This is a demo of a level of the soon to be releised 'Risky Woods' by Ocean software. It has been rated 9/10 as playable demo's go. This has to be the coolest playable demo since Falcon 3.0. Lately I have been bringing out more to the people, of which of late we had not been getting much. In the last week I have brought to the PD BBS's software that we can all enjoy. Remeber that if you like the demos you should consider buying them. All of these have been obtained from overseas at a cost to my works pocket, so enjoy before I get sacked. August Relieses of late Include: Risky Woods Playable Demo Maxima Demo Kilo Fighter Playable Demo Continuity Playable Demo Shez 74+fix Shareware utility. Strike Commander Demo GLS Demo Unreal Demo TZTechno Demo Be looking for more stuff in the future, I will be using the Oasis for uploading. until I get my own board and enough money to get going. Look out for more quality previews. No name, no alias, no worries......