entry (getting the letters in a GET ot go right to left, not left to right. So this is a tool kit... a Pandora's Box filled with technology to expand your possibilities and not C/ASM code that can be real strenous to take it all in. If you have any other questions... just let me know... And as always... happy clipping... Steve STraley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1578 To CLIFF CORCORAN 10-30-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hold on Cliff.. an On-Line Report Writer for ALL clipper programer is on the way. On that lets reports to be created, saved, and on-the-fly generated by the user himself... Stay tuned for more... Oh, the size is FAR FAR less than Report writer (and much less sophisticated as well). Happy Clipping... Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1579 To JOHN BRISTOR 10-30-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW PRODUCTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- John, while I was working there there was the beginnings of a XENIX verions of Clipper, but Brian did not have the resources to continue on with it. Since then, dBMAC and the new release are major concerns (as well as the possibility of a better Blue Clipper). Honestly, I don't think Nantucket will be coming out with a XENIX version until the market is truely ripe for it... which may be ??? Hope that helps some.. Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1580 To DIRK LESKO 11-01-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That worked. Thanks. By the way, I think the set color to command in the line folowing invoking the function needs commas. When I first tested it, I got a black box instead of the `testing' message. Ichanged the set color to to a full command, i.e., R/W,R/W,BG,. This cleared the problem right up. Thanks. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1581 To ALL 11-01-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! I received in the mail from Nantucket yesterday an offer to get the new CLIPPER --- SUMMER `87 !!! The update is free, but the manual is $49 (with a warning that after Jan 1 update costs $125) They claim that with the update you get for free "a detailed change summary enumerating the new features found in SUMMER `87." I guess in case you don't buy the manual. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1582 To RON LANDBERG 11-01-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I forgot what we were talking about??? what worked?, and what function needs comma's?? (it's been awhile) dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1583 To ALL 11-01-87 From TOM WYRICK Subject NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT the last LACUG meeting, Nantucket said the the upgrades will start shipping in 2 to 3 weeks. That sounds about right as Brian has promised that the new version would be out by Comdex! Har! Anywaz, look for it real soon now - and Rettig's book will be out shortly there after............. -Tom L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1584 To ALL 11-01-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject SUMMER87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although you may have received an update notice from Clipper. I will warn you all to not get too excited. My best guess is that shipment before January '88 will be miraculous at best. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1585 To RON LANDBERG 11-01-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ron: Try the new PKARC35.EXE WHICH IS on this board. It worked uncrunching it for me. BTW there is a fix PKXARC.FIX for the 35 version. Happy zooming. Please check spelling for filenames. I'm not sure. <> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1586 To DIRK LESKO 11-02-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had trouble uncrunching zoombox.arc. You said to try the new pkxarc and that's what worked. When I ran the sample .PRG file to test zoombox, I got a black boc in the middle of the zoombox on the screen instead of the test message. In the sample prgram the line after zoombox is invoked is a SET COLOR TO command with one parameter. By adding commas to represent all paramters for SET COLOR TO < I got it to work.. I just thought if anyone else got zoombox downloaded, they might want to know that. Also, if anyone looks at zoombox.arc, could somene explain what the last parameter is -- it's described as being binary representation for attributes ( I think it must mean color attributes - but I don't know how to use or change this parameter from the documentation. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1588 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-02-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did, thanks. That did the job. If you use zoombox, maybe you could read my message #1586 and possibly answer the question there on attributes? Again, thanks. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1589 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-02-87 From BOB HICKS Subject (R)BRIEF BBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The phone number is (617) 659-1479. I haven't been on the Crief BBS for some time but it is a Fido board and runs at 1200 the last time I called. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1590 To JOHN BRISTOR 11-02-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)BRIEF BBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks John! Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1591 To STEVE STRALEY 11-02-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve.....SO????? When will this be available??? Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1592 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-02-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob, right now I am getting it ready for the new Clipper. Needless to say that I am finding out several new probelms with the new clipper. At the very moment they will be honestly shipping... so will I! Happy Clippering, L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1593 To ALL 11-02-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just thought that most of you would be curious with the new clipper. Yes there is a pseudo version in Beta, but unfortunately most of my old code is not working with this right now. There are numerous problems with CTOD(), TRIM(), SET COLOR TO, as well as new reserved words like "end". These problems are rather serious, especially in my opinion when they start restricting simple words from us. I have placed a complaint in that the variable "end" should not be restricted... if they win this, who knows what words they will restrict next. Furthermore, a 5000 line program will generate a larger segment size, so LINK (from Microsoft) will not link this even with the /SE:1024 option. Again, let me know what you think but if we have to start breaking our code up into different pieces just to fit new versions, this will create havoc... not to mention great displeasure for those poor souls who have a system using overlays. I honestly DO NOT see this version shipping out for at least a couple of months. The TRIM() and CTOD() are problems that can be corrected rather easily, however, these other problems are more severe. Compiling is MUCH MUCH faster... and the resulting .EXE is larger. < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Anyway, I thought you would like to know a brief overview on what I have found so far and what to expect. And along with those lines, I will be out with the new version of my book that covers the new compiler COMPLETELY!!! Including the new DEBUG.OBJ... all of the new feature and functions, all of the original tables, as well as new tricks and tips one can do with this version. And just for your information... this manual will be just the same as the other in price. Details on this and other goodies in the days to come. If there are ANY questions that I can answer in regards to the new compiler, new ideas, etc. Let me know... I'll get right back to you. As always... Happy Clipping... Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1594 To RON LANDBERG 11-02-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ZOOMBOX.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ron, I have not looked at the docs at all for zoombox, but it sounds like the attributes will work the same as I am handlilng them in PDL. The overall math is quite easy. Refer to your CLipper manual about set color to, there are number definitions for each color, ie 0 = black, 1 = blue, 7 = white etc etc. Those are the foreground colors. To get the background colors, take the foreground color, multiply it by 16, and add it to the foreground color to get the entire attribute. example: we want a blue background, with a white foreground blue = 1 white = 7 calculate background: 1*16 = 16 add it too the foreground: < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > 16 + 7 = 23 attribute == 23 thats all there is to it. another trick is that you can set the high intensity, or blinko=ing attributes too. to set high intensity on, add 8 to your attribute number. to set blinking on, add 128 to your attribute number. Hopefully this works for you....let me know! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1595 To DIRK LESKO 11-03-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)PDL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- you have it ?? i'm getting lost in the wealth of your functions... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1596 To JON MELTZER 11-03-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hold on to your seat because there are another 60 on the way!, and ALL of the screen stuff has been optimized to perform at blistering fast levels!....total functions are around 275 more or less, I still haven't counted em all. But now you can do anything!! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1598 To STEVE STRALEY 11-03-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve...some of what you say is rather disheartening....especially the part about "SUMMER 87" not being shipped until well into "WINTER 88"... ESPECIALLY since the upgrade letter from Nantucket says something like.. we are ready to ship.......and please plunk down some $$ for the new manual..... END is a new reserved word??? (sheeesh) Another WONDERFUL feature seems to be the increased .exe size.... I've tried to avoid using overlays in the past.....and some of my applications JUST make it.....How much larger are the files generated ny the new version? Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1599 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-03-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer87 .EXE filesize for a minimum program (no code) topped the 150k barrier. But I assume that the version tested has a lot of debugging code in it, and that won't appear in the final version. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1623 To ALL 11-07-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject MEMO FIELDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I currently am working on an application with a memo field attached to a customer master file. I would like to be able to inform the user while looking at a record, if the memo attached to that particular record is NON-blank, without having to actually choose the memoedit() function to tell. How may I test the cusmas.dbt for the existence of a memo attached to any particular record? Thanks in advance!@ Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1625 To ALL 11-08-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject MEMO FIELDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answering my own qyestion: Very simple to test for existence of an attached memo: If the memo field is called cus_memo... IF EMPTY(cus_memo) ? 'NO MEMO' ELSE ? 'MEMO' ENDIF . (SHEESH)...I had been trying to test the cus_memo field in the dbf itself....no go....any test that it seems one can perform must be done on the .dbt file itself. Thanks to Steve Straley for some excellent tips in his book "Programming In Clipper" (highly reccommended)! Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1626 To STEVE STRALEY 11-08-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve I know such things need to be "Official" as to release dates and such, but if the way is clear, perhaps a pre-release notice here and we could send our checks to be on the top of the list. Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1627 To STEVE STRALEY 11-08-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have received your book that has become my standard reference. I would be interested in upgrading when the new book is available. Will it be sold by mail as the old or are you planning on bookstore distribution? Anyway, the thoughts expressed in the last message apply. Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1628 To ALL 11-08-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been given a job where I need some pretty good advice. A device stores data in a sequential manner. By this I mean that records are appended to the last. The problem is that several different record formats are stored with a alpha numeric code designating what type of record follows. Like F100 = c,10;n,9.5 And a F200 may be a c,12;n9.5;n2 type record. The F999 codes 'targets' a particular data base that the data should end up in. The 'records ' may be of several different formats but a F100 will always have the same format. There are no cr/lf sequences but I suppose I could change the F's to that if need be. What I need to do is read the sequential file, and copy (append) records to the appropriate dBase format file based upon the structure defined by the F999 key. Any Help would be appreciated. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1629 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-08-87 (Rcvd) From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had the same type of problem moving data from a main frame to a PC. First I inserted crlf at the end of each 'F' record in the sequential file. Then I used the greatest width of an incoming record as the field length in a dBASE file. ex: . file ===> CONVERT.DBF . field ===> Field1,C, {max len} . . The next step was just to append all records into this file. A routine then must be written that parses each record in this file according to what type 'F' record was implied and then subsequently passed thru any data conversion routines and then appended to a data file whose structure matched the info needed for that particular type record. . The end result as that you have a different dbf file for each type of 'F' record and you can handle them any way you want. If you would like some examples of the one I wrote, I would be happy to upload it. --------- JAB ------- L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1630 To ALL 11-08-87 From JON MELTZER Subject FORCE III COMPILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to hear from anyone that has used the Force III dBase compiler advertised on page 17 of the November 1987 Data Based Advisor. Any comments are welcome; I'll ask specific questions later. L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1631 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-08-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds like you could benefit from my library. I have a bunch of f_* functions that will let you dip right into that sequential data and read it in as a string. Functions like: f_read() - read in bytes into a string f_seek() - position the pointer into the file f_read() will also let you read in a range, like: f_read(,) This will let you find out what kind of record to expect, and then read in the appropriate info. If you have any questions, ask Art Kohn, he uses them to write Procomm script files of all things! I also use them myself for exactly the same purpose! I needed to access mainframe data dumps. my code looks like: < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > use go bott appe blan replace fname with f_read(,15) replace lname with f_read(,20) etc. etc. let me know if you are interested. I know they will work. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1633 To DIRK LESKO 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Dirk, I sure do wish I had those routines when I was playing with those conversions. I've been looking for functions that will allow me to read directly into non dBase files. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1634 To ALL 11-09-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject UNZOOMBOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have started to use zoombox and like it. Does anyone have an modification to unzoom the box before refreshing the screen. The code is in assembler and I do not program in it or else I'd read it and hopefully could figure out how to unzoom the box.. Has anyone else already done it? L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1635 To DIRK LESKO 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject AASM FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk:, I just saw DBASE.ARC posted as ASM programs forr dBASE. Are programs like this, in general, CLIPPER compatable?? Easily changable? As good as the program tey were written for (III++) ? < Mark > L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1636 To ALL 11-09-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have any ideas on how to write in CLIPPER a .PRG that will ìct act as a simple word processor and allow selected records to have their fields Ülaced into a letter? In other words, a boiler plate letter written by the user- with fields inserted in various places in the letter- and records chosen for the letter based on a specific query c= condition. Thanks for ANY ideas << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1637 To JOHN BRISTOR 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Say, that would be just grand. I will look over the db structures and determine the longest record that i need to handle. If you have some examples handy, I certantly would appreciate a look. Thank you for the lead! Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1638 To DIRK LESKO 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I DO have your library Dirk and I must admit that I forgot about the file handling routines that you included. (Didn't need them at the time). I will re-read the descriptions that you referenced and see if they will help. Yes if you have some examples of what I need, I would surely like to see it. Gee, it is great to ask for help and be put on the right path! Appreciate the advice Dirk! Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1639 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's what this conference is all about! If you need any help, just ask, but I think the file functions are pretty straight forward. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1640 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck. I have seen this done, and know it is a bitc... I wrote my own Clipper program to write comma delimited files instead of trying to let the user write documents. I have yet to see a better word processor writeen in Clipper than let's say...Word 4.0, or Wordstar etc.... Straley is coming out with a word processor in his toolkit, why not ask him? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1641 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)AASM FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the most part yes, Clipper has gone through great pains to try and keep compatibility with dBASE code. But I have seen this effort waning with each new passing version. Pretty soon you will find that CALL will be a non item. The only problem is that dBASE restricts the function in a way that sometimes lessens it's value to a Clipper programmer. And most times anyway, the code will need a tweak or two here and there because Clipper expects certain things to be saved upon entry that sometimes are not taken care of in the dBASE version. Russell Freeland is a dBASE .BIN nut, he knows better than I do.....and he has PDL too. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1642 To JOHN BRISTOR 11-09-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You and me both! remebr when you had to use appe ... SDF ??? and then substr() to death!!...gag me....The file functions have saved me hours and hours and hours! if you have amy questions, feel free. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1647 To DIRK LESKO 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked over the f* UDF's and think they will help out quite a bit. Do you have a text find/and replace? I think that I will have to convert the CR record end with a CR/LF pair. As I will have to do this routine with every new data file received, (daily) I don't look forward to having to load a seperate editor for the task. It also would be nice to be able to search for the marker "F" then examine the next 3 bytes to access a lookup db for the record length to read. Are these tasks pretty easy or do I need to (horrors) go out of the clipper program to prepare the data file. Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1648 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rob, what do you mean "plunk down some $$ for a new manual"? My newest version of my book covers EVERYTHING about the new release, so what is the point? As far as the "SUMMER 87" being shipped it may very well seem like "WINTER 88" when in reality it will be WINTER 87. But i, now on the other side of the coin, am very tired of "another two weeks". When you casually pass by the fact that END is a reserved word, I must ask then when is the limit going to be placed. The point of coming out with better compiler is to make existing applications better. One should not have to worry about existing code no longer working. And seeing no practicle advantage for having a END terminate a DO CASE, a DO WHILE, or an IF, then I must ask why should the variable be restricted. The same can now be said for the MEMORY(0) function, which is no longer as it was. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1649 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry about the two messages, I had to re-read your last message. The increase in size is roughly 5 - 15 %. At this point it is very difficult to say any more seeing that there are a few problems that need to be ironed out first before I can really test the product. The main problem right now is with the TRIM() function, and I use that alot. One last note, just from personal experience. When I was there, I too told people "we are ready to ship" when in fact, we wern't. It is not unlike anyone to pre-relase a version before it is actually ready. Is it worth having right now? I believe so, because the only way the REAL problem will come out of the wood-work is by the entire community working with it. But as far as releasing goes, and based on gut intuition and part experience, I would say a good window to shoot for will be between December 15th and December 31. Merry Xmas to all, and to all, a good night.... so to speak. Thanks for the questions and comments, Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1651 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FORM OR REPORT HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff, tell you what... I'll upload my initial response to Nantucket to this bulliten board. In the next couple of days, I'll outline the pros and cons of the new relase. Truthfully, there are not too many cons... just getting tired of "another two weeks". My gut instinct says Mid-December, but this next beta relase will tell the tale. Stay tuned tomorrow for the list, and again, thanks for the question. Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1652 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the kind words Cliff. Yes, Addison_Wesley has picked up the book and will be sold in bookstores across the land in the frist couple of weeks in December. Additionally, a newer version of the book is being worked on with all new beefier tips, examples, outlines and reference materials. This should be out sometime in early spring, later winter (depends how energetic I can get). The library/tool kit will be out by the first day Nantucket ships the newest relase of Clipper, and my second book is in the works. That should give you a rough outline as to my holiday plans (work...work...work.) Thanks again, Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1653 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-10-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO, I did not do a text find and replace because I know that the new Clipper already has one (called str_tran()) You can however write your own Clipper program to convert all those chr(13) to chr(13)+chr(10). make sure that indeed the lines do not end in a cr/lf combo. To make the translatation utility, just open the file, create a new file and use the command f_readbyte(). copy the bytes from the old file to the new file, and if you finf a chr(13), then write out a cr/lf pair to the new file. That's all there is to it. Give it a shot, you will be amazed at how simple you could do search and replace in a file. code something like this: do whil .not. f_eof(handle1) mem1 = f_readbyte(handle1) if mem1 = 13 f_write(handle2,chr(13)+chr(10)) < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > else f_write(chr(mem1)) endif enddo f_close(handle1) f_close(handle2) uinderstand??? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1654 To STEVE STRALEY 11-10-87 From JON MELTZER Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What have they done to MEMORY(0) ?? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1655 To STEVE STRALEY 11-10-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve: I wish I had known about YOUR new version before I sent $$ to A-T (er...Nantucket (amazing how I got the two mixed up)).....or before I had plunked down $$ for your OLD version! (grin)..(sigh...is there never an end to updates!) Rob L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1657 To DIRK LESKO 11-11-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well I think so.... I will print out your advice and run some test, looks pretty straight forward after I get the logic straight in my own mind. Appreciate the help. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1658 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-11-87 (Rcvd) From KELLY STANONIK Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, at least Winter '87 (grin), lets not ask for another year of this!! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1659 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-11-87 From KELLY STANONIK Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well-- Set up the various databases with structures to match each of the formats you've given (including the Fnnn format number), then do an individual append for each one. USE DATA1 APPEND FROM your_file FOR format_num = 'F001' SDF USE DATA2 APPEND FROM your_file FOR format_num = 'F002' SDF USE DATA3 APPEND FROM your_file FOR format_num = 'F003' SDF You get the picture. This will work correctly (assuming each record is terminated by a cr/lf) Of course, I could have misunderstood your entire message... -kms < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1664 To ALL 11-11-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Nantucket should wait a few more months, get ALL the bugs out, and then call it Summer88, maybe that way they'll be on time! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1665 To ALL 11-11-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All: In browsing around the roundtable discussions at the last NYMCUG meeting, I overheard Steve Straley (as I recall) talking about some reasons for the .EXE file size of clipper files. The thread of the discussion was that there was a design decision made at Nantucket about whether the library routines to do various things would need to be specified by the programmer in a header of each(?) .PRG file or whether the compiler would do the work. Vote for the compiler and all libraries get put into one HUGE .EXE file, and code would be compatible with DBASE III; vote for the programmer and we would have smaller .EXE files, but more tedious programming chores such as creating a header based on what keywords are in each .PRG file. Guess who won at Nantucket!!(grin){sorry, make that groan} Now the question: ARE WE STUCK WITH THIS? May I propose that the CLIPPER people on the board, when they read this message just drop me a reply here about whether they would, given the choice, vote for smaller files, or "easier programming." BTW in case you haven't figured out the punchline yet, how difficult do you think it would be < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > to write a small utility in 'C' or 'ASM' to read our .PRG files and automatically insert the proper INCLUDE (header) statements into the code? If you guessed real easy you figgered it all out. Based on your replies, I will, or will not draft a letter to Nantucket expressing our views (as a large group of CLIPPER professionals) on the subject. If the letter gets drafted, I'll post it here and ask for comments before sending it out. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1666 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-11-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark........INCLUDES! (need you ask?) But is it possible that Nantucket listens more to their community of developers than does A-T ?? Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1668 To ALL 11-12-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject ZOOMBOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am using Zoombox, which I downloaded form here. The height & width parameters don't seem to work. The source code states that height can be as small as 4 lines. I cannot get that parameter to work set less than 6. Also, have similar problem in width parameter. Also, it doesn't appear to be making the right soze box even with parameters over 6. Does anyone use Zoombox who can help me? Is it possible that the version here has been upgraded and not made available here? L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1669 To STEVE STRALEY 11-12-87 From RON LANDBERG Subject LARGE .EXE FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have written a half dozen large CLIPPER applications and all but one have not used overlays. I have never had a failure for using too much memory (and some of these applications run up in the high 200K range). I have not noticed any other problems. It would be nice if you and the others who understand it would hold a discussion on memory usage. For example what does it mean to have a 300K application with 10 screen save memory variables running in 640K? L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1670 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-12-87 From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Mark, Re your 1636 You can use memo fields to store form letters that contain macros which use information in that or some other database to be filled in at the time the letter is printed. Here is the secret - macros ONLY work on memory variables, and will thus will NOT work on fields. But, not to fear, just declare the field to be a memory variable and all will be well. Example: If your DBF contains a field called ADDRESS, just execute the statement, address = address before you expand the macro. Go into dBASE, open a DBF containing field name ADDRESS, and try ? "&address" and get &address, then execute address=address and again try ? "&address" and this time you get printed out the contents of the address field of the current record. Whee... If you SKIP then ? "address" and ? "&address" will be different, the memory variable still contains the address contained in the prior record. Gosh, golly and gee whiz, you just gotta exectute that old address=address statement each time the database is moved. . Oh, one other little detail, Clipper chokes on evaluting a long < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > macro so SubString your memo field into chunks about 200 chars long. Now, thats not so hard, is it? . I have a commercial application that uses six databases at one time to supply macros used in documents stored as memo fields. This can be up to 6*1024 = 6144 different macros! - WoW! I ended up with 5 or 6 short C routines that allow batch mailing comments to be typed in at set-up time, and then parse the memo field, expand the macros, marginate, justify, and paginate a finished document for each record selected from the primary DBF by using a custom query module. It was just too slow and complex in all Clipper code but quick and neat using the C routines to feed information to Clipper. It uses a point and shoot interface to select the fields. . If you wanta see the critter actually work, give me your address in a private message and I'll mail you a demo. . When used with the MemoEdit() editor, such gimmicks can be quite powerful. I am considering doing a Clipper generic report writer using the same principles. I have never liked to use R&R report with Clipper. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > IDORFF 11-12-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Mark, Re your 1636 You can use memo fields to store form letters that contain macros which use information in that or some other database to be filled in at the time the letter is printed. Here is the secret - macros ONLY work on memory variables, and will thus will NOT work on fields. But, not to fear, just declare the field to be a memory variable and all will be well. Example: If your DBF contains a field called ADDRESS, just execute the statement, address = address before you expand the macro. Go into dBASE, open a DBF containing field name ADDRESS, and try ? "&address" and get &address, then execute address=address and again try ? "&address" and this time you get printed out the contents of the address field of the current record. Whee... If you SKIP then ? "address" and ? "&address" will be different, the memory variable still contains the address contained in the prior record. Gosh, golly and gee whiz, you just gotta exectute that old address=address statement each time the database is moved. . Oh, one other little detail, Clipper chokes on evaluting a long < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > c macro so SubString your memo field into chunks about 200 chars long. Now, thats not so hard, is it? . I have a commercial application that uses six databases at one time to supply macros used in documents stored as memo fields. This can be up to 6*1024 = 6144 different macros! - WoW! I ended up with 5 or 6 short C routines that allow batch mailing comments to be typed in at set-up time, and then parse the memo field, expand the macros, marginate, justify, and paginate a finished document for each record selected from the primary DBF by using a custom query module. It was just too slow and complex in all Clipper code but quick and neat using the C routines to feed information to Clipper. It uses a point and shoot interface to select the fields. . If you wanta see the critter actually work, give me your address in a private message and I'll mail you a demo. . When used with the MemoEdit() editor, such gimmicks can be quite powerful. I am considering doing a Clipper generic report writer using the same principles. I have never liked to use R&R report with Clipper. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1671 To KELLY STANONIK 11-12-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SEQUENTIAL FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hummm, That may be the most easiest (sigh most easiest indeed) way to do the task. All I need to do is a replace ment of the cr with a cr/lf pair. Shoot, I feel silly, could not see the forest fro the trees! I really appreciate the tip., I think you hit it! Regards CLiff P.S. I have said it before, but I really love this forum! cc L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1674 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-12-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know how many times I have told them about that???? The method you mention is not even necessary. There is absolutely no reason to have to use an include statement. Clipper should only call in what gets called from the compiled program. The only time you get into trouble is inside a macro expansion. If you want to execute a function inside a macro, that function better be available. To alleviate this with external libraries, Clipper has the external command. My suggestion is to only include functions that Clipper absolutely needs to run, plus any functions that are explicitely called AND any function declared external. Most programmers know which functions they will be including in macro expansion, if at all, so declaring 3 or 4 functions as external is noooo problem. This is THE method to use, but the idiots at Nantucket don't spend enough time programming in Clipper to know that. responses???? < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1675 To DIRK LESKO 11-12-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nantucket is out of time. If Force III is what it claims to be, I'm switching. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1676 To ALL 11-12-87 From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject FORCE III --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * HATE * to bring this up in this CO, but has ANYONE out there had any experience with Force III (I am intrigued to say the least). Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1677 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was considering getting R&R (after a disastrous purchase of the nearly useless QUICKREPORT). Why don't you like to use it with CLIPPER? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1678 To RON LANDBERG 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had the misfortune of buying the RR. The run time required is very big, so only small to medium size applications could use it. It is a great idea, but I think a smaller (if less nimble) report gen program is needed that can code into a application. Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1679 To ALL 11-13-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to create a spread sheet effect for an application. I have a rectangular grig where I display the memvars corresponding to several records and fields. (About 12 records X 7 fields). I would "Like" to be able to move the cursor to a memvar mark it in some way then move it to another location. The grid totals would recalc (udf's I suppose) and the new set up available for the operator. The problem with standard GET routines is that you start at one end and step through all the gets in the order programmed. It would be my desire to be able to use the cursor arrow keys to move up and down, rearranging as needed and perhaps (is there a Santa?) of adding the 'marked' variable to a variable already occupying a position. A B C D E F G 1 5 6 9 2 3 7 14 2 3 1 2 4 9 Etc Etc. The first answer I come up with of course is a procedure that somehow steps through the deal. Is there a UDF or Procedure that simulates the 2 dimensional matrix (array) .AND. gives the cursor < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > control that I would need to give this model a Lotus like user interface. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1680 To JON MELTZER 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be careful, The guys that did Force III had some product out a while back that purported to be dBASE compatible, and it wasn't. Also, Force III I hear is some kind of memory resident type deal?? I have not heard too much about it, but I too am keeping my ears open. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1681 To ALL 11-13-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, has anyone had any experiences with Multitech modems?? I need to order a bunch of modems, and was thinking of Multitech. They gave the best price on 2400b. However, I got one to test, and it works in some machines, but not in another. A quick call to all manufacturers involved results in a whole lot of finger pointing. Does anyone have the real lowdown on Multitech? I would like to hear from you....Should I buy, or cancel..... Thanks, dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1682 To DIRK LESKO 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE BADARACCO Subject CTRL-END KEY DURING READ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ctrl-End key seems to return the scan code of 23, which is the same as Ctrl-W. However, during a READ the Ctrl-End Key will take you to the last current GET. I have a program run by a VALID which issues a "KEYBOARD Chr(18)+Chr(23)" statement. I had hoped this would cause a combination of PgUp and then jump to the last READ following the PgUp. Of course, the Chr(23) did not emulate the Ctrl-End. Can you tell me how Clipper is redefining the Ctrl-End combination, and whether there is any other way to cause a jump to the last GET using the "KEYBOARD" command? As always, thank you VERY MUCH for your time! --Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1683 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE BADARACCO Subject CTRL-END KEY IN READ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ctrl-End key seems to return the scan code of 23, which is the same as Ctrl-W. However, during a READ the Ctrl-End Key will take you to the last current GET. I have a program run by a VALID which issues a "KEYBOARD Chr(18)+Chr(23)" statement. I had hoped this would cause a combination of PgUp and then jump to the last READ following the PgUp. Of course, the Chr(23) did not emulate the Ctrl-End. Can you tell me how Clipper is redefining the Ctrl-End combination, and whether there is any other way to cause a jump to the last GET using the "KEYBOARD" command? As always, thank you VERY MUCH for your time! --Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1684 To HOWARD KAPUSTEIN 11-13-87 From STEVE BADARACCO Subject CTRL-END KEY IN READ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ctrl-End key seems to return the scan code of 23, which is the same as Ctrl-W. However, during a READ the Ctrl-End Key will take you to the last current GET. I have a program run by a VALID which issues a "KEYBOARD Chr(18)+Chr(23)" statement. I had hoped this would cause a combination of PgUp and then jump to the last READ following the PgUp. Of course, the Chr(23) did not emulate the Ctrl-End. Can you tell me how Clipper is redefining the Ctrl-End combination, and whether there is any other way to cause a jump to the last GET using the "KEYBOARD" command? As always, thank you VERY MUCH for your time! --Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1685 To DIRK LESKO 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk: Mark Seiden, the SYSOP h´as experience with MULTITCH here on the BOSS. He posted a message on the CLANG conf. about it a while ago. Please let me know what you find out. From hitting the Mags. to try Ýo sort the MODEM mess out, i it seems that they are basicallly simple beasties. BUT, even though the MAGS test all sorts of them, and aue ad naÄ®ßÖSµÙÎWF{seum oveßr ßÜÈ]testß py*ocedures, the fact seems to be that there ½Jº+is variabliity between samples from the same manufacturer .