There are new commands and variables in Luna's scripting language. See also ASCTABLE.LUS etc. about this ----------------------------------------------------------------- ù Variables can be created, which are integers, i.e. they have no fractional/decimal parts, and range in value from around -2 billion to +2 billion. A variable of this kind must always start with a letter and end with a '%' (percent) character. This variable is case sensitive, i.e. a% is not the same as A%! Example: a% Value of the variable: 0 ù On its own this is, of course, not very useful, which is why one can assign values to them. Example: a%=3 Content(value) of the variable: 3 ù One can also calculate with these variables. Example: add a%,5 Content(value) of the variables: a%+5; if a% is 3 beforehand, then a% after the operation is 8. One can also perform indirect calculations: b%=add(a%,5) Here the result is not passed to the variable a%, but to the variable b%. There are also other return posibilities. Example: keypress(add(a%,4),0) All four basic arithmetic functions are available for this: add, add() sub, sub() mul, mul() div, div() ù One can also have loops in a script, which may be nested within each other (with different counter variables). Nesting can be up to 32 levels deep. Example: for a%=1 to 2 for i%=4 to 5 next i% next a% ù Furthermore there are now the possibilities of fast output for text and numerical values. The cursor will be placed at the end of the output string. Example: tput a% or tput "Text" ù One can also ascertain the ASCII-value of a character. Example: a%=asc("W") a% will then contain the numerical value of the ASCII character 'W'. Have fun! rgf