================================================================ Title : "The Artifact" for DOOM II The Final Version Author : Paul Schmitz Email Address : 71776,337 Description : You've been to hell and back, now it's MILLER time! Unfortunately the officer you pounded earlier is now your new CO. Guess who gets the next S**T detail? While boarding the drop ship, you find out some strange goings-on are happening at a UAC facility in the Andes mountains. It appears that what recently happened on Mars is happening here. People rising from the dead, demons and monsters gnawing the living. Not good! You are to meet some undercover operatives at the facility who will lead you to a secret base nearby (something about having to climb a waterfall and navigate an underground river and some sewers). You hear a rumor about the discovery of an alien artifact that supposedly started this whole mess. You also hear a story about a UAC backed raid by a company of space marines that failed miserably. The one lone survivor kept babbling about "blowing up a mountain, though not the way we intended." He died before he could explain what he meant. The drop ship doors open, and you hit the ground running. Great! An entire company of veteran spacers gets wiped out, and they send you in alone with a pistol, just because you did it before. A reception party is waiting for you. Unfortunately, THIS reception party is not the undercover operatives you were to meet! AMBUSH! Additional Credits to : id Software for making THE BEST GAMES IN THE COSMOS: DOOM and DOOM II. Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Anthony Burden, and Simon Oke, contributors/ developers of a great Doom editor, DETH 2.67. Jens Hykkelbjerg for RMB, an excellent Reject Map editor. And a very special THANK YOU to Jack V and the rest of the folks at Sensor Based Systems for DeePBSP. I would also like to credit Leo Martin Lim for the excellent discovery for invisible platforms which he used in PWAD called "Dooms day of UAC" (UAC_DEAD.WAD). Also much thanks to a great group of testers: Mark Jean, Grant Greenwaldt, Mike "The WAD Critic" Abbott, and Dia (Dietmar Westerteicher). Last, but certainly not least, I wish to thank my lovely wife Lynn, who allowed me to pursue my DOOMing pleasure. And, of course, Jonathan and Matthew (my two boys and future DOOM hall of famers). ================================================================ * Play Information * MAP# : MAP01 "Ambush" MAP02 "The Artifact" MAP03 "Hell's Gate" Doom Version : Requires DOOM II 1.9 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (2 player only - not tested) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No (Too big) Difficulty Settings : Yes (All) New Sounds : Replaced Music D_E1M1.MUS replaces music for MAP01 D_E1M2.MUS replaces music for MAP02 D_E1M8.MUS replaces music for MAP03 New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New three level episode from scratch using MAPS 1-3. Build Time : Don't ask! (amongst earning a living, loving my wife and playing with my boys, I squeezed in as much time as I could working on this PWAD. I figure a good 1000 hours worth of work). Editor(s) used : DETH 2.67 GCC version, DeeP 7.4, DeePBSP 3.2, RMB 2.1 Bugs : Shouldn't have anymore , but if you find them, let me know. History : 12/30/94 "The Artifact" released for DOOM I 04/06/95 "The Artifact" MAP01 released for DOOM II 06/13/95 "The Artifact" MAP01-03 released 12/07/95 "The Artifact" bug-fix released 12/11/95 "The Artifact" FINAL bug-fix release * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file , with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * BBS numbers: CompuServe, GO ACTION, DOOM II Levels (Lib 21, called ARTIFACT.ZIP, search using ARTIFACT for KEYWORD search. TO PLAY: ============================================ To play this WAD, put the WAD file in your DOOM2 directory. At the command prompt type: doom2 -file artifact.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 Level starts at MAP 01. ============================================ Other PWADs by Paul Schmitz "The Welcome to Hell" levels pick up where the "The Artifact" levels left off. You can find WELCOME on CSERVE, Action Forum, Lib 21, DOOM II Levels. Use WELCOME for Keyword search. I usually check out CSERVE at least once a day. If you need any help, find a bug, or just would like to say "Hi", just send an E-mail or post a message and I promise to respond promptly. You can also reach me via the internet at 71776.337@compuserve.com * Author's Notes * Please feel free to praise/condemn this PWAD anytime. I'm always looking for ways to better my level-making capabilities. But the only way I can do this is if I hear from you great DOOM players. Let me know about any bugs or comments so I can make this WAD a joy to play. I'm usually in Compuserve every day. I promise to respond to each and every comment I receive. I originally intended this PWAD to be one huge level, until I discovered that I could no longer save games because of the limit placed on the size of the save game file. Even though the original level is now broken into three parts, I tried to keep the look and feel of one big level. Let me know if I succeeded. ARTIFACT HINTS 1. For those of lesser skills, keep an "eye" out for the "Eye in Symbol" thing. These denote secret passages to healing areas where you can recharge. But be forewarned, the "trade-off" for using these healings might not be worth it in the long-run. For every row of items you use in this area, a powerful item in another section is removed from play. I added the healing areas to MAP 01 for some friends of mine lacking sufficient DOOMing skills. Side note: Even if you don't use the healing areas, the intra-level teleportation may come in handy later in the game. Also, the penalty only applies in level 1. There is no penalty for using this area in level 2. However, you can use TWO rows of items without serious harm. Two items are duplicated in the level. Of course, which two rows of items you can use is another story . 2. Consoles work in the level. Be sure to try and activate them all. 3. By now, the mere site of a demon should enrage you to the point where you'll shoot it. OK, maybe not. But a well placed punch or gunshot might prove beneficial when you see those hideous demon faces on walls. 4. Small rooms usually hide more than items. A thorough search of the area might be in order (especially if you only find a lousy chainsaw). 5. If a dark panel suddenly is lit, a closer inspection is definitely in order. 6. As a general rule, secret rebel bases are supposed to be hard to find. I have not made an exception here (see above two clues). And yes, there is a way to get ALL the weapons in the rebel base. 7. When you activate a switch, you might not always see it, but you will (almost) always hear the results. 8. On invisible platforms, torches and such will define the outer edges of the platform your on. 9. Just like DOOM II, you cannot destroy the spawn cube (John's head is not available to kill (yet ). Objective is to escape, not destroy all monsters. 10. Some clues can only be seen on a map. 11. Platforms may "point" to the right direction.