Wave Manager Installation (This program requires VBRUN300.DLL, which is NOT included.) Make a directory for WAVMAN. Put WAVMAN.EXE, WAVMAN.DLL, HSLINFO.WRI, and HSLCAT.WRI in the WAVMAN directory. Put WAVTHING.DLL, THREED.VBX, and VBRUN300.DLL (not included) in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Note: Even if you already have THREED.VBX, please use the one included here - its the latest update (as of 10/10/93) directly from Sheridan. If your sound card (and driver) supports Microsoft's ADPCM Wave format, you can run WAVMAN.EXE (or your own player) and began playing the sounds "as is". HOWEVER, MOST SOUND CARDS DO NOT DIRECTLY SUPPORT ADPCM. For those cards you'll have to use WAVMAN to convert the ADPCM files to "normal" PCM wave files. To convert the files using WAVMAN, click on the file that you want to covert (hold down the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple files). After selecting the files, click on the "Convert to PCM" button". You will then be able to choose to convert the files to 8 bit or 16 bit quality, and browse directories to choose the destination directory for the converted files. NOTE: We normally supply 44k stereo files, but these require conversion or "downgrading" to work with low end sound cards, like the Sound Blaster. To keeps things nice and simple for this demo, the sample files are 22k mono, except for two files that are 22k stereo.