-------------------------------Start of File---------------------------- PC Games Cheats & info List Started by LAM Chi-fung (cflam@hk.super.net) currently maintained by LAM Chi-fung (cflam@hk.super.net) Feel free to distribute this list. *********************************************************************** After the cheats, there are some pointers to another information source, if you can't find info in this list, you may try those places. At he end of this file, there are pointers to document on how to access InterNet by e-mail, if you only have e-mail access, you should read it. *********************************************************************** Please send all comments, updates, new cheats/crack/edits/maps/add-ons/hint pointers, corrections to: cflam@hk.super.net Thanks to all people who contribute to this list. Unless submitter specified, otherwise contributor's name and e-mail address will not include due to the size of this list. Wolffgramm (UZS691@IBM.RHRZ.Uni-Bonn.DE), thanks you for the Dirty Little Helper 1.0. It can be found on: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/dlh10???.zip where ??? is the first 3 letters of the month. I can't guarantee the correctness of information in this list, since I haven't test all stuff in it. Each record is divided into several sessions: i)Cheat Codes ii)Cheat Edit iii)Crack iv)Editor/Trainer v)Patches vi)Solution/Hint/maps vii) Add-on viii) FAQs For cheat edit, most probably you need a hex editor e.g. PCTOOLS, Norton Diskedit, there are some game cheat editor in ftp, e.g. UGE Please specify the version of the game for cheat edit, e.g. Master of Magic 1.3 or specify the size/time/date of the edited file e.g. command.com 47845 04-Sep-91 5:00a you may need to use UNLZEXE or UNP to 'decompress' the file before edit it. UNP 4.10 can be found at: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/archiver/execomp/unp410.zip Lordsoth, Thanks you for the site and the X-Wing/OMF etc site. The cheat edit format in the list is: search AA BB CC DD change -- 90 90 -- means that change AA BB CC DD to AA 90 90 DD *** Always backup the file before edit it *** In most case, a patch will not upgrade a cracked/patched game. Especially the one which modify the EXE. In general, 'cheat codes' is better than cheat edit. Be mind that crack/cheat may only apply to specific version. One useful game patching tools is Game Tools, current version is 3.23, 1 way to get it is by finger the author WONG Wing-kin (wwkin@cs.ust.hk). Game Wizard shareware version can be found on: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat/gwiz*.zip the following 2 place contain many crack/cheat utilities: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/cheat ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/utility/crack '*' before game means new or revised since last update Games cover in this list: *1830: Railroad & Robber Barons 1942 *3D Realms 4D Boxing 688 Sub Attack 7-Up A-train Ace over the Pacific After the War *Afterburner AirDuel Al Qadim Aladdin Alien Breed Alien Carnage Alien Legacy *Alien Logic Alone in the Dark Alone in the Dark II *Alone in The Dark III Alphaman *Amazon Queen Android Pinball Another World Aragon Sword *Arena Arkanoid *Arkanoid II Artic Moves Asgardian Wars Baby Joe *Back to Future II Bad Blood *BallGame 2 *Barbarian Bard's Tale Bard's Tale II Bard's Tale III Bargon Attack *BART VS THE SPACE MUTANTS Batman Battle Bugs Battle Chess Battle of Destiny *Battle Isle Battle Isle II *BATTLE SQUADRON Battledrome *BEACH VOLLEYBALL *Beer Beneath the Steel Sky Betrayal of Krondor *BETTER DEAD THAN ALIEN Beyond Zork Big 3 for Windows BioBMENACE *BioForge Black Cauldron *Black Throne Blake Stone Blue Force Brain Storm Pro *Brutal *Budokan Bureau 13 Cannon Folder Cauldron CARMEN SANDIEGO (WORLD) Caveman CCPRO Challenge of the 5 Realms Chaos Engine Chessmaster 4000 Chronoquest Civilization Clash of Steel Colonels Bequest Colonization Comanche Combat II Command Adventure-Starship *Command & Conqueror Command HQ Confirm Kill Conquest of Camelot Conquest of the Longbow *Cool Spot Corridor 7 Cougar Force CrackDown Creepers Crime Patrol *Crime Wave Cyberia Cyclemania D-Day *Daedalus Encounter *Dark Forces Dark Legions Dark Queen of Krynn Dark Seed *Dark Sun Dark Sun II Death Gate DejaVu 2 Delta V Derby Stallion *Descent Desert Strike Disc World Disciples of Steel Dizzy World Fantasy DOOM DOOM II Dracula Dracula Unleashed Dragon Lair Dragon Lore Dragon Sphere Dragon Wars DreamWeb Dschump Duck Tales Dungeon Master DynaBlaster *Earthsiege Ecoquest Elvira Elvira II Epic Brix Epic Pinball Eye of Beholder I Eye of the Beholder II Eye of Beholder III F-117A F-15 F-16 Falcon 3.0 Fantasy Empire Felix Fighter Wing FlashBack Flight Commander II Flight Simulator 5.0 *Flying Tigers Front Line Front Page Sport : Baseball '94 Front Page Sports Football Pro *Frontier : First Encounter *Full Throttle Future Wars *FX Fight *Galactic Civilizations Garbiel Knight Geisha Genesia Gobliiins God Father Gremlins II Hack Hacker Hardball III Hardball IV *Harpoon II *Harpoon Classic for Windows Heimdall Hell Heretic Hero's Quest/Quest for Glory *Hero's Quest II/Quest for Glory II Hero's Quest III/Quest for Glory III Hero Quest IV/Quest of Glory IV *High Seas Trader *Highway Highway Hunter History Line Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy Hockey League Simulator II Hocus Pocus Hollywood Hijinks Horde Hugo Hugo II Ian Botham's Cricket *Inca *Inca II Incredible Toons Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis IndyCar Inferno Infocom Innocent until Caught II : Guilty *Interrupt Iron Cross Jack Nicklaus Signature Tour Vol 2 *Jagged Alliance Jammit Basketball Jazz Jackrabbit Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Jordon in Flight *Jump Raven Jungle Strike Jurassic Park Kali Kasparov's Gambit 1.1 Keen 4 Keen 6 Kick off 3 European Challenge Kings Quest I Kings Quest II Kings Quest III Kings Quest IV *Kings Quest V Kings Quest VI Kings Quest VII Knight of the Sky Knights of Xentar Krusty's Super Fun House Kyrandia I Kyrandia II Kyrandia III - Malcolm's Revenge Lands of Lore Laura Bow II Leather Goddesses of Phobos Leather Goddesses of Phobos II Legions for Windows Leisure Suit Larry I Leisure Suit Larry II Leisure Suit Larry III Leisure Suit Larry VI Lemmings Lemmings II *Lemmings III *Lemmings 3D LightSpeed Lion King Litil Divil *Lode Runner for Windows Logicl Logo Lollypop *Lords of Realm Lost Vikings *Lunicus Lyrid Crossword *Machiavelli the Prince Mad Dog 2 Magic Candle III Magic Carpet Magic Pocket Maniac Mansion II : Day of the Tentacle Mansell's World Championship Mantis Mario's Time Machine Mario is Losing *Master of Magic *Master of Orion Megaman Megamaze Mean Streets Mechwarrior *Mechwarrior II Mega Lo Mania *Menzo Merchant Prince Metal & Lace Metal Marines Microcosm Might & Magic III Might & Magic V Monkey Island II Monthy Pythons Complete Waste of Time Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat II Myst Nascar *NBA 95 Neuromancer Noctropolis Nova 9 NovaStorm Omar Bridge Omega *One Must Fall 2097 One Step Beyond *Operation Crusader Oscar *Outpost Outrun Pacific Air Warrior Pacific War Paladin II *Panzer General Pea Shootin' Pete PGA Golf Pinball Fantasies PipeLine Pipe Mania Planet Football Police Quest I Police Quest II Police Quest III Police Quest IV Populous Populous II *Power Drive Prehistorik Premier Manager 2 Prince of Pursia Prince of Pursia II Princeness Maker II Privateer Privates Gold Project - X Protostar Quarantine Raiden Railroad Tycoon Rally Raptor Ravenloft Ravenloft II Reach for the Skies Realms of Arkania Realms of Arkania II Rebel Assult Red Crystal Relentless Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacobs Star Return of Medusa Return of Phantom Return to Zork Reunion Rise of The Robot Rise of The Triad Risky Wood *Road from Sumpter to Appomattox Robin Hood Robocod Robosport Rocketeer Roller Blade Racer Rules of Engagement II Sam & Max hit the road Sand Storm S.D.I. Seal Team Secret Agent Man Seige Sensible Soccer Serfcity Sex Vixen ShadowGate Sherlock Holmes SimCity 2000 SimFarm SimTower Simon the Sorcerer SKUNNY KART SKUNNY - BACK TO THE FOREST SKUNNY - DESERT RAID SKUNNY - LOST IN SPACE SKUNNY - SAVE OUR PIZZAS SKUNNY - WildWest Slam City Soccer Kid Space Ace Space Hulk Space Nightmare Space Privates Space Quest I Space Quest II Space Quest III Space Quest IV *Space Quest V Speedball II Spring Break *Stalingrad Star-Control II *Starglider StarLord Star Trek-25th Anniversary Strike Commander Strike Football Strip Poker for Windows Strong Hold Sub-Marine Riptide SubWar 2050 Summoning Supaplex Super Frog Super Street Fighter II Super Tetris for Windows Surf Ninjas Syndicate System Shock T2 Tank Commander Terminator Rampage *Terminal Velocity Test Drive III TFX Theme Park The 7th Guest The Adventures of Willy Beamish The Blue and The Grey The Even More Increditable Machine The Grandest Fleet The Legacy The Light Corridor The Lost Vikings *The Perfect General Tie Fighter Tigers on the Prowl Titus the Fox Tom Laundry Strategy Football Tornado Tradewar 2002 Transport Tycoon Tristan Troddlers Trog Trolls Tubular Worlds Tunnels of Armageddon UFO: Enemy Unknown/X-COM *UFO II: Terror from The Deep UGH Ultima VI Ultima VII Ultima VIII *Ultima IX Ultima : Martain Dream Ultima Underworld II Ultima : ways to kill Lord British Ultimate Backgammon Ultimate Football Under A Killing Moon Uninvited Unlimited Adventure USNF Utopia Veil of Darkness *Video Pool Viking II Viking Kids *Virtual Pool *Voyager Wacky Wheels WarCraft Warth of Gods *Warlords II Whizz Wing Commander I Wing Commander II *Wing Commander III Wing Commander Armada Winter Olympic 94 Wizardary VI Wizardary VII *WoodRuff World Circuit X-Wing Xatax Xeen Zeliard Zool II Zork I Zork II Zork III Zork 1+2+3 *Zorro ========================================================================= 1830: Railroad & Robber Barons iii) crack edit 1830.EXE search 59 59 0B C0 74 03 E9 E9 00 change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- iv) patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1830_upd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1942 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1942dig.zip upgrade to 1.5b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/paw15b.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Relams viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/3drealms.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4D Boxing iii) cracks VGA version edit 4DBMCGA.EXE search : 83 C4 04 0B C0 75 72 C6 06 84 0B 01 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -- -- search : 83 3E A8 08 00 75 04 0E E8 A5 3C change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/4d.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 688 Sub Attack vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/688sonar.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-Up i) Cheat Codes 0 restore energy F6 add COOL % M can move freely, press again to restore + skip level 5 replay and change level of difficulity F4 reduce energy to minimun F10 time become 10 seconds select level pause the game (use 1 or END) and oress A-K to select level iii) Crack edit ZX.EXE go sector 1 offset 269 - 271 change E8 34 EE to 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A-train i) Cheat Codes 1. Press CTRL with SHIFT and type: cheater-cheaterwimp This cheat gives $1M plus all the supplies you can store. 2. You can run the booming metropolis shown in the demo if you do the following: First run the game, then open SYSTEM menu and select the SAVE option. Save the game and then exit. Then run the game again and simply load your saved scenario. That should give you the demo city. 3. If railway moguldom bores you and you'd rather see some groovy graphics on the ending screen, then, while the game is running, press and hold CTRL and ALT and type: bellybutton. iii) Crack UNP ATDRV.EXE SEARCH : 00 CD 21 1F BA CHANGE : -- 90 90 -- -- SEARCH : 07 CD 21 83 CHANGE : -- EB 2B -- SEARCH : 38 A0 0D 0A 75 0F CHANGE : -- -- -- -- -- 00 SEARCH : 38 A0 0D 0A 75 09 CHANGE : -- -- -- -- -- 00 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/atdos6.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace over the Pacific v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/1946ptch.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTER THE WAR i) cheat codes [Alt] + [L] + [B] in Level 1 [Alt] + [L] + [M] in Level 2 level Code for level 2: 101069 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFTERBURNER i) cheats code While playing type: TOGETHER IN ELECTRIC DREAMS and then you have : < - up one level > - einen Level hoch G - more rockets T - less rockets N - extra live ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AirDuel iii) Crack UNLZEXE AIRDUEL.EXE edit AIRDUEL.EXE search E8 1D 00 26 3A 05 75 06 47 change -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- another method UNLZEXE AIRDUEL.EXE edit AIRDUEL.EXE search 55 75 F2 C3 FF change -- 90 90 -- -- search 05 75 06 47 C3 change -- 90 90 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al Qadim v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/alqadim11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aladdin ii) Cheat Edit edit ALADDIN.EXE undead search 2E FF 0E B2 0B change 90 90 90 90 90 unlimit apple search 2E FF 0E DA 0B change 90 90 90 90 90 search 2E A3 42 17 2E C7 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- unlimit item search 2E 83 2E DC 0B 0A change 90 90 90 90 90 90 search 2E A3 40 17 2E C7 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 2E 83 2E DC 0B 05 change 90 90 90 90 90 90 iii) Crack bypass password edit ALADDIN.EXE search 2E 3A 46 00 75 0C 41 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- search 2E 39 0E 88 10 74 27 E8 change -- -- -- -- -- EB 27 -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/alad-trn.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Breed i) cheat codes i) cheat codes level codes Level-Codes: 2 - AAJIHGDDC 3 - CGGHDGGDG 4 - HDICICCII 5 - IDHEHDGCC 6 - IJIIDIHEC 7 - CFDFEFEFJ 8 - JIIJIIIIC 9 - AAAABAAAA 10 - CCGDGBBBB 11 - HHIAAAJJIG 12 - GGDDJJHFD 13 - JIECBFGFF 14 - HGGEDDCCB 15 - HHHGFGDCC 16 - 20 IHHDCHGHFF special codes BODY GRAB BMHD CMAP DLTA iii) Crack (password) edit ALIEN.EXE search E8 03 00 E9 D3 change 90 90 90 -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/alientrn.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Carnage i) Cheat Codes + Customer Cheat - Pressing [B] [I] [G] all at the same time will give you full health and jetpack power. + Debug mode - The following debug keys work for version 1.1 of Halloween Harry only: [ctrl] [R] [E] [N] - Gives you all weapons, and activates god mode for several seconds. [alt] [L] - Level warp. Type the number of the episode (1-4), followed by the number of the level (1-5). Illegal input will dump you to DOS. This can not be used in the shareware version to access levels in the registered version. [alt] [=] - Change location within a level. Type coordinates after this code; illegal input will probably crash the game. + Tech Parameter - Pressing these four keys at the same time will show you the coordinates you are at on the level. This serves no real function on its own, but it is used by Apogee's Game Hint Line sometimes to locate a player in a level. The keys are [ctrl] [alt] [rshift] [F12] + Misc Command Line Parameter - "skip" will start the game directly from the main menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alien Legacy v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/alien101.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/alienleg.zip (homepage) (FAQ, ASCII) (FAQ, Word 6.0 for Windows) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Logic Skyrealms of Jorune i) cheat code Internal "Get All" cheat menu. Load the game by typing ALIEN /J and you'll game a number of gifts that will help you during the game. With this enabled, and whilst on a SIDE view, pressing C will bring up the "get all" menu, which will enable you to get a whole number of new bits...... v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jorun1_1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alone in the Dark iii) Crack edit INDARK.CC1 search C4 6F 5E 75 28 F7 8D C6 change -- -- -- EB 1A -- -- -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/alone.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/alonedox.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aitdcdfx.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone in the Dark II v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/aitd2fix.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone in The Dark III ii) cheat edit 1) undead edit AITD3.EXE search 26 29 07 E9 3F 02 C4 1E change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- 2) Play the game as usual and create a save game in slot 1, quit to DOS and type the following at the DOS prompt :- DEBUG NSAVE0.ITD L EAE64 00 40 For maximum health EB0CE 00 40 For the 38 Special EB0C6 00 40 For the Winchester EB1C0 00 40 For the Gatling Gun EB16A 00 40 For the Shot Gun EAE7A 00 40 Health after returning from the dead EB1EA 00 40 For the Colt W Q vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/aitd3.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alphaman viii) FAQs to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/alpham03.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon Queen vi)solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/amazonqueen-step.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Android Pinball viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/android.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another World i) cheat codes level Codes: LDKD HDTC CLLD LBKG XDDJ FXLC KRFK KLFB TTCT XRJT HBHK TFBB TXHF CKJL LFCK iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/ttrn-aw.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aragon Sword iii) Crack edit SWORD.EXE search 75 03 E9 52 00 FF 06 8E 89 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Arena v) Patches (to 1.06) ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/arupd6.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/arena.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/arena-at.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arkanoid i) cheat code 1. While playing type: RUNCHEAT for unlimited lives 2. To get into the cheat mode you have to pause the game with spacebar. Now type in: DSIMAGIC (not Enter) and press the spacebar again. Now catch the yellow capsule DS. Now you can call up the other capsules with B - Opens door and adds bonus points C - Holds the ball D - Divides into three balls E - Lenghtens bat L - Laser P - Extra player S - Slow F - Warp to the last level Enter - Leave level ii) Cheat edit undead edit ARKANOID.EXE search FE 0E A9 02 74 0B change C6 06 A9 02 74 0B -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARKANOID II: REVENGE OF DOH i) cheat codes 1. Type in : DEBBIE S' at the Highscore list and you have unlimited lives 2. If you die: wait for the title screen and press caps-lock-key und type: DALEY-88 - you can go on with the game at the point you died. MAGENTA - you can skip the level by pressing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Artic Moves i) Cheat codes Level Codes. 1st Mission/2nd Level - 88368 2nd Mission - 28018 End - 22778 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Asgardian Wars i) Cheat Codes To obtain the cheat menu, use the optic blast on Jean Grey and then on your reflection. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Joe iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/joevtrn0.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACK TO FUTURE 2 i) cheat codes When you are told to press fire, type in : EINSTEIN and there will be a cheat text. Turn it off with typing EINSTEIN again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bad Blood ii) Cheat Edit edit save game, offset 26C, change to FF, give 255 health ------------------------------------------------------------------ BALLGAME 2 i) cheat codes Start the game with ballgame +210 +211 +212 +213 and you now have an editor for this interactive demo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BARBARIAN i) cheat codes Type in while playing: 04-08-59 and the Screen turns grey. You now have unlimited lives and invulnerability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bard's Tale vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bard1_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bard's Tale II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bards2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bard's Tale III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/bard3_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bargon Attack iii) Crack UNLZEXE LOADER.EXE edit LOADER.EXE search 74 03 E9 71 FB C7 06 change EB -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BART VS THE SPACE MUTANTS i) cheat codes Type in: COWABUNGA to get unvulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Batman i) Cheat Codes type JAMMMM in the title screen, now have unlimit life and can use F10 to warp. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Bugs iii) Crack bypass password edit BUGS.EXE method 1 go sector 146 offset 247 - 248 change 75 2B to 90 90 go sector 146 offset 266 - 267 change 75 18 to 90 90 iii) Crack edit BUGS.EXE (207193) method 1 search : 40 00 75 29 change : -- -- EB -- method 2 search : 1C FF change : 00 00 search : 11 FF change : 00 00 (Turn off EMS, press anything for password) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Chess v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cdchess.