SH-Quote 1.0 by S. Hufnagel - 01/09/94 - This program is free. ABOUT SH-QUOTE - This program is a quote database program for Windows 3.1 that contains over 400 quotes. These quotes can very easily be searched by keyword, author, or quote number. Quotes can be pasted to the Clipboard so you can paste them into your Windows word processor. You can even paste quotes into the program from the Clipboard. Quotes can be easily added and easily deleted. Quotes can even be easily modified, if you feel so inclined. INSTALLATION - Run the SETUP.EXE program. This will create a directory named SHQUOTE which will contain 3 files: SHQUOTE.WRI (what you're reading now) SHQUOTE.EXE (the executable program) SHQUOTE.MDB (the quote database) In addition, the setup program will copy 4 files to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. This is necessary so you can use the database. MSAES110.DLL MSAJT110.DLL VBDB300.DLL VBRUN300.DLL I'm telling you this because I hate programs that just dump files all over my machine without telling me. The installation program should create a directory and place an icon in a new group in your Program Manager. INSTRUCTIONS - I think the program is self-explanatory and most people could figure it out just by playing around with it. I understand that some people are better at this than others, but give it a try. Poke around. You can't break anything. At worst, if you deleted something from the database, then just reinstall the program. There are a few things that might need a quick explanation: COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS - There are 3 command line parameters: /M - If you use this and place SH-Quote in your STARTUP group in Program Manager, SH-Quote will pick a quote at random from its database and make this quote the line of text displayed by the Windows Marquee screen saver. Check with your Windows documentation if you don't know what I'm talking about. It won't display any sort of message when it does this and the program terminates as soon as its done. /D - If you use this and place SH-Quote in your STARTUP group in Program Manager, SH-Quote will pick a quote at random from its database and display this quote in a message box when Windows starts up. The program terminates after displaying this message. /? - Displays the explanation of the above 2 command line parameters. DISCLAIMER - I wrote this program for myself and thought it would be nice to share it with others. Some of the quotes here are odd, some are stupid, a few are annoying, some are wise. Maybe you'll like all of them. Maybe not. If you don't like any you are free to delete them from your copy. This program should be well-behaved when running on your system. I wrote this using Visual Basic 3.0 and the database used here is the Microsoft Access 1.1 format. It works for me. I hope it works for you, but we must make a deal: The deal here is that I promise I wrote a program that I feel safe running on my machine. You must promise that if something does screw up, I'm liable for nothing. If you can't promise me this, then DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM! OTHER STUFF - Many of them have `Unknown' listed as author. If you know who said a particular quote, you can fix it in your copy and let me know. If you have any questions, comments or quotes you think I might like, you can send them to me via Compuserve. My user ID is 72632,2107. This software is free and I can't promise any support, but I'll do what I can. I'm not on Compuserve much, so if you do send me mail, I might not get it for awhile. A word of thanks goes out to the people who said the words I put into this program.