Welcome to the Special Edition Using VRML CD-ROM. This CD contains lots of Shareware, Freeware, and licensed Commercial and Public Domain software-- browsers, utilities, virtual worlds--and all of the best links to VRML resources on the Net.
The rapid development cycle of VRML software means that newer versions will most certainly be available by the time you read this--not to mention new VRML programs and applications altogether. One of the best sites on the Web to keep up-to-date with VRML changes and updates is the VRML Repository at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
You'll doubtless remember a number of references in the book to the VRML mailing list. This list, moderated by Mark Pesce and sponsored by Wired is a hotbed for the latest VRML technical information and developments. To join, click the link below and type on the first line only "subscribe www-vrml (your e-mail address)" (without the quotes, of course!). The volume of e-mail from the list is heavy, and if turns out to be too much for you, you can unsubscribe simply by sending another e-mail and substituting "unsubscribe" for the word "subscribe" above.
Join the VRML Mail List
Clicking on highlighted text will let you read a document, download a compressed file to your hard drive or connect you to a Web site. Of course, if you wish, you may also use a file manager utility to transfer the files--for example, Windows Explorer in Windows 95.
Most of the files on this CD are compressed in a "zip" format. Included for your convenience is WinZip 6.0, an versatile decompression utility that will handle most formats. You may run it directly from the CD, download it to your hard drive, or set it up as a helper application for your browser. Files ending in ".exe" are self-extracting files that may need to be executed in order to decompress them. You can download them to your TEMP directory (or any other other temporary directory you use) and then extract them.
We at Que think you'll find both the book and this CD-ROM invaluable resource materials for your journey into an exciting, ever-changing, and fun world of Virtual Reality and VRML. The authors, Bernie Roehl and Stephen Matsuba, welcome your suggestions, comments and opinions. Also, feel free to e-mail the Product Director of this book, Benjamin Milstead, with any questions, suggestions or comments you may have about SE Using VRML or Que. Let us know how much fun you're having!
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