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles of Destiny v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bodpch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE ISLE i) cheat codes Codes for One-Player-Mode: FIRST GHOST GAMMA MARSS EAGLE METAN FOTON POLAR TIGER SNAKE ZENIT DONNN VESTA OXXID DEMON GIANT Codes for Two-Player-Mode: CONRA PHASE EXOTY MOUNT FIGHT RUSTY FIFTH VESUV MAGIC SPACE VALEY TESTY TERRA SLAVE NEVER RIVER EUROP STORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Isle II i) cheat codes level codes AMPORGE JOGRWAI GEGIDOS WABODAE BUFASWE GEHAUWA OLARIBU FITORGE DAFATWA WABIKDO GEEUSAT KAIMAWA SIETIBU GEDEROM ULUARGE ABUNDWA LANADGE WAFEFAL BUSALUG GEKAFZU YETUDWA WAGOPAY ZAFLUGE SKATZWA iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/bi2cht.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bi2updt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE SQUADRON i) cheat codes 1. To get a list with various options, type during the game: ELECTRONIC 2. To make the ship invulnerable, type: CASTOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battledrome i) Cheat Codes When you first create your "character", put a * as the first letter of the name (i.e. mine would be "*Andrew") That'll give you somewhere close to 500 Billion dollars. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEACH VOLLEYBALL i) cheat codes Type in: DADDY BRACEY and now you can press to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEER i) cheat codes Start the game with beer /007.* where,* can be: 1 - unlimited lives 2 - unlimited money 4 - invulnerability The numbers can be added to start with multi cheat. If you want to activate all cheats start with 7 for *. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beneath The Steel Sky vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://risc.ua.edu:/pub/games/solutions/sol.beneathsteelsky -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betrayal of Krondor i) cheat codes This is in reference to the Motherload chests. Each chapter has it's own chest and it's own code. To get to them you need to be in the bird's eye view map(not world map) and hold down the keys: ALT RT-SHIFT ~ Takes a second or two but you should end up on a Moredhel chest, the codes are: chap. code 1 6478 2 9216 3 7702 4 2132 5 5052 6 0680 7 0194 8 4743 9 9995 CHEST CODES (The XXX Chests were never found by us but we know from others that they exist) A H A E = EYES R I A C = RAIN A R O O L E T = ALCOHOL R M E E S = SMOKE A V O D = SURF R O B N = RING B A T I = BULL R O S E T = HASTE B D R E Y = SHOES R O S P L = SNAIL B E L V A E = FUTURE R S O E = RAIN B E S T D = NOISE R S M S T = HONEY B I E R = DICE R T H I C = MUSIC B I L E T = COLTS S A E T E S = WALNUT B L T E R I S T = MATTRESS S A M T = WALL B L U E R = FLEAS S A R D = EYES B O T N = DOOR S A R D S = STARS B R A T L Y = SNARES S A S S U = CHEST B R E E L = SIEVE S E L E T = GRAVE B R E E T O E W = DELEKHAN S H O R A S = GLOVES B R E S D = PRIEST S H O T E E D = VICTORY B R I N K = BLADE S H S T E = THORN B R I R O E D = FARRIER S H T A B Y = EQUALS B R L E S D = PRIEST S H T W E S D = THE DEAD B R R D = FIRE S H U E T S E C = GAUNTLET B S R O = BARD S I A D E = PEACE C C A S E = OCEAN S L C K = BELL C E O R L I Y = SAWDUST S L L A T = CARDS C E S S H D N = THISTLE S L O O Y = ASHES C H L T = SHOE S O O E S = SWORD C H S V O = STOVE S O S K = MILK C I C H = PATH S O S L P L G = NOTHING C L A P V T = TEMPER T A F K T E = COFFIN C L A Y S = TABLE T A S D O Y = PADDLE C L I W = PLOW T A T E = CANE C O E V L S = BOTTLE T A T H E E N W = DARKNESS C O N S = BOOK T C K D = ECHO C O S A E F I E = STRANGER T E F B T = STAKE C P T E G Y = SPONGE T E I R A E = SECRET C Q A T R L = SQUARE T E R I E S = STAIRS C R E T Y = SPURS T H A C K = DEATH C U O H H O = BUTTON T H A O R T = ORANGE D O C = DIE T H E D T S = BRIDGE D R V S A G H O = DAY NIGHT T H D E L Y = SADDLE D S W P S T Y = DISPUTE T H I U R S = BRIARS E H E P E T S = GALLOWS T H P L E = COALS E I T L = EGGS T H R = ICE E O E = FOG T H T A T W = SHADOW E O E N = BARK T H T H C S = BREATH E T R I O S = BARROW T I A D = LOGS F O B P L Y = BUBBLE T I A P Y = WEARY F S A O T = BROOM T I W E = SAWS H L A L Y = TOWEL T N F I F D R K Y = SNOWFLAKE H S K O = LAKE T O B = KEY J A R M L A Y = PROMISE T O G Y = EGGS K I I E N = ONION T O L I E L I O E = YESTERDAY K L I C B T R = KNOCKER T O R A = BOOK L E I E L T = ICICLE T O S E S = NOOSE M A O H L L = JACKET T O T E L C = TROLLS M B T N = ROPE T R A K = DRUM M O R I T = RIVER T R E G C D S = OUTSIDE O H D E = PIPE T R K Y = HAIR P A T D = WIND T R L D R Y = SPIDER P E R D E = WRONG T R O P S = BLOOD P H E N G S S = THOUGHT T R S E = NAME P I E S C E = ADVICE T R Y O E V C I E = WATERFALL P L E S R = WATER T U L D = RUST P S A O S = ARROW T U O R B C T N = SUNSHINE P S T E = LIFE T U V E T E D = SILENCE P W R D L A T J S N = TRADE MARES V A E O S T = MIRROR Q I S S H D = MOUSER W E M H I = HOLES R A R P E = WAGON W O R G S E L = HANGMAN R C O N C A D G S R = GLAMREDHEL W O T S O M E N = HORSEMAN R H E D L S = CANDLE W R S H T D E E = ALPHABET R H N B F T = SHADOW W S T E = FIRE X X X X X X X X = TREASURE - "Moredhal and Pantanhian, guarding our lid," X X X X X X X X = EYE TO EYE - "Three fools did once sacrifice," X X X X = YOLK - "The contrary of up is down," X X X X X = MONEY - "I had it and I gave it to you'" X X X X X = TONGS - "What is it -- longlegs," X X X X = FIRE - "Put into a pit," or "Chill of its death," or "what is it that runs faster uphill," X X X X X X = PILLOW - "What stands taller without its head than with one," X X X X X X X = KEYHOLE - "What goes through the door ..." X X X X X = FAULT - "What is most often found where ..." X X X X X = AGING - "What is it that all people ..." X X X X X = ANKLE - "What is it that is alive ..." X X X X X X X X = APPETITE - "What is it that everyone wants ..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BETTER DEAD THAN ALIEN i) cheat codes 1. To get a list of cheat keys, type: CHAMP while the options screen. Then press the HELP-key 2. The code for the last level is QUARANTINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beyond Zork vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/beyndzrk.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big 3 for WIndows iv) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/big3.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BioBMENACE i) cheat codes 1) Super Plasma Bolt - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds till you hear "Charge up". Then press fire. This will cost you one hit. 2) Fireballs - move six or seven times from left to right and then press jump. This will cost you one hit. 3) Shield - move six or seven times from right to left and then press jump. You get a different colour and a shield appears. Last for a very short time. 4) Invulnerability - hold down the UP-key for 2 seconds then press the DOWN-key. You will blink and be invunvulnerable for a very short time. ii) Cheat Edit undead, unlimit life, unlimit bullet, unlimit bomb UNP BMENACE1.EXE go sector 113 offset 61 - 64 change 2B 46 08 to 90 90 90 go sector 118 offset 254 - 257 change FF 0E 08 44 to 90 90 90 90 go sector 113 offset 117 - 120 change FE 0E 0D 44 to 90 90 90 90 go sector 139 offset 468 - 471 change FE 0E ED 43 to 90 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bio Forge vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/bioforge.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bioforge.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bioforge-step.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Cauldron vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/blackcau.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Throne i) Cheat Codes STRT TJ1F PBKT SJ5Z GSG3 TNLQ DBQ7 BMHS FMWY <--- END SEQUENCE FBWC Y4DJ QP7R HCKD WJTV NRLF RRYB JGBZ ZS9P MJXG XJSN K3CH CGDM L8VJ iii) crack edit SETUP.EXE search 3B 87 0E 03 75 10 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 search 3D 03 00 75 06 change -- -- -- EB -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/bt_trn.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake Stone ii) Cheat edit Reg ver only UNP BS_AOG.EXE undead search 29 3E A7 51 83 3E A7 51 00 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- unlimit bullet search FF 0E B1 51 6A 00 0E change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- v) Patches 2.0 to 2.1 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bs21pat6.zip 2.1 to 3.0 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bs30pat6.zip to 2.0 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/bspatch6.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Force ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet search BLUE.EXE search FF 0E 08 07 change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E 0A 07 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain Storm Pro i) Cheat codes All the Passwords for Shareware Version Level No. Level Name Password ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 001 Connect Them! -------- 002 Look at Those Arrows AAWFHRIE 003 Practicing Coloring JLCMBVBH 004 To the Other Side XJUISVSH 005 Brainstorm Unplugged EIMGVHMD 006 MTV WHUZMXVA 007 Nucleur Brainstorm Plant DDNAPAUQ 008 Maze USOFRPYQ 009 The Skull ZGRHCUMW 010 Changing places NOYRIASZ 011 Under Pressure UTFDXUPW 012 The Temple RHCQHWEH 013 Is this a Trick? OYEEGEOM 014 All Together Now! HEPTTCBB 015 Confused? CUUJPLTM 016 The Machine IVVDCBBF 017 Russian Roulette RFOGJVII 018 Another Wicked Problem RRXIMHTT 019 Three Crazy Blocks OSKOPWRC 020 Look Carefully. Then Act MKCBORCX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutal viii)FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/brutal.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDOKAN i) cheat codes FunCheat: Move right as far as you can. When you are between the dojo and the fence press and you have a small breakout game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bureau 13 vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/b13-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/bureau13.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannon Fodder i) Cheat Code To skip levels go to the map screen, hold down CTRL key (which is located in the bottom right hand of your keyboard, for you slow ones!) and type in 'Fodder'. A white boarder will/should appear around the screen. No exit the map and return to the game. When you press 'ENTER' a message will appear on the screen saying, "Phase Complete." Now you can move onto the next level and ditto, it's as simple as that. ii) Cheat Edit edit save game, change the value of offset for different stuff: offset valid value 00 00-47 Current Mission 0C 00-23 Show Mission Briefings 48 00-FF Kills by Leader 4C 00-0E Rank of Leader 00-Private 0E-General 58 00-0E Rank 2nd 64 00-0E Rank 3rd 70 00-0E Rank 4th 7C 00-0E Rank 5th 12 00-FF Number of Recruits 6F2 00-FF Number of Kills iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/cannon_f.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cauldron iii) Crack edit CAULDRON.EXE search : 83 C4 08 9A 04 00 53 13 change : -- -- -- EB 04 90 -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARMEN SANDIEGO (WORLD) i) cheat codes start game with : carmen cheat a cheat option will appear in the option menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Caveman iii) Crack FILENAME : CAVEMAN.DAT (2,594,816 BYTES) search : 2E 3A 05 75 09 change : 2E 88 05 75 00 search : CD 13 59 73 1C change : -- -- -- EB -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CCPRO (for Links 386 CD and Links 386 Pro) v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ccprocd.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge of the 5 Realms iii) Crack edit C5.DAT Search : 74 F3 2C 41 3C 1A Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chaos Engine ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life use UNP decomp CHAOS.EXE search 26 28 44 48 you will find 4 occurance of this group change the last 2 time to: 90 90 90 90 money not reduce go sector 84 offset 351 - 353 change 66 89 04 to 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chessmaster 4000 v) Patches to 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cm4_104.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronoquest vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/chronoq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Civilization iii) Cracks method 1 : This is a quick and simple unprotect for Microprose's CIVILIZATION game. The unprotect will remove that annoying request at 3000BC for information regarding the requirement to achieve some randomly selected technology. FILE: CIV.EXE (mine is date stamped 12/03/91) Look for the following hex byte sequence: 7D 05 CD It should start at hex offset 276D. Change the "7D" to "EB" and save the modified file. method 2: -civ.exe find:39 46 a4 75 52 to: 89 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/civilcht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/cived15.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/civmap22.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civsnd.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civv05.zip for Windows ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/civwinv2.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/civil.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clash of Steel v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cos11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colonels Bequest vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/cbquest1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/colonel.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Colonization i) Cheat code Hold down the alt key and press W I N. Lets you access a cheat menu. ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit COLONY00.SAV go sector 20 offset 128 - 131 change to FF FF FF 7F v) Patches ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/colv30.zip (patch for CD ver.) ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/col_cd.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/colonize.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comanche i) Cheat Code whilst in the menu, hold down the backspace and type KYLE This gives two more options: reload and fix damage. v) Patches fix for P5 and more ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cmom2g.zip Maximum Overkill ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/comancup.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat II iii) Crack edit COMBAT2.EXE go sector 108 offset 172 change 74 to EB go sector 108 offset 195 change 75 to EB go sector 118 offset 219 - 220 change 75 03 to 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command Adventure-Starship ii) Cheat Edit change money edit PLAYER1 go sector 0 offset 20 - 22 change to FF FF FF iii) Crack edit MAIN.EXE search E8 53 0D 6A 01 EB 32 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- search E8 7C 0D EB 03 E8 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Command & Conqueror viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/c&c-faq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command HQ iii) Crack UNLZEXE CHQ.EXE edit CHQ.EXE search F7 D1 2B F9 F3 A6 74 05 1B C0 change -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- v) Patches upgrade to 1.97 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/chq197.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confirm Kill viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/cnfmkill.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest of Camelot vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/camelot.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Conquest of the Longbow vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/conq_lb.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Spot i)Cheat Codes. 0 restore energy F6 add COOL % M can move freely, press again to restore + skip level 5 replay and change level of difficulity F4 reduce energy to minimun F10 time become 10 seconds Select Level Pause the game (use 1 or END) and press A-K to select level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corridor 7 ii) Cheat Edit undead and unlimit bullet edit CORR7.EXE search 83 2E BA 48 02 83 3E BA change 90 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- search FF 0E BC 48 9A D1 0A change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- search 29 36 BA 48 56 9A 37 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cougar Force UNLZEXE SPOON.EXE search FF 36 A6 12 9A 5A 00 18 1C 83 C4 06 change -- -- -- -- EB 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CrackDown iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/crackdn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creepers i) cheat codes level codes 1 PLKNDZRTVK 2 TYNZXPRFSJ 3 KWFRTFTCSP 4 PYLNVXZSZH 5 KJHDSLWCBD 6 HGKNDCPBCX 7 PLMKNJJPMT 8 PSFWLKCNMW 9 SNCCGHWPGX 10 YYRQQMNVZK 11 PYRTHZDHSL 12 FMNRXTKSLH 13 FCBLGHPWRT 14 CBSTPHQFCZ 15 FDNDBSLZCX 16 LLLVLSTKCM 17 LRSYZQPYDN 18 CLCKNNMTTV 19 PCNSPZMDHM 20 NLQQBDNMGN 21 NNBCTCKGDY 22 CTBTCDPSMY 23 SSPQRNCXZZ 24 NQMNDBGGLN 25 CSTQRSWLSF 26 MCDNSMBXRV 27 SRTDSCHPRG 28 QSWDRFTGYH 29 YBYCYQRKNS 30 BSGTPWHWXW 31 DMGDDFZTMB 32 GPDLNSKYRP 33 PPRRSCCBNF 34 WTHYRCHGNS 35 JGLHXQKKNM 36 BHRTYYTRHB 37 HSKPLYYQWR 38 NSLCNCPHWY 39 KNSTKDNNSY 40 BPLJKQTYXZ 41 GWGLDYGPKH 42 SSTSRFHTRV 43 BLNDKNPOSS 44 CRTHSTDQYS 45 GMFMLTPLSK 46 QPWRYTMCSF 47 NSDTFNCDSD 48 RLPZHTYYRF 49 FRNDLSSNTZ 50 FFHQWQFPSB 51 TPLKRCBQQS 52 MZVHQPSDPP 53 GJJLMQNVVP 54 ZSNDFCZPKK 55 BMNZXPYTWH 56 SPTTNBVWRM 57 JDWVCXMTYL 58 CTSFPTJBXN 59 RWRQWTTXBD 60 DPZLHGZVBD 61 ZTBGNTLKFP 62 MBNKHGCXHN 63 YRSFNCZPLS 64 PHJKNSZPSC 65 WLSNDRRNSC 66 TMSQLSTMBB 67 THNCGBVGBV 68 LMNKDNSFJG 69 LMLCSMLFKP 70 SPBDVZFGLM 71 FFVBSXZCPL 72 JFHKKGHXSJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime Patrol ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life copy CP.EXE and CPSB8.EXE to install directory edit CP.EXE go sector 55 offset 439 change 48 to 90 apply samething to CPSB8.EXE next time, play the game by running CP.EXE (no sound) or CPSB8.EXE (have sound) from the hard disk -------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime Wave iii) Crack edit CW.EXE method 1 search 75 0D change 90 90 method 2 go sector 9 offset 11A change E8 AD to EB 0B v) Patches Crimewave (486-fix) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/crimewav.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberia vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/cyberia.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CycleMania ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit CHAMP.DAT go sector 0 offset 0 - 1 change to 50 C3 now you have $50000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Day ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit ?.SAV (? is the save game name) go sector 98 offset 66 - 69 change to FF FF FF 10 v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dday11.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Daedalus Encounter i) Cheat codes JUMP TO any part of the game. From the Main Menu select GAME. Hit ALT-F5. Pick JUMP TO and it will show thumbnails of various scenes in the game. Click on one to jump to it. Skip a puzzle Use ALT-SHIFT and the first letter of the puzzle's name. For example, to skip the Probe Logic Circuit Puzzle by pressing ALT-SHIFT-P. The exception is the Orbit puzzle- use ALT-SHIFT-I. The code is different for each puzzle. Norm has a complete listing and will pass it out soon. iv) Patches upgrade to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/daedal11.zip vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/daedalus.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark seed iii) Crack edit TOS.EXE search 9A 80 B0 00 00 change EB 03 -- -- -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/darkseed.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/darkseed.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Forces i) Cheat Codes LAPOSTAL Add Weapons, Ammo, & PowerUps LAMAXOUT Max out all items LARANDY Weapon Super Charge LAUNLOCK Full inventory LAREDLITE Freeze Enemies LAPOGO Disable height checking LACDS Map Supermode LASKIP Force successful level completion LADATA Coordinate Information LABUG Insect Mode: Fit into small places LAUNLOCK Accessories The level codes: LASECBASE Secret Base LATALAY Talay:Tak Base LASEWERS Anoat City LATESTBASE Research Facility LAGROMAS Gromas Mines LADTENTION Detention Center LARAMSHED Ramsees Hed LAROBOTICS Robotic Facility LANARSHADA Nar Shaddaar LAJABSHIP Jabba's Ship LAIMPCITY Imperial City LAFUELSTAT Fuel Station LAEXECUTOR The Executor LAARC The Arc Hammer iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/dfed2.zip ftp://ftp.wpi.edu/starwars/computer_games/Dark Forces/DFED2.ZIP ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/DarkForces/dfuse09.exe v) Patches (Thrustmaster .B50 file) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/darkfrce.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/dforces.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Legions iii) Crack bypass password edit DL.EXE search 75 1D 3C 00 74 F3 3A change 90 90 -- -- EB -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/darkleg.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dl3511.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dlcd11.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Queen of Krynn v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dqkfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Sun i) cheat codes use DSUN -K911 enter game to enable cheat key: t - raise level m - restore all magic Alt-F2 - increase attack power Alt-F4 - learn all spell iii) Crack password edit DARKSUN.EXE search 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 0F change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/eddrksun.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dscd11a.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dscd11b.zip floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dsun11d1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dsun11d2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Sun II v) Patches CD to 1.10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wakecd11.zip Floppy to 1.10 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wakedk11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Gate vi) Solutions/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/dgate.