Amdahl Worldwide Office Locations

This is the listing for Amdahl's worldwide offices. For more information about Amdahl and our products, contact the office closest to you or email:

Worldwide Headquarters

Amdahl Corporation
1250 East Arques Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470
United States of America
Tel: (408) 746 6000
(800) 223 2215
Fax: (408) 738 1051
(408) 773 0833

Northern Area

Tel: (708) 692 6940
Fax: (708) 692 3331

Atlantic Area
Tel: (404) 955 0717
Fax: (404) 952 1644

Western Area
Tel: (408) 944 5200
Fax: (408) 383 0634

Northern Area

Amdahl UK Ltd
Tel: +44 (181) 572 7383
Fax: +44 (181) 577 2871

Central Area
Amdahl Deutschland GmbH
Tel: +49 (89) 57834 0
Fax: +49 (89) 57834 222

Southern Area
Amdahl France SA
Tel: +33 1 (47) 65 78 00
Fax: +33 1 (47) 65 78 78

Asia Pacific Services PTY Ltd
ACN 003 839 503
Tel: +61 (2) 561 9999
Fax: +61 (2) 561 9811

Tel: (416) 510 3111
Fax: (416) 510 3353