Title : Unholy Ground I v.09 (HEXEN) Filename : UHG01.WAD Author : claudec Email Address : claudec@wwa.com 74073.3117@compuserve.com Misc. Author Info : Description : Two grave yards and a chapel. Based on the soon to be famous Kill Your Friends III for Heretic. Dodge in and out around the tombstones. If someone is in the building in the middle cemetary press the switch on the outside of the building. It will release a circle of spiked balls that will slowly expand from the center. The room is to dark for you oppenent to see them. Press the north wall of the room in the icy cemetary to cause an earthquake and a burst of fireballs stream across cemetary's entrance. Also inculded is the .acs file for those who might want to see it. RELEASE DATE 11/26/95 Additional Credits to :Dalias for getting me started on scripts. Ken F. Henderson for some good suggestions on making the window effects. Matt Fell Author of DoomSpecs Ben Morris Author of HexenSpecs ID Creators of the Doom Engine TESTING: Eliminator Claudec ================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : NO Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES Difficulty Settings : NO New Sounds : NO New Graphics : NO New Music : NO Demos Replaced : NO * Construction * Base : Kill Your Friends III (Heretic) Editor(s) used : Heep 8.4 Known Bugs : The fireballs that appear when Breaking windows do not always behave correctly. If the window is broken from far back the fireballs spew out towards you. If the windows are broken up close the balls spew away from you (which is the desired behavior) These fireballs also do not seem to spew in the correct direction when viewed by a second player in DM. Also the windows occasionally don't close back all the way. Breaking them again will genrally fix this. * Copyright / Permissions * Please don't steal from me. Please do use my stuff to stimulate thought and inspire. DO NOT USE THIS LEVEL AS A BASE FOR OTHER LEVELS. * Where to get this WAD * Compuserve Action Games Forum * other Heretic levels by author, Kill Your Friends I - IV (KYF01.wad ... KYF04.wad)