ß¾'ß (I gleaned this afrom readßÚOÊng Òetween the lines) F/rom the state of this message, do you see why I'm asking for feedback from you when you hear? OTHER ISSUES: My idea of a note to NANTUCKET. Many voices speak louder than one and just may get heard, or listened to. On- ¶fźËÐ $4R*ÕjO·ìmßv¿|ÕeÜhing that I did n¾'5oKß[)]s>­0Óa}ª 9öy³BÅ˹]»oIß/?W.´ÀÈS OS/2 et al completely cön this issue? << Mark >> < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1686 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-13-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your last message was full of gobbledygook, I got the part on the modems, but not on Nantucket (We have been in contact with F. Ho on many issues and have been trying to get them to change a few things). dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1688 To DIRK LESKO 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From RICHARD STREETER Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- My experience with MultiTech has been all good. I'm talking bout the model 224E. Howver they have a toll free tech line with no charge and they have sent me free updates of there ROM. All in all they are the best company I have ever dealt with. Unfortunately I can't comment on the model 2400B but I hope what I've said may be of some help. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1690 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)FORCE III --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I called Force III yesterday - yes, they have a true compiler, support all dBase III commands except the interactive stuff (MODIFY/BROWSE etc), do not support macros (no more macro processor overhead!), allow UDFs ... They say that other languages can be linked in; unfortunately, I have not found out yet which ones. (Presumably Microsoft or Lattice C, certainly assembler). They did say that they do not support the Clipper C UDF calling conventions. Release date is mid-December. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1691 To DIRK LESKO 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The memory resident dBase clone is Hardrunner (I believe that's the name, they had an ad on the inside cover of the latest dBased Advisor). The Force III person I talked to claimed that the product was a true compiler and said nothing about memory resident kludges. What other product did the Force III people produce? I'd like to hear anything that this conference has to say, positive or negative, about the company. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1692 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe you should get a new modem :-) L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1693 To DIRK LESKO 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject MESSAGE 1691 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- just looked it up -it's "FrontRunner" L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1694 To ALL 11-14-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject LIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, to all of you who have PDL.LIB.....We are changing the name to avoid a conflict with 'another' vendor that uses a name similiar to ours. Seems he got there first so we don't want to ruffle his feathers (especially since our product is soooo much better than his...) So, when you receive the release version, It will be under the name: The Integrated Development Library for Clipper. ANd it will be marketed by, naturally, Integrated Development Corp.\ There are appox. 100 new functions, and expanded documentation of some of the more trickier functions. We now include full DOS and BIOS interrupt support, the creation of 'virtual' screens in memory, expanded file functions, expanded printer support, expanded comm port support, expanded string support and much more. So, from now on, I will be using the initials IDL instead of PDL, or as some of the users put it....IDLibrary.... < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Work is almost complete on printing and all that, so Christmas may come a little early for you pre-release owners. Look for our ad in the upcoming Databased advisor, as well as a series of reviews and articles scheduled for upcoming issues......So glad to have you all around, your a terrific bunch. Thanks for all your help and suggestions in getting IDL into it's present form. By the way (btw), All but 3 function requests were written into the library. All the best.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1695 To DIRK LESKO 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, now that the phone company is being al little better, m idea is to give uss on the BOSS a bigger voice in contacting NANTUCKET than individual developers. Possibly a letter with MANY names may get some people listening. Or, maybe talking quietly to one or two selected people will get the job done too. It does seem that we should let our feelings be known, if people are willing to speak (softly) up. My other thought on this same thread is that maybe with OS/2, this would not be such a big issue. After all, everyone may have gigabite machines, running multitasks etc. and möaybe we should just wait it all out.?? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1696 To JON MELTZER 11-14-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or a new phone line and a new modem!!(Let's see, just how soon is December??, hmmmmmm...) << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1697 To STEVE STRALEY 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From ABE RICE Subject PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Steve, A couple of weeks ago, I ran into someone who said that you had given him a really hot tip. It was that one can use UDF within the picture clause. I was trying to do this tonight (if state $ usa then zip pict '99999' else zip pict 'xxxxxxx') but I cannot get this working. Can you shed some light on this here. Thanks Abe L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1698 To DIRK LESKO 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)LIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could you tell us (once again) how to order the IDL. Address, check made out to, etc.? Cost? If we order now, will we get a manual and when would we get the Lib? . On the subject of NEW CLIPPER and IDL: You've said that the IDL will be compatible with the new version of CLIPPER. Will it also be and/or stay compatible with the current CLIPPER? . Is it possible that the new CLIPPER will be so buggy that it will be advisable to stay with the present CLIPPER version even after the new one is out? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1699 To ABE RICE 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never thought of it before myself. So I went out and tried it. What should work is: @ xx,yy get zip pict iif(stat $ usa,'99999','XXXXXXXX') . What an absolutely neat idea!! I bet I can figure out how to use this gem. Thanks to Steve Straley if you were the one to figure that out. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1700 To DIRK LESKO 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am getting really interested in getting the library. From some of the discussions, it sounds like there is enough functions to allow for a window-like environment. Is that true? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1701 To RON LANDBERG 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did we all miss this until now?? So obvious ... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1703 To JON MELTZER 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From HOWARD MARKS Subject (R)FORCE III COMPILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force III is not yet released. I spoke to them at COMDEX and they have been convinced that releasing it without UDFs and VALID would be suicidal. So we wait. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1704 To DIRK LESKO 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From HOWARD MARKS Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the tests I did at PC the Multitechs were the cream of the crop (See the 5/12 issue) I didn't test the internals however. I'm a big fan of error correcting modems in general and Class 5 MNP or V-Series specifically since you get compression to boot. . L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1705 To RON LANDBERG 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, that is true. The release version has a set of functions that allow you to create virtual screens. This differs from Windows in the sense that the windows are not maintained for you, they are maintained by you. Utilizing a few Clipper functions, you can create the necessary w_open(), w_close(), w_move(), and even zoombox() if you wanted to. Rather than say I do windows (which I don't), I have incorporated into the library the necessary tools to do it yourself. That way you do not need spend 100 bucks getting a window library, and then another 100 bucks getting a general purpose library. For example, to create a virtual screen, frame it, and title it, you would execute the following code: mem_var = init_scrn(10,10,20,50,) This initializes a screen, You can give it an optional color to use. Now, to put a border around it we can say: mem_var = frame_scrn(mem_var,,) < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > now the variable contains a screen with a frame around it. To put a title on the first line, centered of course: mem_var = title_Scrn(mem_var," This is the title",) Now we have a screen with a title and a border. If we wanted to write inside the 'window' we code: mem_var = puts_scrn(,,mem_var,"Text to write",) Where and are the row and column inside the screen to write at. Now we have a screen with a title, a border, and text inside it. All we need to do to display this 'window' is use the familiar rest_scrn() - restore screen function. Since the window was initialized at row 10, column 10, if we code the following: rest_scrn(mem_var) then the screen we created in memory will pop onto the screen at the coordinates it was initialized to. If we wanted to, we could put the window somewhere else by giving rest_scrn() an additional row and < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > column like this: rest_scrn(mem_var,,) That lets us put screens anywhere, and even move them through the use of for/next loops. So, there you have the screen building system. It as very fast, and easy to understand. There are only 7 functions in the entire system. This method lets you create your screens, and then optionally save them in text files, memo files, arrays and just about anyway you can save a memory variable. It is a rather neat little system. If you are interested, give Steve Steiner a call at 603-382-1313. The library costs $99.00 and we will be shipping the release verions in December. Thanks for your interested, hope to hear from you again. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1706 To ALL 11-15-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject IDLIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To answer some concerns about the Integrated library.... First off, to order, contact Steve Steiner at 603-382-1313. You can order it COD, or you can send a check for $99.00. Steve will ship your copy out right away. Now, I have been geting questions concerning the new Clipper and release verions, pre-release versions etc. I will try and answer all concerns right now. AS all pre-relase owners know, the pre-release comes only on disk. The manual is contained in a text file, so it has to be printed out. When the release version is launched, the manual will be in a binder like you clipper manual, and the source code for the entire library will be on diskette. (the pre-release version did not contain source). Now the important part....ALL registered pre-release owners will receive FREE, the release version with the new manual, and all additional functions that have been included since the release version. There have been substantial additions to the library, and they will be yours at no extra cost. I beleive the total function < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > count is around 310 functions. So, if you purchase the pre-release, you will receive the release version no matter what. Second, I have been getting a lot of questions about the new Clipper. We have the library working under the new Clipper. Unfortuanately, Nantucket does not have the new Clipper working under the new Clipper, So, we are holding back on releasing anything for the Summer87 version of Clipper until they release it themselves. At this point, there are still many problems, and god knows what stuff Nantucket will change between now and then. So, to be safe, we will beieive it when we see it. At that ime, we will ship out a new disk with a version compatible with the new Clipper. We will also keep available the Autumn86 version for safety. We beleive that until all the bugs are ironed out, Autumn86 will still be in wide use. We also offer Autumn86 users almost all of the functions that Summer87 is purporting to have. SO therefore, there will bw no penalty for using Autumn86. In fact, there are some gains in using Autumn86 and the IDlibrary, for example, the new file system that will be included in SUmmer87 can already be had in Autumn86 with IDL. The best thing is that IDL's file functions that duplicate the SUmmer87 functions are 40% smaller in code size, therfore cutting down on the .EXE file size you wil end up with. I won't even mention speed here either. So, I can assure you that all is well in IDL land, I just wish < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Nantucket would put their feet firmly on the ground, this indecision id is driving us developers nuts! - So, If you like the functions in IDL, there is no reason for not picking up a copy right away. You will start benefitting right away. ANd within a few weeks, the fulkl version will be available with no hitches, like it should be. Hope to be hearing from you! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1708 To DIRK LESKO 11-15-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)IDLIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (GRIN)..ok! I get it! with IDL I don't need Summer 87! (er.. Winter 88.. or is it Fall 87 ??) Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1709 To RON LANDBERG 11-16-87 (Rcvd) From HARVEY CETRON Subject (R)COMPAQ 386 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe that the Compaq uses a separate video mapping chip and therefore does not use RAM for the video. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1714 To DIRK LESKO 11-16-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject PDL IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk: Fine time for me to notice, but in my release of the PDL (aka IDL) a function is referenced on page 4 in the APRINT() function, but it is not in the TABLE OF CONTENTS, or anywhere else in the book. WHAT HAPPENED TO set_attr()??? Is this function supposed to change the screen attributes in a specific region of the screen? Will it be in my update? Is it a 'feature function' of the pre-release {there but undocumented? I didn't look.} AS the person who suggested the weirdest function (of the 3 that were not included), how about a second chance? Not tooooo late is it?? How about a box zooming function that works both in, and out and gives some control of speaker sound (on/off, pitch?, tone?!!?) Thanks for the advice. I'm taking it to heart, but I still like the frills. (I guess I'll grow up some day too) See you soon at NYMCUG. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1715 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-16-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PDL IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You caught us there, yes there is a set_attr() that will set the attributes directly on the screen. In the pre-release it only did one location, but in the release version you will be able to specify a box coordinate to change. It works really nice and fast. Sorry, you were bump from the first spot on the weirdest function....We got a new one the other day, something like: ? slots() get this, a function that returns the number of full SLOTS on the PC, AND what kind of card was in it.....And it was a real request..... Speak to you soon. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1716 To ART KOHN 11-16-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)BOOGERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art, the release version will be out oficially in a couple of weeks, so sit tight, it's a comin! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1717 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-16-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)IDLIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the idea, and even when you get the 'new' version, we'll still be faster!!! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1718 To DIRK LESKO 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From ABE RICE Subject IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk Will those of us with prerelease ver of IDL get the real thing any sooner? will there be a function for exploding boxes?? I left a post about doing a udf withing a picture, and Steve (Steiner) if you all listening you confirmed it when I spoke with you a while ago but I cannot seem to get it to work. If anyone can tell me how this si suposed to work? Someone mentiond that iif would work, I tried that too and I could not get it working. thanks abe L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1720 To DIRK LESKO 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are there any functions in IDL to intercept the dreaded errors that result in the even more dreaded `Q/A/I' ? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1722 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE BADARACCO Subject (R)CTRL-END KEY IN READ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much, Harry! I guess I will have to do a series of down-arrows to the end of the READ. By the way, I heard a rumor about a Turbo-style development environment for Clipper. Is that coming with Summer '87 or is it still a pipe dream? It seems like there would be a lot of trouble handling overlays while compiling in memory, don't you think? So long and thanks again. ---Steve. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1723 To ALL 11-17-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject FUNCTION KEYS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In regards to my last question (spread sheet effect) I may have a lead that I would like some feedback on. Can I use the Function keys to read where I am on the screen and make movements, additions, deletions etc from within a read? I would have a series of gets, arranged in a matrix muck like a 123 spreadsheet. I need to be able to move up/down/left/right in that matrix, changing values until the user is satisfied. When done, and a confirmation, I would like the new values to replace the old values. If not confirmed, I would like the original values to remain. The matrix would be seven cols by 12 rows. Each row would correspond to a database record with the fields shown in the seven cols. I would like to be able to position the curson on a value, and then "move" it to another location, adding the moved value to one already there if the 'cell' is not blank. I think I am not seeing the forest for the trees as this is probably not too hard once a clear method comes apparant. Ideas Please! Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1724 To JON MELTZER 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- They have taken the MEMORY() function and forced it to always return a 0, so if you test for memory allocation/availability... sorry. My tool kit has a function that rill replace the MEMORY() function call; however, it is called MEMRY()... they still have their function in their tables. Happy Clipping.... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1725 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That o.k. Bob... the new book is still MUCH MUCH different. I will cover every aspect of the new compiler, offer new enhanced versions of all of the software, and I will place new examples for EVERY command and function. Additionally, there may be a discount to the tool kit with the purchase of the new edition... I'm learning the fine art of maketer-manship. As far as the idea of updates and upgrades... what I want to accomplish with each version is to teach people how to think in Clipper. Unlike yourself, most are still new to the Clipper language and each version of the book will tutor them. Many people, on the higher end of the scale, thought the old book was too fundamental... and it was. The new one will not be, and there is where the two books will be invaluable. I can understand you view, but in order the properly educate the general public, there must be a conceise, planned, organized effort to accomplish this goal. Hope this clears up the mystery. And as always... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1727 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that you are aware that in my future Tool Kit, an on-line, simple report writer will be avilable and will allow the user to customize his own reports, or you (the programmer) can pass parameters to generate a report automatically. Right now, it's 23K and I have it running in all of my systems. Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1728 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff... have you looked at dONE, TWO THREE... I think it solves your problem/question. Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1729 To ABE RICE 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abe, you have to make sure that with that version of the function, only 9's and commas really worked; additionally, you must pass the NAME of the variable on which the GET is being performed, not the variable itself. If you look at the function, it tried to macro the variable (GET) which can't if it is passed by value. Pass it by reference and things should work o.k. Let me know and I'll take it from there. Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1730 To RON LANDBERG 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are welcome Ron... I came across it trying to write a Hebrew word-processor for Simon Misels... a friend of mine who origiannly tried to get me to come east and work for him. Thanks to his need, the function was possible. The new version of my tool kit allows for dates, character fields, numeric fields as well. Again, thanks... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1731 To ALL 11-17-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject SST KIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, a brief update on the Tool Kit. It will be shipped when the new Clipper is ready. Aditionally, here is just a few statistics about the tool kit. There are over 15000 lines of PURE Clipper code. The documentation includes examples and sample programs that illustrate each new technique/idea. There are over 500 procedure/pop-up windows, routines/functions/variables that drive all systems. Unfortunately, I don't have a price on this since that's not my expertise and the publishing firm hasn't come up with one. I am taking suggestions and ideas and will credit those individuals appropraitely. Hope to hear from you all soon, and as always... Happy Clipping... Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1733 To RON LANDBERG 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercepting the Q/A/I mesage can be very hazardous to your programs health. While it is possible to intercept it, I would not recommend it. If there is something causing a Q/A/I, then you should fix it somehow. Clipper handles a lot of errors horribly, and if you were to continue with your program without addressing the error, you could lose lots of data. A print example is with index files. Once you have a problem with an index file, that's it, Clipper usually never recovers. I have left a message on how to subvert the Q/A/I message. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1734 To ABE RICE 11-17-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as we have the manuals printed and the copies made, the pre-release owners will be the first to get it. AS far as functions go for exploding boxes, yes, all you have to do is use a for next loop, and stick the new abox() command inside of it, and you can make the boxe exploce yourself. If you want to do a UDF on a get without the picture clause, use the valid statement, and make sure you always return true (.T.) if you don;t want to stop the get....ie: @ 10,0 say "Enter data: " get mem_var valid my_udf() read where my_udf() is: func my_udf ?? chr(7) && print a beep < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > return(.T.) That should work for you. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1735 To ALL 11-17-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject INTERCEPTING Q A I --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To all who have asked how to avoid the Q/A/I message, I will tell you, as long as you understand that it is not infallible. I have not put it up because in most cases, Clipper still messes up too much to recover, You can however replace the Q/A/I message wioth your own less cryptic message to call the programmer at xyz number for example, just do the following: The internal routine that displays the Q/A/I message is called: _RTERROR All you have to do is write your own prtocedure called _RTERROR, and include the .OBJ module when you lionk your program. ie: proc _RTERROR < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > @ 0,0 say "An error occured, please call me at xxx-yyyy, thank you" inke(0) Now compile it, and link it in to your program. Cause an error, and you will see your message instead of the Q/A/I message. Now, remeber that it is not foolproof. Some errors cause other errors, so sometimes you will get stuck in an endless loop. You can however use some flags in your error routine to not execute code the depends on certain conditions. While this will work in most circumstances, I take no responsibility for any weird occurences that miught happen because you intercepted the Q/A?I message. ALso, if the error ocurred because of an index file error, than you will probably never be able to recover. The folks at Nantucket couldn't give us an error handler because even they couldn't recover from index file errors. Too many memory allocation problems from what I can tell. Give it a shot, and remeber, you heard it here first! _RTERROR!! < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1736 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not too difficult to do data entry using a 123 interface. You can make it look and feel just like using 123. Load the record fields into an array (task is much easier if all elements are char) and then paint the screen and fall into a DO WHILE .T. loop that uses INKEY() for keypress input so that you can move around the screen. After each move, reverse video the current cell and un- reverse video the prior cell. Each cell can be say 8-9 char wide. Use a DO CASE statement to translate the input arrow keys to screen location. Use a "CASE input_key > 32 " or some such logic to use a GET when you want to edit the current cell location. Put the GET up on row 1-2 in a 80 colm sliding window same as 123 and erase after GET READ. It sure seems a lot harder to describe than it actually is to code the critter. This may be a little trouble to code but the result is really elegant and impressive - like Golly Gee Whiz! Maybe I should write an article for Data Based Advisor. . If you need more than a single page of say 8 colms by 20 rows you need to use up/down and side-to-side scrolling to insert rows and < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > colms on the screen display, else its too slow. The Clipper SCROLL function works well for up/down but you need a routine that saves and moves a rectangle of the screen for side-to-side. I can supply a pair if you don't have em. From a recent dLESKO message, I think his library has such a pair. (at 360 functions it must have em) . I don't know what you need to calculate, you should be able to implement a tiny sub-set of 123 without too much pain. You may need to have 2 or more arrays for formulas, cell values, etc. Access the array elements by: elem_num = [(max_rows)*(cur_col - 1) + cur_row] where 1 <= cur_row <= max_row, etc. . Remember that the VisiCalc was first coded in Basic and I think that Clipper has even better string functions than does those older Basics. . Keep in touch, Harry L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1737 To HOWARD MARKS 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)FORCE III COMPILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- They told me (after Comdex) that UDFs were supported ... Well, we've ordered one; I'll let the conference know how it is ... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1738 To STEVE STRALEY 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why did they change MEMORY() ? Makes no sense !! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1741 To STEVE STRALEY 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humm, no Steve I have not. With all the CLipper/dBase add on I must admit that I do not buy all. I do try to get what tools are needed but every request for an application is so much different from the last. I will take a look and see if I have any of that product discription around my office. Thanks for the tip! Regards Cliff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1742 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Harry, thank you for the advice. I felt that the task should be doable but wanted some direction. The method that you outlined will be my project for today. I will dive in and get back to you on what success I achieveRLdw! (Optimist to the end,). Thanks for the response Harry. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1743 To JON MELTZER 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do they annouce a SPRING Clipper, Beta it in Summer, refuse to call it Autumn, and wont release until Winter? I am sure that Brain ahs, in his own mind, some justifiable reason why MEMORY(0) has been removed; perhaps it pertains to the conversion of MICROSOFT C. However, I feel that there are other serious ramifications from this new Clipper that I will address when the release is a bit more firmly in sight and shippable. As always... Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1744 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Cliff. The SST Kit will be distributed either through the main publishing firm or a software house I founded with another Clipper developer, David Dodson ( contributed MEMOREDIT(), DEBUG.OBJ and the indexing scheme). The company is called Falcon Software Development and is located in both New Jersey and Los Angeles. The phone number for the publishing firm is 212-599-2141. However, it is not shippable and I will NEVER sell vapor-ware. So, when it is in ready format, I'll let you know. Additionally, be advised that the tool kit will only work with the current (soon to be current) release of Clipper. I appreceiate your eagerness, but half the problems in this industry is the shipa product that is not fully documented, fully commented, fully tested, fully developed, and/or full of holes. This wont, so bare with me for at least a month. Thanks again, and as always... Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1745 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)SPREAD SHEET LIKE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like the number for Communication Horizons, it's 212-724-0140 (I believe). If you call for operator assistence, request the second number... the first one they have listed is bogus. By the way, I have seen this package in operation and is very effecient... Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1748 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming what Mark has said is possible, and there is a realistic debate going on over a Clipper compiler which is either "less filling" or has "more taste", so to speak..... Yeah. What's wrong with a Clipper preprocessor, to read and take advantage of INCLUDEd header files, indicating which parts of the library to use? It would be more work for Nantucket, but a set of standard header files could be included with the compiler, to be used off the rack, or edited and customized. [ok, I've got my helmet on now, start throwing them rocks....] L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1749 To DIRK LESKO 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh. You mean we get to ask them for a competent, efficient compiler all at the same time? Nah. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1751 To STEVE STRALEY 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve....I was really only being fatuous about "updates" with rtegards to your book...I will GLADLY purchase said update as I am so pleased with your present tome. Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1753 To DIRK LESKO 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From ABE RICE Subject CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk, I just read your message to me. I was not asking about VALID without PICT as I use it all the time. I was asking about VALID within the PICT in order to intercept each key as it's hit. Any thoughts? BTW, what exactly does FRE() return? How does it differ with MEMORY(0)? Thanks, Abe L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1754 To RON LANDBERG 11-18-87 (Rcvd) From ABE RICE Subject PICTURE VALID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Ron, Thanks for your reply. I tried the piece of code you mentioned should work, but I was not able to get it to work. (I'm referring to the pict iif(.... Would you have any clue as to what I might be doing wrong? Thanks Abe L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1757 To STEVE STRALEY 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ha, Ha. Yes, I guess eagerness is one way of putting it. I have already mailed my card to Na. for the Whatever season thisyear or next version of Clipper. I think what I am doing is becoming very impressed with the time and code savings using Dirks library as well as looking forward to your toolkit. I agree with the anti-vaporware stand and congratulate you for it. If only every ... . But anyway, I am planning on remaining eager and it never hurts to try to be at the head of the line. What with delays in publishing ads and such, I would hate to miss any thing that helps me produce quicker/better/smarter applications. As you have been able to tell from my pleas, I am always pushing into areas that I at least have not visited before. It amazes me what IS possible by using and learning how to use all the tools available. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1758 To DIRK LESKO 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that you are busier than a one-armed-paperhanger, but when you think about it , perhaps another conference message string to arc file would be in order. There as you know, is a LOT of great clipper tips here, and the arc of messages is a great way to keep reference files up to date. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1759 To CLIFF GREEN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff, I thing the major thing to remember with Clipper right now is that it was originally designed to take dBASE files and compile them. Yes, most of us have the sophistication to understand the conceptions of header files (especially those of us who program in C). However, the future sales of the compiler are to those wanting to compile dBASE III files. It is not economically wise to make one package fit all. Brian has done a magnificent job getting us to this level. What he should do next is two fold: 1) give us a realistic interpreter that works only with Clipper techniques; and 2) a different compiler that includes the header file technique as well as a few other goodies such as more drives, portability to the MAC, etc. Trying to make THE CLIPPER fit us is not, in my humble opinion, a good business decision. No matter how much I like your idea (and I do), Nantucket is out to sell the dBASE community... AGain, this is just my opinion... maybe from the inside, but still just my opinion. Take care... STeve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1760 To ROBERT HEYMAN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Rob... there was nothing implied in what I was trying to communicate. I DO appreciate the response and support I am receiving on the book and hope that the tool kit will go over as well. By the way, after speaking at the Westchest SIG group last night, I got home at 2 in the morning and wrote another 3 functions. By this rate, at 3 functions a night, I may have 1000 functions ready to go when Nantucket is ready to go with their release. (Yuk, yuk). Again thanks and keep in touch... and as always.... Happy Clipping Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1761 To ABE RICE 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICTURE VALID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's good to see the developers stretching Clipper to it's lengths. Abe, I don't believe the IIF() function is waht you want. The IIF() function was designed to analyze BOTH the true and false response before returning the proper value. Recall trying to divide by 0 and trying to implement the IIF() function... wouldn't work... right! Because if you analyze both side of the expression (i.e. IIF(x=0, 0, y/x)), you will still get the error. I believe that the IIF() on the picture technique WILL NOT work. When I developed the technique I used my own function. In the tool kit, I have three separate functions: one for dates, one for charatcers, and one for numbers. They are called respectively EXPLODED, EXPLODED, and EXPLODEN. I'll see if I can get EXPLODEC() archieved and onto the system... never tried this before, but what the hec. Hope this helps.. as always... happy Clipping Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1762 To ABE RICE 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICT VALID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abe... let's try. The line of code in your original entry screen should look something like this: @ 10,10 SAY "Enter => " GET newx PICT EXPLODEC("XXXXXXXXXX", "newx") READ The function at that point will return a FILLED string value back as the PICTURE expression. You can even stuff the KEYBOARD CHR(13) so that there is no need to re-enter the enter key. You need to pass the name of the variable which is like passing the variable by reference, rather than by value. In the new clipper the last part of the function command can read: "XXXXXXXXXX", @newx) This '@' is to pass a variable by reference. I hope this answers you basic question. I'm running out of time; otherwise, I would have typed in the entire function for you here. Take care.... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1763 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the message... Yes, I agree it is very easy to miss out if one is not careful and on top of it. I think that the toolkit will be shipable BEFORE Nantucket releases it's version, but I am tied to wait until they ship since the toolkit will only work with it. Additionally, I have included new ideas and techniques as well as saving array to .MEM files without C. I know this isn't too hard, but I will pose you a question and let you think about it and from this, you can see how my technique is clearner and effecient. Say you save an array of 10 elelment to a .MEM file. Later on, and future down in the application, you want to RESTORE that .MEM file back into the array. You DECLARE the new array in this new procedure but are now faced with a problem. Without using a global variable which keeps track for you, how to you know how many elements to DECLARE the new array for, based on the .MEM file. If you DECLARE too many, you have wasted space.... if you DECLARE too few, you have mssing values when you try to RESTORE the .MEM file. So, without extra variable within the application and without using the same array (remember, < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > array are not PUBLIC) how do you know how many elements are in the .MEM file which contains a SAVED array. The answer will soon follow... hint: NO C or ASSEMBLY REQUIRED!!!!!! Happy Clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1766 To ART KOHN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ANOTHER ONE... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's a new one for me.....Give Steve Straley a buzz, I have heard him mention stuff similiar to that...... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1767 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- a good idea who's time has come....again. I will see about getting it done.