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DejaVu 2 vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dejavu2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delta V ii) Cheat Edit use UNP.EXE to decomp D.EXE Unlimited Energy, find and Change the values :- search 66 29 06 64 D5 change 90 90 90 90 90 Unlimited Shields search 66 29 06 5C D5 change 90 90 90 90 90 Full Phaser Energy search 66 81 2E 64 D5 FA 00 change 66 81 2E 64 D5 00 00 v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dvfxcd.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Delby Stallion ii) Cheat Edit edit DS.DAT go sector 46 offset 173 - 176 change to 80 F0 FA 02 now have 5000000000 yen ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Descent i) Cheat Codes Shareware or Registered: GABBAGABBAHEY = Cheats enabled! SCOURGE = WowieZowie Weapons! MITZI = All Keys! RACERX = Invulnerability On/Off! GUILE = Cloak On/Off! TWILIGHT = Shields Recharged! FARMERJOE = Warp to Which Level? ALT-F = Show full map Registered only: BIGRED = Super WowieZowie Weapons! BUGGIN = Turbo Mode BRUIN = Extra Life FLASH = Exit Path Illuminated! AHIMSA = Robot Firing On/Off! This is a new cheat in Descent v1.4: Type ASTRAL to toggle Ghosty mode. v) Patches to 1.2 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dcnt12up.zip 1.0 to 1.4 updte ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dreg14up.zip 1.0 to 1.4a (registered) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/desc14a.zip Descent FAQ 1.25 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dcnt1_25.zip Descent (new Thrustmaster .B50 & .M50 files) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/descfl.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dcnt1_15.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dcnt1_25.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/descent.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desert Strike i) Cheat Codes Level code: 2 CMMKBMMMJ 3 CMN-BMMMZ 4 CMBRNMMM5 5 CMVBBMMMG iii) Crack password floppy version edit DESERT.DAT search 3A 06 7E 3A 74 0B FE 0E 7D change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc World iv) Patches patch to Discworld 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/disc-up.zip vi) Solutions/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/discwrld.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/discwrld.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/dscworld.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/discworld.FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disciples of Steel iii) Crack edit STEEL.EXE search 74 07 FF 86 22 FE E9 06 00 (2 occurances) change 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 (change all 2 occurances) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/discrk.zip v) Patches to 1.013 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/steel113.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dizzy World Fantasy vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dizzyslv.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM i) Cheat Codes ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/doom_id.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/doom_cht.zip v) Patches to 1.2 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1_2rpt.zip to 1.2 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1_2spt.zip 1.2 to 1.666 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1666rp.zip 1.2 to 1.666 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm1666sp.zip 1.666 to 1.9 (reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm19rpat.zip 1.666 to 1.9 (unreg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm19spat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM II i) Cheat Codes IDDQD = GOD MODE IDKFA = ALL KEYS AND FULL AMMO IDCLIP = WALK THROUGH WALLS IDMYPOS = CO-ORDINATES IDDT = MAP ADD ON IDCHOPPERS = GIVES YOU A CHAINSAW for NetWork cheat: in map mode, hold down ALT and type IDDT 4 times v) Patches 1.7a to 1.9 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm2_19pt.zip 1.666 to 1.8 (German) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dm2g18pt.zip to 1.7a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/doom2p.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula ii) Cheat Edit edit DRAC.EXE energy not reduce search E8 64 47 80 2E E3 3E 28 73 0A change -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 -- -- bullet not reduce search C6 06 29 6C 00 FF 0E EE 3E 83 C3 0A change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- holy water not reduce search 74 25 FE 0E ED 3E C7 06 DE 3E 01 00 EB 13 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dracula Unleashed v) Patches to 2.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/du21.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dracula.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Lair iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/dltrain.zip vi) solutions ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/draglair.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Lore vi) Solutions/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/dlore.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Sphere iii) Crack bypass password edit SPHERE.EXE find 74 14 46 83 FE 02 change EB -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Wars vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dragon_s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dragon_w.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DreamWeb vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/solution/dreamweb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dschump i) Cheat Codes level code DUDEM ACCOUNT ISLAND CRICKET WYATT FUSSBALL SHARP GOLDSTAR COKECOLA UNITED TURBO JOYSTICK POWER HAMBURG STUDENT SAMPO FUNCTION REGISTER HDD ON ---------------------------------------------------------------- Duck Tales vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ducktale.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dungeon Master vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dm_maps.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/dungeonm.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DynaBlaster i) cheat codes level codes Stage 1: UXYWWWVG UXOWMNVV UWOWOJVG MKZLOLYL UUYWHTEU MOOLOGCN UXOWHMVW MUKWONCE Stage 2: MUVEOSTP UUGWWGEN UBRLVVVG UOCZWHEN UWNKVEVG UAGKVEEN UXVKWHSG UWNKVVVH Stage 3: UANKVJZA MUBEOSCP UOHZHGRA MWEEHHZY MXEEOIEY UUVKHBRE UKHZHHST UOZZHWRZ Stage 4: UBBHIHHT MUBCNNRP UUGVNLZU UUNVNMZI UANVQSZU OWOVQGHK MXFCMGLH MAKCIQEG Stage 5: UAKVVTTU UAOVIHPE MONNTWYC UXKVMPAV MUECVGYN UBHHOWAK UXVVHPAG MCANWQAE Stage 6: UAKKMIKU MXCCPSTY MWCCGBCA MOLNPIHC MBLAIWNK UCHZQNKN UBHZQLNG UBZZQTNH Stage 7: MXCETJPK UAVKITKU UWKKINNK MWEESNNA UWVKINNV MUBEVVKN UCZZOTKP Stage 8: MBGAGIEK MCKAGILN UWOFVJGZ UWYFVIGY UUYFWTUL UCAOVILR UOAOWTHL MOCAEHNK --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthsiege i) cheat codes Start/load a campaign and go back into the main menu, choose SINGLE MISSION and take a big Herc in the briefing under ARANGEMENT. Go back to the main menu and click on CAMPAIGN RESCUE. Now survive the mission and save it. Now have lots of well weaponed Hercs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecoquest vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ecoq1.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elvira ii) Cheat Edit unlimited Lives edit the file ELVMCGA.EXE search 2E FF 0E 01 1A change 90 90 90 90 90 unlimited Energy search 2E FF 0E 10 72 change 90 90 90 90 90 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/elvira.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/elvtrn0.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elvira.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elvira II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elvira2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/elv2-dox.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epic Brix i) Cheat codes All the Level Codes 1-1-1 = IJKL 1-1-2 = ALKL 1-1-3 = ILKL 1-1-4 = AJLL ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2-1-1 = KJKLE 2-2-1 = CLKDG 2-1-2 = KBMLE 2-2-2 = CDMDG 2-1-3 = KJMLE 2-2-3 = CLMDG 2-1-4 = KBKME 2-2-4 = CDKEG ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3-1-1 = ILKLMN 3-2-1 = KDMLMF 3-3-1 = KLMLEP 3-1-2 = ILCNMN 3-2-2 = KDENMF 3-3-2 = KLENEP 3-1-3 = ILKNMN 3-2-3 = KDMNMF 3-3-3 = KLMNEP 3-1-4 = ILCLNN 3-2-4 = KDELNF 3-3-4 = KLELFP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 4-1-1 = IBKMMNO 4-2-1 = ADCOMNO 4-3-1 = KDKOMFQ 4-4-1 = CBDMNFQ 4-1-2 = IBKEONO 4-2-2 = ADCGONO 4-3-2 = KDKGOFQ 4-4-2 = CBDEPFQ 4-1-3 = IBKMONO 4-2-3 = ADCOONO 4-3-3 = KDKOOFQ 4-4-3 = CBDMPFQ 4-1-4 = IBKEMOO 4-2-4 = ADCGMOO 4-3-4 = KDKGMGQ 4-4-4 = CBDENGQ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 5-1-1 = IJKLNNOP 5-2-1 = IBMDPNOP 5-3-1 = ???????? 5-1-2 = IJKLFPOP 5-2-2 = IBMDHPOP 5-3-2 = ???????? 5-1-3 = IJKLNPOP 5-2-3 = IBMDPPOP 5-3-3 = ???????? 5-1-4 = IJKLFNPP 5-2-4 = IBMDHNPP 5-3-4 = ???????? 5-4-1 = CBLENOGR 5-5-1 = CJLMNOGR 5-4-2 = CBLEFQGR 5-5-2 = CJLMFQGR 5-4-3 = CBLENQGR 5-5-3 = CJLMNQGR 5-4-4 = CBLEFOHR 5-5-4 = CJLMFOHR ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 6-1-1 = IJKDOOOPQ 6-2-1 = IJCFGQOPQ 6-3-1 = ????????? 6-1-2 = IJKDOGQPQ 6-2-2 = IJCFGIQPQ 6-3-2 = ????????? 6-1-3 = IJKDOOQPQ 6-2-3 = IJCFGQQPQ 6-3-3 = ????????? 6-1-4 = IJKDOGOQQ 6-2-4 = IJCFGIOQQ 6-3-4 = ????????? 6-4-1 = ????????? 6-5-1 = CJLEPOPHS 6-6-1 = CJDGHQPHS 6-4-2 = ????????? 6-5-2 = CJLEPGRHS 6-6-2 = CJDGHIRHS 6-4-3 = ????????? 6-5-3 = CJLEPORHS 6-6-3 = CJDGHQRHS 6-4-4 = ????????? 6-5-4 = CJLEPGPIS 6-6-4 = CJDGHIPIS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 7-1-1 = IJKLMPPPQR 7-2-1 = IJKDOHRPQR 7-3-1 = ?????????? 7-1-2 = IJKLMPHRQR 7-2-2 = IJKDOHJRQR 7-3-2 = ?????????? 7-1-3 = IJKLMPPRQR 7-2-3 = IJKDOHRRQR 7-3-3 = ?????????? 7-1-4 = IJKLMPHPRR 7-2-4 = IJKDOHJPRR 7-3-4 = ?????????? 7-4-1 = ?????????? 7-5-1 = ?????????? 7-6-1 = CJDGPIRQIT 7-4-2 = ?????????? 7-5-2 = ?????????? 7-6-2 = CJDGPIJSIT 7-4-3 = ?????????? 7-5-3 = ?????????? 7-6-3 = CJDGPIRSIT 7-4-4 = ?????????? 7-5-4 = ?????????? 7-6-4 = CJDGPIJQJT 7-7-1 = CJDOPQRQIT 7-7-2 = CJDOPQJSIT 7-7-3 = CJDOPQRSIT 7-7-4 = CJDOPQJQJT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cheat-end Xref: cdf.toronto.edu comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc:43199 Path: cdf.toronto.edu!utnut!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!pacbell.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newshost.ea.com!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!nntp.hk.super.net!tst.hk.super.net!not-for-mail From: cflam@hk.super.net (LAM Chi-fung) Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc Subject: PC Game cheat & info list .09 2/3 Date: 30 Jun 1995 03:56:36 +0800 Organization: Hong Kong SuperNET Lines: 2303 Sender: cflam@is2.hk.super.net Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: is2.hk.super.net cheat-start Epic Pinball i) Cheat Codes * Please note these are for the OLD version of Epic Pinball. Press F1 on options menu for more balls. While playing, press ESC. When asked to quit, press J. To get 2 Balls and also have control over ball press ESC, B, then J You can make the flippers "stick" by pressing "X" and "/" These debug codes in the shareware version will help you have some fun with the game. All codes need to have escape (ESC) to be pressed first for the prompt; the responses to this prompt activates the cheats. (The escape is included for quick reference.) Codes Purpose =================================================== ESC-B-N * An extra ball is dropped during play. ESC-J + Using the cursor keys, the ball is under player control. ESC-F9 A border appears. (Does not work for all monitors.) ESC-F10 A screen capture to file SCREEN.PCX. ESC-F1 A parameter request prompt. (Unknown parameters) * This works on all tables in the registered version, except for Engima which crashes (albeit in a very colorful way) ii) Cheat Edit For unlimited balls, jump to dos and do this: DEBUG CONFIG.PIN e10b 00 w q ** For unlimited balls in all of the tables (registered): ** Be sure that the ep*.exe are not packed with exe-compressors like pklite or lzexe! file/table file-offset (hex/dec) original (hex) ep1.exe/ANDROID 34D0D/216333 FE 06 37 68 ep2.exe/POT OF GOLD 36AD1/223953 FE 06 58 55 ep3.exe/EXCALIBUR 336B7/210615 FE 06 C1 4D ep4.exe/CRASH AND BURN 338C8/211144 FE 06 55 59 ep5.exe/MAGIC 3049D/197789 FE 06 D2 43 ep6.exe/JUNGLE PINBALL 37FF6/229366 FE 06 BB 60 ep7.exe/DEEP SEA 34358/213848 FE 06 1E 55 ep8.exe/ENIGMA 37932/227634 FE 06 AE 4F overwrite the original bytes with 4 x 90 (hex). now you should play pinball with umlimited balls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eye of Beholder I v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/eob2_11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of the Beholder II iii) Crack edit START.EXE search : 0B F6 74 14 47 change : -- -- EB -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/eob2_cht.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/eob2map.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye of Beholder III i) Cheat Codes watch ending theme rename INTRO.GFF to any name e.g. CFLAM.GFF and then rename FINALE.GFF to INTRO.GFF start game to watch ending theme change back the file name to restore ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-117A vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/f117adoc.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-15 ii) cheat edit edit EGAME.EXE fuel search 29 06 EE 4F change 90 90 90 90 fire ball search FF 8F F0 4F change 90 90 90 90 missile search FF 8F FA 4F change 90 90 90 90 life/energy search FF 06 00 95 change 90 90 90 90 v) Patches F-15 II, F-15 III, Red Storm Rising, M1-Tank Platoon (Pentium-fixes) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/p5upd.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- F-16 Falcon 3.0 i) Cheat Codes A) Shift+T - Time of Day B) Shift+U - Look Down C) Ctrl+Alt+5 - Auto Level D) P+TAB - Recon Camera (Wait for pause before hitting TAB) While in Camera mode use the following: 1) + / - : Inc. / Dec. Speed 2) PgUp / PgDn: Inc. / Dec. Altitude 3) F3 / F4 : Rotate Right / Left Hold shift for up & down rotation Hold ctrl for fine tuning Hit ~ to start sim back up E) P+TAB+D - Debug mode 1st line: ? 2nd line: N/S & E/W Coordinates; Alt. (div. by 2); Speed 3rd line: Frame Rate F) P+TAB+T - Transporter Enter location code & hit enter. vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/f30_qdox.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fantasy Empire iii) Crack edit FANTASY.EXE search 75 05 E8 24 05 00 00 change EB -- -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fe110.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/fant_emp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felix i) cheat codes FELIX MUSIC EMERALD MAGIC HEADACHE ORANGE PANTHER PORCHE DUNGEON PARADISE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighter Wing iv) Patches Fighter Wing 1.0 to 2.0 (CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fwcd20.zip Fighter Wing 3.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fwdk34.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlashBack i) Cheat Codes Level code JAGUAR,BANTHA,TOHOLD,COMBEL,SHIVA PICOLO,ANTIC,KASYYK,FUGU,NOLAN SARLAC,CAPSUL,ARTHUR,MAENOC,ZZZAP SHIRYU,SULUST,MANIAC,RENDER,NEPTUN NO WAY,BLUGA iii) Crack English version edit FB.EXE search 8A 2C 46 3A CD 75 1F change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 search 48 75 CE 80 3C 51 75 17 change -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Commander II v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/flcom103.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Simulator 5.0 v) Patches to 5.0a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fs50a.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Tigers i) cheat codes During the game, PAUSE using the TAB key. While the Game is paused, enter any of the following codes: [ocellaris1q] - Change levels, up/down arrow to change level [ocellaris1l] - Player 1 extra life [ocellaris1h] - Extra health [ocellaris1f] - Fireball shots [ocellaris1z] - Laser shots [ocellaris1n] - Napalm shots [ocellaris1m] - Missle shots [ocellaris1s] - One shield [ocellaris1c] - One c-bomb shot [ocellaris2l] - Player Two (same as above, replace 1 with a 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Lines Floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fldk102.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/flcd102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Page Sport Baseball '94 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpsbb102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Page Sports Football Pro iii) Crack edit FB__MENU.EXE search 74 DD 2B C3 5F 5E 5D change -- -- 33 C0 -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fbp95.zip to 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fpropt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frontier : First Encounter v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep2_ecd.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep2_efp.zip patch to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_v02.zip 1.05 (Uk-rel.,CD-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_5dcd.zip 1.0 to 1.05 (Euro-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fep_v105.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Throttle i) Cheat Codes If you stop moving and don't touch anything for a few min, a screen will come up that shows a bunch of different vehicles and rotates them. If you have some trouble fighting those bikers on the old mine road , try this: When the fight starts press LEFT SHIFT V to win. (you might have to repeat it a few times) vi) Solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/fullthrottle-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/fullthrottle-step.txt ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/fullthrt.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future Wars vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/futrewrs.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FX Fighter vi)solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/fxfight.zip viii)FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/fxfight.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/fxfaq10.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Civilizations iv) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix06a.exe ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix06b.exe ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gcfix07.exe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Garbiel Knight v) Patches to 1.0a Floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gk110a.zip to 1.0a CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/gkcdpat.zip vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/gk-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk-hints.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/gk-step.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geisha vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/geisha.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genesia ii) Cheat edit patch the money/food/water etc edit 0.DAT under GSAVE dir THING TO CHANGE... ³ GOTO HEX-OFFSET... ³ CHANGE TO... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Money ³ 3CC0 ³ 9F 86 01 Food ³ 4566 ³ 0F 27 Water ³ 45E6 ³ 0F 27 Wood ³ 48E6 ³ 0F 27 Metal ³ 4966 ³ 0F 27 Stone ³ 49E6 ³ 0F 27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOBLIIINS i) cheat codes level codes VQVQFDE ICIGCAA ECPQPCC FTWKFEN HQWFTFW DWNDGBW JCJCJHM ICVGCGT HNWVFKA FTQKULD DCPLPMG EWDGONK TCNGTOV TCVQRPM IQDNKQO KKKPURE NGOGKSP NNGWTTO LGWFGUS TQNGFVC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- God Father iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/godftrn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gremlins II iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/grem2cht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/gremcht.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hack vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hack.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hacker vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hacker.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardball III iii) Crack edit HARDBALL.EXE search A1 90 4A FF 06 90 4A 0B C0 74 6D change 81 F3 17 BD 89 1E 86 4A EB DC -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardball IV v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb4fix.zip ftp://brawl.mindlink.net/pub/MindSpan/HardBall4/hb4fix.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hb4sound.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpoon II v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2upgr.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/h2upgr.zip for 1.5 ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/whrp153i.zip ftp://gate.net/pub/users/intracor/threesixty/h2upgrad.zip Harpoon II (Deluxe) 2.1.13 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2dpatch.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/harpoon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpoon Classic for Windows iv) Patches upgrade to 1.55 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wh155.zip Harpoon Classic for Windows 1.55a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/whrp155a.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heimdall iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/heim_trn.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/heimhelp.