Addenda (Files 3 - 7 of 9)

The data that most users will find to be of interest are included in File 1, the basic table. However, some volumes contain additional information that may be of use for special purposes. This additional information is included in Files 3 through 7. The following tables describe the format and contents of each of these files. In each case, fields in which data are missing are blank. Although an F or an I format is suggested to give a reading in normal units, the A format may be preferable to distinguish between a blank and a zero.

Table: Format for Addenda for the +85o to +90o Zone (File 3)
Bytes Format Data
1-8 A8 (I8) Star number
9-16 I8 X = 206264$\secdot$81 cosαcotδ
17-24 I8 Y = 206264$\secdot$81 sinαcotδ

Table: Format for Addenda for the Declination -30o to +20o Zones (File 4)
Bytes Units Format Data
1-8 A8 (I8) Star number
9-10 0.001 arcsec/yr A2 (F2.3) Probable error in μα
11-12 0.001 arcsec/yr A2 (F2.3) Probable error in μδ

Table: Format for Addenda for the -30o to -50o Zone (File 5)
Bytes Units Format Data
1-8 A8 (I8) Star number
9-12 0.0001 s/yr A4 (F4.4) Yale proper motion in right ascension
13-16 0.001 arcsec/yr A4 (F4.3) Yale proper motion in declination

Table: Format for Addenda for the -60o to -70o Zone (File 6)
Bytes Format Data
1-8 A8 (I8) Star number
9-10 I2 Number of images measured
11-12 I2 Number of plates measured
13-48 18I2 Plates measured
49 I1 Field star code
50 A1 Proper motion code

\item[Plates measured] Eighteen two-digit numbers ...
... positions and the La Plata position.

Table: Format for Addenda for the -70o to -90o Zone (File 7)
Bytes Units Format Data
1-8 A8 (I8) Star number
9-10 deg A2 CP catalogue identifier
11-18 A8 CP number
19-20 A2 CD or ME catalogue identifier
21-28 A8 CD or ME number
29-33 sec A5 (F5.3) Probable error in right ascension
34-37 arcsec A4 (F4.2) Probable error in declination
38-39 I2 Number of images
40-41 A2 (I2) Number of grating images
42-44 A3 Source catalogue
45-49 A5 (I5) Number in source catalogue

\item[CP, CD and ME identifiers] The addendum give...
...Cat\'{a}logo La Plata E (Tapia 1947).