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1769 To ABE RICE 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- fre() returns the amount of FREE memory available to you to RUN external programs while in Clipper using the RUN or ! command. You can see that the value returned by fre() will change depending on how you set the environment variable, Clipper=Xnnn, try it out, before you run Clipper, enter at DOS the following: set Clipper=X150 This will reserve 150k bytes of memory for you to use outside of Clipper, like to run an external program. Without this, Clippers allocates the entire machine, except for about 49k. The function memory(0) returns how much memory is left in Clipper's available memory pool, this is where Clipper allocates memory for variavbles, gets, save screen etc....So if you are about to allocate space for a huge array, you can check to see that Clipper has enough memory to handle it by using the memory(0) function. < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > got it? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1770 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-19-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I belive that the message arc is already done, Mark Neidorf has uploaded 4 arc files now that contain the edntire contents of the message base.... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1771 To ALL 11-20-87 From JOHN DUKE Subject CLIPPER COMMUNICATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone know of a good comm L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1772 To ABE RICE 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)PICTURE VALID --------------------------------------------------------------------------- somewhere in a message Steve Straley explains how to do it using a UDF I think he called EXPLODE(). That sure works. The IIF routine I mentioned also works. Try the following code by way of example: . clear store space(9) to zip1,zip2 state1 = "CA' state2 = "ZZ" usa = "CA AL MA" @ 10,20 get zip1 pict (iif(state1 $(usa),'99999,'!!!!!!!!!')) @ 12,20 get zip2 pict (iif(state2 $(usa),'99999,'!!!!!!!!!')) read zip1 = trim(zip1) zip2 = trim(zip2) ? "ZIP1= " + zip1 + space(9) + "Len of ZIP1= " + ltrim(str(len(zip1))) ? "ZIP2= " + zip2 + space(5) + "Len of ZIP2= " + ltrim(str(len(zip1))) RETURN L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1773 To STEVE STRALEY 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I am shooting from the hip. I am NOT a C or ASM programmer but from what I know about arrays, memory requirements are determined by a fixed byte length per element plus room for long elements in CHAR. type arrays. "IF" the array was all numeric , perhaps a 'reading' of the mem file lenght could give a clue. Humm, Good Question! I will dive into your book in the array section this weekend and see if I can come up with a better answer. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1774 To DIRK LESKO 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I am amazed (pleasing so) about how much I have come to depend on this forum for my learning of Clipper. (I feel we all are just learners, just at different levels). I often get to a point in an application where I need to do xxx and a bird wispers that I saw a msg refering to that on this conference (sometime). It is often overlooked but I want to take a couple of bytes to say thank you to you and all the other contributers here. Not only does one learn by visiting here, he has a bit of enjoyment thrown in. I fell that I know several folks that are fellow learners here. Regards CLiff PS. Thanks for the arc'ing of the conference in advance! cc L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1775 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well here are a few tips... first, it's not in the book 'cause I just L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1776 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, first Cliff... it is a new technique that it not yet in the book but will be in the Tool Kit. Here are a few tips and a better explanation as to what I am driving at. You have the right idea by looking at the .MEM file, but the probelm looking at the size is that array can contain all types of data and store them to a .MEM file means that the file will varry in size, and not tell you how many variables are inside. The way I have developed is a trick in Clipper that does not require extra memory variables to be maintained within a system, containing the number of elements of the array. Further, i re DECLARE the array <<>> restoring the memory file into the system. So the trick is to DECLARE the array to the proper amount without a counter variable present, to DECLARE the array BEFORE restoring the memory file into the system... I will entertain questions and let's see if this forum will spark an itnerest. Oh, by the way, the tool kit now is 6 new functions... Keep you posted, and as alw Message #1778 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's just the readon I started the conference in the first place! We are all still learning as you say, there will never be a definitive guru on Clipper, there will always be some lonely programmer who has a different way of viweing the Clipper world that we can learn a few tricks from. I just hope that he is a member of this conference! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > - Message #1776 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, first Cliff... it is a new technique that it not yet in the book but will be in the Tool Kit. Here are a few tips and a better explanation as to what I am driving at. You have the right idea by looking at the .MEM file, but the probelm looking at the size is that array can contain all types of data and store them to a .MEM file means that the file will varry in size, and not tell you how many variables are inside. The way I have developed is a trick in Clipper that does not require extra memory variables to be maintained within a system, containing the number of elements of the array. Further, i re DECLARE the array <<>> restoring the memory file into the system. So the trick is to DECLARE the array to the proper amount without a counter variable present, to DECLARE the array BEFORE restoring the memory file into the system... I will entertain questions and let's see if this forum will spark an itnerest. Oh, by the way, the tool kit now is 6 new functions... Keep you posted, and as always... Happy Clipping. < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1778 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's just the readon I started the conference in the first place! We are all still learning as you say, there will never be a definitive guru on Clipper, there will always be some lonely programmer who has a different way of viweing the Clipper world that we can learn a few tricks from. I just hope that he is a member of this conference! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1779 To CLIFF GREEN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi cliff: Not only is it possible, according to those who know, it is easy to do. I'm learning this corner of programming from my firends here on the BOSS, and they tell me that my preprocessor idea isn't even needed. Lets figger it out. As the compiler sees akey word as itscans a line, it adds it to a table off included parts of the library. {No commercials from me. !! but it will do it}} This table will theen instruct the linker to load in only those parts of the library that are needed. Not tooooo clear I know, but I think you can get the idea. And I think that Nantucket had better get the idea SOOOOOON. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1781 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-20-87 (Rcvd) From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CÛiff: ''Tis done! Download CCLIPCNF1.ARC CLPCNFF1A.ARC CLIPCNF2.ARC AND CLIPCNF3.ARC for all of the conference from the beginning to about Nov. 15, 1987. Good enough? Note that there is a lot of grabage in the first file,, it will do printer control code things, so do some editing on it before printing. The others are at least 99 44/100% pure conference. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1782 To STEVE STRALEY 11-20-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve: Not often, but I do now find an opportunity to disagree. If the compiler does the header work for the programmer, then one compiler fits all (better). <> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1786 To ALL 11-24-87 From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject QUICK-C LINK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just got my copy of Quick-C and gave the new Microsoft LINK a spin around the clock. The new link is MS-ver 3.61, I did a comparison against MS-ver 3.01 LINK and PLINK86 that comes with Clipper. On a "hello world" one liner, the times were 12/29/54 sec. On my typical larger 18 module-2 library-280K EXE application the link times were 33/66/97 sec. and 50/102/120 sec. on a 340K EXE. I also did one test of MS-ver 3.51 ( the linker that came with MS- C 4.0 compiler) and it was considerably slower than the newer LINK. Hardware: 10Mhz AT clone 38ms hard disk, librarys on Vdisk. . While I have never used Borlands Turbo-C and can't say which brand of religion is better, I do like the Quick-C. With the code level debugging it ought to beat Turbo-C for development. My first big wish is that somehow I could configure QC with Brief as its editor. Brief is by far the better but the Quick-C editor is adequate. . The mouse is well supported and a very good help system is provided Graphics for CGA,EGA,and VGA but no Hercules support, Boo. Complete < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > documentation. The library is same as with their full-blown 5.0 version. Your money is well invested in Quick-C, no reason to hold back on this one! Be ready for the new Clipper due Real Soon Now... If not a C fan you might ought try Quick-Basic 4.0, which uses the same ver 3.61 LINK (or anything to get your hands on that new LINK. That sucker will blow you socks away, if you ain't already smoked em first. Yeah its true, those CA types have been known to smoke their socks when nothing else was available!) L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1787 To ALL 11-24-87 From STEVE ADLER Subject HELP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has anyone written any binary search routines in Assembler for Clipper. This would preferably work like a mainframe search; dividing a table in half, searching through the top half by dividing it in half and so on. This would leave a maximum number of seek times at 8 for any given SORTED data table. Also, I'm having some trouble with the delimit function. I'd like to be able to use it with the same functions as a standard print. But to do that I have to direct print output to an ASCII file. Has anyone written any PRG's that do something similar. The problem with the delimiter is that you can't use any sophisticated locates for multiple data selection criterium. L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1789 To DIRK LESKO 11-24-87 (Rcvd) From ART KOHN Subject (R)ANOTHER ONE... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- will do... thanks L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1790 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-24-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)ANOTHER CONFERENCE ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds Teriffic. Thanks for the effort Mark. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1791 To STEVE STRALEY 11-24-87 From ABE RICE Subject PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Thanks for your help, but you keep reffering to the explode function which I don't have nor do I know what it is. Am I missing something? Thanks for your time, abe L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1792 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-24-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)QUICK-C LINK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tlink will compile your one-liner in about 7 seconds..... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1795 To STEVE STRALEY 11-25-87 From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understand and agree with your point that Nantucket has a market to address, and that it's not good business sense to try to appeal to every little niche in that market. Sure, they've gotta make the best buck they can, and in so doing, they've sold us a pretty damn good product. However, that doesn't mean that folks like us aren't going to be subject to the "More!" syndrome... I Want More! Don't tell me you haven't run across this little malady before!? BTW, I want to chime in and say just how great Programming in Clipper is: It's Great! Why hasn't your publisher tried to cut a deal with all those software vendors (e.g., Programmer's Connection) to bundle the book with the compiler? Or cut a deal with Nantucket to vend the package themselves? Looking forward to the next one. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1796 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-25-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh. So it should be possible for Clipper to act like a "real" compiler, in that it would only link in those parts of the library it really needs. That makes sense. I've always wondered why it didn't do that before. I suppose, if you have sufficiently sneaky macros, that might defeat itself. But then again, I thought you couldn't put commands into a macro.... Ah well, let's see what Season '8x brings. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1797 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-25-87 (Rcvd) From TOM WYRICK Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that is it awful to force us into all that overhead!! Please cast several votes for me..... -Tom L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1798 To DIRK LESKO 11-25-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Dirk, from what you sö said, if I use a new linker with MASM v5.0 code or with C v5.0 code iÚit will link OK, or won''t it? I'm, sooooooo confused!!! << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1799 To CLIFF GREEN 11-25-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The macros may be aroblem, but if you are programming real sneaky ones, then you should have the insight in programming (or be told by Nantucket in the documentation { big grin} about how to handle it. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1800 To TOM WYRICK 11-25-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- which way? If the compiler can do it for us (with the exception of real hairy macros) which way are you voting?? <<< Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1801 To ALL 11-25-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject MEETING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNOUNCING !!!! WWednesday December 2,, 1987 Martin Luther King HS (Amsterdam Ave. between 665 & 66th St,. NY<,NY) The monthly meeting of the New York Metro Clipper User's Group Time 6:30 to 9:30. TOPICS DIRK LESKO presents how to use a LIB manager and a MAKE utility. and möny other topics. COME ONE, COME ALL. JOIN THE GROUP. << Mark >> L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1802 To DIRK LESKO 11-26-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE ADLER Subject DBASE IV --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just read an interesting PC Week piece on Ashton Tate's planned release of Dbase IV, due in the spring of 1988. Do you know if the new clipper will support it? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1803 To CLIFF CORCORAN 11-26-87 From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've run into the same problem, but got around it by setting an environment variable CLIPPER=R165 or some such. Careful use of the dreaded OVERLAY (thanks to Harry VanTassell's and Steve Straley's help) got the whole thing running well. Another thing; I bought DataScroll routines from Gary Gruber (Data Based Designs) which allows me to tag one or more reports and feed those into R&R. Works great! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1804 To DIRK LESKO 11-26-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirk, after working with some 700 PCs here at General Motors in Detroit, we found that nothing beats Hayes for reliable operation. We tried and discarded Racal-Vadic and the cheaper clones. However, the EXEC RBBS in Milwaukee uses Multitech and claims good success. (He's got over 1 gigabyte on-line and supports 32 users!). L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1805 To DIRK LESKO 11-26-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)LIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All those of you out there who haven't ordered IDL yet -- DO IT! It's worth every penny and more! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1808 To DIRK LESKO 11-26-87 (Rcvd) From SUOK NOH Subject IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Conference you guys have going here!!! Although I run a small software research group in the Allied Aerospace I have not used Clipper enough to say that I am proficient at it. Recently I have been offered an outside consulting job to upgrade their existing DBASE applications. I immediately purchase a copy of Clipper and compiled their application first so that the execution speed was at least tolerable. I would like to purchase your IDL package but I don't know what's in the package! Please let me know what features it offers and what the price is... Thanks... Suok L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1809 To ALL 11-26-87 From BRUCE OLSON Subject CLOCK ROUTINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone know of a good on-screen clock routine that functions with the use of prompt and menu in Clipper. The on-screen clock routine that works in dBase does not function with Menu. Any help would be appreciated. Bruce Olson L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1810 To BRUCE OLSON 11-26-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)CLOCK ROUTINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Integrated Development Library has a clock() function that puts a ticking digital clock anywhere on the screen in any color, and it keeps on ticking even when you are sorting, menuing, reading, in a get, index, even when you run COMMAND.COM!!! (if you want) Call Steve Steiner at 603-382-1313 to order a copy of the library...... dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1811 To SUOK NOH 11-26-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, about 2 or 3 hundred mesages back there is a complete list of functions....We have added another hundred bringing the toptal to around 310 functions all written in assembler, sopme functions are: save_scrn() - save a portion of the screen rest_scrn() - restore a protion of the screen clock() - put a ticking clock on the screen key_stat() - display status of num/caps lock and insert keys f_read() - create you own files and read in the data interrupt() - execute BIOS and DOS interrupts with complete control set_volume() - set the disk volume label and hundreds more!!! Once you start using the library, you will find it becomes indespensible!! If you want to order a copy, call Steve Steiner at Integrated Development Corp, 603-382-1313 - the price is $99, and < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > you'll get a Summer87 compatible version for free when Nantucket releases it.....If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1812 To HARRY GILBERT 11-26-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)LIBRARY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Harry. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1813 To HARRY GILBERT 11-26-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the modem info, but is that guy crazy or what??? 32 lines??? 1 gigabyte???? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1814 To STEVE ADLER 11-26-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)DBASE IV --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I doubt it. Nantucket has to wait until they get a beta copy of the library before they can even think about upgrading Clipper, and then you'd expect to wait at least another year or so for the new stuff. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > 11-26-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think that when you get the new CLipper you will have any problems. But with the Beta, you could only LINK with the new Microsoft overlay linker, or with Tlink. Plink, and the DOS linker, or any linker prior to the MS linker 3.05 would bomb. got it? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1816 To ALL 11-27-87 From HERBERT SMITH Subject CONVERTING TO MULTIUSER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am in the process of converting serveral programs to multi-user so we can make good use of the network we are putting in. I would like to get dicussion going. Question 1. I saw a report some time ago that Clipper had a problem with index files when the data base was over 5000 records and in a multi-user enviroment. Comments Question 2. Do I need to be flushing the buffers to make sure the index files are updated promptly for all users? Thanks for the great conference L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1818 To DIRK LESKO 11-27-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject LINKER & STUFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Dirk - Thanks for your comment that tlink will do a one liner in 7 sec. It would be helpful to have some frame of reference for tlink. Could you post some link times for TC-link vs other linkers such as any of the MS-linkers and/or Plink86 for small and big size files. . I see from the message base that the old canard of EXE file size has become a topic of frustration again. As a general comment; wouldn't it be wonderful if one could have the compact size and speed of assembly language and the ease and convience the Dbase language. Hmm is that just a dream? Since the Dbase concept depends on the variable names being available in the final EXE file (each with its own data block structure) plus all the standard Dbase commands and functions being available for macros, you are always stuck with a lot of "overhead". If you eliminate either of these two features you no longer have a true Dbase compiler. It really ain't Nantucket's fault if their mimic of Dbase doesn't walk and talk like an application coded in ASM and thus isn't very compact. If it waddles and quacks like Dbase in all its splendor, its surely just gonna make a big old fat clumsy EXE. < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > C Bitching to Nantucket ain't gonna change the nature of Dbase, one needs to change to another programing concept that doesn't mimic Dbase. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1819 To ALL 11-27-87 From KENJI NAKANO Subject SCROLLING IN CLIPPER? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Clipper SCROLL function works well for up/down but you need a routine that saves and moves a rectangle of the screen for side-to- side." --HARRY VANTASSELL Message #1736 --- I have looked everywhere for documentation of this function, but have found nothing. Does it really exist? I could sure use it in a program I am currently writing! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1820 To KENJI NAKANO 11-27-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)SCROLLING IN CLIPPER? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenji, the scroll function is in the file called DBU.LIB, you must add that file to your link line after Clipper.lib, like this: LIB clipper+dbu To use it, here is the syntax: scroll(,,,,) parameters are as follows: top_row - int top row to start at left_col - int left column to start at (0-79) bot_row - int bottom row to end at (0 -24) right_col - right column to end at num_lines - integer how many lines to scroll a <2> will scroll up 2 lines < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > C a <-2> will scroll down two lines a <0> will blank the entire window Hope this works for you....keep in touch and good luck! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1821 To ALL 11-27-87 From DIRK LESKO Subject LINKING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was aksed to check out the linking speed of the various linkers available, here are my results: To compile a one line program in Clipper, Autumn86. my test program was: ? "Hello World" No extra .obj or .lib files were included. Test done on a 9 mhz AT clone with a 30mb hard drive rated at 38ms. Winner: Tlink from Borland, 7 seconds flat! Second place MS Linker 3.05 that came with MASM 4.00, 20 seconds Third place MS Overlay Linker that came with masm 5.00, 22 seconds fourth place DOS 3.00 linker, version 2.20, 57 seconds last place Plink86 that came with Autumn86, 60 seconds Tlink can be bought at 47th st. Photo for $69.00. It comes with the < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Borland turbo 'C' package. A good value since if you link at an average of 40-50 times a day, you can gain an extra 4-7 HOURS of programming time per WEEK!! - Tlink does not support overlays however. But for the most part, if you are testing code, Tlink can save you mucho time. Hope this information is of interest! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1822 To SUOK NOH 11-28-87 From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, are you gonna be in for a treat. Clipper, and the wealth of add-on libraries out there (IDL is premier) will make your conversion tasks a dream, and you'll enjoy the really elegant code and techniques that dBASE never allowed! Stick with this board and with Clipper! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1823 To BRUCE OLSON 11-28-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)CLOCK ROUTINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ordered IDL, which has an on-screen clock? Works well. Also, the dBASE programmer's Utilities (Byers,Long,Ratliff) offer a DOS TSR program which works; having bought both, I can advise without reservations to go for the IDL!! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1824 To DIRK LESKO 11-28-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY GILBERT Subject (R)MODEMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy like a fox: give his BBS a call at 414-964-5160. He's subscription only at $45 a year, but if I had to restrict my BBSes to two, EXEC-PC and the BOSS would be those two!! Apparently, he's written his own software and built his own hardware, and now supplies custom E-mail/messaging systems to large corps. like Kellogs, etc. as well as running the board. He made a career decision a few years ago and quit a "regular" full-time job to run his system. Now it's paying off. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1826 To HERBERT SMITH 11-28-87 From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)CONVERTING TO MULTIUSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Herbert - In a word, the answer to both your questions is no! I have used Clipper on 350,000 record indexed files on a busy network with no problems. You only need do the proper locking and Clipper will keep everything current, no need for you to flush buffers. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1829 To DIRK LESKO 11-29-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject QC TC LINKERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirk - Many thanks for posting the tlink "time trials", that fella is FAST! It does appear that TC-link and QC-link(3.61) will be the only choices for speed freaks. Until proven wrong I am gonna stick with Quick-C as the better choice of low cost C compilers for use with the new Clipper even if its linker comes in a few seconds slower in one-on-one time trials. Since the new Clipper is written in Microsoft C it stands to reason that there will be less problems using QC rather than TC for those custom extensions that everyone crewing on a Clipper ship needs from time to time. The Microsoft C library contains many if not all of the functions I'll need to access the OS and hardware. I am planning to only use 2 assembly language add-on modules, one to color/save/restore rectangles of the screen and my interrupt driven alarm clock. With those two, the recently announced additional Clipper functions, plus QC for easier C routines I should be able to get the whole job done. As they say in the soaps, "will Microsoft C and Clipper be a marriage made in Culver City, tune in next year and see". . < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > My first two projects will be to make the new MS-C graphics library available for drawing graphs in Clipper and a decent set of statistics functions callable from within Clipper. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1831 To DIRK LESKO 11-29-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does this mean that we have to buy a new LINKER, too? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1832 To JON MELTZER 11-29-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think that Nantucket would be that Stupid. I believe they will have to get Plink86 to work with the new 'C' 5.0 .OBJ modules or else they are doomed. Can you imagine the nightmares that the programmers will be having?? It's bad enough all there assembler and 'C' UDF's are not going to work!!! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1833 To HARRY VANTASSELL 11-29-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)QC TC LINKERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The graphics are a good idea. There is really no inexpensive way to do any kind of GOOD graphics. IN the IDLibrary, we did not include graphics because of the time required for development (especially if your working all in asembler) so you caould be doing a good service there. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1834 To MICHAEL BRILL 11-29-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)GNATS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think the real total is 327 but I am not sure...With so many functions it is hard to keep trtack, but the last reference I did to the library produced that amount. WE macroized the entir library for just that reason.....As programmers, myself and Steve sometimes wish we had our own functions to use when we are programming in 'C' or asm or even Quick basic!!! So we have been seriouly thinking of just that!. ADN as far as your graphic primitives, I would like to try them out, you could upload them here privately (put a slash in front of the description) Do they work on HErcules??? dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1835 To MICHAEL BRILL 11-30-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)GNATS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi again, the real total turned out to be 312...The other ones were alias names I gave to some of the functions. speak to you soon. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1836 To STEVE STRALEY 11-30-87 (Rcvd) From BOB HICKS Subject (R)NEW CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve, your book has been in the book stores here in Washington, DC for a couple of weeks now. I am really impressed with it's coverage. It is a bit disappointing to have it become "out of date" so quickly but I have already picked up a couple of things that had been long term bothers so the money is well spent. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1837 To MARK NEIDORFF 11-30-87 (Rcvd) From BOB HICKS Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd vote for the header files, especially if they only required a list of keywords used. The size of the exe's in easy-land can get downright out of reason. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1839 To JON MELTZER 12-01-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)FORCE III COMPILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force III is a long way from release--I'm still waiting for a Beta [grin]. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1840 To MARK NEIDORFF 12-01-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)AASM FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that ARC is a lottta *old* stuff, mostly mine. (I didn't put it together.) It's pretty easy to convert to Clipper, whatcha need? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1841 To ROBERT HEYMAN 12-01-87 (Rcvd) From RUSSELL FREELAND Subject (R)FORCE III --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force III is not yet ready for prime time (not released). L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1842 To MARK NEIDORFF 12-01-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree if Brian had the forsighte to set Clipper up originally. This version is just a conversion version (funny how that fits). If Nantucket finds it monetarily expeedient to re-do the compiler to have multiple and changing headers for all people, including developers, then they will... but.... Good point, but unfortunately, not designed that way and as always... happy clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1843 To ABE RICE 12-01-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The EXPLODE() function are three separate functions in my Tool Kit.. due out about the same day Nantucket releases and ships. I let a preliminary version of the EXPLODE function out to the Clipper user group for their library. You may want to look there. Take care and as always, happy clipping. Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1844 To CLIFF GREEN 12-01-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks so much for the vote of approval on the book. We are working on such deals even as we speak. It is being distributed by Addison-Wesley and is in Village Computer and B Dalton. The projects mount and time grows short. I'll pass your words along to the powers that be and hopefully, the book will be better distributed. Now, as far as MORE, I agree... I now want more... but MORE can be too much. One of the biggest things that got to be a real pain is the idea of more being different from dBASE or even FOXBASE. The concept of MORE is not necessairly just a programmer idea. How do you market MORE... how is MORE now going to attract the newer users, or those committed to other compilers. How does MORE equate to update costs, support costs, and raw programming costs. Also, MORE can suck a developer in... how do you keep track of all that is MORE, including your stuff and other tool kits and third party stuff. Indeed, MORE is a nice idea, but there are times, I believe, taht MORE can be deadly. Again, this is just my believe and is not at all a statement of implied or expressed fact. Thanks for the discussion, and as always... happy < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > clipping. Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1845 To HARRY GILBERT 12-01-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)MMAIL MERGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glad to have been some help. Incidentally, I'm not sure of the product you mentioned, but I have an object module that is a mail merge in itself. Thought I'd pass it along right now... happy clipping Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1846 To HERBERT SMITH 12-01-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)CONVERTING TO MULTIUSE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the way, in the new clipper, you can not only flush the buffer with a SKIP 0, but you can write out to disk what is in the buffer with the new COMMIT command. Soon available with the new release... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1848 To RUSSELL FREELAND 12-01-87 From MARK NEIDORFF Subject (R)AASM FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Russell: I didn't need anything specific. Just curious about adding it to a CLIPPER disk library that I am building for a CLIPPER user's group. Thanks for the offer though. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1851 To ABE RICE 12-02-87 From KELLY STANONIK Subject (R)CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That wasn't abe, who was that?! Someone using abe's account... (AI techniques at work...) L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1853 To SUOK NOH 12-02-87 From KELLY STANONIK Subject (R)IDL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regardless of what your application is, the IDL will help you. It is really a fantastic product and Dirk and Steve deserve to get some serious profits from it. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1854 To MARK NEIDORFF 12-02-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure... funny thing was that I have re-organized my disk and was planning on asking you for a copy likewise. I'll see if there is anyone out there that has a copy of either utility. From that you can add it to the library. Oh... yeap... you'll see me tonight so.. until then... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1855 To ALL 12-02-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject GENERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.S.T.Kit Soars into Production! The tool kit is just about completed, including beta cycle. The report writer not only generates reports on-line, but saves the information as well, and can generate Clipper Code as well! If anyone is wanting a generic list of all that the tool kit can do, you can inquire and I'll upload a list of all procedure and functions. Additionally, I'll be demonstrating it at the NYMCUG sometime in January or February. Also, dIRK has a preliminary copy and can offer general comments. If you're wanting to see things done in Clipper that you thought couldn't be done; if you're wanting to make a menu in ONE LINE OF CODE; if you want to save AND RESTORE array from disk; if you want oodles of TRIG, STATISTIC, DATE, NUMERIC, and ARRAY functions (like SCATTER(), GATHER(), and FOX_DATE()), then the Steve Straley Tool Kit may be ideal. < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > Also, if anyone out there has a copy of my old EXPLODEN() function which I passed out at the NYMCUG's first meeting, please let me know ASAP. To all, thanks for the support and let's keep the ol' clipper shears on the back of a willey fox. Until next time.... HAPPY CLIPPING.... Steve Straley L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1856 To MARK NEIDORFF 12-02-87 From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nantucket/documentation? BTW, has anyone out there ordered the docs for (what is it now?)Summer/Fall/Winter 87? Curious that the upgrade is for zip, but we've gotta buy the docs. Hmmph. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1857 To HARRY VANTASSELL 12-02-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)LINKER & STUFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Tlink linking times, I just compiled and linked a small Clipper application with about 30k of OBJ code plus the Clipper LIB and it still links in about 7 seconds. The resulting executable is probably a few bytes larger than MSLINK or Plink, but if you're in a hurry (where's the fire?), who cares? Oh yeah. Bitching about the size of Clipper's EXE file isn't such a heinous crime (well, ok- you didn't paint it that bad either), and is so much fun.... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1858 To STEVE STRALEY 12-02-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF GREEN Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're welcome. As to your treatment of MORE, I have to say that it is a good overview, nicely complementary to the classic treatment of NOTHING, which can be found (if you've the notion) in the seventh (I think) volume of the Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Truly valuable reading which will pay nonexistent dividends noone would want to measure (but of course, he would). L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1860 To ALL 12-03-87 From JOHN BRISTOR Subject REUSABLE RECORDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . This is to clarify my message to Steve Adler for others who may read it and not know what I am referring to. . I got tired of having to worry about packing files to get rid of records marked for deletion. With large files, a programmer has to worry about disk space and the time it takes to pack and reindex the file. So why not use 'reusable records'? Whenever the user or a system itself needs to delete records, just change the key fields to a high (or low) set of ascii characters so the records 'float' out of your way till you call them again for reuse. Example: . . USE ACCOUNT INDEX ACCOUNT &&& INDEX IS BY ACCOUNT . . {To delete a record} REPLACE ACCOUNT WITH "~~~~~~~~~" . . {When adding a new record to the file} . SEEK "~~~~~~~~~" . IF EOF() . APPEND BLANK < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > . REPLACE ACCOUNT WITH maccount,........ . ELSE . REPLACE ACCOUNT WITH maccount,....... . ENDIF . . Normally I will replace all key fields for all indexes with some high asci character. All 'dummy' records are at the bottom end of the file, thus I add --- .AND. ACCOUNT <> "~~~~~~~~" with '.AND. .NOT. EOF()' in my loops. My systems work fine and require no PACKING. . ---- JAB ---- L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1863 To STEVE STRALEY 12-03-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)PICT UDF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve, I hva a copy of exploden somewhere, and David Welcher has one too. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1864 To DIRK LESKO 12-03-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm already having nightmares! Half of our application is in C! We have no money to buy MSC 5.0! (Another calm day on the ship ...) L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1865 To RUSSELL FREELAND 12-03-87 From JON MELTZER Subject (R)FORCE III COMPILER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, but will it get to us before Summer 87 Clippe? L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1866 To STEVE STRALEY 12-03-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will your book be available through the Small Computer Book Club? They pick up a lot of Addison-Wesley stuff . L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1867 To STEVE STRALEY 12-03-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)GENERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, please upload a description. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1869 To ALL 12-04-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All. Hope everone had a good Thanksgiving and all the Christmas shopping is done(grin). I feel that I am at the stage to change to a more powerful text editor for programming applications. I am very interested in hearing opinions from the folks here as to what editor they feel is best for Clipper type programming. I am resigned to relearning editing commands from what I am using now, so what ever you folks use as your favorite editor would be a good discussion I think. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1870 To CLIFF CORCORAN 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Best Editor??? Brief, Brief, or Brief. You can configure Brief's keyboard to emulate any editor you like! dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1871 To JON MELTZER 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supposedly their is some type of Lattice 'compatibility' module that you can link in so that your Lattice UDF's will still work. However, the internals of the new Clipper are so different from Autumn that any calls you might have ever made to the internals of Clipper could cause you great didaster. Also note that as of this writing, the minimum .EXE file size produced by the new Clipper ballooned to 150k!!! Untolerable!. remember, just because Nantucket sends you Summer87 doesn't meant that you HAVE to use it right away. PS - IDLibrary has almost all of the xtra functionality that Summer87 will give you, and it is available now, and our upgrades will not break your code. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1872 To HARRY GILBERT 12-04-87 From BRUCE OLSON Subject (R)CLOCK ROUTINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the comment. Sounds good. I'll have to squeeze it into my budget as the upcoming Christmas season allows, if you know what I mean. Thanks again. BNO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1873 To ALL 12-04-87 From BRUCE OLSON Subject CLIP. SUMMER FALL WINT.87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called Nantucket yesterday to check on the status of my upgrade and was informed it will be at least another 4 to 6 weeks before shipping. I had sent my upgrade order in the first part of November after I got their notice. Sent the extra money for a new manual too. Received my order form and check back with their note that I would be upgraded for free since I had bought Autumn 86 in September. Don't know whaeir overall policy is butvaporware sure is nice. BNO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1875 To JON MELTZER 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)FFUTURE CLIPPER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the Small Computer Book Club is, as you mentioned, a source for a lot of Addison-Wesley stuff, then more than likely it will be there. I am not sure, however, if they will care any of my other projects and ideas. Another compnay is handling the tool kit. The next two books are up for grabs... if the first one does well enough, maybe A-W will carry them as well. We'll see. The next 7 months will be VERY VERY interesting!!! Thanks and happy clipping... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1876 To JON MELTZER 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)GENERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am in the process of doing just that... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1877 To CLIFF CORCORAN 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff, at Nantucket, practically everyone used EDIX.. many different version of it, but EDIX nevertheless. Since coming out to the east I seem to be deluged with enough BRIEF user to get me to commit to use it. For the most part, I enjoy BRIEF... especially on a 386. On my XT at home, BRIEF take too long to load up, not to mention if my file is large as well. Some people use KEDIT... especially those wanting an editor compatible with the mainframe. Some use PCEDITOR. Right now, I use BRIEF for the power and macro capabilities on my 386. But for dependability and quick and dirty writing of code, EDIX still sits on my hard-disk at home. Home this offers some insights.... Steve L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1878 To BRUCE OLSON 12-04-87 From STEVE STRALEY Subject (R)CLIP. SUMMER FALL WINT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce... IT IS NOT VAPORWARE!!! Nantucket just sent me the new manual and the new beta release. It seems relatively sound. My toolkit just had a few problems rather than alot. Hang on kiddo, it'll be here before you can say ho ho ho... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > ÿ Message #1880 To CLIFF CORCORAN 12-04-87 (Rcvd) From ROBERT HEYMAN Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff: I recently bought a copy of BRIEF from Solution Systems... and reccommend it highly. While not as fast as a couple of the Shareware editors.....QEDIT in particular, the windowing system, block editing features and the ability to design and use BRIEF macros makes it quite a program. Cannot reccommend it highly enough. Rob Heyman L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1881 To DIRK LESKO 12-05-87 (Rcvd) From JON MELTZER Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clipper internals : well, the only internal function that is critical to me is _cout() (which seems to be the same as __sout() ). Do you know if Nantucket has fixed things up so that the C output functions putc() and puts() will now work? Waiting for Force III ... L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1882 To JOHN BRISTOR 12-05-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)REUSABLE RECORDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me suggest yet another reason to recycle deleted records rather than PACK the file. If running on a network one must exclude all all other users from the DBF and lock the DBF file and its index files before doing a PACK. I like to do a "pseudo pack" which is nothing more than replacing the key fields in the deleted records. Converting single user applications that PACK, ZAP, REINDEX, etc, to mult-user can cause a bunch of headaches, but not for the person who used such tricks as record recycling! L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1883 To CLIFF CORCORAN 12-05-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff - While everyone has the "only and best" code editor, you can rest assured that Brief is really the best. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1884 To NICK MONTALTO 12-05-87 From KEVIN SAFFER Subject (R)CLIPPER MULTLINK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick, I has the same problem a year ago when I first began using Multi-link. I have written and sell a package called Clipfix (recommended by TSL tech support) for getting Clipper up and running under ML. The package performs a MLVIDFIX operation on any clipper compiled program. I will be happy to send you an 'evaluation' copy of the program over the modem to help out. For anyone who wants to do this themselves, write a routine that will poll the ML environment for the address of the video buffer as established by MLVIDRAM. Then, insert this address into the Clipper EXE file instead of the addresses B000 and B800. If your Clipper file is small, you can locate these addresses by renaming the EXE file to BIN, loading it under Debug, and search for the bytes 00 B0 or 00 B8. Remember to reverse the two bytes of the ML video address before patching the BIN file. Write it back to disk, the rename it to EXE. This patched EXE file will execute in the background partition and send it's video to the MLVIDRAM address. Be sure to dos this on a COPY of you EXE file, never the original!. One problem wioth this approach is that the file must be re-patched anytime the MLVIDRAM < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > address moves. This happens often when the configuration of the machine changes. The way to go is a routine that will patch the EXE file anytime an operator loads it. I used Turbo to write CLIPFIX. Good Luck - Kevin E. Saffer L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1885 To ALL 12-05-87 From KEVIN SAFFER Subject RDRIVER1.ARC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello from freezing Connecticut! This is the first time I have been on the BOSS board and it is the greatest! I have uploaded a script driven report writer for Clipper. It probobly wont unseat R&R but my clients like it a lot better. Hope it helps. So long from the Frozen North... L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1886 To JON MELTZER 12-05-87 (Rcvd) From DIRK LESKO Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO idea on putc() or puts(), I am still waiting for a 'stable' version of the new Clipper before I trust any discoveries. dLESKO L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1887 To ALL 12-05-87 From MARC SCHNAPP Subject NYMCUG NEWS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Regular Time and Location It's official: NYMCUG will meet the last Wednesday of the month. ================================================================= Meetings will be held at Martin Luther King HS Amsterdam Avenue between 65th and 66th Streets 6:30-9:30 p.m. ================================================================= Upcoming meeting dates are: Jan 27 Feb 24 Mar 30 April 27 May 25 June 29 2 Next Meeting January 27 WallSoft will present a look at the next version of the UI Programmer. All attendees will receive a free copy of Stru-p. Perhaps there will also be a drawing for one of the other fine WallSoft Products. 3 Thanks to Dirk Lesko The December presentation on using MAKE and LIB was extremely informative. We will be mailing copies of Dirk's screens to all < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > paid-up members. Dirk did a really impressive job, thanks! 4 Disk Library 4.1 Flying Start The Disk Library made its debut at the Dec meeting. Mark Neidorff put together 5 disks and we sold just about every thing we had. He tells me that there will be more at the January meeting. Disks are $5 for members and $10 for non-members. ================================================================= If you have any suggestions about likely public domain or shareware items for the library, please upload them to BigNet's file library and post a message to Mark Neidorff alerting him. ================================================================= 4.2 Member Contributions If you have any of your own homegrown code to contribute, we'd like to evaluate it! Please call Larry Nussbaum at (201) 746-8208. Help your fellow members avoid reinventing the wheel. 5 Clipper Beginner Classes Six NYMCUG members have stepped forward asking for a Beginning Clipper training course. Nantucket is considering sponsoring this in < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > cooperation with Marc Schnapp in late March. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting will probably be a full-day lecture style course held in a midtown location on a weekday. ----------------------------------------------------------------- We need to know if there's sufficient interest. Nantucket would welcome attendance from corporate staff and independent consultants alike. Non-members would be welcome so feel free to spread the word. If you or your associates wish to attend: please drop a postcard or such to (no calls please): ============================ Marc Schnapp Beginning Clipper 75-22 182 Street Flushing, NY 11366 6 Adam Green Adam Green comes to town the week of January 25 to teach the Dbase language. His course is universally acclaimed. We are investigating obtaining a member discount. Please watch this < More - C(ontinuous) Y/N > C space for an update. 7 Tom Rettig Tom Rettig has expressed willingness to speak to a join meeting of NYMCUG and the Dbase Lnaguages SIG (NYPC). We are hoping to host the meeting in March or April. Stay tuned. 8 BigNet BBS To communicate with NYMCUG call BigNet (212) 769-0550 300/1220 baud L(ist) (-) M(ore) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1888 To HARRY VANTASSELL 12-06-87 (Rcvd) From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)REUSABLE RECORDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Glad to see someone else out there is using similiar techniques. I'm still alarmed at the number of applications that I see out that force the user to wait through long packs and reindexing. I also use reusable records for moving records through a variety of processes. Instead of having a 'status' field in one or two large databases, I can move records going thru processes from one 'process' file to another without having to pack the the previous file to get rid of the older records. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1889 To JOHN BRISTOR 12-06-87 (Rcvd) From RON LANDBERG Subject (R)REUSABLE RECORDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another alternative to long packs during productive time is to always set a filter in all data files to avoid records marked for deletion, then pack as an overnite process. I use this approach with flawless results. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1890 To JON MELTZER 12-06-87 (Rcvd) From HARRY VANTASSELL Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon - Why not just save your pennys and buy Quick-C? I see $55 as the street price which is affordable and a good value. _cout() and _sout() are quite different in what they do; _cout does a "TTY str write" while _sout does a "raw str write" without regard to the ascii value of the characters. To see the difference, try example: string = "->"+CHR(7)+CHR(10)+CHR(13)+"<-" CALL _sout WITH string,WORD(7) INKEY(0) ? CALL _cout WITH string,WORD(7) A little disassembly with SYMDEB and a LINK/MAPSYM generated symbol table will let you spot the differences right away. I rather doubt that will ever see the C screen write functions in Clipper. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1891 To HARRY VANTASSELL 12-06-87 From JON MELTZER Subject (R)MASM ETC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks Harry... will try. L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1893 To RON LANDBERG 12-07-87 From JOHN BRISTOR Subject (R)REUSABLE RECORDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . A 'Set Filter' would probably work fine for smaller database but what if your database's size is 2 Meg and you have four open indices. Also the user must 'remember' to run the overnight process. I have users that can't remember to do backups let alone an overnight process. ----- JAB ---- L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1894 To DIRK LESKO 12-07-87 (Rcvd) From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HeHe. Thats what I like about you Dirk. You can be sooo ambigious! [grin]. Thanks for the hint, I will check it out. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1895 To STEVE STRALEY 12-07-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It sure does Steve. I will check out both of your prime names. Dirk has also recc. Brief. An editor gets to be such an extension of the programmer that just considering a move gives me pause. But the time is ripe. Thanks for the tips. Welcome as always. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1896 To ROBERT HEYMAN 12-07-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for another "vote" for brief. I saw the ad for the product in the last dba and it looks pretty good. It is not even too pricey, all things considered. Appreciate the reply! Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > Message #1897 To HARRY VANTASSELL 12-07-87 From CLIFF CORCORAN Subject (R)EDITORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [grin] I understand. I feel the same. If I used it it must be the best just by defination! {Big Grin]. Thanks for the reply. Breif seems to be running away from the field. Regards CLiff L(ist) (-) M(ore) T(hread) W(hereAmI) R(eply) H(elp) Q(uit) > ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º The Boss's Directory # 99 - Recent Uploads (Not checked by Sysop) º º º º Updated 12/ 1/87 º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º * = Archived (Off line) available upon request º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ CISB.ARC 37888 10-01-87 external compuserve b protocol SNIPPER.ARC 2048 10-01-87 PC Magazines Clipboard program SCHED240.ARC 5120 10-01-87 Version 2.40 of sched.arc-Prints a sched QDISK30.ARC 8192 10-01-87 similar to DR but ram resident VOL16N16.ARC 55040 10-01-87 More programs from PC Magazine DB3-UTIL.ARC 52224 10-02-87 Collection of DB3 Utilities CANSET11.ARC 65536 10-02-87 Menu Control For the CANON Laser Printer PRCMS242.ARC 5120 10-02-87 Use a Mouse With Procomm CONFETTI.ARC 30592 10-02-87 EGA STUFF HELP.ARC 10752 10-02-87 CREATE MANAGE F1 HELP SCREENS - DB3+ HELPDBF.ARC 11776 10-02-87 ADD HELP TO CLIPPER PROG AFTER COMPILING MAC3.ARC 3840 10-02-87 RECALL EDIT LAST 10 DBASE III COMMANDS TOPSPIN.ARC 39936 10-02-87 Create quick menus for your programs 386UPGR.ARC 3072 10-02-87 Quick and easy upgrade -- PC to '386 USBBS41.ARC 36864 10-03-87 National BBS listings 10 1 87 SMG2.ARC 12288 10-03-87 Bounce-bar menu gen for Clip and dB3. ACAD25.FIX 3072 10-03-87 unprotect patch for autocad ver 2.5 SPEEDE.ARC 3072 10-03-87 increase dma speed SUPER_C.ARC 74752 10-04-87 C&ASM from 'Super Charging with ASM'book RESUME87.ARC 40960 10-04-87 computer generated resume system 100LTRS.ARC 58496 10-04-87 100 professionally written letters RB.ARC 4096 10-04-87 read basic files.... OWNER161.ARC 13312 10-04-87 Determines which file owns a cluster. OK203.ARC 100352 10-04-87 Powerful Desktop Pub Utility HOSPDEBT.ARC 118016 10-05-87 CLIPPER - HOSPITAL DEBT TRACKING JAB JPL-C1.ARC 96256 10-05-87 C library from Jet Propulsion lab (1 2) JPL-C2.ARC 81920 10-05-87 C library from Jet Propulsion lab (2 2) NOFORMAT.ARC 1024 10-05-87 prevent accidental formatting of hard dr WILL.ARC 31744 10-05-87 create your own will-everyone needs one DIAGS.ARC 58368 10-05-87 see i o interupts screen & many others SIDEWAYS.ARC 6144 10-05-87 print out spreadsheets etc. sideways GT1300-2.ARC 160768 10-06-87 GT POWER 13.00 Executables PART 2 OF 4 GT1300-1.ARC 185344 10-07-87 GT POWER 13.00 1 of 4 Documentation GT1300-3.ARC 84992 10-07-87 GT POWER 13.00 3 of 4 externals GT1300-4.ARC 117760 10-07-87 GT 13.00 COMM PKG small mem w o host PCO330.ARC 123904 10-07-87 VER 3.30 OF OUTLINE PROG W VAR FILES WS4.ARC 224256 10-07-87 Help for WS4 - fixes updates etc. MENU33.ARC 41984 10-07-87 Excellent Menu and DOS Shell EMAIL100.ARC 119808 10-07-87 Small Email Program BAS2QB13.ARC 38912 10-07-87 convert basica to quick-basic FORTSEP.ARC 38912 10-07-87 separate lare FORTRAN programs TCDEBUG2.ARC 63488 10-07-87 Ver. 2 of the Turbo-C debugger TBULLETS.ARC 5120 10-07-87 Qmodem 3.1 Tech Bulletins ARCMAS13.ARC 61440 10-07-87 ARC utility v1.3 ZEXENEW.ARC 142592 10-07-87 ZCOMM execs rev 9 25 87 ACLS.ARC 54272 10-07-87 acct mdule for use with autosig ZDOCNEW.EXE 201600 10-07-87 ZCOMM documentation rev 9 25 87 ZHLPNEW.ARC 99712 10-07-87 ZCOMM help files Rev 9 25 87 TTCD.ARC 93184 10-07-87 Turbo C debugger v1.2 Limited version HOSPCLP.ARC 256 10-08-87 Clipper - .CLP files for HOSPDEBT JAB YAMM43.ARC 86016 10-08-87 YET ANOTHER MENU MAKER DSZ1006.ARC 56320 10-08-87 External Z Y Xmodem module 10.06.87 ver PC_V150.ARC 20864 10-08-87 Professional Clipper Library - v1.50 VOL6N19.ARC 24576 10-09-87 PC MAG. files from the 11 10 87 issue STATUS.ARC 2048 10-09-87 Display computer's configuration WINDSML.ARC 41984 10-09-87 clipper windows - evaluation release TCUTIL.ARC 50176 10-09-87 Video BIOS routines w src for turbo-c BBSGOVT.ARC 4096 10-09-87 A listing of government-sponsored BBS s PASSBOOK.ARC 52992 10-09-87 ** BANK BOOK MGR DISBURSEMENTS. BEST YGTX.BAT 1024 10-09-87 CORRECTED Y-G XMIT FILE FOR GT13.00-? SCOUT30.ARC 142336 10-09-87 TSR file mangr new cmd user menus TOPS DMBANNER.ARC 72704 10-10-87 BANNER MAKER A86V310A.ARC 73728 10-10-87 Version 3.1 of Issacsons assembler 1of3 A86V310B.ARC 58368 10-10-87 Version 3.1 fo Issacsons assembler 2of3 A86V310C.ARC 70656 10-10-87 Version 3.1 of Issacsons assembler 3of3 PAMPLT14.ARC 29696 10-10-87 Version 1.4 - Print phamplets on HP LJ PRR.ARC 1024 10-10-87 File formatter & Print Utility MIKECOM.ARC 54272 10-10-87 complete comm lib for MSC with source ARCHIVE3.ARC 21504 10-10-87 Version 3.0 of Archive backup program USEANSI.ARC 7808 10-10-87 ANSI TECH TALK DBASM.ARC 9216 10-11-87 dBASE Assembly language routines... - JR TIMEBILL.ARC 8192 10-11-87 dBASE3 Time Billing program... - JR CITIZEN.ARC 2432 10-11-87 Utilities for Citizen Printers - JR QTOOLS1.ARC 98304 10-12-87 QuickBasic tools part 1 of 4 QTOOLS2.ARC 115712 10-12-87 QuickBasic tools part 2 of 4 QTOOLS3.ARC 113664 10-12-87 QuickBasic tools part 3 of 4 QTOOLS4.ARC 92160 10-12-87 QuickBasic tools part 4 of 4 XONE22.ARC 11264 10-12-87 extract files from ARC to new ARC. Buerg MODEMUTL.ARC 62720 10-12-87 Utilities for Prometheus Promodem SETUPLQ.ARC 4480 10-12-87 Sends ESC codes for Epson LQ printers SIMGRAPH.ARC 32896 10-12-87 Graphics routines for C GTCTL59.ARC 121984 10-12-87 GT HOST control file GTLOG741.ARC 100096 10-12-87 GT13.00 log for host mode NEWHOST.ARC 4096 10-12-87 new host scripts