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hell v) Patches for PG-13 version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hpatpg13.zip vi) Solution/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/hell-sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heretic i) Cheat Codes IDDQD - Instant Death IDKFA - No Weapons/Ammo COCKADOODLEDOO - Turns yourself into a chicken ENGAGExx - Level Warp (episode/map) GIMMExx - Artifacts (a-j) (1-9) [d does not work] A - Ring B - Mask (Invisibility) C - Potion D - Mystic Urn E - Spell Book F - Torch G - Hour Glass (Time Bomb) H - Eggs (Turn People into Chickens) I - Golden Wings J - Chaos Device KITTY - Toggle Clipping MASSACRE - Kills ALL monsters on level PONCE - Full Health QUICKEN - God Mode RAMBO - All Weapons/Ammo RAVMAP - Changes Map Mode [must be in map mode] SHAZAM - Toggles Weapon Power SKEL - All Skeleton Keys TICKER - Display fps dots [Note: type -ravpic at startup and use F1 for screen shots] ii) Cheat Edit Offsets in SAVEGAME files in hex ******************************************************************************* 60 - Health -(0-200) 64 - Armor -(0-200) 68 - Shield -Numbers= 01 6C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #1 -Icons - 01=Ring 70 - Number of inventory item #1 - 02=Mask 74 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #2 - 03=Potion 78 - Number of inventory item #2 - 04=*** Don't use. *** 7C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #3 - 05=Book 80 - Number of inventory item #3 - 06=Torch 84 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #4 - 07=Hour Glass 88 - Number of inventory item #4 - 08=Egg 8C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #5 - 09=Golden Wings 90 - Number of inventory item #5 94 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #6 -Numbers= 01-63hex (1-99). 98 - Number of inventory item #6 9C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #7 A0 - Number of inventory item #7 A4 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #8 A8 - Number of inventory item #8 E4 - Number of Items in inventory -Numbers= 00-08 10C - Yellow Key -Numbers= 01=YES 110 - Green Key 114 - Blue Key 134 - Staff 138 - Wand 13C - Crossbow 140 - Dragon's Claw 150 - Gloves 158 - Wand Ammo -Numbers= 0-03E7 (0-999) 15C - Crossbow Ammo 160 - Dragon's Claw Ammo 174 - Wand Max Ammo 178 - Crossbow Max Ammo 17C - Dragon's Claw Max Ammo 190 - God mode and clipping -God=02, Clipping=01, Both=03 EC - Ring Time (Low Adress) -1 minute = 0834hex ED - Ring Time (High Address) F0 - Mask Time (Low Adress) F1 - Mask Time (High Address) F8 - Torch Time (Low Adress) F9 - Torch Time (High Address) FC - Book Time (Low Adress) FD - Book Time (High Address) 100 - Wing Time (Low Adress) 101 - Wing Time (High Adress) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest/Quest for Glory vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/heroq1.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest II/Quest for Glory II i) cheat codes type in the command 'Suck blue frog'. It should enable a cheat mode in which typing F1-F10 should be able to edit the game :). vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hq2_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero's Quest III/Quest for Glory III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/qfg3_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hero Quest IV/Quest of Glory IV v) Patches to 1.10a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qg4_110a.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Seas Trader ii) cheat edit money edit edit *.SAV (* is your save game) sector 75 disp 319-321 change to FF FF FF ship capacity edit sector 75 disp 234-235 change to E8 03 cargo load capacity sector 64 disp 482 iv) Patches CD Version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hstcd102.zip floppy version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hstdk102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highway ii) cheat edit life and energy not reduce edit HW1.EXE search FE 0E B0 0F change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E B1 0F change 90 90 90 90 (change 3 times) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Highway Hunter i) Cheat Codes START.EXE BEER for Unlimited energy START.EXE FREE for Unlimited weapons START.EXE SKIP to Skip introduction START.EXEÿL# where # is starting level number --------------------------------------------------------------------- History Line i) cheat codes level codes: 1 - PULSE 2 - CIVIL 3 - MOUSE 4 - VENOM 5 - NOISE 6 - KIGHT 7 - ORKAN 8 - FRONT 9 - RATIO 10 - PARTS 11 - PLANE 12 - FLAME 13 - GOTHA 14 - BALON 15 - PAUSE 16 - ELITE 17 - INFRA 18 - HILLS 19 - COBRA 20 - ATLAS 21 - AMPER 22 - KHEIN 23 - CANDL 24 - STERN 1 - PULSE 2 - GOOSE 3 - SPORT 4 - BIMBO 5 - TEMPO 6 - BARON 7 - BUMM 8 - LEVEL 9 - MODE 10 - PRINC 11 - CLEAN 12 - XENON 13 - SIGNS 14 - HOUSE 15 - SIGMA 16 - SEVEN 17 - ZOMBI 18 - MOVES 19 - BLADE 20 - ZORRO 21 - STONE 22 - MOSEL 23 - ORDER 24 - SODOM --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hhgttg.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hockey League Simulator II v) Patches to 1.14 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/h2v114.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hocus Pocus ii) Cheat Edit undead edit HOCUS.EXE search 01 06 3C 70 you will find 5 occurance change all to 90 90 90 90 unlimit 'continuous shoot time' edit HOCUS.EXE search FF 0E 70 CE change 90 90 90 90 v) Patches to 1.1 (Reg) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hppat-r.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hollywood Hijinks vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hijinks.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Horde iii) Crack edit HORDE.EXE (504429)Byt search 8A 55 CC 66 8B change EB 28 -- -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/horde.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/hordecht.zip v) Patches CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hord11cd.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hord11dk.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/horde.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hugo_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/hugo2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Botham's Cricket iii) crack UNLZEXE BLOCK1.EXE Search : 0A C0 75 0C 80 3C 00 change : -- -- EB 05 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inca vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/inca.txt Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/incamp.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inca II vi) solutions/hints/map ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/inca2.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incredible Toons iii) Crack edit TOONS.EXE search 59 0B C0 75 05 9A 20 00 change -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- after crack, the first time enter game may has problem, quit and re-enter again --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis iii) Crack edit INDY4A.EXE search 41 74 44 31 FD FF change 4C 5A 39 -- -- -- then use UNLZEXE to decomp INDY4A.EXE search 75 1F B8 08 00 50 B8 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- when ask password, press any key is o.k. vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/indy4.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndyCar iii) Crack edit indycar.exe search 3b 14 85 78 bb 00 00 75 13 change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno i) Cheat codes Whilst in your cockpit hold down the RIGHT-SHIFT and type LOLIFE to activeate the cheat. The message "Cheat-Enabled" will appear on your HUD and you will be invincible and have unlimited weapons. In addition, pause the game using ALT-P and press numbers 1 thru 7 to award the corresponding combat pod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infocom vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/infocom.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Innocent Until Caught II : Guilty vi) Solutions/Hints/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/guilty.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interrupt iii) crack edit TITLE.EXE search 1D FF FF 0B C0 75 09 9A 04 change -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Cross iv) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ic_patch.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack Nicklaus Signature Tour Vol 2 iii) Crack use UNLZEXE to decomp GOLF.EXE search 83 3E 7E C2 03 74 05 change -- -- -- -- -- EB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagged Alliance iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-mny.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-merc.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-edit.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jag-heal.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/jaedit15.zip v) Patches to 1.11 ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/be/benpolk/ja111.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jammit Basketball i) Cheat Codes all level codes SLADE : CHILL : ROXY : ------- ------- ------- MRKYMCY TZMYNYN DKRBNSN HNSFJLD THMSLNS STPKRNR DWGTSTN DNWYGLL SSNHYDN DMDWYDZ DLMRVNN JNFRBCN TRYBRNM MRNLYNG LRNCHLS BRNMCMN MKGLSCK PLWRHDS JSPHKSC THMSCSY STWSPKN PHLSRGR JRBRGHT BBSKNNR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jazz Jackrabbit i) Cheat Codes Everything starts with [P] [Bbackspace] arjan - HAHAHA displayed on screen gunhed - gives you all weapons tim - displayes AWESOME on screen check - displays some numbers on the screen greetz - opens an "Arjan Greetz" window doom - flashes the screen red (ar-ar!) plus there's another little thing I won't tell you about... lamer - jump to next level mark - will lose a life and start over apogee - toggles between 16-color EGA and normal bouf - temporary invincibility sable - super sonic speed cstrike - gives you the air-board hooker - takes you to bonus level when current stage is done bad - gives you the bird *yuk-yuk* ken - don't know what it does hocus - teleports, provided you have an enemy above or below you ii) Cheat edit unlimit bullet edit JAZZ.EXE search FF 8D E2 D6 A0 DC D8 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour iii) Crack edit VGA.DAT search E8 BF 08 E8 F9 09 E8 F9 0B change 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jordon in Flight ii) Cheat Edit Edit file ????????.tnm offset 000C Round Number minus one 0050 First Team games won 0052 First Team games lost 0056,0058 Second Team games won,lost 005C,005E Third Team games won,lost 0062,0064 Fourth Team games won,lost 0068,006A Fifth Team games won,lost 006E,0070 Sixth Team games won,lost 0074,0076 Seventh Team games won,lost 007A,007C Eighth Team games won,lost --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Raven v) Patches Jump Raven 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/jraven11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jungle Strike i) Cheat codes level codes 1 - 2MMSXMMMP 2 - 9BN8QMMMZ 3 - 9BB63MMMF 4 - YVV6KNMMQ 5 - YVCGSBMMR 6 - MCXJXVMM4 7 - MCZQLCMMJ iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/jungle-t.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- JURASSIC PARK i) cheat codes level codes 2 - B14A5+++ 3 - 3B5FB+++ 4 - 0377D+++ 5 - -------- 6 - 0179D+++ 7 - 607AF+++ 8 - EB8FD+++ 9 - 8B8FF+++ 10 - AB901+++ 11 - 4B903+++ for CD version 2. C37EF8D1 3. 4D9458D1 4. 15AC78D1 5. 13AE78D1 6. 72AF98D1 7. FDC478D1 8. 9DC498D1 9. BDC4B8D1 10. 5DC4D81 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kali (play many games through InterNet) (can be find in ftp://tracker.vet.uga.edu/pub/kali) iii) crack edit KALI.EXE UNP (or PKLITE) KALI.EXE search : 83 06 96 00 01 change : -- -- -- -- 00 (crack the 15 mins constrain) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kasparov's Gambit v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kgptch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Keen 4 ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet PKLITE decomp KEEN4.EXE edit KEEN4.EXE search FF 0E D7 77 change 90 90 90 90 unlimit life search FF 0E E9 77 change 90 90 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keen 6 ii) Cheat Edit unlimit bullet and life UNLZEXE KEEN6.EXE edit KEEN6.EXE search FF 0E 90 75 change 90 90 90 90 search FF 0E A6 75 change 90 90 90 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kick off 3 European Challenge iii) Crack edit INTRO.EXE search 83 7E FE 00 74 38 B8 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- edit KICK.EXE search 3D FF FF 75 38 0E change -- -- -- EB -- -- search 0B C0 75 F0 6A 03 9A 02 change -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- -- edit MAIN.EXE search 85 C0 74 34 B8 B5 change -- -- EB -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq1s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq2s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq3s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest IV vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq4s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq4.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest V vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq5s.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq5.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq5.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest VI vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kingsq6s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kings Quest VII v) Patches to 1.51 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kq7_151.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/kq7-sol.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq7-sol.txt ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/kq7-hints.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight of the Sky v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kots.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of Xentar ii) Cheat Edit floppy version undead edit K.EXE search 89 44 06 8B 45 change 90 90 90 -- -- quick attack edit K.EXE search C6 47 11 00 56 change 90 90 90 90 -- (still need to wait until speed max to have quick attack) photo gallery edit KX.EXE search 80 3E CB 0E 00 74 13 change C6 06 -- -- 01 90 90 unlimit HP and MP UNP K.EXE go sector 15 offset 435 change 18 to 1C go sector 15 offset 441 change 1A to 1E go sector 15 offset 449 change 06 to 04 go sector 15 offset 455 change 0A to 08 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/kox108a.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kox_hnt.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krusty's Super Fun House ii) Cheat Edit UNLZEXE TD.EXE TR.EXE TXS.EXE unlimit energy search 2C 0A 2E A2 A3 0E in 3 files change 90 90 -- -- -- -- unlimit bullet search FE C8 2E A2 A5 0E in 3 files change 90 90 -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kyrandia I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kyrandia.zip ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub0/game-solutions/kyrandia.sol ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kyrandia II v) Patches to 1.40 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/hof1_40.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kyrandia III - Malcom's Revenge vi) Solution/hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/kyrand3.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/kyr3sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lands of Lore ii) Cheat Edit health not reduce edit MAIN.EXE search 5E FC 26 89 7F 39 26 83 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- magic point not reduce edit MAIN.EXE search 5E FC 26 89 7F 3D EB 12 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 5E FC 26 01 47 3D 26 83 change -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- iii) Crack by pass password edit MAIN.EXE search 83 7E FE 00 75 4A 6A change C7 46 FE 01 00 EB 49 for 1.11a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/lol11crk.zip v) Patches to 1.02 CD ver ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolcdpch.zip to 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolp123.zip English ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolen123.zip Franch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolfr123.zip Germany ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lolgr123.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lol-sol.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Laura Bow II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lb2solve.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Goddesses of Phobos vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lgop_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Goddesses of Phobos II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lgop2sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legions for Windows iv) Patches Windows NT fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lgnpat.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl1_sol.zip (X rate questions) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl_code.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl2_sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lsl3_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leisure Suit Larry VI v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lsl6pat.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/lsl6-sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lemmings.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lemmings II ii) cheat edit add Cheta = 1 in L2.INI and select CHEAT MODE in PREF iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/lem2crk.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/lemming2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings III ii) cheat edit unlimit time edit L3F.EXE search FE 06 C8 1D change 90 90 90 90 edit L3FGUS.EXE search FE 06 C8 1D change 90 90 90 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemmings 3D ii) cheat edit edit LM3D.EXE unlimit time search FE 0E 4E 20 79 11 search 90 90 90 90 -- -- search C7 06 4E 20 00 00 change -- -- -- -- 01 -- unlimit tools search FE 4F 01 60 B0 11 change 90 90 90 -- -- -- search FE 4F 01 64 C6 45 change -- -- -- 64 C6 45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightSpeed ii) Cheat Edit Edit LIGHTSPD.EXE search E9 BE 03 A1 F3 change 90 90 90 A1 F3 give more firepower v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lsver02.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lion King i) Cheat Codes DWARF, press these words at the title screen, and it will display "CHEAT ENABLED", then start game. During the game, press "L" to jump to the next level, "H" for full health! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Litil Divil i) Cheat Codes type the following to start game: DIVIL KmCiNpOcKeT --- press F1 to warp DIVIL Nicole --- press shift-P to go to another room DIVIL MEANING --- press SHIFT T to add energy DIVIL Donkey --- press T to add money DIVIL Grumpy --- K to add key ii) Cheat Edit unlimit energy edit DIVIL.EXE Change Offset A9B1 to 00 iii) Crack edit DIVIL.EXE search 83 7E FC 01 74 0C change C6 46 FC 01 EB 0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lode Runner for Windows i) cheat codes how to use 'monk' DOS version CTRL F3 to active monk mode use T,Y,U ot G,H,J or B,N,M to control monk use TAB to use monk Windows version in main menu screen(Lode Runner menu, not Windows menu, click on the upper left corner spot, and press CTHULU (v 1.2) or YOG (v 1.3) if success, a 'gang' sound is heard use T,Y,U ot G,H,J or B,N,M to control monk use TAB to use monk v) Patches to 1.3 (floppy) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lode1_3.zip CD version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lode_cd.zip vii) Add-on all files in this directory contain add-ons ftp://wcl-l.bham.ac.uk/pub/djh/loderunner/*.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logical i) cheat codes level code 01 WELCOME THE OTHER SIDE QUADRI QUADRA STONE ROAD 05 NICE COLORS MORE COLORS REAL FUN PINK AND PINK 09 GREEN PATH BAD DIRECTION DONT PANIC COLORMANIA 13 REFRESHMENT FULL MOON RUNNING BALLS GREEN RIVER 17 TWO ISLANDS MORE ISLANDS TIMES CHANGE OTHER THINGS 21 BE HONEST BLUE N VIOLET THREE PATHS DANGEROUS 25 THE WANDERER SECRET CHAMBER FALCONS FLIGHT BLUE ANGEL 29 FAR THUNDER A SIMPLE ONE BLUE VELVET PARADISE I 33 CLASSIC ART 67 HIGH SPEED ALEXANDRIA RUNNING TEARS HER RAINBOW 71 WALK IN CREAM TOUCH HER SHADOWLAND JACK IN BAG 75 VITAMIN C STUNT BALL MIRRORLAND ACE QUEST 79 BOA BOA BOA DA DA DA HAUTED HOUSE THE SECRETS 83 SMILING JOKE CHILDREN GO IT IS ATLANTIS ON THE ROAD 87 BLUE IS FIRST WOLFS MOON WILD CHINA BIG MOUNTAINS 93 TOMORROW TELEPORTER JAM LEVER SUNLIGHT NEW EXODUS 97 THE PEACEPIPE FINAL SURPRISE WHITE MIAMI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logo i) Cheat Codes level codes 01. 0123456 06. 8765432 02. 1234567 07. 7654321 03. 2345678 08. 6543210 04. 3456789 09. 1122330 05. 9876543 10. 5566779 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOLLYPOP i) cheat codes Underground A71E7U Rainy Forrest BR3220 Spookville OFUJ5F The Mansion QALXPH Dreamland QWAXJ1 Frosty Land QWGJQQ Candy Hill ONKBTP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lords of the Realm ii) cheat edit (edit money) Edit the savegame with a hex editor and go to the decimal offsets 87,990, 87,991 and 87,992. Simply change them all to FF. v) Patches for CD ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/dresden/games/patches/lotr101c.zip for floppy ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/dresden/games/patches/lotr101d.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Vikings i) cheat codes STRT GR8T TLPT GRND LLMO FL0T TRSS PHRS CVRN BBLS VLCN QCKS PHR0 C1R0 SPKS JMNN TTRS JLLY PLNG BTRY JNKR CBLT H0PP SMRT V8TR NFL8 WKYY CMB0 8BLL TRDR FNTM WRLR TRPD TFFF FRGT 4RN4 MSTR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunicus v) Patches Lunicus 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/lunifix.