Internet Link

A truly unique feature of SIRS is the ability to pass Internet information directly into SIRS for lead generation and prospect qualifying. Your company can leverage itself by having prospects who visit your Web Server leave requests for information or callbacks directly in SIRS. In addition, statistical information is available on products of interest, time spent to browse each product and requests for further information.

SIRS is the first, and perhaps the only SMP product, to accomplish this link.

With a SIRS Web link in place, a user can:

Receive information on prospects directly into SIRS. Automatically provide sales with qualified leads and callbacks. Track market statistics and traffic reports for your Web Server.

Soft Tailoring

A powerful feature of SIRS 95Æs object-oriented environment is the ability users have to easily design and generate their own screens, rearrange fields, add menus, do calculations and table look-ups.

Without any programming experience, users can easily:

Advanced User Interface

Feature rich and based on the latest in advanced graphical technology, SIRS offers ôsingle clickö mouse navigation. Easy and intuitive to use, users can immediately realize productivity gains.

Ease of use means:


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