DCE Cell Manager Site Questionnaire

* = High priority


  1. How large is the DCE cell that you plan to use in the test?

  2. * Are all of your cell nodes physically located at one site?

  3. Does your cell span geographic sites?

  4. Does your cell span subnets?

  5. What systems are currently in the planned DCE test cell?

    How many of each?

  6. How many cells do you plan to test?

    Platform for Cell Manager Front End:

  7. * What platform are you considering using to run the Cell Manager?

    Please provide system configuration information (memory, available disk space, etc.)

  8. * On what operating system name and version will Cell Manager be installed?

  9. * Are you using Motif? What version?

  10. * What version of DCE are you using?

  11. * What media type will need to be shipped? _______8mm _______4mm

    License Management:

  12. * Are you running license management software? If so, do you plan to use an existing license server or install the Gradient Netls License Software that we provide and set up a new server?

  13. * On what type of system is or will the license manager software be running?

  14. * What is the operating system name and version where the license manager is or will be running?

    DCE Environment:

  15. What DCE services are currently being used?

  16. Do you have replicated CDS servers?

  17. Do you have replicated Security servers?

  18. What naming services are currenty being used in addition to CDS? (DNS, NIS, NIS+, Netware)

  19. On which system(s) do the DCE servers run?

  20. What DCE-based applications are currently being used?


  21. Where is the cell(s) that you plan on using for the Cell Manager located?

  22. * Name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of contact person responsible for the test.

  23. Can you provide access to your site via modem for remote support?