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrid Crossword iii) Crack edit LCW.EXE search 75 05 3B 46 F6 74 42 change 90 90 -- -- -- EB -- search 75 05 33 C0 E9 39 01 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machiavelli the Prince v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mach11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mad Dog 2 ii) Cheat Edit undead and unlimit bullet assume CD-ROM drive is D: copy D:\MADDOG2.EXE to C:\ edit MADDOG2.EXE search 26 FF 8F B8 34 (six occurances) change 90 90 90 90 90 (change all six occurance) search FF 8F BC 34 change 90 90 90 90 to start game, change to CD-ROM drive, type C:\MADDOG2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Candle III v) Patches to 1.16 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mc3upb.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Carpet i) Cheat Codes Press 'i' and then type 'ratty'. Alt-F1 gives you all the spells. Alt-F2 gives you more manna. Alt-F6 heals you. Alt-F7 kills all creatures. Shift-C completes the level. CARPET -level # to skip to level number #. v) Patches level 50 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mclvl50.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/carpet10.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC POCKETS i) cheat codes Level-Codes: 5 - 7766 10 - 1960 15 - 1786 20 - 3123 25 - 1286 26 - 6067 27 - 5139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maniac Mansion II : Day of the Tentacle v) Patches fix sound card ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/dottupd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mansell's World Championship iii) Crack edit MANSELL.EXE search 74 39 B8 6A 00 change EB -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantis iii) cracks edit SOLBASE.DAT search : 8B A8 8B C8 8B D0 change : C7 06 6D 03 EB 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario's Time Machine ii) Cheat Edit money edit MARIOSTA.00? search sector 0 displacement 13,14 change to 0F 27 time search sector 4 displacement 452,453 change to 0F 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mario is Losing ii) Cheat edit edit MARIO.BIN car not reduce search : 7E 04 FF 0E DE 6E B8 02 00 change : -- -- 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- time not reduce search : 29 16 0D 70 19 06 0F change : 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Magic i) Cheat Codes In the "M"agic screen hold down the alt key and type alt-POWER -- You are able to cast every spell that are learnable, including Spell of Mastery. You will also get a fair amount of mana. However, all of the wizards get this also. alt-REVEAL -- You will get to see everything on the map, and so will all the wizards. [you must exit the "M"agic screen and re-enter it for this to show up] destin to get a message asking you to give MP your saved game and a bug report [presumably this was a cheat at one time] ii) Cheat Edit edit the save game To receive the following ability set the following hex location to 01. A4C Alchemy A4D Warlord A4E Chaos Master A4F Nature Master A50 Sorcery Master A51 Infernal Power A52 Divine Power A53 Sage Master A54 Channeller A56 Archmage A57 Mana Focusing A58 Node Mastery A59 Famous A5A Runemaster A5B Conjurer A5C Charismatic A5D Artificer The following locations contain the value for the number of books one has. Setting the value to 0C will give you all the books there are for this type of magic. A42 Nature Book A44 Sorcery Book A46 Chaos Book A48 Life Book A4A Death Book The following is a numeric value. A0C Fame The following are numeric values that span several locations. C44-C45 Mana C46-C48 Casting Skill(Personal) D3E-D3F Money D40-D42 Casting Skill(Adjusted) To editing spells use a Hex editor to modify the following locations. The location is set to 00 if the spell is not known and cannot be learned. Set to 01 to be able to learn the spell. Set to 02 to already know the spell. Natures Spells Sorcery Spells C4C Earth to Mud C74 Resist Magic C4D Resist Elements C75 Dispel Magic True C4E Wall Of Stone C76 Floating Island C4F Giant Strength C77 Guardian Wind C50 Web C78 Phantom Warriors C51 War Bears C79 Confusion C52 Stone Skin C7A Word of Recall C53 Water Walking C7B Counter Magic C54 Sprites C7C Nagas C55 Earth lore C7D Psionic Blast C56 Cracks Call C7E Blur C57 Natures eye C7F Disenchant True C58 Ice Bolt C80 Vertigo C59 Giant Spiders C81 Spell Lock C5A Change Terrain C82 Enchant Road C5B Pathfinding C83 Flight C5C Cockatrices C84 Wind Mastery c5D Transmute C85 Spell Blast c5E Natures Cures C86 Aura of Mastery c5F Basilisk C87 Phantom Beast C60 Elemental Armor C88 Disjuntion True C61 Petrify C89 Invisibility C62 Stone Giant C8A Wind Walking C63 Iron Skin C8B Banish C64 Ice Storm C8C Storm Giant C65 Earthquake C8D Air Elemental C66 Gorgons C8E Mind Storm C67 Move Fortress C8F Stasis C68 Gaia's Blessing C90 Magic Immunity C69 Earth Elemental C91 Haste C6A Regeneration C92 Djinn C6B Behemoth C93 Spell Ward C6C Entangle C94 Creature Binding C6D Natures Awareness C95 Mass Invisibility C6E Call Lighting C96 Great UnSummoning C6F Colossus C97 Spell Binding C70 Earth Gate C98 Flying Fortress C71 Herb Mastery C99 Sky Drake C72 Great Wyrm C9A Suppress Magic C73 Nature's Wrath C9B Time Stop Chaos Spells Life Spells C9C Warp Wood CC4 Bless C9D Disrupt CCB Star Fires C9E Fire Bolt CC6 Endurance C9F Hell Hounds CC7 Holy Weapon CA0 Corruption CC8 Healing CA1 Eldritch Weapon CC9 Holy Armor CA2 Wall of Fire CCA Just Cause CA3 Shatter CCB True Light CA4 Warp Creature CCC Guardian Spirit CA5 Fire Elemental CCD Heroism CA6 Lightning Bolt CCE True Sight CA7 Fire Giant CCF Plane Shift CA8 Chaos Channels CD0 Resurrection CA9 Flame Blade CD1 Dispel Evil CAA Gargoyles CD2 Planar Seal CAB Fireball CD3 Unicorns CAC Doombat CD4 Raise Dead CAD Raise Volcano CD5 Planar Travel CAE Immolation CD6 Heavenly Light CAF Chimeras CD7 Prayer CB0 Warp Lightning CD8 Lionhearted CB1 Metal Fires CD9 Incarnation CB2 Chaos Spawn CDA Invulnerability CB3 Doom Bolt CDB Righteousness CB4 Magic Vortex CDC Prosperity CB5 Efreet CDD Alter of Battle CB6 Fire Storm CDE Angel CB7 Warp Reality CDF Stream of Life CB8 Flame Strike CE0 Mass Healing CB9 Chaos Rift CE1 Holy Word CBA Hydra CE2 High Prayer CBB Disintegrate CE3 Inspirations CBC Meteor Storm CE4 Astral Gate CBD Great Wasting CE5 Holy Arms CBE Call Chaos CE6 Consecration CBF Chaos Surge CE7 Life Force CC0 Doom Mastery CE8 Tranquility CC1 Great Drake CE9 Crusade CC2 Call the Void CEA Arch Angel CC3 Armageddon CEB Charm of Life Death Spells Arcane Spells CEC Skeletons D14 Magic Spirit CED Weakness D15 Dispel Magic CEE Dark Rituals D16 Summoning Circle CEF Cloak of Fear D17 Disenchant Area CF0 Black Sleep D18 Recall Hero CF1 Ghouls D19 Detect Magic CF2 Life Drain D1A Enchant Item CF3 Terror D1B Summon Hero CF4 Darkness D1C Awareness CF5 Mana Leak D1D Disjunction CF6 Drain Power D1E Create Artifact CF7 Possession D1F Summon Champion CF8 Lycanthropy D20 Spell of Mastery CF9 Black Prayer D21 Spell of Return CFA Black Channels CFB Night Stalker CFC Subversion CFD Wall of Darkness CFE Berserk CFF Shadow Demons D00 Wraith Form D01 Wrack D02 Evil Presence D03 Wraiths D04 Cloud of Shadow D05 Warp Node D06 Black Wind D07 Zombie Mastery D08 Famine D09 Cursed lands D0A Cruel Unminding D0B Word of Death D0C Death Knights D0D Death Spell D0E Animate Dead D0F Pestilence D10 Eternal Night D11 Evil Omens D12 Death Wish D13 Demon Lord Cities Cheats Look for the town name in the file, they're stored in normal ASCII. First data after name : Race Byte 00=Barbarian 01=Beastman 02=Dark Elf 03=Draconian 04=Dwarf 05=Gnoll 06=Halfling 07=High Elf 08=High Men 09=Klackon 0A=Lizardmen 0B=Nomad 0C=Orc 0D=Troll 7 bytes after name : Population byte Describes thousands of people, maximum of 25. 19 bytes after name : Buildings : 35 different bytes, one after the other. FF=Not there 01=There 1,2= Unknown 3=Barracks 4=Armory 5=Fighters Guild 6=Armorer's Guild 7=War College 8=Smithy 9=Stable 10=Animists Guild 11=Fantastic Stable 12=Shipwright Guild 13=Ship Yard 14=Maritime Guild 15=Sawmill 16=Library 17=Sage's Guild 18=Oracle 19=Alchemist Guild 20=University 21=Wizard's Guild 22=Shrine 23=Temple 24=Parthenon 25=Cathedral 26=Marketplace 27=Bank 28=Merchant's Guild 29=Granary 30=Farmer's Market 31=Foresters Guild 32=Builders Hall 33=Mechanicians Guild 34=Miner's Guild 35=City Walls iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-edt.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-gold.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/momgld13.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/momgold.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/edmom.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/dresden/games/patches/mom131.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mom131.zip vii) Add-ons (unregistered multi player shell) ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mmom30s.exe viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/mom-faq.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mom_102.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master of Orion i) Cheat Codes Galaxy scout's the whole galaxy for you Moola gives 100bc while in Planet screen iii)Crack Method 1: edit STABMAP.EXE search 3B 46 F6 75 0D C7 06 AA change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- Method 2: edit STABMAP.EXE search 3B 46 F6 75 0D C7 06 change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- Method 3: ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/moo13crk.zip for v 1.3 edit STARMAP.EXE search : 8b 46 fc 48 3b 46 f6 change : -- -- f6 90 -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/edmoo.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/moosed11.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/mom-edt.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/moov13.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/moofaq25.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/moofaq26.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megaman iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/megam-pd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Megamaze i) Cheat Codes Level Codes. Level 5 - 2781 Level 10 - 6185 Level 15 - 7866 Level 20 - 9366 Level 25 - 2115 Level 50 - 2065 Level 90 - 1130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mean Streets v) Patches to 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/meanst14.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechwarrior viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mw2faq.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechwarrior II viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/mechwar2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Lo Mania i) Cheat Codes level codes 1st EPOCH : IUIAZXFIWMB 2nd EPOCH : XEFABXIMHTZ 3rd EPOCH : WSOCBFWVJNT 4th EPOCH : YABDTQDHCOF 5th EPOCH : WYYCTOJAUIP 6th EPOCH : WVSDHOUGNJR 7th EPOCH : ATNDRHJNGKV 8th EPOCH : WJJDRFPYZKQ 9th EPOCH : POJABZCPQFC last island is Mega Lo Mania, code is: MKBAPWXOIIV --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menzo vi) editor/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/menzo-c.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merchant Prince iii) Crack password edit MERCHANT.EXE search A2 1C 74 0C 1E 68 02 1F change -- -- EB 0C -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/merc_110.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal & Lace iii) Crack 8 floppy version edit MAIN.EXE search 3B 06 36 0E 74 06 EB change -- -- -- -- EB -- -- 9 floppy version search 74 06 EB 46 change EB -- -- -- search 74 34 68 DE 04 68 change EB -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.42 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mlp142.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Marines i) Cheat Codes Level # Level Name Level Passcode --------- ------------ ---------------- 1 GAEA PNTM 2 COUGAR HBBT 3 EAGLE PCRC 4 BISON NWTN 5 GRAMPUS LSMD 6 ICEBERG CLST 7 EUROSTORM I JPTR 8 EUROSTORM II NBLR 9 EUROSTORM III PRSC 10 ARTEMIS PHTN 11 POSEIDON TRNS 12 KINGDOM RNSN 13 SANDSTORM ZDCP 14 ZIHARD FKDV 15 KIWI YSHM 16 SNARLFISH CLPD 17 MARLION LNVV 18 CHINGLONG JFMR 19 SUKURA JCRY 20 SUNRISE KNLB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microcosm v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mcosm1_2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mm3_sol.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might & Magic V iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/mm5crk.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Island II iii) Crack edit MONKEY2.001 search 6F 6B 83 68 4B change -- -- 6F 6B -- vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mi2solve.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monthy Pythons Complete Waste of Time v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pythfix.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Kombat i) Cheat Codes opening the setup menu by pressing F10 hold down shift while typing DIP. This pops up a DIP-switch menu which you can alter at will. Their purpose: Switch 1:Fatalities on/off Switch 2:Blood On/Off Switch 3:Comic Book Offer On/Off Switch 4:CPU Fatalities on/off Switch 5:Freeplay on/off ii) Cheat edits unlimit continuous edit MK.EXE search A7 0C 03 FF FA 04 change -- -- -- -- -- 0A iii) Crack password edit MK.EXE search 75 05 41 42 change 90 90 -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/mkcrack.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mkpat.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mortal Kombat II i) Cheat Codes in the copyright screen (black with white letters) type AICULEDSSUL in the demo, press F9. iii) Cracks (MKII CD-ROM version) make it can play from harddisk directly search : FD FF FF E8 94 FD FF FF B8 change : -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 -- viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/mk2faq16.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myst v) Patches MWave fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/mystfix.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/mystwalk.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/msdos/romulus/hints/mystwalk.zip. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nascar iv) Editors/Trainer Nascar/IndyCar setup viewer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nascrstg.zip v) Patches upgrade to 1.2 ftp://ftp.std.com/ftp/vendors/papyrus/nas12.exe ftp://ftp.std.com/ftp/vendors/papyrus/readme12.txt ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/nascar12.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- NBA 95 iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/nba95-ed.zip v) Patches patch 2.30 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/nbapv230.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/nba95.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neuromancer vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/neuro_pw.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/neuroman.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noctopolis vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/noctropo.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/noctropolis-step.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nova 9 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/nov9trn1.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/nova9hnt.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NovaStorm i) Cheat Codes The special warp code in Nova Storm: After game start, when you get control of the plane, type: tomatoes You will then warp to a special bonus level (all shoot become tomato shape) and can get all special weapons. After the bonus level, you will go to the final stage. ii) Cheat Edit NovaStorm add life method: use any hex editor, edit NOVASTRM.CFG (in c:\), change the first byte to any number you like. The first byte is the number of plane (life). You can even make the file read-only. another cheat edit: assume CD drive is E: copy e:\novastrm.exe to c:\ edit NOVASTRM.EXE unlimit life search 66 FF 0D 98 2B 03 00 79 09 change EB 05 -- -- -- -- -- EB -- energy no reduce 66 29 05 95 2B 03 00 79 37 EB 05 -- -- -- -- -- EB -- bomb not reduce FE 0D BF E8 02 00 EB 04 -- -- -- -- to run NOVASTRM, at E: type c:\novastrm.exe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omar Bridge iii) Crack edit BRIDGE.EXE Search 1F 0B C0 74 03 E9 C0 FC Change -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omega vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/omega.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Must Fall 2097 ii) Cheat Edit change money and attribute edit save game file (*.CHR) go sector 0 offset 40 - 43 change to 05 27 2A A8 go sector 0 offset 28 - 34 change to C1 EC E3 EA D5 C1 D6 now you have $210000000 and the best robot list of save game offset ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfoff.txt iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/omfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/i_omfed.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfcheat.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfedt.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfmod.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/omfxor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/ult_v15.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/omf-cht.zip (get this for updated file list of OMF) ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/omf/OMFINDEX v) Patches to 1.1 (shareware) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/omfupd11.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/m_omf15.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/omf-faq.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/m_omf20.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Step Beyond i) cheat codes level codes Quaver Zone 0 Quaver Zone 1 Quaver Zone 2 Quaver Zone 3 Quaver Zone 4 1 42048 11 56067 21 12762 31 45265 41 24549 2 43328 12 15622 22 17151 32 31134 42 57636 3 45376 13 46156 23 29657 33 10608 43 16394 4 48704 14 21776 24 46552 34 41486 44 48495 5 14080 15 27930 25 10418 35 52094 45 24889 6 22784 16 49706 26 56714 36 28045 46 33384 7 36864 17 12101 27 41341 37 14348 47 58473 8 59648 18 61807 28 58055 38 42393 48 25866 9 30977 19 48373 29 59140 39 56741 49 18604 10 25090 20 44389 30 51660 40 33343 50 44470 Quaver Zone 5 Quaver Zone 6 Quaver Zone 7 Quaver Zone 8 Quaver Zone 9 51 62818 61 22694 71 21385 81 35156 91 32788 52 41497 62 62763 72 45381 82 48773 92 16690 53 38780 63 19922 73 26766 83 43929 93 49478 54 14742 64 17150 74 32147 84 52702 94 40633 55 53266 65 36816 75 58657 85 30840 95 50111 56 42473 66 53710 76 25269 86 17751 96 50488 57 55739 67 24735 77 18391 87 48591 97 35064 58 57956 68 12654 78 43404 88 40551 98 19761 59 47904 69 37133 79 61539 89 49142 99 54569 60 40325 70 49787 80 39409 90 49437 Quaver Zone 10 100 48795 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operation Crusader 2.35 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ocpatch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Oscar ii) Cheat Edit unlimit lives Edit OSCARVGA.PCN search 2E FF 0E 74 81 change 90 90 90 90 90 ** there are 3 occurances, change all ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outpost i) cheat codes use ALT-WIN to enable cheat [F5] CTRL+F8 - Cheering and Applause CTRL+F9 - Mass driver accident at Rebel Colony CTRL+F10 - Pick a disaster for your colony (CD only) CTRL+F11 - INFINITE RESOURCES! CTRL+F12 - INCREASE/DECREASE MORALE, EDUCATION or CRIME! v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/outp11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outrun ii) Cheat edit unlimit time edit OUTCGA or OUTEGA search 75 05 C6 06 85 3D 02 change 75 05 C6 06 85 3D 00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Air Warrior i) Cheat code RASTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific War v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pac19.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pacedit.zip vi) Solution/Hint ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pwhint9.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paladin II iii) Crack edit PALADIN2.EXE ( 249378 bytes ) search : 39 5E FA 74 40 change : -- -- -- EB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Panzer General iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/panzer-e.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pgedit04.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/pg-edit.zip v) Patches 1.1 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11cd.zip 1.1 to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11cd12.zip to 1.1 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11dk.zip 1.1 to 1.2 (floppy) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg11dk12.zip 1.0 to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg12cd.zip 1.0 to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pg12dk.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/pzgen.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pea Shootin' Pete ii) Cheat Edit change number of life edit PETE.EXE search FE 0E EE change EB 02 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Golf iii) Crack edit GOLF.EXE search D1 E6 8B 46 F4 39 82 00 FF 74 0B change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinball Fantasies i) Cheat Codes select table but before game start, type EARTHQUAKE to stop table tile, type EXTRABALLS to add 7 balls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PipeLine i) cheat codes level codes : FOLD EYES EGGS TEAR PEAS DUCT PODS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIPE MANIA i) cheat codes GRIP TICK DUCK OOZE BLOB BALL WILD HAYA GRIN REAP SEED GROW TAIL YALI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Football iii) Crack bypass password edit FOOT.EXE search 61 5F 5D CB C8 02 00 change -- -- -- -- CB -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/policeq1.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/policeq2.