What's New (3 October 1995)
Visual Thought 1.2
Visual Thought 1.2 will begin shipping at the end of October, 1995.
This version incorporates some of our customers' most-frequently-requested
features, including:
- Support for HP-UX!! Visual Thought now runs on SunOS, Solaris, and
HP-UX 9 or 10. Customers on support will simply be able to install version
1.2 and run on HP-UX machines immediately -- no hassles with new license
managers or license keys.
- Many new export formats, including:
- MIF (Maker Interchange Format), allowing you to see and edit your
Visual Thought images in FrameMaker
- EPSI (EPS Interchange), providing a bitmap preview in exported EPS files
- Sun Raster
- XWD (X Window Dump)
- ...plus many, many more!
- Plug-in translator technology, allowing you to export and filter
any information available in Visual Thought to create new files or
send output to other programs. For example, with this general plug-in
translator mechanism, you can generate HTML, or save Visual Thought
diagrams to your own proprietary file format.
- New shapes, palettes, and examples to support the HP Fusion and Objectory
object-oriented software diagramming notations
- Additional support for Entity-Relationship and Gane & Sarson diagramming
- Plus over a hundred bug fixes and minor enhancements
For more information about this and future releases, please contact
© 1995 Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved.
Confluent, Inc. * 132 Encline Court * San Francisco, CA 94127
800-780-2838 and 415-586-8700 tel * 415-586-8838 fax *
$Date: 1995/10/04 02:58:38 $