How to Design Effective GUIs

Course Length: 3 Days

Key Objectives

Course Overview

Graphical user interfaces can provide the developer with unprecedented power to support end user needs. But these benefits occur only if the interface is designed properly. Subtle pitfalls in GUI design can turn a developer's good intentions into an end user's nightmare. This course provides the developer with the necessary skills to create highly self-evident screens. Pragmatic human factors design methods are taught using a dynamic combination of lecture, video, group exercises and on-line demonstrations.


This course is designed for system developers, project managers, interface designers, and others involved in specifying graphical user interfaces. This course is platform independent, and is applicable under Microsoft Windows, OS/2, Motif Macintosh, etc.


Course Content

Software Ergonomics

GUI Tools- Values, Pitfalls, and Applications

Meeting Your User's Needs

Select A User Interface Architecture

Detailed Structure

Widget Selection

The Secret of User Interface Design

Window Logic


Color and Highlighting


Code Design

Case Problem

Expert Users

Error Handling

Other messages

Usability Testing

Standards, Guidelines, and Style Guides

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