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pq3_map.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pq3_sol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police Quest IV v) Patches to 1.0b ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/pq410b.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Populous i) cheat codes at title screen, type : KILLUSPAL iii) Crack edit file POPULOUS.EXE search 3B 46 0C 75 09 8B 46 0C A3 82 2A change -- -- -- 74 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Populous II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/pop2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Power Drive ii) cheat edit Using a HEX editor, edit ANY of your save games (files with RAL extensions). Find the figures 00028000 (at 88BC7) and change to 01228000 iii)Crack password edit PDRIVE.EXE search F3 A6 74 1B 2E 80 3E change -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistorik ii) Cheat Edit unlimit energy Edit PREHISTO.EXE search 9A 98 0A change -- -- FF --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Premier Manager 2 ii) Cheat edit Choose Halifax Town as your team, save the game, exit to DOS, and edit your save game file. At 00D94F change value to FF At 00D950 change value to FF At 00D951 change value to FF At 00D952 change value to 3F This will give you loads of DOSH !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince of Pursia iii) Crack edit PRINCE.EXE search 75 0E 83 3E 9A 00 00 75 change 90 C7 06 9E 00 FF FF EB search 7E 06 A1 B8 42 change EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince of Pursia II i) Cheat Codes type PRINCE MAKINIT2 to start game in cheat mode, + add time - sub time K kill all enemy on screen R return from dead F1 show position (press again to disable) F3 player on/off F6 ruler SHIFT T add energy SHIFT K sub energy SHIFT R show room number and jump right SHIFT W show room number and jump left SHIFT I turn screen upside down, press again to restore SHIFT B show prince only, press again to restore ALT N skip to next level ALT D create DUMP?.TXT iii) Crack edit prince.exe search 74 0A 83 FE change EB -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/pp2-trn.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/pp2-edit.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Princeness Maker II i) Cheat Codes add "NOPI=1" in pm2.cnf press F10 in the icon of goto market. Then you will see the secret item. ps. If you don't add on line in pm2.cnf, just press F12+R+N+Q, and do 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Privateer iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/predit21.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/privateer.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Privates Gold iii) cracks edit PIRATESG.EXE search : 34 05 00 00 74 5C 8B DE FF change : -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cheat-end Xref: cdf.toronto.edu comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc:43200 Path: cdf.toronto.edu!utnut!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!pacbell.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newshost.ea.com!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!nntp.hk.super.net!tst.hk.super.net!not-for-mail From: cflam@hk.super.net (LAM Chi-fung) Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc Subject: PC Game cheat & info list .09 3/3 Date: 30 Jun 1995 03:56:41 +0800 Organization: Hong Kong SuperNET Lines: 2378 Sender: cflam@is2.hk.super.net Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: is2.hk.super.net cheat-start Project - X ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life edit X.EXE go sector 122 offset 452 - 455 change FF 0E 5E B3 to 90 90 90 90 undead (except the first level boss) edit X.EXE go sector 72 offset 428 - 429 change 74 2E to EB 04 iii) Crack (bypass password) edit X.EXE go sector 68 offset 94 change A6 to ED --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protostar iii) cracks edit PROTO.EXE Search : 83 C4 08 0B C0 74 03 E9 F8 02 Change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarantine i) Cheat Codes Level Codes 1. omnicorp is all knowing 2. keep the opressor oppressing 3. the meek shall inherit zilch 4. have you had your hydergine today 5. kemo city is a nice place to visit Codes for German version: Level 1-2: 98645782 Level 2-3: 89962254 Level 3-4: 54185654 Level 4-5: 92146125 Level 5-End: 33289642 At the dos prompt add the below options after the EXE file you run :- -cheater -infinite -nocar -invince When in the game itself press Alt, Ctrl, and F7 before anyone hits you or you hit them and you will be invincible, no cars on the road and infinite weapons. ii) Cheat Edit change money edit SAVE?.GAM (? is the save game number) go sector 0 offset 407 - 408 change to 0F 27 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/snr-quar.zip v) Patches for CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/quarcd35.zip for floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/quardk35.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Raiden ii) Cheat Edit edit RAIDEN.EXE unlimit life search FE 8C 7A 0D change 90 90 90 90 bomb unlimit search FE 8C 7B 0D change 90 90 90 90 iii) Crack edit RAIDEN.EXE search E8 B8 B2 change 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Railroad Tycoon i) Cheat Codes go to the top layer of maps and press the $ key and it should give you 500,000 dollars. iii) Crack edit GAME.EXE method 1 search 8B 46 F6 39 46 FC 74 03 E9 AE 00 change -- -- -- 89 -- -- EB -- -- -- -- method 2 search E8 DF D9 89 46 F2 3D 0D 00 75 change 90 90 90 89 46 F2 3D 0D 00 90 search 2A 8B 46 F6 39 46 FC 74 change 90 8B 46 F6 89 46 FC EB for deluxe edit RRT.EXE search 00 55 8B EC 83 EC 0C 57 56 B8 01 change 00 CB 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rail_dlx.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rrt20crk.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rrtv3.zip slum fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/slumfix.zip for Deluxe ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rrdxv2.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/rtycoon.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rally iii) Crack password edit MENU.EXE search E8 89 76 change 90 90 90 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raptor i) Cheat Codes Change the date to May 16 e.g. 05-16-95 New enemy like lazer shooting cow and barel will appear work on the Registered Version only press BACKSPACE during the game, you will get Deathray and full energy with the proce of all money, but it can still work even your money is 0 Type below in DOS prompt before enter game: SET S_HOST=CASTLE you will get ultima craft, all weapons and many cash ** should see message "GOD mode enabled" in the top left of the screen. ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit RAP.EXE go sector 540 offset 446 - 448 change 10 27 00 to 7F 96 98 iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/rap_chtr.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/rapedr10.zip v) Patches unreg to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rappat-r.zip 1.1 to 1.2 unreg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rpat_12s.zip reg to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rappat-s.zip 1.1 to 1.2 reg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rpat_12r.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravenloft ii) Cheat Edit edit saved game (save.dat). Offset 0097 to 14 00 Max Class Player 1 02DF '' '' '' '' '' '' 2 00A9 to FF (x10) Max Stats Player 1 02F1 '' '' '' '' '' '' 2 0093 to FF 7F FF 7F Max Hit Point Player 1 02DB '' '' '' ' '' 2 009D to 00 09 3D 00 Max Classes Player 1 02E5 '' '' '' ''' 2 iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/revenlof.zip v) Patches to 1.1 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftcd11.zip to 1.1 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftdk11.zip to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftcd12.zip to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rlftdk12.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/rloftsol.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ravenloft II: Stone Prophet v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rloft2_11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reach for the Skies iii) Crack password UNLZEXE CONTROL.EXE search 02 C4 74 0F 80 3E AD 33 change -- -- EB 0F -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realms of Arkania iii) Crack edit BLADEM.EXE search 75 06 B8 01 00 E9 10 change 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/starcht.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roa_upd.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Realms of Arkania II v) Patches kid face patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roa2kid.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rebel Assult i) Cheat Codes ******************************************************************************* GAME CHAPTERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATED MISSION NAMES MISSION CHAPTER NAME EASY NORMAL HARD 1A Flight Training - Part I 1B Flight Training - Part II 2 Asteroid Field Training 3 Planet Kolaador 4A Star Destroyer Attack FALCON BIGGS,ACKBAR 4B 5A Tatooine Attack 5B 6 Asteroid Field Chase 7 Imperial Probe Droids KAIBURR 8 Imperial Walkers 9A Stormtroopers 9B 10 Protect Rebel Transport 11 Yavin Training MYNOCK,BESPIN 12 Tie Attack 13 Death Star Surface 14A Surface Cannon 14B 15A Death Star Trench DAGOBAH KESSEL 15B GAME END (Not a Chapter) ORGANA MIMBAN ****************************************************************************** BUILT-IN CHEATMODE -:- ACTIVATING the cheatmode 1.) Wait for the animated LucasArts logo. 2.) Move the joystick UP and then press FIRE 3.) Move the joystick DOWN and then press FIRE 4.) Move the joystick LEFT and then press FIRE 5.) Move the joystick RIGHT and then press FIRE 6.) You'll hear a bell ringing and voice answering "LucasArts" 7.) The cheatmode is now active. -:- USING the cheatmode - Everywhere in the game you can type the number of chapter you want to play in order to GO there. Chapters are counted in hexadecimal values. So: 1 goes to Chapter 1 2 goes to Chapter 2 [...] 9 goes to Chapter 9 A goes to Chapter 10 B goes to Chapter 11 [...] F goes to Chapter 15 - During the mission... ... "+" on the numeric keypad will reset ship damage to zero. ... "ESC" will move to the next cutscene, which is to say to the chapter ending animation. v) Patches to 1.8 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rebel18.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Crystal iii) Crack password edit MOD6.EXE search 0B C0 74 0B 1E B8 0F change -- -- EB -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relentless i) Cheat codes To restore Life Health and Jetpack Power. Hold down the keys BIG Tech Parameter Mode By pressing CTRL ALT Right SHIFT F12 all together your current co-ordinates will be displayed. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/relent-t.zip vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/relent.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/relent-b.zip ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/littlebig.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacobs Star v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ren60v11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return of Medusa i) cheat codes: plress Alt-c to activate cheat menu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return of Phantom iii) Crack edit RETURN.EXE method 1 search 74 14 46 83 FE 02 change EB -- -- -- -- -- method 2 edit return.exe search 74 14 46 change E9 13 00 v) Patches sound fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/phandig.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to Zork iii) Crack password edit RTZ.PRJ from sector 55 displacement D235 to sector 56 displacement 09, change all to 00 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/rtzcrk.zip v) Patches to 1.2 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rtzcd12.zip to 1.2 floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rtzdk12.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reunion ii) Cheat Edit edit money edit SPIDY.? go sector 28 offset 140 - 143 change to FF FF FF FF viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/reunion.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rise of the Robots i) Cheat Codes (some of these only work in 2-player mode) Temporary invincibility: away, away, away, away, attack Temporary invisibility: up, up, up, up, attack Temporarily reverse your opponent's controls: forward, forward, forward, forward, attack Temporarily increase your attacks' damage: down, down, down, down, attack To be able to play Military vs. Military: At the main screen (with the ONE PLAYER, etc. on-screen), press the left and right arrow keys sequentially, i.e., LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, until the screen flashes. You'll be able to play Mil vs. Mil. To be able to fight the Supervisor: At the main screen, press two lefts then two rights alternately, i.e. LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, until the screen flashes. You'll be able to play player vs. player with player 2 as the Supervisor, or you can go to Training and play with the computer as the Supervisor. Supervisor's moves: down-toward-up: praying mantis down-away-up: melt & heal v) Patches to 1.01 CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rorcd101.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rise of the triad i) Cheat Codes + Customer Cheat - Type in each cheat code, letter by letter, to get the desired effect. The "dipstick" code must be given before any others, to enable the other cheats. Code Alternate Description ---- --------- ----------- \ECC dipstick Enable/disable cheat codes. Transport: \GTL goto Go to another level. \GOO goobers Restart current level. \REL reen Re-enter level. \L8R gogates Exit to DOS. \ECL goarch Exit current level. \FUN Freeze with music; hit [esc] to resume. \MAP cartier Displays entire system map [tab key]. Gameplay: \WWW chojin Woundless with weapons. \GOD toosad God mode (temporary invulnerability). \MER flyboy Mercury mode (flying). \SHR badtrip Shrooms mode (drunk?). \ELA boing Elasto mode (bounce; no friction). \RFA speed Enable autorun. \PAN panic Reset to normal; full health; no modes, keys, or extra guns. \OOF whack Hurt yourself. \DIE 86me Kill yourself. \EKG Gore code Effects: \DON dimon Light diminishing on. \DOF dimoff Light diminishing off. \FON london Fog on. \FOF nodnol Fog off. \SON shineon Light sourcing on. \SOF shineoff Light sourcing off. \CON gota386 Turn off floor and ceiling textures. \COFF gota486 Turn on floor and ceiling textures. Equipment: \BAR shootme Bulletproof armor. \FAR burnme Asbestos armor. \GAR lungdung Gas mask. \GAI sixtoys Get items (keys and bulletproof armor). \OFP huntpack Outfit player (bulletproof armor, keys, heatseeker). \GW2 johnwoo Double pistols. \GW3 plugme MP40 machine gun. \GW4 vanilla Bazooka. \GW5 firebomb Firebomb. \GW6 hottimes Heatseeker. \GW7 booze Drunk missile. \GW8 bones Flamewall. \GW9 God Mode powerup . \GWC seeya Hand of god (permanent god mode). Views: \CAM ride Missile camera on/off. \HUD where HUD on/off (x,y,room coordinates). Demos: record Record a demo (does not work in v1.0). stop Stop a demo (does not work in v1.0). play Play a demo (does not work in v1.0). Registered Only: cujo Dog Mode woof Dog Mode homerun Baseball Bat kesofdeath Dark Staff split Split Missile v) Patches to 1.1 share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rot11spt.zip 1.1 o 1.2 share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rot12spt.zip 1.2 to 1.2a reg ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rott12ar.zip 1.2 to 1.2a share ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rott12as.zip Rise of the Triads 1.2 CD-install fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rottcdi.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Risky Wood i) cheat codes type the following at the title screen: QWERTYUIOP now has the following cheat key [F1] [F2] [F3] [F4] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Road from Sumpter to Appomattox v) Patches to 1.22 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta122.zip Road from Sumpter to Appomattox 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/rfsta123.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robin Hood vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/robin_hd.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robocod i) Cheat Codes To turn the Playable demo version into the whole version - When you start the game, there are 5 different objects that you can collect above the first sign. They are a tap, a cupcake, a globe, an apple and a hammer. If you collect these in the right order, you can now enter all of the doors, not just sports and toys !! The order is ( Drumroll please ! ) - The Cupcake - The Hammer - The Globe - The Apple - The Tap That's it ! You can now enter any door that you want !!!!!! As if that wasn't enough - you are also invincible - BUT ----- NOTE : you cannot be hurt by runnig into enemies etc. BUT ----- YOU CAN BE KILLED BY FALLING OF THE SCREEN !!!!! REMEMBER THAT ! ii) Cheat Edit Edit ROBOCOD.EXE Change Offset 49FA to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Health) Change Offset 4A68 to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Health) Change Offset 2560 to 90 90 90 90 (Infinite Credits) Change Offset DE7B to 90 90 90 90 (Immunity) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robosport iii) Crack edit INSTALL.EXE search 75 11 33 C0 50 9A change EB -- -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKETEER i) cheat codes SHOOTOUT CHASE RESCUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roller Blade Racer ii) Cheat Edit unlimit life edit PCBLADE.EXE search FE 0E 44 40 change 90 90 90 90 unlimit time search FF 0E 3E 40 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules of Engagement II v) Patches to 1.07 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/roe2-107.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam & Max hit the road iii) Crack edit SAM&MAX.EXE search 74 06 48 48 74 change EB -- -- -- -- input anything for password vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sammax.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Storm i) Cheat Codes SAND PODBAY - For mission 05 SAND KIRKUK - For mission 10 SAND TOMAHAWK - For mission 15 ii) Cheat Edit hex offset to skip edit SAND.SAV, offset 4 & 7 change both according to following to skip level 01 for mission 1 0B for mission 11 02 for mission 2 0C for mission 12 03 for mission 3 0D for mission 13 04 for mission 4 0E for mission 14 05 for mission 5 0F for mission 15 06 for mission 6 10 for mission 16 07 for mission 7 11 for mission 17 08 for mission 8 12 for mission 18 09 for mission 9 13 for mission 19 0A for mission 10 14 for mission 20 e.g. change both offset to 10 to play mission 16 quit and restart game to make change effective ------------------------------------------------------------------- S.D.I. iii) cracks edit SDI.EXE search : 7D 0F 33 C0 50 E8 DF 03 change : EB 31 -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seal Team v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/st_updt.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Agent Man i) cheat codes: [P][J][X] God Mode [O][N][B][D] Warp Mode [U][V][K] ammo [I][G][Z] Bomb ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seige v) Patches to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sgup121.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensible Soccer iii) Crack edit SOC.EXE search 87 5E F3 A6 74 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serfcity iii) Crack edit SERF.EXE method 1 search 39 47 14 0F 85 99 FB FF FF change 89 -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 90 method 2 edit SERF.EXE (668751)Byt search 85 99 FB FF FF change 88 CD FC -- -- v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/serf1_1.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/serfcity.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sex Vixen vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sexvixen.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShadowGate vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/shadowg.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sherlock Holmes v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sherlock.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SimCity 2000 i) Cheat Codes (IBM V1.0 & 1.1). note that not all will work with 1.1. Type these in while playing the game. VERS Your software version number FUND Bond at 25% interest (see below on how to use this for gain) PORN if you have a soundcard, you'll hear an audible voice MEMY memory check TEST ??? CASS $250 at the end of the month. Don't use too many times.... TORG has million income each year Don't type these in. Will cause churches to dezone your residential areas. Big mistake. Whatever you do, don't save your city after typing these in. Re-load the game to clear the bug. Money cheat: method 1: You might want to pause the game first, to avoid being interrupted by some event before you've completed the whole sequence. Then follow these simple instructions... 1. Press Ctrl-F3. 2. Click on the Rotate Counterclockwise icon. 3. Click on the Resize box (lower right corner of City Window). 4. Click on the Status Window. 5. Click on the Population icon. 6. Click anywhere inside the City Window. 7. Pull down the Disasters menu and select the horizontal line between Riots and No Disasters. method 2: while in a fresh new city (don't build anything), do the following. 1. type FUND to issue a bond at 25% interest- say yes to it. 2. repeat step 1. 3. go to the budget window and take out a real bond. The interest should be .