Capability Checklist
This section summarizes the cell creation and maintenance capabilities that Cell Manager provides. In every instance, the automation and graphical properties of the interfaces -- the point-and-click paradigm, target object lists that support multiple selections, task menus and buttons, uniform dialogs, formatted, customizable displays of critical and peripheral information -- insulate administrators from the OSF toolset while extending value.
Monitoring Status and Usage
- Display status information for:
- each DCE process
- DTS clerk
- DTS local server
- DTS global server
- CDS clerk
- CDS server
- Automatically poll one or more hosts at a user-specified interval. Poll results are reported in the form of an icon in the each host's entry in the host list display.
- Display counter values (usage and performance statistics) for these processes:
- cached clearinghouses
- CDS clerk
- CDS server
- DTS clerk
- DTS server
Counters assist performance tuning and load balancing.
Managing CDS and the CDS Namespace
- Add and recursively remove entries: clearinghouses, RPC servers, RPC groups and group members, RPC profiles and profile elements, and entries that organize the namespace (directory and soft link entries).
- View and modify the CDS attributes defined for the object that a namespace entry represents.
- View and modify the ACLs associated with each CDS namespace element.
- Recursively search for entries that have a specific attribute or attribute value.
- Replicate directories. Moving and converting replicas are accomplished from the same subordinate window.
- Force a skulk of one or more directories. Skulking updates a directory's read-only replicas and removes obsolete information.
- Create backup copies of the files that contain clearinghouse data.
- Use clearinghouse backup files to reconstruct a corrupted clearinghouse or populate a new or upgraded cell's namespace.
- Display the number of entries that have a specific attribute defined.
Managing Remote DCE Hosts
- Configure host systems as client members of the cell and start their DCE processes.
- Remove a client host from the cell (unconfigure the host).
- Stop all of the DCE process that are active on one or more hosts.
- Restart all inactive DCE processes.
- View a list of the hosts that are currently registered in the CDS namespace. Each entry in the list contains the official name of the host and up to nine optional information fields, such as the host's network address. Features for ma naging the list include refreshing, automated searching and sorting, and hiding optional fields.>
- Display and search files that contain information about the hosts in your network, for example, the Network Information Service (NIS) map or the local /etc/hosts file.
- Open a secure Xterm window for logging in to remote hosts.
Managing Computing Services (RPC Servers)
- Add and recursively remove namespace entries for servers. Adding an entry provides a place into which to export the server's binding information. Removing a server entry removes the server's binding information from the namespace.
- Remove an RPC server's binding information from the namespace (unexport the server).
- Determine whether a specific RPC server is available to handle client requests (ping the server's interface). This can be accomplished from the namespace display or from the endpoint map display.
- Display and search the RPC endpoint map. Administrators can perform the following operations on each server instance:
- Determine if the server is available.
- Display the server's attributes, including its interface ID and port number.
- Remove stale entries.
Managing DTS
- Configure and start DTS as global server, local server, or clerk process.
- Stop and disable (unconfigure) DTS.
- Display the current status and other information about DTS.
- Selectively display or modify DTS characteristics (attributes).
- Selectively display DTS counter values.
- Force a gradual or abrupt synchronization of the clock value on one or more hosts.
Managing the Security Registry
- Create replicas of the registry to prevent data loss should the master replica become corrupted. View the current status of registry replicas, including sequence number, time of last update, and instance ID.
- Put the registry in locked, or maintenance, mode while creating backup or salvage files of registry information.
- Use the graphical ACL editor to control access to specific parts of the registry, such as specific directories.
- Place the entire registry in read-only mode.
- Synchronize DCE files with system group and password files.
Registry administration occurs on a daily basis, involving complex tasks that directly affect cell security and resource access:
- Add and delete entries of all types.
- Assign aliases to principals.
- Add or remove members from groups and organizations and change their attributes, such as primary account and full name.
- Change characteristics of registered principals, including system information such as user ID, home directory, DCE and system password states, and primary group ID.