for Qmodem 3.1 RZSZ.ARC 66560 10-13-87 'C' source code to ZMODEM X'fer Protocol MAILORDR.TXT 6144 10-13-87 Beware If you mailorder read this FIDO231.ARC 9216 10-13-87 Hard drive users read this MYED.ARC 79872 10-13-87 TSR editor with Quickbasic source ARCMSTR.ARC 60672 10-13-87 Version 1.3 Archive Management System PCOPATCH.ARC 1664 10-13-87 Patch out pco.ect file look in pco330 MATHPAD.ARC 99328 10-13-87 Mathematics calculator GRAFIX.ARC 53248 10-14-87 graphic lib for MSC Turbo C w source WPMACS13.ARC 11264 10-14-87 Word Perfect Macro's RAMIT100.ARC 16896 10-14-87 Execute ROM HD Code from RAM on XT Clone CBOOT.ARC 1280 10-14-87 Controlled reboot of the system PROPER.ARC 4096 10-15-87 Cap first letters in strings BIN OBJ RF DBQUEUE.ARC 10240 10-15-87 Comm. w DOS PRINT q fm 3+ etc. BIN OBJ FAT104.ARC 16768 10-15-87 displays chain of clusters owned by file CHECK-AT.ARC 2048 10-15-87 tests non-ibm BIOS problems w ext. mem. FILEC.ARC 2048 10-15-87 File Complete - typing help for filename BELL.ARC 2048 10-15-87 Change system bell to a chime TELEX.ARC 11136 10-15-87 Crosstalk XVI- turn PC into Telex RS232.ARC 12288 10-15-87 Explanation of RS232 standard- Nice RESPONSE.ARC 2048 10-15-87 A simple get-key util for BATs COPYTREE.ARC 34816 10-15-87 Copy Move Files - Good Backup Utility TC130.ARC 165888 10-15-87 Turbo C Library Function Library PC_V150B.ARC 3456 10-15-87 PROCLIP v1.50 Bug Correction Report BANNER.ARC 30720 10-16-87 PRINT BANNERS WITH ANY PRINTER - ADWARE CLIPARRY.ARC 3072 10-16-87 How to hack access to Clipper arrays HVT MMENU10.ARC 218752 10-16-87 Magic Menu Vers 1.0a - EZ to learn menu CARDFILE.ARC 38272 10-16-87 EXCELLENT Rolodex TSR from PC Mag. FORM275.ARC 88064 10-16-87 FORMS MGR-WORKS ALONE OR WITH RBASE EMM4.ARC 33664 10-16-87 driver to upgrade Above Board to EMMS4.0 PCCURSES.ARC 90368 10-16-87 MSC 3 4 -- Curses for the PC CHANSHAD.ARC 43008 10-16-87 HPLJ Chancelor 24 pt w shadow font SORTASC3.ARC 60416 10-16-87 multi-process ordered sort v3 CURSMAN.ARC 53376 10-16-87 Docs for pccurses (*nix-like curses) TUTR-FIX.ARC 50560 10-16-87 Forsberg's answer to commtutr - READ IT FGREP158.ARC 10240 10-17-87 Dunford's TEXT Search Util v1.58 10-16-7 REBBS26.ARC 6144 10-17-87 Betty Wheaton's 10 1 87 Real Estate BBS CHEMVIEW.ARC 50176 10-17-87 EGA Rotating view of various molecules DBSTD2.ARC 15360 10-17-87 draft 2 od dBase lang standard TCPAT11.ARC 1536 10-17-87 Latest patches for Borland's Turbo C. DUMTRM.PAS 3072 10-17-87 comm.port routines in turbo pascal FINNEEDS.ARC 42368 10-18-87 Financial Needs Analysis It's OK BNSLIB.ARC 43008 10-18-87 BNS object module librarian for Turbo C. PHD.ARC 114688 10-18-87 phone directory program fairly complete AN.ARC 81920 10-18-87 calender and tickler program LIST624.ARC 27648 10-18-87 new version of Buerg's LIST program ENVELOPE.ARC 4096 10-18-87 info on DOS environment TRNSLATE.ARC 11264 10-18-87 ASCII EBCDIC conversion routine Y 53248 10-19-87 Latest x y zmodem protocols TCWIN16.ARC 107520 10-19-87 windows for turbo c DBLOOK.ARC 17792 10-19-87 Read dBASEIII .DBF file in Turbo Pascal CLIPED01.ARC 111616 10-19-87 Powerful EDIT for Clipper Aut'86 v1.01 WDCONT.ARC 10240 10-19-87 Western Digital Controller manual CLM22.ARC 31744 10-19-87 Custom Label Maker 2.2 NOWAIT.ARC 12288 10-20-87 Speed up 1-2-3 calculations POEPATCH.ARC 1792 10-20-87 Patch for POE to be able to change dirs. INSURANC.ARC 44032 10-20-87 Keep track of assets for insurance purpo USACON.ARC 25600 10-20-87 The USA constitution with menus PIBT40E1.ARC 210176 10-20-87 PIBTERM v4.0 Executable 1 of 2 PIBT40E2.ARC 139264 10-20-87 PIBTERM v4.0 2 of 2 FXMAST32.ARC 21248 10-20-87 Epson Printer Setup v 3.2 SIMCGA40.ARC 13312 10-21-87 update to use CGA programs on Hercules BACKSOUN.ARC 5120 10-21-87 BACKGROUND SOUND FOR TURBO PASCAL BMOVE.ARE 16384 10-21-87 MOVE PROGRAMS BETWEEN SUBDIRS. TPASCAL S CAT.ARC 2048 10-21-87 UNIX LIKE DIR UTIL. KINDCHIP.ARC 1024 10-21-87 TELLS WHETHER YOU HAVE 8086-1 OR 8086-2 TIMEIT.ARC 14336 10-21-87 TIME EXECUTION OF PROGRAM. CSAM40.ARC 8576 10-21-87 UNPROTECT DIAGRAPH PIC PERFECT 3.3-4.0 WFOLD.ARC 14336 10-21-87 Text utility - warps lines word bounds CDTO.ARC 2048 10-21-87 Do a CD to the dir. containing a file KEYSUB.COM 256 10-22-87 Substitute one key for another SNIP.COM 1664 10-22-87 mark screen and move to another pgm TC-HELP.ARC 47104 10-22-87 Help facility for Turbo C w source EXT-CISB.ARC 37888 10-22-87 Extrnal Compuserve B protocol CLIPLIST.ARC 8192 10-22-87 Listing of clipper files on various BBS' C2DBASE.ARC 20480 10-22-87 'C' interface routines to DBaseIII files SCARY.ARC 8192 10-22-87 What kind of damage a hacker can do ISDIR.ARC 5632 10-22-87 Clipper checks directory path validity PYTHAG3.ARC 29696 10-23-87 Find Pythagorian Triplets Math program SPDLRN.ARC 52224 10-23-87 Speedup&Learn add-ins from LOTUS ARCF103.ARC 8192 10-24-87 Find TEXT within ARC's V.Buerg 10-16-87 CLOCK3.ARC 2688 10-24-87 On-screen clock display (smart) VERFAKE.ARC 1408 10-24-87 TSR to return different DOS version no. TODAYNEW.ARC 16768 10-24-87 Additional dates for TODAY program -Set1 TODAYDOB.ARC 14336 10-24-87 Additional dates for TODAY program -Set2 HPS2ART.ARC 3072 10-24-87 line art drawing of HPLJ II for Ventura HPL2VEN.ARC 35840 10-24-87 convert HPII fonts for Ventura use PREPRINT.ARC 14336 10-24-87 estimates pages and time to print docmnt FONTFLT2.ARC 24832 10-24-87 more filters a la FONTFILT.ARC FONTFILT.ARC 15744 10-24-87 transform fonts to 3-D & hollow w SRC REVW0887.ARC 41984 10-24-87 Robert Blancher's PD Software Reviews DSZ1016.ARC 56320 10-24-87 Latest ZMODEM subprogram. REVW0787.ARC 26624 10-24-87 Robert Blancher's PD Software Reviews REVW0687.ARC 49152 10-24-87 Robert Blancher's PD Software Reviews YZMODEM.ARC 88064 10-24-87 Everything you wanted to know (almost). D86V310A.ARC 63488 10-24-87 Isaacson's debugger Ver 3.1 D86V310B.ARC 59392 10-24-87 Isaacson's debugger ver 3.1 part 2 REVW0587.ARC 46080 10-24-87 Robert Blancher's PD Software Reviews PRODIA44.ARC 49152 10-24-87 AT Diagnostics NOT for beginners SMALLDOC.ARC 57728 10-24-87 Prints docs in IBM binder size USERLOGN.ARC 1024 10-24-87 passwords for db3+ clipper LET12.ARC 71680 10-25-87 Multi Feat. Funct. Environment Edtr V.G. STAR21.ARC 11264 10-25-87 set up Star Micronics printers from KB MEMOBOOK.ARC 45056 10-25-87 Neat Name and address file keeper and DB FACE.COM 4096 10-25-87 A diversion to put a few smiles SPS14.ARC 22528 10-25-87 screen dump selected area (rows & cols) QEDIT138.ARC 96256 10-25-87 Latest ver of editor - small changes KILINARC.ARC 16384 10-25-87 del files in dir ident to files in arc DISKFREE.ARC 11264 10-25-87 Directory Analyzer - tree + file sizes HI-RES.ARC 5120 10-25-87 Hi-resolution scrn dump to Laserjet II HOW-BIG2.ARC 26624 10-25-87 Display disk space in all subdir w sourc HP41CV.ARC 74752 10-25-87 Turn your PC into a calculator TCRES2.ARC 24320 10-25-87 Turbo C memory resident library RESLB2.ARC 32768 10-25-87 MSC momory resident library FBBSJR.ARC 25600 10-26-87 Beta ver of ARthur Lee's BBS for the jr TYPO.ARC 3072 10-27-87 Neat batch file ECHO enhancement. CASET217.ARC 114688 10-27-87 Audio cassette labeler with ltr qual prt DRIP.ARC 2432 10-27-87 Interesting screen effect PRIVNUM.ARC 2560 10-27-87 A list of PRIVATE BBS numbers. 730K.ARC 6144 10-27-87 Use 80 Track drives on PC w IBM DOS 3.1 XEQ.ARC 6144 10-27-87 make 1 big .com file form smaller .com f ADVDIAGS.ARC 58368 10-27-87 advanced DIAGS for the IBM SAP300.ARC 30720 10-28-87 sort and pack directories HEADHUNT.ARC 19456 10-28-87 finds proper h files for turbo c pgms DOORWAY2.ARC 123904 10-28-87 Doors interface for PCBd GT Host RBBS-PC ROMTOOLS.ARC 6144 10-28-87 ROM examining burning utilities. CDOC23.ARC 16384 10-28-87 Automagicly Documents C functions Ver2.3 DSZBOOT.ARC 22528 10-28-87 Add ZMODEM protocol to TELIX Vers 2.xx GS35.ARC 156672 10-28-87 BrwnBag's Goal Seeker for Spreadshts 3.5 ARCMGR12.ARC 124928 10-28-87 PKARC chop view repair arc files NEWBBS.ARC 768 10-28-87 new listing of local bbs's10 87 bsl UX-LS.ARC 20608 10-29-87 Good *nix-like 'ls' with c source GT-FIX.ARC 8320 10-29-87 reset protect counter in GT v13.00 FILETOOL.ARC 116736 10-29-87 like QFILER - Modula 2 source included GRAB22.ARC 67840 10-29-87 TSR envelope addresser v2.2 TCTUTOR1.ARC 132992 10-29-87 Turbo C Tutor - 1 of 2 TCTUTOR2.ARC 110464 10-29-87 Turbo C Tutor 2 of 2 VOL6N20.ARC 148480 10-29-87 PC-MAG'S LATEST PROGS TCDEV.ARC 4096 10-29-87 Write device driver in Turbo-c CMOVE6.ARC 7552 10-29-87 Move file across directory FAST SLOD.ARC 2304 10-29-87 Slow down AT type machine MSET.ARC 2048 10-29-87 Set any video mode from DOS - with src. DKEY107.ARC 26624 10-29-87 Kbd. redefiner like Prokey WS4REV.ARC 5504 10-30-87 Review of WordStar Release 4.o WSREFMAN.ARC 65152 10-30-87 A referance manual for WordStar QUICKSC.ARC 3840 10-30-87 speed up screen retrace PCCOM.ARC 86016 10-30-87 A small Comm program SAMMAC.EXE 49024 10-30-87 P.C. Mags. self-unarchiving samna macros CVTIMG.ARC 14336 10-30-87 converts PC-Paint to Ventura .IMG format FRB158.ARC 13312 10-30-87 Buerg's new fast backup restore MICROC.ARC 11648 10-30-87 TSR WINDOWS EXEC() from 11 87 MicroC Mag DSZ1025.ARC 54566 11-01-87 Zmodem Program 10 25 87 Version PKX35FIX.ARC 2048 11-01-87 Fix for a small bug - from the author DWPATCH.ARC 11264 11-01-87 Autopatch bug fixes for DOORWAY2 GFS000.ARC 44032 11-01-87 a gravity field simulator - 3 fields PIPEV221.ARC 16384 11-01-87 Redirect output to both scrn & file devc HS0.ARC 53632 11-01-87 hyperspace simulator design 4d figs. PC-DRAFT.ARC 80896 11-01-87 shareware drawing program AUTOHOST.ARC 1664 11-01-87 procomm way to enter host or timeout PRCMHOST.ARC 1664 11-01-87 procomm sample auto xfer w procomm host RESLB201.ARC 36864 11-02-87 MSC Turbo C memory resident lib v.2.01 PSHELL.ARC 35840 11-02-87 A menu system for programmers PMK-UTIL.ARC 206848 11-02-87 sophisticated disk file utility system TMSN3060.ARC 48128 11-02-87 60 pt TimesRoman for Ventura w WID table ENVLJ500.ARC 67584 11-02-87 address envelopes on HPLJ II v5.0 WORDFON.ARC 101760 11-02-87 Glyphiz HPLJ fonts for MS Word ACADLSP1.ARC 17152 11-02-87 USEFUL LISP PROGRAMS 1 EAJ.ARC 7168 11-02-87 scrolling text display ala Times Square GTFIX.ARC 3072 11-03-87 Fix GT1300 so it will not lockup. BPLUS.ARC 20736 11-03-87 C source for Btree indexes TURBBOOK.ARC 44416 11-03-87 code from Turbo C memory resident utils 31TO31A.ARC 225280 11-03-87 Qmodem 3.1 to 3.1A Upgrade. GTNET161.ARC 67584 11-04-87 GT Power v1.61 Netmail Utility FBR161.ARC 16384 11-04-87 V Buerg's Fast Backup Restore v1.61 SORTF225.ARC 8192 11-04-87 V Buerg's Sort Utility v2.25 FD35.ARC 3200 11-04-87 How to Put a 3.5 drive in an AT DATES.ARC 13312 11-04-87 Date & time tips from Ashton-Tate PAMPH203.ARC 64512 11-04-87 v2.03 pamphlet - HPLJ 4 to a page 2 up SPY.ARC 34816 11-04-87 spy on MS Windows operations RS232LG.ARC 2048 11-04-87 on screen lights for internal modems BIGCITY.ARC 24320 11-04-87 HPLJ font similar to Broadway TPANSI.ARC 5120 11-04-87 Access ANSI.SYS from Turbo Pascal TAU2.ARC 18560 11-05-87 Text Arc Util - arc read your doc files BREAKBX.ARC 6144 11-05-87 break box wrk s on my 12.5 pc PROAUTO.ARC 41728 11-05-87 PROCOMM COMMAND FILE GENERATOR DMP111.ARC 20480 11-06-87 Print spooler thru disk - good flexible CVTFON.ARC 69632 11-07-87 Convert comm. prog. phone dirs 1.8a OK204.ARC 114048 11-07-87 graphical file translation util v2.04 ERINUPD.ARC 9216 11-07-87 Update to Clipper ERIN library CONFIGOK.ARC 4224 11-07-87 Clipper checks CONFIG.SYS file TPANSI2.ARC 7168 11-07-87 Access ANSI.SYS from TPascal Vers 3 & 4 POWERKIX.ARC 19456 11-07-87 utility device driver key speed up etc MICROP21.ARC 5120 11-08-87 Prints doc files very small. Save paper. QDISK321.ARC 16384 11-08-87 Like DR & RN from PC Mag. but better 3FREE4U.ARC 90112 11-08-87 3 utilities time date save screen print DBASM1.ARC 10240 11-08-87 DBASE ASM language routines w a fix RVPRIMER.ARC 6144 11-08-87 Explanation of the R-V mode on PC PURSUI BARD.ARC 896 11-08-87 Patch Bard's Tale for 16 Colors on jr VOL6N21.ARC 45312 11-08-87 PC Magazine utilities (Nov 1987) CLAS203.ARC 42880 11-08-87 S W HPLJ Util - incl Epson emulation DUPDSK15.ARC 28928 11-08-87 make many copies from 1 floppy-formats ARCMGR21.ARC 25600 11-08-87 BEST PK PKXARC ARCF ARCTV ARCTOOL Mangr. QMDM-EXT.ARC 98304 11-09-87 New external protocol files for Qmodem MHCOLR.ARC 27648 11-09-87 1-2-3 Add-in for color mgt of cells STICK.ARC 1280 11-09-87 PC MAG EGA COLOR SPEC STICKER CTYPE.ARC 1536 11-09-87 PC MAG UTIL TO KEEP CURSOR SIZE & SHAPE PC-FLIST.ARC 53888 11-09-87 V2.05 SHAREWARE. VERSATILE DIR UTIL SHOPPER.ARC 101376 11-09-87 GROCERY DATABASE FOR SUPERMKT SHOPPERS WSSI320A.ARC 109568 11-10-87 Great disk cataloging program WSSI320B.ARC 107520 11-10-87 part 2 of great disk cataloging program ENVLJ502.ARC 67584 11-10-87 Print envelopes on HP LaserJet v 5.02 OS2UPGRD.ARC 3072 11-10-87 IBM's upgrade offer from DOS 3.x to OS 2 WD-27X.ARC 6144 11-10-87 Tech info for West.Digtl 27x + ST238 dr. PUTIL.ARC 2304 11-10-87 Txt fl. print util. Use w Norton LP cmd PKXARCM.ARC 15360 11-10-87 Katz's menu front end for PKARC PKXARC UUARC.ARC 35968 11-11-87 UUencode decode for the PC TC-TOUCH.ARC 18944 11-11-87 Handle command line * and ? in TurboC PMK21A.ARC 201728 11-12-87 ProMasterKey V2.1a-Undel Unfmt&Menu AT_TIME.ARC 256 11-12-87 permanent time date set for IBM - AT SURPAS.ARC 155392 11-12-87 Turbo Pascal clone from Australia EDWIN15C.ARC 113664 11-12-87 Programmer's editor IFF30.ARC 31744 11-12-87 Batch file enhancer v3.0 MYSTAT.ARC 276480 11-12-87 personalize SYSTAT statistical pkg. QM31PCP.ARC 55296 11-12-87 NEW QMODEM 31 PC-PURSUIT SCRIPTS LEGALSUP.ARC 8192 11-13-87 A supplemental dict. for legal WP users FF204.ARC 10240 11-13-87 Fast file finder with many options KILLZERO.ARC 8320 11-13-87 Deletes zero byte files FMAT.ARC 15360 11-13-87 Fast floppy formatter - another one QBFE11.ARC 64256 11-13-87 QUICK BASIC FRONT END SOFTFREE.ARC 768 11-13-87 Instructions on obtaining soft. free ARCMGR22.ARC 25600 11-14-87 PKARC PKXARC ARCF ARCTV ARCTOOL Manager FINAMNII.ARC 247808 11-14-87 superb home-sm.business finance manager 400KDISK.ARC 8192 11-14-87 Format 400k floppies on OLD PC drives ILEAVE.ARC 32768 11-14-87 Change interleave with files intact PCOPY66.ARC 61440 11-15-87 Patriquin's file copy move util-updated ARCF104.ARC 8192 11-15-87 ARCF v1.04 - V Buerg CHOOSER.ARC 15488 11-15-87 BATch file enhancer builds choice menus CONV-CNF.ARC 6400 11-15-87 QMODEM CNF convert utility CVTFON19.ARC 71680 11-15-87 Convert comm. prog. phone dirs (1.9) CO.ARC 4096 11-15-87 COPY UTIL from PC MAG ala DR & RN.COM PRONEWS.ARC 4096 11-16-87 PROCOMM + FEATURES AUDIT2.ARC 4096 11-16-87 SEARCH FOR HIDDEN DIR'S DOZEN.ARC 249856 11-16-87 Bakers Dozen Disk Utilities CURVEFIT.ARC 125952 11-16-87 Curve fitting many types no graphics THEXDER.ARC 1024 11-16-87 Unprotect Thexder from Sierra HELI.ARC 2048 11-16-87 unprotect Helicopter from Sierra WPMACS.ARC 11136 11-17-87 WORD PERFECT MACROS PCTRACE.ARC 14336 11-17-87 Produces trace table for program. Good. BINTRE.ARC 3072 11-17-87 Turbo-C B-tree code from Turbo technix MSDOSTAR.ARC 17408 11-17-87 MSDOS version of UNIX TAR facility LJBOOK.ARC 13824 11-17-87 V. Bergs laser book print util WINPRTSC.ARC 15360 11-17-87 print screen from MS Windows NYOB.ARC 6144 11-17-87 Blank screen if someone is coming DOFILTER.ARC 31744 11-17-87 comprehensive ASCII filter processor BASE-PC.ARC 3072 11-17-87 Remotely connect with your system... HEAREYE.ARC 3072 11-17-87 Checks hearing and eyesight over compute DIGEST70.ARC 20480 11-17-87 INFO-IBMPC DIGEST 70 NOV 15 1987 vg SDFCONV.ARC 19456 11-17-87 Convert SDF to Dbase w o existing dbfile MNGX35.ARC 241664 11-17-87 MANAGE V3.5 Billing tracking time charges ANSI_43.ARC 11264 11-17-87 ANSI.SYS for EGA for 43 lines screen MAGLOCK.ARC 51712 11-18-87 BEST HD SECURITY SYSTEM I'VE SEEN ZDEL50.ARC 10112 11-18-87 multi-file delete w optional confirm ZDF.ARC 3712 11-18-87 Show space free on given drive(s) ALRT1706.ARC 10240 11-18-87 IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT 1706 - CONSULTANTS LSTARC.ARC 12288 11-18-87 list files in ARC & method & space NYW221.ARC 112640 11-18-87 Update to New York Word - v2.21 PJ_EGA.ARC 23040 11-18-87 Programmers Journal EGA functions (.ASM) ART.ARC 77824 11-19-87 A drawing program. CHEAPCAD.ARC 30720 11-19-87 Another CAD program. NEWFLOW.ARC 71680 11-19-87 A flow chart creation program. D3NT8710.ARC 15360 11-19-87 Latest version as AT's notes for dB3+ D3AN8710.ARC 12288 11-19-87 Latest dB3 anonomily listing VOL6N22.ARC 18432 11-19-87 Pc Magazine Util (12 22 87) (PRN2FILE) TCHK050.ARC 65536 11-19-87 Turbo C library 0.50 by H.Kapustein MOVBASV5.ARC 26880 11-19-87 create ver of IBM BASIC to run on clones CTABL137.ARC 57344 11-19-87 HPLJ+ util for creating WID tables v1.37 LARK020.ARC 47872 11-19-87 ARC MENU SHELL - NEEDS PKXARC AND LIST OKFONTS.ARC 48128 11-19-87 K. Graham's fonts for OPTIKS v. 2.04 T2C203.ARC 24576 11-20-87 CONVERT ASCII TEXT TO COM FILE-VG IW-BEN.ARC 22528 11-20-87 InfoWorld Benchmark tests TCDEBUG4.ARC 62848 11-20-87 TurboC Debugger very nice HAL9000.ARC 203008 11-20-87 HAL9000 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROPTR.ARC 32640 11-20-87 proprinter set-up CLIPCNF3.ARC 80106 11-20-87 Clipper Messages up to mid November EB.ARC 2048 11-20-87 a fast batchfile editor creator VG PKX35A35.ARC 123392 11-20-87 VER 3.5 OF PKXARC FROM PC MAG CBSCD.ARC 100352 11-21-87 CBS CD CATALOG AND DATABASE USERLOG.ARC 30592 11-21-87 log useage of your system by operators QDISK325.ARC 16384 11-21-87 memory resident directory utility v3.25 NETCPY30.ARC 13312 11-21-87 network compatible COPY command CTDESK27.ARC 122880 11-24-87 Citydesk Ver 2.7 desktop publishing CW13.ARC 139264 11-24-87 Chiwriter ver 1.3 SCICALC2.ARC 115712 11-24-87 A good scientific calculator TC-COMM.ARC 29696 11-24-87 Turbo C communications routines LEGALDCT.ARC 75776 11-24-87 legal dictionary in ASCII for many WPs ORBS140.ARC 82432 11-24-87 satellite tracking program TELECOM.ARC 39680 11-24-87 resident comm program runs in background EPENWS1.ARC 25600 11-24-87 newsletter for Ventura users NEWSDESI.ARC 60416 11-24-87 designer newsletter for Ventura PARTNR20.ARC 39808 11-24-87 Equal Partners 2.0-Laplink + workalike INDXTEXT.ARC 21504 11-24-87 create Clipper index files from ASCII TCMEMACS.ARC 63488 11-25-87 MEMACS 3.9 compiled in TC for speed EMACDOC.ARC 45056 11-25-87 Docs for MEMACS 3.9 DBASE_C.ARC 13312 11-25-87 read dbase files with c programs SRCH82.ARC 38912 11-25-87 search replace in multiple ASCII files UPS.ARC 9216 11-25-87 Clipper UDFs for calculating UPS charges ATTDOS32.ARC 5632 11-26-87 Patvh for clock problem ATT DOS 3.2 AWARDSST.ARC 39936 11-26-87 BIOS CHECKER CTDSK361.ARC 137216 11-26-87 Latest Disk Catalog Pgm reads archives FLOP-360.ARC 36608 11-26-87 Format 360K floppies in 1.2meg drive WRAPFLDS ARC 2048 12-01-87 CLIPPER UDF FOR LINE WRAP WPGRAB12 ARC 19456 12-01-87 Patriquin(pkx..)file grab into .BAT BBSG11 ARC 96256 12-01-87 Issue 1 of a new guide to BBS's 6502 ARC 57472 12-01-87 motorola's 6502 cross-assembler. CACHE2 ARC 14336 12-01-87 disk caching system GLIB13 ARC 125184 12-01-87 60+ functions for QB3 & QB4 DSZ1127 ARC 60416 12-01-87 DSZ release of 11 27 QED138D ARC 97280 12-01-87 Qedit v1.38d fast text editor-minor fix EPENWS02 ARC 52608 12-02-87 Isse 2 of EPE Ventura newsletter TEF ARC 14336 12-02-87 timed execution facility for Procomm INT-TEST ARC 46464 12-02-87 test change HD interleave 201_1287 ARC 6144 12-02-87 November 87 BBS List for 201 grab it DBCALPS ARC 95616 12-03-87 point shoot calendar db clipper src avai LOOK120 ARC 22528 12-03-87 View 120 columns on your CGA ( ) monitor LBLMKR51 ARC 51200 12-03-87 A disk labelling program. REFORM ARC 3072 12-03-87 Converts Apple to IBM and back. DATAMAX ARC 138624 12-03-87 Rolodex labels mailmerge edit 10 files. VENTUART ARC 23552 12-03-87 13 PD PC Paintbrush clip art files HSA_GRAF ARC 89088 12-04-87 C graphics EGA CGA Hercules(MSC TC LC) USAMAP2 ARC 74752 12-04-87 Map ANd Mileage of many cities in the US PSUPPLY ARC 9216 12-04-87 Linear power supply design program HELP32 ARC 55296 12-04-87 HELP command for DOS 3.2 FLY ARC 8192 12-05-87 Create batch files on the fly. AJUTIL2 ARC 47104 12-05-87 new version of aj's utilities for at's RDRIVER1 ARC 87936 12-05-87 SCRIPT DRIVEN REPORT GEN. FOR CLIP. VER1 FF-BBS ARC 3200 12-05-87 A new DTP LaserJet BBS on East Coast ESC_CODE ARC 2304 12-05-87 Complete listing of Esc Code for HPLJ TONER ARC 3456 12-05-87 How to recharge laserjet toners save$$$ H_TOUCH ARC 1280 12-05-87 Article on laserjet soft font manger GNU ARC 1536 12-05-87 Info on customized font cartridge HANDSCAN ARC 768 12-05-87 A hand-held scanner for only $299 FASTCOPY ARC 12288 12-05-87 Multiple copies & or formats fast SCRNEDIT ARC 61440 12-05-87 Pop-up menu driven text editor GTUNP ARC 1024 12-05-87 Get rid of screen and fix lockup gt1300. 720KAT ARC 5120 12-06-87 Device driver & format.com for 720k inAT COPY2BRD ARC 2048 12-06-87 Text file about COPYIIPC Bd - read it USBBS43 ARC 37248 12-06-87 December 1 1987 Darwin BBS list LISTI401 ARC 18432 12-06-87 List files by extension multiple specs. JBCAL10 ARC 6528 12-07-87 Clipper Point&Shoot Calendar (FreeWare) NANSI987 ARC 26624 12-07-87 New version of nansi.sys device driver GENCHECK ARC 16384 12-07-87 SI-style prog for batch system checks (CLIPPER)