HexiChess : THE ULTIMATE 3-D CHALLENGE Created by Tim Angley. Programmed by Carl Kenner (Andrew.Kenner@UniSA.Edu.Au) If you thought chess was for squares then think again! Because now it's for hexagons instead! IMPORTANT: ========== Pressing the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on anything in the game should give you help and hints about it! Very useful! NOTE: ===== THIS VERSION IS SHAREWARE!!! You may distribute it as much as you like. But if you like it then you must buy the FULL REGISTERED VERSION! This version has MORE FEATURES, eg. LOAD, more opponents, UNDO, REDO. To register send $15 (a great BARGAIN!!!) to me at: Carl Kenner 89 Sheoak Road Belair SA 5052 Australia This includes postage and handling. YOU MUST SEND THE $15 ALL FEES PAID. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY FORM OF PAYMENT THAT GIVES ME LESS THAN $15 PROFIT. I suggest that you send the money as notes wrapped in brown paper. This way you can avoid the banks ripping you off ;-). LEGAL STUFF: ============ HexiChess is patented by Tim Angley. This means that if you try to make your own game just like this one you can be arrested, so don't do it. This computer game is copyright by Carl Kenner and Tim Angley. You may distribute the shareware version of this game as much as you like. The registered version may not be distributed at all. THE BOARD: ========== The board is divided into 3 layers. The layers are stacked one on top of the other but are offset by half a space. Each layer is made up of hexagons. Each hexagon may sometimes be called a hex or a space. It is like a square in normal chess. Hexes that share a side are said to be adjacent. These are like the squares next to each square in normal chess. The 3 hexes above and below the hex are also considered adjacent. The asterisked hexes below are all considered adjacent to the hex marked "A". /~~~~\ /~!~~\____/~!~~\ Upper Layer ("U") /~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~!~~\____/~!*~\____/~!~~\____/~~~~\ \____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\____/ \____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/ \____/~!~~\____/~!~~\____/ \____/~~~~\____/ \____/ /~~~~\ /~!~~\____/~!~~\ Middle Layer ("M") /~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~!~~\____/~A~~\____/~!~~\____/~~~~\ \____/~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\____/ \____/~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\____/ \____/~!~~\____/~!~~\____/ \____/~~~~\____/ \____/ /~~~~\ /~!~~\____/~!~~\ Lower Layer ("L") /~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\ /~~~~\____/~!~~\____/~*!~\____/~!~~\____/~~~~\ \____/~~~~\____/~*~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/ 1 \____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/~~~~\____/ 9 2 \____/~!~~\____/~!~~\____/ 8 3 \____/~~~~\____/ 7 4 \____/ 6 5 Each row is numbered 1-9 as shown above. The hexes marked with exclamation marks ("!") are considered DIAGONAL to the hex marked A. Note: A hex may be both DIAGONAL and ADJACENT to another hex. The hexes are coloured (colored) with 3 different colours or patterns. Only hexes with the same colour can be diagonal to each other. In the board game the 3 colours are labeled: V: Violet or B: Black O: Orange or S: Silver C: Clear or C: Clear In the computer game they have 3 different patterns instead: Vertical shading Conical shading Clear THE PIECES: =========== THE PAWN: Pawns may move forward one space. On their first move they may also move forward diagonally instead. Pawns can NOT take pieces on the same layer. Pawns can take pieces above or below themselves instead. This is the ONLY way a pawn can change layers. Pawns may only move FORWARD! Even when they change layers they must move to one of the spaces IN FRONT. When moving towards the opponents king there will be 2 spaces in front. When moving away from the opponents king there will be 1 space in front (the same colour). Pawns may be promoted by reaching the other end of the board. At the second to last row they may become a knight, castle or bishop. Or they can wait to make it to the last row and become a Queen, knight, castle or bishop. There is no equivalent of en passant. THE ROOK: (also known as a CASTLE) The rook may move to ANY ADJACENT space. It may keep moving in the same direction until it hits something. Castling is not available in the computer game. THE BISHOP: The bishop may move to ANY DIAGONAL space if the diagonal is not blocked. A diagonal may be blocked by a piece on each side of the diagonal in the same layer. A bishop may keep going in the same direction until it hits something. In Tim Angleys rules a bishop may keep going in the same direction when changing layers even if it becomes blocked by two pieces on the middle layer. I do not agree with that rule but it is still in the game. To disable this rule you may use the COMMAND LINE SWITCH /R A bishop and a castle may sometimes be able to attack each other if they are on different