Sidewalk Software presents SCRAMBLE for DOS A Game by Paul H. Smith Description ----------- The game of Scramble contains a set of ten puzzles to be solved, and you can make more puzzles of your own. Each of the puzzles consists of a set of numbered or lettered tiles arranged into a pattern or phrase, and the pattern may contain blank tiles that are frozen in place. The pattern can be scrambled into a state of disarray by the computer, and your challenge is to move the tiles back into the proper pattern or phrase. You can move the tiles only one at a time, and only into an empty spot in the pattern. Start with a small simple puzzle, and progress to the very challenging large puzzles. Try it! Type SCRAMBLE at the DOS prompt, hit any key to start the game, type "C" to choose a puzzle, "S" to scramble it, and then use the arrow keys to move tiles until you have it unscrambled. Helpful instructions appear on each screen, with major functions listed at the top center of the screen. Select a function by typing the first letter of the function. The major functions are: (C)hoose - allows you to select one of the ten puzzles (S)cramble - moves the tiles into disarray (M)odify - lets you type in text to create your own puzzles (F)ile - allows you to save a set of puzzles (including a partially solved one) to disk, and to load them from disk to resume play at a later time. (Q)uit - ends the game and exits to DOS. Try modifying a puzzle with new text and a new size, try saving it to disk, and try restoring it. You will find it to be easy and fun! Now, Scramble it! Files ----- The following files should be included with Version 2.0 of Scramble: SCRAMBLE.EXE The program file SCRAMBLE.TXT Description of the program (this file) PRODUCTS.TXT A list of products from Sidewalk Software ORDER.TXT An order form for Sidewalk Software products If you do not have all the original files, you may wish to order the complete program from Sidewalk Software. See the PRODUCTS.TXT file and the ORDER.TXT file to find out how. Registration ------------ Scramble is not public domain software, and it is not free. It is a copyrighted program that is distributed as shareware. It may be freely copied and distributed for evaluation, and you may take up to 30 days for that evaluation. After that time, it must be registered if you wish to keep it and use it. The small registration fee keeps you legal, and it provides incentive for our programmers to keep providing quality affordable software. If you purchased the program directly from Sidewalk Software, your purchase price included the registration fee. However, if you obtained your copy from a bulletin board service (BBS), from an internet site, from a friend, or if you purchased it from a shareware service, you are still required to register the program and pay a registration fee to Sidewalk Software. The registration fee for Scramble is $5.00 per address or location, and this fee is all that is required for you to keep and use the program legally. To become a registered owner of Scramble, Simply fill out the registration form at the end of this file, print it, and send it to Sidewalk Software with the registration fee. If you don't have a printer, simply write the requested information on a piece of blank paper. Is there more? -------------- See the PRODUCTS.TXT file for a description of other professional quality software from Sidewalk Software. Registration ------------ To register your copy of Scramble, simply fill in, print, and mail the following form with the registration fee. If you don't have a printer, simply write the requested information on a piece of blank paper. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration Form - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Program Name: Scramble for DOS Name:______________________________________ Today's Date:______________ Address:___________________________________ Program Version:___________ City/State:________________________________ Received program from: Zip:_______________________________________ ___________________________ Send this registration form with the $5.00 registration fee to: Sidewalk Software 10564 Limerick Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311-2437