A+UMA Performance Data Manager

Performance Management

With A+UMA(TM) you can measure performance, so you can manage performance. The management of distributed open systems is one of the greatest challenges facing the successful development and deployment of enterprise-wide client/server systems. When performance problems arise, the simple solution of buying more hardware is out-of-date. A+UMA Performance Data Manager from Amdahl provides the foundation for solving performance problems for distributed open systems by collecting and managing key performance data. A+UMA is part of the A+Performance Management Suite(TM) of products and is based on the Universal Measurement Architecture (UMA) Specifications. UMA is specifically intended to provide a set of specifications that allows multiple vendors to collect, manage, and provide access to performance data from heterogeneous systems. For users faced with the challenges of managing the performance of multiple, distributed, heterogeneous systems, A+UMA is the answer.

A+UMA's agent/manager implementation

Many organizations want to centrally manage their distributed systems to increase efficiency and reduce personnel costs. The Amdahl A+UMA implementation provides this through an agent/manager implementation. A typical configuration includes many agents and a few managers. A+UMA is the agent that collects and stores the data. The managers then run the Measurement Application Programs (MAPs) that access and use this data.

A+UMA features

A+UMA benefits

The UMA specifications

A+UMA is Amdahl's initial implementation of the UMA specifications which define three layers and two interfaces: The top layer consists of Measurement Applications or MAPs. These take the UMA information and display it, usually in a GUI format so that it can be understood and acted upon by performance analysts. MAPs communicate with the UMA data management layer through the Measurement Layer Interface. Other Amdahl A+Performance Management Suite products such as A+OpenTune(TM) Performance Monitor and A+OpenWatch(TM) Distributed Threshold Monitor are MAPs that use the A+UMA data. A+UMA combines the Data Services Layer, Measurement Control Layer, and the Data Providers into one. A+UMA accepts requests from MAPs, schedules the collection and synchronization of data, and manages the data for the MAPs. A+UMA performs the function of the data collection layer by collecting the raw data.

Supported platforms

Amdahl provides A+UMA to collect data from the following server platforms:

- AIX/6000 3.2 and up
- HP-UX 9.0 and up
- Solaris(TM)2.3 and up
- Solaris A+Edition(TM)
- SunOS 4.1
- UTS(R) Version 2
- UTS Version 4

Amdahl Measurement Applications Programs such as A+OpenTune and A+OpenWatch run on Solaris 2.3 and up.

System requirements

Other A+ performance management products

A+Performance Management software products include A+UMA Performance Data Manager, A+OpenTune Performance Monitor and A+OpenWatch Distributed Threshold Monitor. These Amdahl products are offered to support customers with distributed, heterogeneous systems.

Other A+ software products

Other A+ software products include operating system enhancements, software management, storage management, security and information management. The A+ brand assures the buyer of Amdahl's worldwide customer support and quality reputation.

Amdahl and UTS are registered trademarks of Amdahl Corporation and the A+ logo, A+UMA, A+OpenTune and A+OpenWatch, A+Performance Management Suite and A+Edition are trademarks of Amdahl Corporation. Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information in this document may be superseded by subsequent documents. For details regarding delivery of specific products, features, and services, contact your local Amdahl representative. (c) 1994 Amdahl Corporation. All rights reserved. MM001947-001