layers. A bishop always stays on the same colour or pattern spaces. That is why there are 3 bishops. THE QUEEN: The Queen may move as a BISHOP or a CASTLE. It can be blocked like a bishop, but unlike a bishop it will be able to take the blocking pieces. THE KNIGHT: The knight moves 2 spaces in one direction then one in another. It may jump any pieces in its path. When changing layers it must move to the same space on the other layer. When not changing layers the kink in the L shape must be a wide angle. THE KING: The King MAY NOT move diagonally in this game. It may however move to any ADJACENT space. ANY move that puts or leaves the King in check is illegal. THE MENU: ========= When you start the game you will see the main menu. It has the following options. OPPONENT: FIRST MOVE: THINK DELAY: SOUND: It also has LOAD and OK buttons. Click on one of the options with the mouse to change it. OPPONENT: Several different opponents are available. They all have different personalities and strategies. Suicidal - Always does the WORST legal move possible! Great for beginners. Brainless - Does legal moves completely at random! Gung Ho - Tries to put the opponent in check, or to take its highest value piece. Nothing else matters to this opponent. No risk is too high. Conservative - Tries to keep all of its pieces COMPLETELY SAFE. Nothing else matters to this opponent unless it can put you in check. If it can then it will only do so if it is one of the safest moves. More Conservative - Tries to avoid check mate at any cost. Secondly it tries to keep all of its pieces COMPLETELY SAFE. Thirdly it may try to put you in check if it is one of the safest moves. Narrow Minded - Takes the highest value piece only if it is a good swap. Secondly it tries to keep all its pieces safe. It does not think ahead at all. Unpredictable - Randomly changes its personality every move. It may do a conservative move one time and a Gung Ho move another time. Smart - Thinks ahead a move to avoid check mate. Other than that it plays like Narrow Minded. Smarter - Thinks ahead a couple of moves. Otherwise it is the same as Smart. Human - Play against another human being. Must be on the same computer. Doesn't support networks. Many of these personalities are only available in the FULL REGISTERED VERSION! FIRST MOVE: May be Red, Blue or Random. This controls which player moves first. The default is Red. THINK DELAY: Pretends to take time thinking when really it thinks in an instant. This boosts the players ego but slows down performance. The cleverer opponents take a long time to think naturally so this should not be used for them. SOUND: This program uses crude PC-Speaker digitized sound effects. Sound can be turned on or off. OK: Accepts these options and starts the game. LOAD: Loads a saved game. The options from that game are loaded too. NOT AVAILABLE IN THE FREE SHAREWARE VERSION! IN THE SHAREWARE VERSION YOU CAN SAVE BUT NOT LOAD!!! GAME PLAY: ========== Clicking on any moveable piece with the left mouse button will select it. The board will then go black and white. Valid moves are highlighted in colour. The selected piece is highlighted in green. Click on any coloured space to move their or click on the same piece again to change your mind. If you are in Check then all the checking pieces will be highlighted in white. Click anywhere with the right mouse button for hints and help on that piece. Clicking on the buttons at the side will do special things. NEW GAME: Starts a new game. MENU: Returns to the main menu to change options then returns to the current game. You can change the opponent during the game without starting a new game. EXIT TO DOS: Exits to DOS or any other operating system you are using. You will be prompted to save the game. SAVE: Saves the current game. UNDO: Undoes one move. NOT AVAILABLE IN THE SHAREWARE VERSION! REDO: Redoes an undone move. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS: ===================== When you start this game from DOS you can specify switches to change the way the game works. The following switches are supported: /H or /? Help on command line options /Q Quiet mode (sound off) /R Use my bishop rule instead of Tim Angley's /B Use Black & White hex names /S Shuffle Chess! Randomly rearranges the pieces every game. /V Use VGA only (not Super VGA) THE REAL GAME: ============== This game also comes as a magnificent glass set for your living room. For details on how to buy one of these beautiful masterpieces, contact Tim Angley. He can be reached at my E-Mail address: Andrew.Kenner@UniSA.Edu.Au Or at my real address: Tim Angley 89 Sheoak Road Belair SA 5052 Australia HEXICHESS ON THE INTERNET: ========================== Check out the HexiChess home page at: http://www.angelfire.com/pages0/hexichess/index.html This page will contain the latest hexichess information and files. It also has links to other great 3-D chess games. It even has a secret passcode for the game, if you are clever enough to find it!