db-UIM/X Development of Database GUIs

Course Length: 2 Days

Key Objectives

Course Overview

db-UIM/X is an enhanced version of UIM/X that allows GUI components to be graphically connected to relational databases in a client- server architecture. The course begins by reviewing the tool's application, its relation to UIM/X and the underlying industry standards by which it operates and generates code. db-UIM/X is then broken down into its functional layers and presented in a series of instructor-led demos and student exercises. Students will connect a simple GUI to a relational database and progress to more complex application development issues, while learning all of the tool's powerful features and flexibility. Seventy percent of the course is hands-on time.


This course is designed for UIM/X Applications and Database programmers, project leaders, and managers who want to understand how to use db-UIM/X to bind database components to GUIs across networks to develop production quality Client-Server systems using industry standards.


Course Content

Introduction and Objectives of db-UIM/X

Architecture of db-UIM/X

Introduction to Databases and SQL

Specific Reply Services

Data Caching

Additional Features

Enhancements and Customizing db-UIM/X

Project Management Issues

Configuration Issues

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