%. Say yes to it. ii) Cheat Edit change money edit ??.SC2 go sector 0 offset 39 to 41 change all to 20 not unlimit money, but enough for spend iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/sc2kcht.zip v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc211upd.zip for Windows to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc2w12.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/sc2000.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------- SimFarm ii) Cheat Edit edit money method 1 edit ?.SFM (? is save game name) go sector 267 offset 228 - 231 change to FF FF FF 7F method 2 edit SF.EXE search 26 C7 06 F4 3E 40 9C 26 C7 06 F6 3E 00 00 change -- -- -- -- -- 00 E1 -- -- -- -- -- 05 F5 v) Patches to 1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/farm-1_3.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim Tower i) Cheat code When starting a new tower, click in the lowest left hand corner to double your starting money. ii) Cheat Edit Here's a DEBUG for SimTower that will get you a 5 star rating and plenty of money: C:\SIMTOWER>debug anytower.tdt -e 102 5 -e 106 ff -w -q iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/simtwr-t.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simon the Sorcerer vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/simon.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY KART v1.4 i)Cheat Codes Player 1: Hit F1 key 4 times -->invincible, hit F1 again to stop Hit F2 key 2 times to receive a missile Player 2: Hit F5 key 4 times -->invincible, hit F5 again to stop Hit F6 key 2 times to receive a missile Hit F9 to capture a PCX screen --> COPY001.PCX, COPY002.PCX... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - BACK TO THE FOREST i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: TOAD infinite energy:HARDNUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - DESERT RAID i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: NUTS infinite energy: POWWOW infinite ammo: INSANE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - LOST IN SPACE i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: SKUNY infinite energy: HUMHA infinite ammo: KICKBUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - SAVE OUR PIZZAS i) Cheat Codes infinite lives: TOGA infinite energy: CHEESE infinite ammo: SLING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SKUNNY - WILDWEST i)Cheat Codes infinite lives: OHYEAH infinite energy: BURGER infinite ammo: WATER -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slam City i) Cheat code Simply type FFLLY when Fingers tosses you the ball to make the next breakaway Super Slam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soccer Kid ii) Cheat Edit umlimit life edit KID.EXE search A3 42 00 83 3E change 90 90 90 -- -- unlimit power edit KID.EXE search FF 0E 84 00 change 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Ace iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/spacetrn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space Hulk ii) Cheat edit debug nsquad.inf l E 0194 0B Sergeants undead E 0154 x x = mission number E 0150 x x = training mission E 0102 07 maximum E 010E 07 points E 0114 07 all E 011A 07 sergeants w q --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Nightmare i) Cheat Codes Level Codes UPGY, ZJTO, QITF for the Shareware Version JDPT, ZUFS, UBUZ, RTAW, DERV, QXPB, IJQR, NGOL for Full Version. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Privates ii) Cheat Edit copy SP.EXE and SPSB8.EXE from CD-ROM to install directoty umlimit life edit SP.EXE go sector 55 offset 281 change 48 to 90 go sector 64 offset 322 change 48 to 90 change number of life edit SP.EXE go sector 54 offset 74 change 03 to ?? where ?? is the number of life Apply samething to SPSB8.EXE next time, play the game by running SP.EXE (no sound) or SPSB8.EXE (have sound) from the hard disk --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq1s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq2s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq3s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest IV vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/spaceq4s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Space Quest V v) Patches Space Quest V (lockup-fix for disk-version) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sq5patch.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Speedball II iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/sb2.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Break ii) Cheat Edit change money edit S301_???.SAV go sector 30 offset 271 - 272 change to 0F 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stalingrad 1.85 v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/stpatch.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Star-Control II iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/sc2crack.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/sc2cheat.zip v) Patches fix SoundMan 16 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sc2patch.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/starcon2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Starglider i) cheat code Reduce speed to minimum, and press F to Fix gun sights, then pause the game and type the following :- JS ARG S JS ARG S The cheat mode is now enabled and you can now press the below keys to perfrom varied things. M to stop all enemies N to increase your points by 5000 P to gain an extra missile ------------------------------------------------------------------------- StarLord iii) Crack bypass password edit SETUP.EXE search 08 0B C0 75 02 EB 0C change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek-25th Anniversary v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/startrek.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/trek25th.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Commander ii) Cheat edit You'll need Debug (its a DOS program) and a savegamea, of course. It does work with both SC-cd savegames and tactical operation savegames. [rt] will mean that you should press the ENTER key at the command prompt, type: DEBUG [rt] -N[savefilename.sav] [rt] (i.e., -Ncalifor.sav or -Nturkey.to1 (for tac-ops savegames) -L [rt] -E 0289 92 ff 92 [rt] -E 0305 00 [rt] -W -Q iii) Crack edit MKGAME.EXE (in disk 1) go sector 97 offset 274 change 7465 to 90 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Football iii) Crack edit 16.EXE or 256.EXE search 74 F9 EB 4C 90 B8 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search 72 19 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- search 75 11 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- search 75 08 90 90 90 change 90 90 -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strip Poker for Windows iii) Crack Serial # 290395509p if in an English country. or 32995509p if in America. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong Hold iii) Crack edit STRONG.EXE search 80 7E FF 00 75 03 E9 8E 04 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub-Marine Riptide ii)Cheat Edit Oxygen not reduce edit RIPTIDE.EXE go sector 76 offset 173 - 176 change 01 06 C0 2A to 90 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SubWar 2050 iii) Crack use UNLZEXE/UNP to decomp SW.EXE edit SW.EXE search 06 D7 F8 3B C3 74 0E change -- -- -- -- -- EB -- v) Patches to 2.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/subwarpt.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summoning iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/summon.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Supaplex iii) Crack edit SUPAPLEX.EXE search 3B 0E 34 DE 75 06 C6 06 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Frog i) Cheat Codes Level Code Level Code ----- ------ ----- ------ 1-2 234667 4-1 467464 1-3 447467 4-2 818234 1-4 747822 4-3 182394 2-1 392822 4-4 298383 2-2 446364 5-1 452234 2-3 984448 5-2 984841 2-4 477444 5-3 383772 3-1 343522 5-4 093152 3-2 882311 6-1 387211 3-3 992334 6-2 981122 3-4 091332 6-3 017632 6-4 398112 iii) Crack by pass password edit SF.EXE go sector 154 offset 24 change 74 to EB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Street Fighter II iii) cracks FILE : SF2TURBO.EXE V1.4 SEARCH : E8 93 15 FD FF CHANGE : EB 03 -- -- -- SEARCH : 00 00 00 00 00 00 6E CHANGE : 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- for v 1.5 edit SF2TURBO.EXE search: E8 30 0E FD FF change: EB 03 -- -- -- search: 00 00 00 00 00 00 6E change: 01 -- -- -- -- -- -- iv) patches 1.3 CD-Version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tukc3.zip 1.3 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tukd3.zip 1.3 CD-version (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tusc3.zip 1.3 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sf2tusd3.zip 1.5 CD-Version (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukc5.zip 1.5 (UK-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tukd5.zip 1.5 CD-version (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusc5.zip 1.5 (US-rel.) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/sf2tusd5.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/ssf2tpc.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Tetris for Windows v) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wst11.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surf Ninjas ii) Cheat Edit undead edit SURF.SAV go sector 11 offset 84 change to 03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syndicate i) Cheat Codes use the followings as company name, you will have special cheat: ROB A BANK --- $100,000,000 NUK THEM --- attack any country TO THE TOP --- $100,000,000 and attack any country COOPER TEAM --- same as TO THE TOP and with full weapon WATCH THE CLOCK --- speed up research time (sometime not work) viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/syndicat.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Shock vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sshock03.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/sshock09.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- T2 ii) Cheat Edit energy not reduce edit T2.EXE search 89 44 10 60 E8 7F change 90 90 90 -- -- -- bomb not reduce edit T2.EXE search 89 45 68 60 change 90 90 90 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Commander iv) Patches to 1.1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tankfx11.zip Patch #1 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tcpatch1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminator Rampage ii) Cheat Edit Edit GAME*.SAV (* is the number) Change to FF to get loads of Armour and Health Offset 28 2A 2C 2E 30 32 34 36 iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/termcrk.zip v) Patches P5 fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tr_pent.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terminal Velocity i) Cheat Codes Here they are (standard id-like cheatcodes, type em in during the game): TRIGODS - Invincibility TRISHLD - Shield restore 3DREALM - Power up all weapons TRINEXT - Skip to next level TRIHOVR - Hover while firing TRIBURN - Speeds afterburner up MANIACS - 1000 Afterburner ammo TRSCOPE - Oscilliscope TRFRAME - FPS ticker TRIFIR0 - Temporary invincibility TRIFIR1 - PAC ammo TRIFIR2 - ION ammo TRIFIR3 - RTL ammo TRIFIR4 - MAM ammo TRIFIR5 - SAD ammo TRIFIR6 - SWT ammo TRIFIR7 - DAM ammo TRIFIR8 - 200 Afterburner ammo TRIFIR9 - Temporary invisibility iv) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/tv-cht.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/tv-cods.txt v) Patches to 1.1 for shareware ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tv11spt.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/tv-faq.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Drive III v) Patches to 1.2 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tdfix12.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TFX i) Cheat Codes press CTRL-ENTER after execute CALLSIGN, it will skip the training stage type PLOP in the game for undead v) Patches CD ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxcd_3.zip floppy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_1.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tfxpat_3.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Theme Park i) Cheat Codes type HORZA when ask for save game Now start a new Park. Again where it asks for your nickname type HORZA. When you are in the game all you have to do is hit is Ctrl-C and you will get about $50,000. You may use this as many times as you wish. Also you can hit Shift-Z for all the trees, bathrooms etc. Ctrl-Z for all the shops and Alt-Z for all the rides. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 7th Guest v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/t7gfix3.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/t7guest.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Adventures of Willy Beamish vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/willbeam.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Blue and The Grey v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/blu_grey.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Even More Increditable Machine iii) Crack UNLZEXE TIM.EXE edit TIM.EXE search 83 7E F0 00 75 03 change -- -- -- -- EB -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grandest Fleet iii) Crack edit 0COVER0.OVL search 74 18 89 76 FE change EB -- -- -- -- (enter anything >= 12 letters) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Legacy iii) Crack edit LEGSHIP.EXE search 89 46 FA 3B 46 F8 75 07 change -- -- F8 89 -- FA 90 90 another way to crack edit LEGSHIP.EXE search 3B 46 F8 75 07 C7 46 change -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light Corridor i) Cheat Codes Codes for the different levels 1: 0000 18: 3810 35: 0622 2: 5400 19: 0511 36: 3722 3: 0101 20: 6811 37: 1223 4: 3901 21: 3212 38: 4523 5: 2602 22: 0213 39: 4124 6: 9902 23: 8213 40: 1825 7: 4303 24: 5014 41: 1926 8: 9903 25: 1015 42: 9726 9: 6904 26: 8215 43: 5927 10: 3305 27: 5116 44: 0528 11: 9305 28: 0117 45: 7328 12: 3406 29: 7017 46: 3929 13: 0407 30: 5518 47: 3030 14: 6407 31: 2819 48: 0531 15: 2008 32: 9919 49: 8431 16: 7408 33: 7302 50: 9932 17: 4709 34: 2521 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost Vikings iii) Crack edit SETUP.EXE search 3B 87 C6 08 75 12 33 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Perfect General v) Patches to 1.02 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tpg102a.zip The Perfect General II 1.01 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tpg2up1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tie FIghter ii) Cheat Edit edit the FLIGHT.OVL file change offset 36234 to 01 disable enemy Hyperspace Drive change offset 36230 to 01 give your ship Hyperspace iii) Crack edit FRONT.OVL search 89 56 fe 52 50 9a 06 00 change -- -- -- -- -- eb 03 -- ** there are 3 occurances of this pattern, only need to change the second one Defender of the Empire crack ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/doecrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/nx-tieck.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tflscrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tiepass.zip iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tie-ftrn.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tienwt.zip v) Patches fix sound ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tiesnd.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/tiesnd.zip vii) Add-ons get the below to know the updated file list ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/tie/TIEINDEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tigers on the Prowl v) Patches 1.1x to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/patches/topv121.zip upgrade to 1.23 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/patches/top_123.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Titus the Fox iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/titf_trn.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Laundry Strategy Football iii) Crack edit FOOTBALL.EXE search 55 8B EC 1E 41 F6 E8 6B C0 28 8B 16 F4 E8 change CB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v) Patches to 1.03 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tlsf103.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tornado iii) Crack edit AMP.EXE search 74 24 31 C0 50 9A change EB -- -- -- -- -- iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/torn-crk.zip v) Patches to 1.0c (US release) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ntorn10c.zip to 1.0c Europe version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/torn-10c.zip 1.0d to 1.0e Europe version ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/torn-10e.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tradewar 2002 i) Cheat codes At the computer menu, type ALT 202, ALT 203, ALT 204, ALT 205 on keypad for a list of starpoints and sectors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Transport Tycoon v) Patches French ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttfupd.zip German ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttgupd.zip Itialy ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttiupd.zip US ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttusupd.zip Sound FIX ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttyc_snd.zip ATI support ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ttyc_ati.zip General Fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tycoon.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/ttyc1_1.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tristan iii) Crack edit TRIST16.EXE, TRIST256.EXE ------------------------- search : 83 C4 04 09 C0 74 5A change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- search : 83 C4 08 09 C0 75 03 change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- search : 83 C4 04 09 C0 74 21 change : -- -- -- 31 -- -- -- apply to DOS version only ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troddlers i) cheat codes level codes solo mode level codes: PREMIERE BUILDIT NOSWEAT PYRAMID CLEAROUT SPHINX QUARTET CENTERIN REDGEMS CROSSED SKIPAROUND PACKEDUP PILLARS BZZZZZ FIVEROWS TIGHTTIME EASYONE TWOTRIBES DONTMIX HELPMEOUT MEANONES NOPROBLEMS TREASURES STOREROOM UPANDDOWN TECHNO ONEONONE SIXROOMS THETOWER GOFORHEART NEWTHING BOULERO CRUELWORLD CRUELCUBES SLIPNSLIDE KEYX COLDCROSS STONEM HARDROUND FIRSTGUNS CROSSFIRE RUNFORIT NORULES NOFARFALL RUNAROUND BADBIRD COVERTHEM SAVEBLOCKS GLAMOUR HACKBACK ALOTODO UPSIDEOUT DROPEMIN POSSIBLE CLOSEUP FOOLSRUN JEWELPUSH GUIDETRY WOTANSGO LOOSEM YOURSOR SACRIFICE BOOMPARADE WAITFORIT ROCKBLAST NOWASTEALL FROMABOVE SMASHHITS CRUSHRUSH FIRSTFIRE BURNOUT RUMBLEHOT COCKTAIL BUGGINHARD MOREFUN SPINAROUND LETITOUT ALLABOUT BOUNCEIT RAINDROPS FIREANDICE SLOWBURN STALLEM BADBOMBS SOLOMAN HELLSDITCH FIRSTFIRST GOODLUCK TIMEHUNTER NODELAY NOPULLPLUG GUNZONE BELTZENRUN BRIDGEMIN FALLOUT COLORRUN AUTOFIRE SWEETHEAT HEAVYDUTY TWEAKY team mode level codes: BEGINNERS ROOKIES HOPALONG BRACKETS SPARKLES DOUBLEPLUS LONGJUMP RIGHTWAY TRIDENT GUIDERIGHT JUSTDOIT ZOMBIEGO BADLAX TIMEAROUND TOOMUCH SPLITTED RUSHIIT MIXUP NOPANIC THEMACHINE TEAMWORK DIVIDED ROCKITOUT CLEARAWAY LOOKUP ONEOFTHREE QUICKBRICK FROSTY SURROUNDED BOOMER SPLITUP TARGETS SLOWSQUARE FLAKPASS THEWALL ROCKBOX TWINGUNS GETHIMDOWN DROPTURN TUFFJOB NOFALLDOWN ICEICEBABY SWIFTLY TAKETURNS DELAYNPLAY FULLHOUSE TWORANKS TRAPANSZAP STAGEDOWN GRINDSLIP QUICKCUBES WORKOUT TRAXMIX HELLTRACK GETDABLUES SHOOTNBLOW SLOWFLOW COOPERATE DENNISFAV FINALE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Trog ii) Cheat Edit use UNP to decomp RUN.EXE (it has been comp. several times, decomp all) unlimit life edit RUN.EXE search FE 4E 4C change 90 90 90 unlimit continue edit RUN.EXE search FE 4E 73 change 90 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trolls ii) Cheat Edit unlimit lives Edit TROLLVGA.PCN, Change Offsets 5BB6, A2BA and A382 to 90 90 90 90 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tubular Worlds ii) Cheat Edit edit PART2.EXE single player search FE 0E 42 01 78 1A change 90 90 90 90 -- -- two player search FE 0E 86 03 79 05 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search FE 0E 42 01 79 05 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- search FE 4C 34 78 20 8B change 90 90 90 -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/tubtrn.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tunnels of Armageddon iii) Crack search 3B 87 70 0E 75 09 change -- -- -- -- 90 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO : Enemy Unknown/X-COM iii) Crack ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/ufo12crk.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomedit.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/ufo-edit.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/xcom2/xcomut11.zip v) Patches fix map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufomap.zip to 1.3 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufov13.zip to 1.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/xcom14.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/faqs/ufo.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO II : Terror from the Deep iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2-bed.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2-ed2.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xc2alien.zip ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOAD/xcom2/xcom2cht.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xc2edit.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xc2weap.zip ftp://Wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/xcom2/xcom2ufp.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/xcom2/xcomut11.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xc2edit.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xc2weap.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xcom2ufp.zip ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/incoming/romulus/cheats/xcomut02.zip ftp://vtplace.idde.saci.org/pub/cheats/givetu10.