To close this window, hold down [Alt] and press [F4]          

Installing the Program on a Hard disk
A special installation procedure unpacks all the files and puts them 
in the right places, automatically.

o	Start the computer or exit Windows, if it is running.
o	At the DOS prompt, type a: and press [Return]. The screen should 
	say A:\>. (If the computer complains, try b: instead, the drive 
	with the Cubase floppy in is probably the "b:" drive then.)
o	Type win/s Install and press [Return].

To run this program you need an MS-DOS compatible 386 SX (or better) that 
runs at 16 MHz or faster. You need a VGA or Super VGA compatible display 
with gray scales or colours. The minimum amount of RAM is four megabyte. 
You also need a hard disk, a mouse and a MIDI interface.

You will find a "README" and an "INFO" file on your hard disk after 
installation of the program. These are Write-Files which are containing
further information.

We would like to thank you for being interested in the Demoversion of 
Cubase for Windows and wish you much fun with this product.

Steinberg, Germany