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom2me.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/xcom-ut.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomut11.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xcomut12.zip v) patches ftp://ftp.microprose.com/pub/mps-online/new-versions/tftdv2.zip ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/xcom2/tftdv2.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/tftdv2.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/xcom2.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UGH i) cheat codes level codes Level Code --------------------------------- 1 CAVITY 10 RESSURECTION 20 ANDDROGYNOUSNOISE 30 LAMENTOVERTHESHADOWS 40 THEABSOLUTE 50 STRANGEFORTUNE 60 ARINGINGINTHEIREARS 69 THISISHERESY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima VI vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima6.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima6s.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima VII i) Cheat Codes for U7.5 without the add-on. start Serpent Isle by : Serpent Pass That's the cheat for Serpent Isle WITH the Silver Seed add-on. start Serpent Isle by : serpent manimal Then press the function keys in the game and have fun (same as in original U7) v) Patches 3.0 to 3.4 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u7up34.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/u7scened.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/ultima7s.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultima VIII ii) Cheat Edit CD\GAMES\ULTIMA8\GAMEDAT DEBUG AVATAR.DAT E 12A 01 01 W Q This will put your current game into cheat mode. Single click on the avatar for a basic cheat menu, or play with the F keys for some more advanced stuff. iv) Editpr/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/u8cheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/u8cheat2.zip v) Patches Adlib update ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8adlib.zip Eng ver to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patche.zip Fre ver to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patchf.zip German to 2.12 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/u8patchg.zip vi) Solutions/Hints ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ultima8.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/u8walk11.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima IX viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/ultima9.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martian Dreams iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/mdhack.zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima Underworld II iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/uw2cheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/uw2ed11.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/uw2patch.zip vi) solutions ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/uw2wlk14.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima : Ways to kill Lord British In Ultima 6 : Get A Glass Sword And Sneak Up On LB whn he sleeps. Whack him with the sword. The program will say that you have slain him. He should be standing up after you have killed him. Nothing else though. In Ultima 7 : At around 12.00 Night, Go read the plague above LB. It'll fall down adn kill him. In Ultima 7 FOV : Use the Black Sword's KILL power to slay him when he is nearby --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Backgammon iv) Patches SVGA Fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ubgamexe.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Football v) Patches (new digital sound-drivers) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ufbdig.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under A Killing Moon v) Patches to 1.04 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ukm4-195.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/uakmaria.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/ukam-sol.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlimited Adventures v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/fruav12.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/frua/modules/*.* ftp://ftp.cco.caltech.edu/pub/UA/Modules/*.* (the above two places contain a lot of add-on modules for UA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninvited vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/uninvite.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USNF iv) Editors/Trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/usnf-fly.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/usnfutil.zip ftp://ftp.caprica.com/pub/misc/games/usnf/usnfutil.zip http://zeus.uni-duisburg.de/~stenger/private/FlightSim/USNF/ http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~kamps/usnf.html v) Patches upgrade to 1.1 ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches/usnf11.zip (or usnf11.exe, also get usnfread.txt) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/usnf11.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Utopia iii) Crack UNP I.MDG search 2C 30 2C 06 5A 3A C2 74 0F change -- -- -- -- -- 8A D0 EB -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Veil of Darkness iii) Crack edit CODE.2 Search : 98 97 74 04 33 change : -- -- EB -- -- Search : 3D 05 00 75 6E change : -- 01 -- -- -- Search : 0B C0 74 03 E9 88 00 change : -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Pool v) Patches Video Pool new graphic drivers (14th june 1995) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/vr0614.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking II iii) Crack edit VIKINGS.EXE go sector 216 offset 206 change C4 to BC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viking Kids i) Cheat Codes Level codes 1)STRT 11)VLCN 21)JNKR 31)FNTM 2)GR8T 12)QCKS 22)CBLT 32)WRLR 3)TLPT 13)PHR0 23)H0PP 33)TRPD 4)GRND 14)C1R0 24)SMRT 34)TFFF 5)LLM0 15)SPKS 25)V8TR 35)FRGT 6)FL0T 16)JMNN 26)NFL8 36)4RN4 7)TRSS 17)TTRS 27)WKYY 37)MSTR 8)PRHS 18)JLLY 28)CMB0 9)CVRN 19)PLNG 29)8BLL 10)BBLS 20)BTRY 30)TRDR iii) Crack edit SETUP.EXE method I search : 75 12 33 C0 50 change : 90 90 -- -- -- method II edit DATA.DAT search : B8 62 69 change : F2 41 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual Pool iii) crack 1. Hex edit 6 bytes pool.exe as follows: Byte Old Value New Value ----------------------------- 1523Eh 74h 72h 15250h 81h 3Bh 15251h FBh DBh 15252h ADh 90h 15253h ADh 90h 15259h 74h 72h 2. Use SUBST to assign a drive letter to the subdirectory Virtual Pool is installed. (e.g. SUBST H: C:\VPOOL) 3. Edit vpool.ini to letter you SUBST above. For example: [VPOOL] CDROM=H 4. (OPTIONAL) Create a VPD subdirectory in the Virtual Pool subdirectory. Copy all the .BMP files and .DAT file from the CD's VPD subdirectory into your new VPD directory. These are the background images for the menus. 5. Run config.exe to configure Virtual Pool. (Configure may not work from inside Virtual Pool itself.) 6. Change directories to the drive letter you specified in step 2. 7. Execute pool.exe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voyager i) cheat codes in the options screen input: WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL to enter cheat screen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wacky Wheels 1) Cheat Codes WW.EXE accept several parameter for cheating e.g. WW.EXE below are the codes: /2 --- dpuble speed /3 --- triple speed TURBO --- press BREAK and FIRE will accelerate the car JUMP --- press BREAK and ACCELERATE can make the car jump HOG --- 99 hog ICE --- 99 ice FIRE --- 99 fire ball e.g. WW.EXE FIRE /3 will make the car has 99 fire ball and with triple speed * above only apply to full version -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WarCraft i) Cheat Codes Simply hit Enter/Return and type out the cheat phrase, then hit Return/Enter again. Thats it!! No editing of saved games is required. Pot of Gold -adds 10000 gold and 5000 lumber Eye of Newt -updates magic-users with all spells!! Sally Shears -reveals entire map Iron Forge -update all technology instantly!! Hurry up Guys -speeds building of units and buildings The following are used in only single-player games and should type Corwin of Amber to activate the below code. There can be only one -all units are invincible (except for a catapult hit) Your units are also able to kick major butt!!!! Yours truly -takes you to victory sequence Crushing defeat -takes you to loss sequence Ides of March -takes you to final sequence in current campaign Corwin of Amber -find out what it does iii)Crack (Password Bypass) 1. ***BACKUP*** the original file before making change. 2. Change according to the following : For v1.12, [original version] FILES=SETUP.EXE(Size=126889) Search : 75 19 B8 00 20 00 00 [Password Bypass] Change : 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- Search : 75 57 B8 30 C0 C0 80 [CheckSum Bypass] Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- -- For v1.16, FILES=SETUP.EXE(Size=132609) Search : 75 19 B8 [Password Bypass] Change : 90 90 -- Search : 74 0F BA 01 00 00 00 B8 20 48 [CheckSum Bypass] Change : EB -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FILES=WAR.EXE(Size=319771) Search : 39 D0 0F 84 D7 Change : -- -- E9 D8 00 FILES=WAR_EDIT.EXE(Size=82421) Search : 3B 56 04 74 03 Change : -- -- -- EB -- ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/war115cr.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/war121cr.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/warcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wartrn.zip v) Patches to 1.21 ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/warcr121.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/warcraft.zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warth of Gods iii) Crack edit WRATH.EXE (27 SECTOR 445 OFFSET) search 3B 06 9F 0C 74 06 change A3 9F 0C 90 EB -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warlords II iii) Crack edit WARLORD2.EXE SEARCH : E8 E3 00 9A 33 02 00 00 CHANGE : -- -- -- 90 90 90 90 90 v) Patches 1.02 to 1.02a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/war102a.zip AWE32-patch ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wl2awe32.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/warlord2.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whizz i) Cheat Codes Load the game by typing GO PULP FICTION to access the Cheat Mode. Also by pressing 4 you can skip levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander I i) Cheat Codes Method 1 type wc Origin -k and you will be invincible and can use alt+del to kill anyone in your target sights ALT-O blows up parts of the cockpit (looks cool) ALT-INS destroys wing of ships (not capital ships) Method 2 Command line parameters: WC Origin s# m* w# -k l Case and order are critical in the command line parameters. SM2 has the same command line as WC. SO1 and SO2 have the same command line as WC2. The parameters work as follows: Origin - Playtest mode with the Finger of God Activates the other command line parameters. Press ALT-DEL and the targeted ship explodes Press ALT-INS and ALL non-capital enemy ships on radar explode (WC2/SO1/SO2 only) Press ALT-Z and your ship explodes Press ALT-M to toggle display of memory usage Press I to toggle display of current intelligence factor s# - Select specific series (e.g. s8) m* - Select specific mission (e.g. md) w# - Preview cinematic sequence (e.g. w3), scene numbers range from 1 to 22. Mission specific scenes require that s# m* also be specified. (WC/SM2 only) -k - Unlimited shields l - Single mission, no copy-protection question (WC/SM2 only). Example: wc2 Origin s8 md -k Starts Wing Commander II and loads System 8, Mission D (K'tithrak Mang) and provides unlimited shields. iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wing-it.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander II i) Cheat codes Command line parameters: WC2 Origin s# m* -k Case and order are critical in the command line parameters. SM2 has the same command line as WC. SO1 and SO2 have the same command line as WC2. The parameters work as follows: Origin - Playtest mode with the Finger of God Activates the other command line parameters. Press ALT-DEL and the targeted ship explodes Press ALT-INS and ALL non-capital enemy ships on radar explode (WC2/SO1/SO2 only) Press ALT-Z and your ship explodes Press ALT-M to toggle display of memory usage Press I to toggle display of current intelligence factor s# - Select specific series (e.g. s8) m* - Select specific mission (e.g. md) w# - Preview cinematic sequence (e.g. w3), scene numbers range from 1 to 22. Mission specific scenes require that s# m* also be specified. (WC/SM2 only) -k - Unlimited shields l - Single mission, no copy-protection question (WC/SM2 only). Example: wc2 Origin s8 md -k Starts Wing Commander II and loads System 8, Mission D (K'tithrak Mang) and provides unlimited shields. ii) Cheat Edit laser unlimit edit WC2.EXE search 89 87 F8 66 8B DE D1 E3 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- search 29 87 F8 66 57 56 FF 76 06 change 90 90 90 90 -- -- -- -- -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wc2train.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wing Commander III i) Cheat Codes 1. way to view any of the movie "cut-scenes" in WC3!. During the opening credits, hold down shift-delete-F10 and type "L-O-R-D-B-R-I-T-I-S-H" (yes, caps lock has to be on). You'll then get a menu that lets you view any of the movie scenes on the 4 CDs. 2. press Alt-o when in flight, a special menu appear. 3. Try 'WC3 -mitchell' When you enter this you'll hear someone yell "mitchell" during the scene of Blair getting ready to launch. Target an enemy and press W. You'll see a message saying "1 object destroyed" in the upper left corner of your screen each time you use it. If you're using UNIVBE you'll get a thin line of video garbage near the bottom of the screen. Works on fighters and Capital ships. Don't know if it works against ground targets. This "cheat" is similar to the WC(2) -Origin, code. alt-d debug info alt-y crash it 4. OK. WC3 Cheats here: from the command prompt type WC3 -mitchell Go into battle and target a ship. Hit CTRL-W to nuke that sucker. Hit CTRL-ALT-W to waste ANY ENEMY ships on radar. 5. Screen cheat dont put in disk 1, but one of the others goto the screen just before you load things. click on the stars in this order. double click on the upper right, lower left, upper left, lower right vi) editors/trainer ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/cheats/wc3-save.zip v) Patches SVGA patch for Compaq ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/qvision.zip Joystick fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc3joy.zip Thrustmaster fix ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/wc3tm.zip vi)Solutions/Hint ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/wc3-miss.zip ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/hints/wc3-sol.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/wc3_sol.zip viii) FAQs ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/av/avatarx/faqs/wc3-faq.zip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Wing Commander Armada v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/armpat.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/armada.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter Olympic 94 iii) Crack edit ME.GAM search 6F 3A C3 74 14 change -- -- -- EB -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizardary VI iii) Crack edit WBASE.OVR search : 55 8B EC FC 56 57 8B 76 04 8C DF 8E C7 8B change : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 06 -- -- -- -- -- search : 7E 06 AD AF 75 3F 84 C0 74 35 84 E4 75 F4 change : -- 04 AC AA 90 90 -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wizardary VII iii) Crack FILE NAME : VBASE.OVR(38171 Bytes) & VINIT.OVR(5943 Bytes) VBEAS.OVR search : 83 3E 4C 90 00 75 2E change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- VINIT.OVR search : 83 3E 4C 90 00 75 03 change : -- -- -- -- -- EB -- iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wiz7-cht.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/w7edig20.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/w7edit20.zip v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cds_pent.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/cdspatch.zip vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/wiz7.zip ftp://risc.ua.edu/pub/uploads00/wiz7wlk.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woodruff vi) Solutions/hints/maps ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/non-IF/woodruff-step.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Circuit iii) Crack edit GP.EXE Search 39 07 75 05 39 57 02 74 19 81 06 Change -- -- 90 90 -- -- -- EB -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Wing ii) Cheat Edit edit ?.PTL (? is save game name) go sector 1 change offset 240 - 242 to 0F now can select any mission in change tours iii) Crack edit FRONTEND.OVL change value between sector 1008 displacement 178, sector 1009 displacement 106 to 00 from now on, press ENTER for password ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cracks/xwingcrk.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwcrack.zip crack+trainer for X-Wing and Imperial Pursuit ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/ipstrn.zip B-Wing crack ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bwingctd.zip iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/wcheat.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/xwtrain.zip ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/editors/xwinged.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/hexwing.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/pfe210.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwse50.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/xwtrns.zip B-Wing editor ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bmanager.zip bWing trainer ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/bwtrns.zip v) Patches Imperial Persuit 1.0a ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/ip1a.zip vii) Add-ons ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/aplha.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/asets.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/daala.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dathomir.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/deathh.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/deathmaz.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dkmisn.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/dvalor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/endor.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/rmpire.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/follow.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/guardian.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/katana.zip ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/savcth.zip get the below file to get updated list ftp://ftp.aimnet.com/pub/users/lordsoth/xwing/XWINDEX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Xatax i) Cheat codes Level 2: TCGWXY-7BFJMT Level 3: 1MG2FG-SV91SZ Level 4: FDNCW1-ADVA4U Level 5: 3PNXX1-R1NUCG Level 6: P52G5T-G78HB2 Level 7: L22ZGJ-DWM46F Level 8: EYH34W-PR7X5K --------------------------------------------------------------------- Xeen iii) Crack UNP XEEN.EXE search : 2E 8B 16 1A 08 2E A1 1C 08 change : BA 09 01 B8 E5 6C 90 90 90 search : B4 40 BA 42 08 CD 21 change : -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 UNP XEEN.DAT search : 8B 46 FC 0B 46 FE 74 2C 16 change : -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- search : 83 C4 08 0B C0 75 16 6A 0B change : -- -- -- -- -- 90 90 -- -- input anything when ask password ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zeliard iv) Editor/Trainer ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/cheats/zeltrain.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zool II i) Cheat Code Level Skip and and extra jumping height. From the options screen, press ESCAPE to get to the Config Menu. Then type the word PHONEBOOK and press ESCAPE again. Now while you're playing the game pressing 0 will take you to the next Level and 3 will give you a bonus stage. Also you will be able to jump higher with CTRL. iii) Crack bypass password edit ZOOL2.DAT go sector 10 offset 164 change 20 to 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork I vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork1_sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork II vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork2_sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork III vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork3_sol.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zork 1+2+3 vi) Solution/Hint/Map ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/solution/zork_123.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zorro i) cheat codes when player fall from high place, just before hit ground, hit ESC, and answer 'no' in the quit menu, then the player will not die ii) cheat edit unlimit life edit ZORRO.EXE search 0D 00 7F change -- -- EB (2 times) search 0D 00 75 change -- -- EB v) Patches ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zorrupgr.zip Zorro soundcard-fix (for cards on IRQ 5) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zcfgirq5.zip Zorro soundcard-fix (for cards on IRQ 7) ftp://ftp.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/ms-dos/games/patches/zcfgirq7.zip ======================================================================== Game on InterNet: http://www.power.net/users/HappyPup/lordsoth Send an e-mail to netslave@midnight.com.au leave the Subject blank and inside the mail body put: SEND faq/index you can get a good FAQ list ------------------------------End of File-------------------------------- cheat-end